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This document is archival in nature and is intended Le présent document a une valeur archivistique et for those who wish to consult archival documents fait partie des documents d’archives rendus made available from the collection of Public Safety disponibles par Sécurité publique Canada à ceux Canada. qui souhaitent consulter ces documents issus de sa collection. Some of these documents are available in only one official language. Translation, to be provided Certains de ces documents ne sont disponibles by Public Safety Canada, is available upon que dans une langue officielle. Sécurité publique request. Canada fournira une traduction sur demande. DOMINION OF CANADA REPORT OF THE ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICE FOR THE YEAR. ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1930 OTTAWA F. A. ACLAND PRINTER TO THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY 1931 l'ricc, 2,3 cents. DOMINION OF CANADA REPORT OF THE ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICE FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1930 Li 'OTTAWA F. A. ACLAND PRINTER TO THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY 1931 7••••-, To His Excellency the Right Honourable Viscount Willingdcm i G.C.S1., G.C.M.G., G.C.I.E., G.B.É:, Governor General and Commander in Chief of the Dominion of Canada. MAY IT PLEASE YOUR EXCELLENCY: The undersigned has the honour to present to Your Excellency the Annual Report of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police for the year ended September 30, 1930. Respectfully submitted, HUGH GUTHRIE, - Minister in Control of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. 20012-Ii TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Report of the Cominissioner. - 5 Appendix A.. .. JO9 Appendix B.. .. 110 Appendix C.. 115 ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICE HEADQUARTERS, OTTAWA, ONT., 1930. The Honourable the Minister in ccrntrol of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Ottawa. SIR,—I have the honour to submit herewith the Annual Report of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police for the year ended September 30, 1930. STRENGTH AND DISTRIBUTION OF THE FORCE On that date the strength of the force was 56 officers, 1,067 non-commissioned officers and constables, and 122 special constables, or 1,245 of all ranks; omitting the special constables, the strength of the force proper was 1,123. On the cor- responding date in 1929 the strength was 54 officers, 1,024 non-commissioned officers and constables, and 121 special constables, or 1,199 of all ranks; or, omitting special constables, 1,078. The increase in the uniformed force thus has been 45, or 4 per cent. Including special constables, the increas was 46. The number of recruits who joined during the twelve months' period was 156, and 8 rejoined after leaving. The number of applicants was 2,807, as against 2,270 in the preceding period. The following shows the distribution in the several provinces and territories on September 30, 1930:— ... . Plane to' j .f,› g 3 :ea' a E a o $ 0 Q › a./ la ..e .. tei to é. TA .ol 0 e œ ' D3 el 0 0 e. 0 le a 0 m 41 e ..g en> e u u on E-g e Et Ft a Headquarters Staff 1 1 2 3 .... .... 5 11 18 18 4 63 .... .... .... .... Maritime Provinces Quebec .... .... .... 1 .... .... ... 5 9 22 i 39 .... ... .... 16 Ontario 2 6 .... .... 5 23 32 252 13 333 29 6 35 17 Manitoba 1 2 .... .... 3 8 10 39 7 79 13 ... 13 16 Saskatchewan 1 2 9 1 1 7 38 33 213 43 348 79 11 90 60 Alberta 2 7 .... .... 6 16 19 50 20 120 35 2 37 15 British Columbia ........... .... 1 8 .... .... 4 13 13 50 8 95 24 1 25 .... Yukon Territory ............ .... 1 2 .... .... 3 3 6 25 6 46 2 4 6 34 Northwest Territories 3 .... .... .... 2 12 41 19 77 .... .... ... 203 Baffin Island . .. ....... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 3 6 .... 9 .... .... .... 37 North Devon Island........ .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 1 2 .... 3 .... .... .... 24 Ellesmere Island Chesterfield Inlet ....... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 1 1 3 .... 5 .... .... .... 21 Totals 1 2 11 40 1 1 35 124 161 747 122 5 182 24 206 469 5 6 ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICE The engagements, discharges, and other changes during the period under review were as follows:— Engagements- Engaged Constables (three years) 156 Engaged Special Constables 75 Re-engaged after leaving Total increase 239 Discharged through death, expiration of service, invalided, etc 193 Total increase for the year 1930.. 46 The following died in the twelvemonth:— Reg. No. 6716 Sgt. O'Brien, W. P. Reg. No. 5467 Cpl. Terndrup, T. W. V. Reg. No. 9073 Cst. Lepage, A: Reg. No. 10517 Cst. McIntosh, S. M. The following were pensioned:— Reg. No. 4290 Sgt. Sgt. Thorne, H. Reg. No. 4760 Sgt. Ward, C. Reg. No. 4615 Cpl. Walker, C. 5092 C. Reg. No. Cpl. Randle, H. • The following changes took place among the officers:— Promoted Inspectors: Reg. No. 4440 S/Sergeant Mercer R. E. Reg. No. 5003 S/Sergeant Major Clerk' Watson, W. W. .Appointed Inspector: Reg. No. 4958 Ex-Staff Sergeant Salt, E. C. P. Promoted Superintendents: Inspector A. E. Acland Inspector J. W. Spalding Retired to pension: Superintendent J. Ritchie This completès the eleventh year since the reorganization of the force in 1920, when the Royal Northwest Mounted Police absorbed the Dominion Police, extended their duties to cover the whole Dominion, and changed their name to the present form. The following table exhibits the strength of the force at certain intervals:— N.C.O'S, Personnel constables Total excluding Year Officers and special personnel special Horses constables constables 1920 .................. .......... ..... .. 73 1,598 1,671 1,532 942 1924 58 962 1,020 941 ',, 433 . 1928 55 1,032, 1,087 991 228 1929 54 1,145 1,19 1,078 199 1930 56 1,189 1,245 1,123 208 COMMISSIONER'S REPORT 7 The distribution into"posts and detachments on September 30, 1930 was:— Det,ach- ments Maritime Plovinces 1 1 Quebec 1 5 Ontario 2 13 Manitoba. 1 14 Saskatchewan (1 depot) 2 90 Alberta 2 17 British Columbia 1 12 Yukon Territory 1 14 Northwest Territories 19 Baffin I land 3 Ellesmere Island 1 North Devon Island 1 (11 190' ■ In 1929 there were 188 detachments, and in 1928 the number was 178. In Manitoba, Saskatchewan and the Northwest Territories there were increases of one each, and the number in the Yukon Territory went up by two; against these were decreases of two in Alberta and one in British Columbia. The alterations of strength of personnel in the several districts since 1920 have been:— " 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 .930 Maritime Provinces 25 32 33 32 31 30 30 36 35 . 34 31 Quebec 8 23 31 27 24 23 31 30 33 37 37 Eastern Ontario 395 442 325 343 339 341 334 349 342 354 365 Western Ontario 31 37 34 37 46 44 41 45 40 43 46 Manitoba 189 203 100 85 55 50 54. 54 50 58 72 Southern Saskatchewan.....; 351 277 225 214 159 166 142 138 • 200 264 254 Northern Saskatchewan 53 60 58 49 41 37 37 39 66 87 96 Southern Alberta 248 211 121 103 97 82 79 79 84 83 92 Northern Alberta 89 104 92 87 90 87 98 .06 116 118 118 British Columbia 229 238 157 128 97 79 82. 91 80 78 85 Yukon Territory 50 53 51 43 41 38 35 37 41 43 46 The foregoing are territoriaAdivisions/rranged for convenience of admin- istration. &outhern Alberta includes the eastern Kootenay district, Manitoba, a part of western Ontario, and Eastern Ontario a part of western Quebec; while the western Arctic region, the Mackenzie 'valley in the N6rthwest Territories and Herschel Island in the Yukon Territory, are administered by Northern Alberta, part of Hudson bay by Northern Saskatchewan, the southern part of Hudson bay by Western Ontario, and the eastern Arctii,- and Chesterfield inlet by Headquarters, which are situated in eastern Ontario/ - VOLUME OF WORK During the twelve months under review the number of cases dealt with, of one sort and another, was 72,007. The following table shows the distribution of these into their appropriate categories:— Federal Statutes and Dominion Parks Regulations........ ....... 3,664 Criminal Code 9,650 Provincial Statutes 4,954 18,268 General investigations for federal departments and other authorities other than breaches of the statutes 22,378 Summary of Police assistance and protection rendered Federal departments and other authotities 31,363 Total 72,007 8 ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICE In the preceding year the number was 81,735, the decrease being principally in the raiscellaneous section described briefly as "Assistance and Protection ". Full particulars are given in appendix C. The distribution of the work among the several provinces and territories was:— British Columbia 4,272 Alberta 6,407 Saskatchewan 25,451 Manitoba 4,602 Ontario 11,697 Quebec 4,049 Maritime Provinces 2,409 Yukon 11,514 Northwest Territories 1,606 Total 72,007 • The decreases took place nearly altogether in Western Canada, and Eastern Canada showed an appreciable increase.
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