FINAL REPORT STOCK ASSESSMENT OF COLUMBIA RIVER ANADROMOUS SALMONIDS VOLUME II: STEELHEAD STOCK SUMMARIES STOCK TRANSFER GUIDELINES - INFORMATION NEEDS Philip Howell Kim Jones Dennis Scarnecchia Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Larrie LaVoy Washington Department of Fisheries Will Rendra Washington Department of Game David Ortmann Idaho Department of Fish and Game Other Contributors Connle Neff Charles Petrosky Russel Thurow Prepared for Larry Everson, Project Manager U.S. Department of Energy Bonneville Power Administration Division of Fish and Wildlife Contract No. DE-AI79-84BP12737 Project No. 83-335 July 1985 VOLUME II II. STOCK SUMMARIES Steelhead Trout Lower Columbia River (Oregon) Winter Steelhead (wild)........ 559 Big Creek Winter Steelhead (hatchery)........................ 568 Grays River Winter Steelhead (wild).......................... 577 Skamokawa Creek Winter Steelhead (wild)...................... 580 Elochoman River Winter Steelhead (wild)...................... 583 Elochoman River Winter Steelhead (hatchery).................. 581 Chambers Creek Winter Steelhead (hatchery)................... 592 Mill Creek Winter Steelhead (wild)........................... 595 Abernathy Creek Winter Steelhead (wild)...................... 598 Germany Creek Winter Steelhead (wild)........................ 601 Coal Creek Winter Steelhead (wild)........................... 604 Coweeman River Winter Steelhead (wild)....................... 601 Toutle River Winter Steelhead (wild)......................... 610 Cowlitz River Winter Steelhead (wild)........................ 614 Cowlitz River Winter Steelhead (hatchery).................... 619 Late Cowlitz River Winter Steelhead (hatchery)............... 624 Cowlitz River Summer Steelhead (hatchery).................... 62R Kalama River Winter Steelhead (wild)......................... 632 Kalama River Summer Steelhead (wild)......................... 641 Worth Fork Lewis River Winter Steelhead (wild)............... 650 Worth Fork Lewis River Summer Steelhead (wild)............... 655 East Fork Lewis River Winter Steelhead (wild)................ 659 East Fork Lewis River Summer Steelhead (wild)................ 662 Salmon Creek Winter Steelhead (wild)......................... 665 Willamette River Winter Steelhead (wild)..................... 668 Willamette River Winter Steelhead (hatchery)................. 686 Clackamas River Winter Steelhead (wild)...................... 696 Eagle Creek Winter Steelhead (hatchery)...................... 111 Washougal River Winter Steelhead (wild)...................... Ill Washougal River Summer Steelhead (wild)...................... 720 Skamania Winter Steelhead (hatchery)......................... 124 Skamania Summer Steelhead (hatchery)......................... 721 Willamette Substock....................................... 738 Woodward Creek Winter Steelhead (wild)....................... 751 Sandy River Winter Steelhead (wild).......................... 754 Hamilton Creek Winter Steelhead (wild)....................... 761 Wind River Winter Steelhead (wild)........................... 764 Wind River Summer Steelhead (wild)........................... 767 White Salmon River Winter Steelhead (wild)................... 111 White Salmon River Summer Steelhead (wild)................... 774 Major Creek Summer Steehead (wild)........................... 111 Hood Basin Winter and Summer Steelhead (wild)................ 780 CONTENTS Steelhead Trout Klickitat River Winter Steelbead (wild).... ...... ,..... 790 Klickitat River Summer Steelhead (wild).... 793 Deschutes River Summer Steelhead (wild).... ...... ,..... 798 Deschutes River Summer Steelhead (hatchery) ...... 816 John Day River Summer Steelhead (wild)..... ...... ,..... 027 Rock Creek Summer Steelhead (wild)......... ...... 843 Umatilla River Summer Steelhead (wild)..... ...... 846 Umatilla River Summer Steelhead (hatchery). ...... 054 Walla Walls River Summer Steelhead (wild)........ 059 Tucannon River Summer Steelhead (wild)........... 863 bsotin Creek Summer Steelhead (wild)....... ...... 867 Dworshak Hatchery Summer Steelhead......... ...... 871 Lower Snake River Summer Steelhead (wild).. ...... 887 Grande Ronde River Summer Steelhead (wild). ...... 091 Wallowa Summer Steelbead (hatchery)........ ...... 906 Niagara Springs Hatchery Steelhead......... ...... 914 Hager-man Hatchery Summer Steelhead......... ...... 920 Magic Valley Hatchery Summer Steelhead..... ...... 943 South Fork Salmon River Summer Steelhead... ...... 946 Middle Fork Salmon River Summer Steelhead.. ...... 953 Imnaha River Summer Steelbead (wild)....... ...... 961 Imnaha River Summer Steelhead (hatchery)... ...... 971 Yakima River Summer Steelhead (wild)....... ...... 977 Hanford Reach Summer Steelhead (wild)...... ...... 902 Upper Columbia Summer Steelbead (wild)..... ...... 907 Wenatchee River Summer Steelhead (wild).... ...... 990 Entiat River Summer Steelhead (wild)....... ...... 995 Wells Summer Steelhead (hatchery).......... 999 Methow River Summer Steelhead (wild)....... 1,009 Okanogan River Summer Steelhead (wild)..... 1.015 III. EXISTING STOCK TRANSFER GUIDELINES FOR OREGON, WASHINGTON, AND IDAHO.................................................................................................................... 1,019 IV. INFORNATION NEEDS FOR COLUMBIA BASIN SALNONID STOCKS........... 1,032 Appendix Figure 3. General production locations of steelhead stocks in the Columbia River Basin Appendix Figure 4. Location of steelhead hatchery facilities in the Columbia River Basin - Lower Columbia River (Oregon) Winter Steelhead (wild) PRODUCTION Winter steelhead production in the lower Columbia tributaries in Oregon consists of mixed wild and hatchery stocks. Bear and Beaver creeks are managed for wild production. This’summary focuses on available information on native wild stocks. Consult “Big Creek Winter Steelhead (hatchery)” for information on the hatchery stock. GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION Columbia River tributaries in Oregon below the Willamette River (Figure 11. ORIGIN Winter steelhead are native to the lower Columbia tributaries; however, steelhead production in these streams has been routinely supplemented with hatchery releases. Big Creek stock has been used primarily, although coastal stocks from egg takes at Cedar Creek and Alsea hatcheries have also been previously released. The influence of hatchery stocks on the composition of wild populations in lower river tributaries is uncertain. ADULT LIFE HISTORY There are no data available specifically for wild lower Columbia winter steelhead stocks. Sport catch of hatchery and wild stocks combined is summarized in Table 1. Sale of steelhead by non-Indians has been prohibited since 1975. 559 Figure 1. Steelhead spawning areas (....) in lower Columbia tributaries (Thompson and Fortune 19681. Table 1. Sport catch of winter steelhead in tributaries of the lower Columbia River by run yeara, 1971-80 (Berry 1981). Run vear Stream 71-72 72-73 73-74 74-75 75-76 76-77 77-70 78-79 79-84 Rear Creek 23 0 0 13 13 13 22 25 29 Rig Creek 3,946 2,333 2,080 3,705 2,042 1,147 3,419 1,238 3,216 Clatskanie River 673 271 686 1,027 1,198 222 783 455 816 Gnat Creek 351 250 319 668 499 163 423 202 754 Klaskanine River1,833 1,531 2,531 2,927 2,906 1,157 3,315 1,598 3,962 Lewis h Clark R. 345 189 164 566 407 320 577 402 859 youngs River -- -- -- -- -- 6 14 0 23 Total 7,171 4,574 5,780 8,906 7,065 3,028 8,553 3,920 9,659 a Estimated from punch-card returns corrected for non-response bias. Tagging studies to determine the timing of the winter steelhead run in the lower Columbia were conducted 1954-56 (Kern 1961). However, recoveries in lower Columbia tributaries were too small to draw any conclusions (5 recoveries from 4,199 tagged fish). For all stocks combined, winter steelhead numbers in the lower Columbia increased from November through March. The Gnat Creek weir studies (1955-62) provide most of the information available on characteristics of native wild winter steelhead stocks in the lower Columbia. Although a few fish arrived at Gnat Creek as early as November, the peak of the run did not occur until March (Figure 2). Adults remained in the stream an average of 33 days (range = 2 to 79 days) (Kruse, undated). Post-spawning survival to migration out of Gnat Creek ranged from 11% to 81% (Table 2). Table 2. Numbers of adult steelhead counted at the Gnat Creek weir during upstream and downstream migration, 1955-62 (Willis 1962). Percent of upstream Calendar er migrants captured Year Unstream Downstream Downstream 1955-56 262 213 81.3 1956-57 234 154 65.8 1957-58 50.0 1958-59 1:: :i 46.5 1959-60 88 10 11.4 1960-61 14.6 1961-62 2 3: 47.7 Total 864 497 7-year average 123.4 71.0 57.5 561 - 60 s 40 to Ez 20 12, .O 0 LL E g 60 UPSTREAM (A’=2331 5 40 P 20 DOWNSTREAM 0 Figure 2. Numbers of adult steelhead migrating upstream and downstream past the Gnat Creek weir by E&day intervals, 1955-56. Numbers trapped are in parentheses (K ruse, undated). Based on timing of downstream kelts past the Gnat Creek weir, spawning in Gnat Creek appears to have occurred primarily from March through May. g areas Fulton (1970) listed the following spawning areas of winter steelhead in the lower Columbia: Lewis and Clark River Youngs and Klaskanine rivers (Klaskanine Hatchery) Big Creek (Big Creek Hatchry) Gnat Creek (Gnat Creek Hatchery) Clatskanie River Figure 1 also indicates that steelhead spawn in Bear and Beaver creeks. No information. Lengths of adult steelhead trapped at the Gnat Creek weir are shown in Figure 3. Sex ratio No information.
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