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While the 1928 Book of Common Prayer is typically printed approximately on “half-pages” (5.5 X 8.5"), this is not a common page size for word processors, so you will find it here done on 8.5 X 11" ! " # # $ "% & *# (4 % $ $ 5, 6%78 $ 89.%( :, 1928-44 %8 ; 89(%:,1928-44 ;#$ ( 5( 5(,< .%(< %,% # ' ( # (%% # % ( & ) % % 3 * + " +) ( &, %5% 21 , ' %45 35 % 54 .% -. 60 =, ( & ) % 67 ,, 90 + * ,/012' %( 273 283 or 296 > % 300 45. <( 305 (, 54 308 4 321 ( 324 /030 ( 338 , 5 345 . 4,,< (,, 529 % 560 563 569 ''''' 577 %( 587 Note that pagination in the Ordinal and onwards differs in editions before ''''' 1945 from that here due to the use of smaller type in those earlier editions. 603 ! " (4 %' # $ " % (% (, %, % % $ " " ,5,?%(, " &" %5 '! %<' ( " ( ) " $ $!, + , " # % * , *) *# ( &@ )# * " " !) @ A * $ *) ## " $ * @ ( & ##* " " &" ) * , % $ " )' & '! + & # * $ " " " " " " " ," ( & - " . 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' ( " ' " ( " $ 1 ' " " & $ - $ " ) $ " " ) " " " " - 8 , ' 9 2:45' Concerning the Service of the Church HE Order for Holy Communion, the Order for Morning Prayer, the Order Tfor Evening Prayer, and the Litany, as set forth in this Book, are the regular Services appointed for Public Worship in this Church, and shall be used accordingly; Provided, that in addition to these Services, the Minister, in his discretion, subject to the direction of the Ordinary, may use other devotions taken from this Book or set forth by lawful authority within this Church, or from Holy Scripture; and Provided further, that, subject to the direction of the Ordinary, in Mission Churches or Chapels, and also, when expressly authorized by the Ordinary, in Cathedral or Parish Churches or other places, such other devotions as aforesaid may be used, when the edification of the Congregation so requires, in place of the Order for Morning Prayer, or the Order for Evening Prayer. For Days of Fasting and Thanksgiving appointed by the Civil or Eccle- siastical Authority, and for other special occasions, for which no Service or Prayer hath been provided in this Book, the Bishop may set forth such form or forms as he shall see fit, in which case none other shall be used. NOTE, That in the directions for the several Services in this Book, it is not intended, by the use of any particular word denoting vocal utterance, to prescribe the tone or manner of their recitation. THE USE OF THE PSALTER AND THE LECTIONARY. HE Old Testament is appointed for the First Lessons, and the New TTestament for the Second Lessons, at Morning and Evening Prayer throughout the year. The Psalms and Lessons to be read every day are to be found in the following Table of Psalms and Lessons for the Christian Year; except only those for the Immovable Holy Days, the Proper Psalms and Lessons for all which days are to be found in the Table for the Fixed Holy Days. On the following days, and their eves, if any, the Proper Psalms appointed in the Tables shall be used: Christmas, Epiphany, Purification, Ash Wednes- day, Annunciation, Good Friday, Easter Day, Ascension Day, Whitsunday, Trinity Sunday, Transfiguration, All Saints, and Thanksgiving Day. But NOTE, That on other days, the Minister shall use the Psalms appointed in the Tables or at his discretion he may use one or more of those assigned in the Psalter to the day of the month, or from the Table of Selections of Psalms. And NOTE further, That in the case of a Psalm which is divided into Selections of Psalms sections, the Minister may use a section or sections of such Psalm. I. God the Creator. 8, 19; 33; 65, 111; 104; 145; 147. The Psalms and Lessons printed on the same line are intended to be used II. God the Redeemer. 33; 102:15; 103; 111, 126; 113, 114; 130, 138. together. At any service for which more than one such set of Psalms and III. God the Judge. 1, 11; 7; 46, 97; 50; 62, 82; 75, 76; 90; 96; 98. Lessons are appointed, the choice thereof is at the discretion of the Minister. IV. God’s Glory. 18:1-20; 29, 99; 36:5 & 46; 148, 150. Any set of Psalms and Lessons appointed for the evening of any day may V. God’s Sovereignty. 24, 93; 46, 47; 72; 89:1-19; 96, 97; 98, 99; 112, be read at the morning service, and any set of morning Psalms and Lessons 146; 145. may be read in the evening. VI. God’s Wisdom. 33; 104 111, 113; 139; 145; 147. The starred Lessons provided for Sundays are particularly appropriate for VII. God’s Law. 19; 50; 62, 111; 119; 147. use when Morning Prayer with one Lesson precedes the Holy Communion. VIII. God’s Providence. 23, 121; 33; 34; 37:26 & 124; 89:1-19; 139; 145; Upon any Sunday or Holy Day, the Minister may read the Epistle or the 146; 147. Gospel of the Day in place of the Second Lesson at Morning or Evening IX. God’s Mercy. 23, 100; 32, 130; 57, 61; 62, 63; 73; 77; 85; 86; 103; Prayer. 118; 145. Upon any weekday, other than a Holy Day, the Psalms and Lessons X. The Incarnation. 2, 110; 8, 113; 85, 111; 89:1-30; 102:15; 132. appointed for any day in the same week may be read instead of those XI. The Passion. 22; 40:1-16; 42; 54, 130; 69:1-22, 30-37; 88; 116. appointed for the Day. XII. The Church. 46, 111; 48; 84; 122, 133; 147. When an Octave is observed for any Holy Day, the Psalms and Lessons for XIII. Worship. 5; 26, 43; 63, 65; 66; 67, 122; 84, 138; 96, 100; 102:15; the Day may be used upon the Sunday within the Octave. 116. Upon special occasions the Minister may select such Psalms and Lessons XIV. Thanksgiving. 30, 67; 65; 92, 100; 98, 111; 103; 107; 116; 134, as he may think suitable. 138; 145; 147; 148, 150. Any Lesson may be lengthened or shortened at the Minister's discretion. XV. Prayer. 4, 5; 17; 20, 28; 31; 54, 61; 84; 86; 102:15; 141:1-4; 142. XVI. Trust in God. 27; 31; 57, 146; 62, 63; 71; 73; 77; 91; 118; 121, 124, 125 123, 143. HYMNS AND ANTHEMS. XVII. God our Refuge. 4, 20; 17; 37; 46; 49; 54, 61; 71; 91; 103; 121, 146. XVIII. Divine Guidance. 25; 43, 85; 80; 111, 112. YMNS set forth and allowed by the authority of this Church, and XIX. In Time of Trouble. 3, 11; 12, 13; 18:1-20; 20, 46; 30, 146; 40:1-16; HAnthems in the words of Holy Scripture or of the Book of Common 49; 57, 85; 62, 63; 80; 86; 90; 107:1-16; 118; 144. Prayer, may be sung before and after any
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