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Changelog 25 - Exemplary Eleven, Ravishing Recorder, Captivating Calendar, Beaming Backup. Ohai there, it's been a while. Nolen Johnson (npjohnson) & Anne-Sophie Massé. Individuality. Customization is paramount to productivity. That’s why LineageOS promises to push for user personalization and preference. Everyone is unique and your device should be too. Security. Your data, your rules. With powerful tools such as Privacy Guard, you are in control of what your apps can do whenever you want. Trust will help you understand the security of your device and warn you about possible threats. We take security very seriously: that’s why we deliver security updates every month to all our supported devices. And to make your device more secure, lock everything behind an enhanced lock screen. Longevity. LineageOS extends the functionality and lifespan of mobile devices from more than 20 different manufacturers thanks to our open-source community of contributors from all around the world. Open Source Mobile OS Alternatives To Android. It’s no exaggeration to say that open source operating systems rule the world of mobile devices. Android is still an open-source project, after all. But, due to the bundle of proprietary software that comes along with Android on consumer devices, many people don’t consider it an open source operating system. So, what are the alternatives to Android? iOS? Maybe, but I am primarily interested in open-source alternatives to Android. I am going to list not one, not two, but several alternatives, Linux-based mobile OSes . Top Open Source alternatives to Android (and iOS) Let’s see what open source mobile operating systems are available. Just to mention, the list is not in any hierarchical or chronological order . 1. Plasma Mobile. A few years back, KDE announced its open source mobile OS, Plasma Mobile. Plasma Mobile is the mobile version of the desktop Plasma user interface, and aims to provide convergence for KDE users. It is being actively developed, and you can even find PinePhone running on Manjaro ARM while using KDE Plasma Mobile UI if you want to get your hands on a smartphone. 2. postmarketOS. PostmarketOS (pmOS for short) is a touch-optimized, pre-configured Alpine Linux with its own packages, which can be installed on smartphones. The idea is to enable a 10-year life cycle for smartphones. You probably already know that, after a few years, Android and iOS stop providing updates for older smartphones. At the same time, you can run Linux on older computers easily. PostmarketOS wants to achieve the same on the mobile platform, by tweaking Linux into a touch-optimized platform. Don’t get too excited. PostmarketOS is in very early phases of development, and it is most likely that you won’t be able to use it like a regular smartphone yet. However, you may keep an eye on the postmarketOS community edition of the PinePhone if you want to purchase a smartphone that runs it. 3. PureOS/Librem. Ubuntu’s convergence efforts did not materialize, but this has not deterred others from their convergence dreams. Convergence, in simple terms, is having the same operating system running on desktops, tablets, and smartphones. Ubuntu tried it and abandoned the project. Windows also failed at it. The security and privacy-focused company Purism has its own PureOS Linux distribution. They are also working on a Linux-based, secure smartphone called Librem 5. Purism claims that PureOS is convergent, and Librem smartphones will run it. Apart from PureOS, it can run GNOME and KDE, with Debian, Ubuntu, SUSE, Fedora, and even Arch Linux. The motto of the Librem is to be a “phone that focuses on security by design and privacy protection by default. Running Free/Libre and Open Source software and a GNU+Linux Operating System designed to create an open development utopia, rather than the walled gardens from all other phone providers”. It’s more of a Linux-based smartphone rather than a Linux-based smartphone OS, but I believe that the convergent PureOS should be able to run on other devices with some tweaks. 4. Ubuntu Touch by UBports. The king of desktop Linux world, Ubuntu decided to expand its territory with its open source mobile operating system, Ubuntu Touch. Keeping convergence in mind, Canonical (the parent company of Ubuntu) ambitiously launched a $32 million crowdfunding campaign to build the first Ubuntu Phone, Edge. Though it failed to get the desired amount, it still set a new record, with over $12 million pledged to the campaign. After the failed crowdfunding campaign, Canonical teamed up with some device manufacturers to launch Ubuntu Phone. Spanish manufacturer BQ became the makers of the first device running Ubuntu Touch in February 2015 . It was soon followed by Chinese manufacturer Meizu. Those first few devices were aimed at developers, which is the reason I advised people not to buy the BQ Ubuntu Phone at the time. Two years and a few Ubuntu-based phones later, Canonical finally decided to call it quits on their mobile OS. However, UBports is still trying to keep Ubuntu Touch alive. With UBports’ efforts, Ubuntu Touch gets some updates. There are a handful of devices that are supported by Ubuntu Touch. You can see the list here. 5. LuneOS (No Longer Maintained) LuneOS is an open-source mobile OS based on Linux kernel. It may not be a feature-rich alternative to Android (of course!). However, it is the successor to Palm/WebOS. The last release was at the end of 2018. Since then, there have been no updates to the project so far. The good thing about LuneOS is – if your device is compatible with CyanogenMod, it will most probably work on LuneOS. It is being maintained by WebOS Ports with no recent updates to it since October 2019. 6. Tizen. Tizen is an open source, Linux-based mobile operating system. It is often dubbed an official Linux mobile OS, as the project is supported by the Linux Foundation. Apart from the Linux Foundation, the Tizen project is supported by tech giants Samsung and Intel. Initially slotted for late 2013 release, it was only in January 2015 that the first Tizen phone, the Samsung Z, was released in the South Asian market. Unfortunately, the Samsung Z failed to get much attention in a competitive Indian market. Despite being based on Linux, Tizen OS has been marred by security issues. Quite frankly, I don’t see a bright future for Tizen OS. It is just a matter of time before the plug is pulled from this project but for the time being, it is active and also offers studio suite for developers. 7. Mobian OS (Debian for mobile devices) Mobian is an open-source project with the aim to bring Debian GNU/Linux to mobile devices. The project is in initial phase right now, and it only supports PinePhone at the moment. Mobian has a list of applications available on its platform and it recommends using apt package management system for these applications. Obviously, this is experimental and intended for DIY tinkerers. Very pleased with the latest image #Mobian ( on #pinephone. It feels like an almost-complete mobile OS. Great job! — Georgi Koemdzhiev (@GKoemdzhiev) July 11, 2020. Open source projects based on Android but free from Google. Most of the above open source mobile operating systems you saw so far are under development and not available for a wide range of mobile hardware. Don’t despair. There are a few projects that are based on Android but customized to remove Google services from it. These Android distributions are open source and you can customize them to your liking. If you are looking for an open source alternative to mainstream Android, these projects could be a good choice. 8. LineageOS and Replicant (open source Android distributions) Both LineageOS and Replicant are open-source Android distributions. In other words, you can call them custom ROMs. LineageOS was created after the much more successful Android distribution CyanogenMod was discontinued. LineageOS is a fork of CyanogenMod. Though Replicant was founded back in 2010 by a couple of Free Software groups, it now uses the source code of LineageOS as the base. You can see the list of devices supported by Replicant here. 9. /e/ (previously known as eelo) Previously known as eelo, /e/ is a non-profit project started by the developer of Mandrake Linux. It is an Android distribution, and the idea is to have an open source mobile operating system free from Google. /e/ replaces Google services with its own services, with the promise to not track you or sell your data to advertisers like Google. /e/ will also utilize open source alternatives as much as possible. /e/ is in active development and you can try to install it on a range of devices already.
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