Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-40039-9 - Battling Pornography: The American Feminist Anti-Pornography Movement, 1976-1986 Carolyn Bronstein Index More information Index 42nd Street Redevelopment Corporation, 208 WAVPM conference, 159–162 Abzug, Bella, 225 , 234 , 235 familiarity with government affairs, 187 advertising, feminist critique of, founding member of WAP, 104 , 175 , 143–144 189–191 , 198–199 , 215 Against Our Will , 48–50 , 52 , 198–199 . invites Lynn Campbell and Laura Lederer See Brownmiller, Susan to NYC, 188–191 Alexander, Dolores, 225 itinerary and script for WAP porn tours, as WAP coordinator, 200–204 , 248 , 220–221 276–277 Ordeal , publication of, 258–260 homophobia in NOW, 54 Phil Donahue Show appearance, 177 , Phil Donahue Show appearance, 177 , 192–198 192–198 rape as a political act, 48 , 50 , 51–52 . Allison, Dorothy, 301 , 306 See Against Our Will Allyn, David, 10 , 280 reputation as anti-lesbian, 232–233 Alpert, Jane, 77 , 229 WAP East Coast Conference, 226–234 Atkinson, Ti-Grace, 54 , 297 WAP New York University conference, 185 Avedon, Richard, 255 Bryant, Anita, 241 , 266 , 283 Bunch, Charlotte, 58 , 235 , 282 . See Bad Attitude (magazine), 330 political lesbianism, Woman- Barnard Conference, 297–307 Identifi ed-Woman, The Barry, Kathy, 244 Butler v. The Queen (Canadian obscenity as a founder of WAVPM, 130 , 131 , 137 law), 330 Female Sexual Slavery , 205 Black and Blue , 82 , 93–124 Califi a, Pat (Rolling Stones album and advertising) Samois and WAVPM, 139–141 , 286–292 See Women Against Violence Campbell, Lynn, 157–158 , 179 , 225 Against Women moves to NYC to organize WAP, 188–191 Blumenthal, Ralph, 76 Phil Donahue Show appearance, 177 , Brennan, William, 66–69 192–198 Brown v. Board of Education , 161–162 , steps down as WAP coordinator, 177–178 247–248 Brown, Helen Gurley, 34 Canby, Vincent, 75 Brown, Rita Mae, 54–55 , 329 Censorship in Denmark , 73 Brownmiller, Susan, 15 , 87 Chandler, Otis, 151 ceases day-to-day involvement with WAP, Chesler, Phyllis, 179 , 329 234 , 247 Chevigny, Paul, 176 , 179 , 181 , 183 endorses restrictions on pornography at compulsory heterosexuality, 1 355 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-40039-9 - Battling Pornography: The American Feminist Anti-Pornography Movement, 1976-1986 Carolyn Bronstein Index More information 356 Index consciousness raising, 18 , 38 , 44 , 52 , 55 conversion to evangelical Christianity, Coughenour, Beulah, 325 156–157 Cuklanz, Lisa, 51 Freedman, Estelle, 25 cultural feminism, 62 , 166 , 205–206 Friedan, Betty, 1 , 40 , 54 , 143 , 233 , 329 female and male values, 269–275 Fritz, Leah, 78 , 173 , 179 , 181 , 182 Damiano, Gerard, 74 . See Deep Throat gentrifi cation Deep Throat , 74–81 , 258 , 312 clean up of Times Square, 207–208 defense of social worth, 79 See Women Against Pornography, early box offi ce, 63 relationship with Midtown feminist response to, 79–81 Enforcement public acceptance of, 74–76 Gerhard, Jane, 28 , 37 , 205 , 237 , 274 WAP calls for boycott of, 257–262 second wave perceived as anti-sexual, 333 D’Emilio, John Gitlin, Todd, 205 , 327 on sexual liberalism, 25 relationship between the news media and on the WAP slide show, 217–218 the New Left, 242–243 Deming, Barbara, 175 Goffman, Erving, 95 , 144 , 145 Denfeld, Rene, 11 , 332 , 334 Goldberg, Beth Devil in Miss Jones, The , 75–76 , 81 , 258 as WAVPM coordinator, 247 , 290 Downs, Donald A., 68 , 323 Gordon, Linda, 274 , 329 , 333 Durbin, Karen, 93–94 Gould, Lois, 173 , 175–176 , 225 Dworkin, Andrea, 34 Greenberg, Julie and Playboy , 254 , 256 as WAVPM coordinator, 248–249 , 319 and WAP, 204 Griffi n, Susan, 244 , 289 anti-pornography ordinance, 323–331 male values, 61 , 206 on pornography, 78 , 203 , 242 Rape: The All-American Crime, 48 Ordeal , publication of, 258–259 Grove Press, 78 Pornography: Men Possessing Women , Guccione, Bob, 66 , 69 , 208 205–206 WAP New York University conference, 185 Harper, Valerie, 258 WAVPM Feminist Perspectives on as WAP supporter, 204 Pornography conference, 159 , 165–166 Haskell, Molly, 144–145 , 228 Woman Hating , 50 Hayes, Marilyn, 225 , 258 Women’s Anti-Defamation League, 175 Hefner, Hugh , 66, 69–70 . See also Playboy and WAP, 255–256 English, Deirdre, 281 Heresies, The Sex Issue , 294–297 Ephron, Nora, 75 , 80 High Society , 309–310 Ertegun, Ahmet, 101 , 106–107 , 111–112 Hite, Shere, 173 , 225 The Hite Report , 30–31 Fahringer, Herald Price, 180 , 185 Hollibaugh, Amber, 281 , 295 , 329 derides anti-pornography feminism, 184 Hommel, Teresa, 178–179 , 180 , 235 Faludi, Susan, 322 Howarth, Joan, 119 , 121 , 246 , 329 Falwell, Jerry, 239–240 , 299 end of Warner Communications supports anti-pornography ordinances, 326 boycott, 122 Feigen Fasteau, Brenda, 179 opposes movement shift toward on legal means of restricting pornography, pornography, 125 , 171 185–186 Hustler, 69–70 Feminist Anti-Censorship Taskforce (FACT), “all meat” issue, 154–157 328–331 Feminist Studio Workshop, 95 , 112 , 113 , 166 Jacobellis v. Ohio , 68 See Lacy, Suzanne and Labowitz, Leslie Jay, Karla, 175 First Amendment, See pornography: Johnson Commission, 64 , 70–71 , 77 censorship of and First Amendment Johnson, Sonia, 255 Flynt, Larry, 69 , 255 , See Hustler Joy of Sex, The , 35 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-40039-9 - Battling Pornography: The American Feminist Anti-Pornography Movement, 1976-1986 Carolyn Bronstein Index More information Index 357 Kaminer, Wendy, 224 , 318 at WAVPM Feminist Perspectives on Kilbourne, Jean, 143 Pornography conference, 159 Koedt, Anne , 28 , 52–53 steps down as WAVAW national Komisar, Lucy, 143 coordinator, 246 Krassner, Paul, 157 UFW experience, 100–101 Kristol, Irving, 150 visits NYC at invitation of Brownmiller and Steinem, 104–105 Labowitz, Leslie, 112–113 Lorde, Audre, 159 , 285 fl oat for Take Back the Night march, Lovelace Boreman, Linda 167–168 publication of memoir, Ordeal , 257–263 partnership with Suzanne Lacy, 112–113 star of Deep Throat , 74–75 Record Companies Drag Their Feet , Lowrey, Melinda 113–116 as WAVAW national coordinator, 248 , 318 Lacy, Suzanne, 13 fl oat for Take Back the Night march, MacKinnon, Catharine, 258 167–168 anti-pornography ordinance, 323–331 In Mourning and in Rage , 168 myth of consent, 213–214 . See false on abusive album covers and rape, 110 consciousness partnership with Leslie Labowitz, 113 on Linda Lovelace Boreman, 262 teacher of Julia London, 95 pornography as sex discrimination, Three Weeks in May , 166 181–182 Lederer, Laura, 14 , 130 , 137 , 179 Sexual Harassment of Working Women , 14 as national coordinator, WAVPM, theory of false consciousness, 196 , 214 134–136 Manual Enterprises v. Day , 67 breakdown of relationship with WAVPM, Marcuse, Herbert 190 , 246–247 Eros and Civilization , 26–27 , 37 editor, Take Back the Night , 190 Medea, Andra, 48 , 51 sex traffi cking, 247 Meese Commission, 5 , 72 , 307 , 311 , 321 , 327 steps down as WAVPM national Mehrhof, Barbara coordinator, 246–247 as WAP coordinator, 215 , 248 WAVPM Max Factor protest, 134–135 as WAP tour guide, 221 zoning restrictions to control founding member of WAP, 173 , 175 pornography, 210 on rape as a political act, 48 LeGrand, Camille WAP March on Times Square, 234 opposes restriction of pornography at Memoirs v. Massachusetts, 69 WAVPM conference, 159–164 Meyer, Russ, 72 Leidholdt, Dorchen, 123 , 225 , 250 , 325 Milk, Harvey steps up to lead WAP, 248 assassination of, 188 Leonard, Gloria. See High Society Miller v. California , 71 lesbian feminism Millett, Kate, 298 , 329 as a basis for anti-pornography sentiment, Mitchell, Jim and Artie, 20 , 73 , 139 55–62 Moraga, Cherrie, 295 lesbian separatism, 58 . See Bunch, Charlotte ; Morgan, Marabel political lesbianism ; Woman-Identifi ed The Total Woman , 35–36 . See sexual Woman, The revolution Levy, Ariel, 10 , 333 Morgan, Robin, 4 , 18 , 42 , 131 , 153 , 225 , 227 , Lippitt, Jill, 318 234 , 244 , 325 , 329 endorses restrictions on pornography at founding member of WAP, 173 , 204 WAVPM conference, 159–165 Goodbye to All That , 78 Lolita syndrome, 265 . See Women Against Grove Press sit-in, 78 Pornography, sexual exploitation of girls male values, 60 London, Julia, 88–124 rape as a political act, 48 as WAVAW national coordinator, 88 , 92 , Moscone, George 123–124 assassination of, 188 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-40039-9 - Battling Pornography: The American Feminist Anti-Pornography Movement, 1976-1986 Carolyn Bronstein Index More information 358 Index Mother Courage, 200 liberalization of obscenity law, 66–70 , 71 Ms . magazine newspaper policies, 81 , 148–151 No Comment section and abusive opposition to censorship, 180–181 advertising, 148 religious conservative opposition to, 241 Mulvey, Laura, 145 social scientifi c research, 226 , 276 Myerson, Bess, 117 pro-sex feminism. 268–269 , 278 , 280–282 . Myth of the Vaginal Orgasm , 52–53 . See Barnard Conference , See Heresies See Koedt, Anne challenges anti-pornography, 237 , 244–245 defense of butch-femme and S/M, 284–285 . National Organization for Women See Samois 1980 resolution against pornography, response to 1980 NOW resolution, 293–294 292–294 homophobia in, 55 racism, See Women Against Pornography: liberal feminism, 40 racism, charges of response to sexist advertising, 143–144 radical feminism WAVAW boycott of Warner critique of heterosexuality, 39–40 , Communications, 101 52–62 , 217 Near,
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