Vol.S2No.22 KridaVaNovember 12. M'To IM. J:;i inn ••/ used tn believe mstariei " I It, I HIi, i .ii\ i. n ,,,,,, trerr private. I don't anymore. profit ,,t num.till,in in,,I ,1 ll,, Hull ni the tntteisity limits IHS inn1*, it,, ml,,t milium tome Irani students mill the pnltln iii,,.. ,,t, ilu remmto- other hull trnni jnihln ninn­ ies." — Sue lla\r\ |.,lm l.i "/ itniilil lime In ask itlml ll lit, I, ill fit (Ml • I II HI. Ill mirpote it will sertc except tn lm. ih i nil tl li, mill., tin. fiiiti- erenle snine inlet e.linn, ilisens- In Hfli '"i! 'In I tiliii.tti sinn. tin I nil ersil\\ BOIttion • I,.,,,I,I,, i in// mil niter." — Bill lii.r I. • "»llll|. > II, -> Mill k Havey To Release UM's Top Salaries By Al AN MAKC I S situtf private information and Idilar should nm be considered like a CM Yunis Finds poration with stoi kholders Student (imeninienl I'M". nmu-r s.ud hr has mixed feelings Susan Have) nM On will mak< •DOU) il thai it was more Hi,in a DO public ihe salaries ni the lop I in litk al e»en 1st and Ihe highesi s.ii ( Treatment versitv emplovees and officers he- ilea were probabl) at tin- Medical fore Tuesdav si hool Havey had requested ihe mtorma- Dr Blltler sanl the salaries nt the tion from the Internal RevtntM Set tWO new vice presidents would nm For Cancer vice under the I reednm ol Informa­ 'ii i mil.lined in Ihnse salaries tion Act. The ad slates thai ibOUM Nol everyone though, expressed information be requested oi the ini those opinions On* sdmlnistratoi By CATHY COWELL eral government, ii must he sup­ .nut a member ol tin- fai nit\ Hurricana Statl Writar plied within a certain timespan iin v wished thai along with tin There are seven exceptions to the What seemed like an ordinary anes. expense SCCOUntS and in kind Act day turned into an extraordinary benefits nt ihe administrators could All tax exempt organization! are one for UM Medical School re­ also he released required to file a return form. 'I'm searcher Dr. Adel Yunis when he Hi'i rutl). Duke i niversit) pub­ listing the salaries of their live discovered a new treatment for lished the salaries ol their top I;: ad highest paid officers pancreatic cancer two weeks ago. ministrative officials and five top Many organizations unhide addi­ employees via this route After three years of laboratory tional salary Information, according trials, Dr. Yunis confirmed that a to an IKS spokesman Duke itnversitv Presideni Orry drug used to fight leukemia also de­ Havey said she thinks it's Sanford called the release "detrl- stroys cancerous pancreatic cells. "great " mental" tn tin' operation nt the i nl Pancreatic cancer kills more than "There are loo many secrets al versilv 95 per cent of its victims and the the University. I used to believe sal life span of the average patient with anes were private. I don't anymore the affliction is six months. Hall ot the University funds come "Pancreatic cancer can never be from students and the other nail Flu Shots diagnosed early enough for success­ from public monies.'' Havey said ful control. The cancer is hidden be­ Several admimstvalors' responses hind the stomach and by the time ranged from very concerned to mil it's detected it's usually too late. concerned al all "Symptoms late in the cancerous UM Presideni Henry King Stan Ottered To stage are abdominal pain, lack of ford, whose salarv has heen ru­ appetite and jaundice of the eye," he mored to be SKtl.OOO ($100,000 in­ said. cluding in-kind benefits) was nol Dr. Yunis' discovery has length­ available lor comment Med School ened the life span of pancreatic can­ LM/Vmti.y Dean Dr. Kmanuel Papper and Prov­ cer patients from six months to one ost Dr. Clyde- Wintjtield were also year. Also, it may now be possible nol available to diagnose the cancer earlier. Executive Vice President for Ad­ By ELENA SHI / "This cancer is one of the top four ministration and Finance Dr. John Of r*a Hurru»nt Stall maior cancer killers and one of the Green had said he had no strong those I M students and facu/iv worst. It kills very fast," Dr. Yunis feelings one way or the other about who chic killed mil last week when said. the releasing of such salaries. Ihe Health Center was adminiMl "No one knows what the cause of "The l/niversity is a non-profit log swine Ilu shots CM still receive this cancer is. It may be the medi­ organization and if the IRS makes protection si another lot attorn cines we take, the food we eat or the information public, those are Su |ne Ilu -.Inils will alsn he .ivail- even the air we breathe," he said. the regulations." Green said. alile al Ihe lieallh Annex pharmacy Dr. Yunis, born in Lebanon, came Dean of Faculties Dr. Sidney Bes­ today. to the United States in 1956 after vinick said Havey is entitled to the graduating from the American Uni­ information as it Is readily available Nearbv Smith Miami Hospital is versity of Beirut and spending two from the IRS. currently giving the free flu van un­ years of post graduate work at the Besvinick said he was, however, to all adults over IX in Us education American University Hospital. He concerned as he would want to pro­ building on Paul revls (62nd Ave taught at Washington University in tect the individual* salaries of the line) between Soulh Dixie Highway St. Louis when he came to the Unit­ faculty and Sunset Road ed States He said he is nut in tavor nt ex­ The largest public lieallh effort m "I'm a very strong believer in tending this beyond this point tin- historv nf Dade Count) will he good communication between the "If the federal government ha centralized al the sow-profit, com scientists and the public. The public decided to make this public, okay, munlty general hospital through ought to know about research to but the University shouldn't " next Fridav human disease," Dr. Yunis said. Miami Hurricana TONY BLANK Vice President for Student Affairs Its education building will he The National Cancer Institute has Dr. William Butler said, "I would open lor moc illations weefcd awarded Dr. Yunis a grant of $150,- Dr. \ilrl \ iinis Discovered \ Treatment For Cancer have to ask what purpose it will from 2 to h |> m and tin weekend 000 to continue more research into serve except to create some inter­ smile illlta ll sell In 11 nli I lent, rill in from B a m III .! (i in pancreatic cancer. esting discussion. The University's Pregnant women, people with ai- position will nol alter Salaries nm lergv tn eggs residents with fever, recent surgical patients and aoyoni having taken another v.n i me in Ihe last tWO weeks are required lo seek Gridders Lodged For Horn e Cam es the permission nl their own private physh ian befort Itn-v Will he v i nated iligh-nsk residents - those with any kind of i hrottlt king dis. asthma, bronchitis, emphvsema. tu­ berculosis, diabetes, meiaholii ill- Team Sta^s At Hotel In Miami order, heart or intuitu kidnev. dis I i • ,1" urged tn lake advan; By IVONNE ROVIRA Athletic Director Pete Elliott said Affairs Peter Lamponc said that he Elliott said that the cost was min­ really a different kind of sport in of the free government program Hurncana Stall Writar that about BO football players are believed the football players were imal, only the cost of the actual that way," Elliott said. High-risk pertain, tn anvnne who housed at the Miami Lakes Inn be­ housed in hotels to keep them from rooms since the players are fed on- Elliott said that football players would be threatened la the event of UM football players spend the fore each home game for a cost of girls, alcohol and staying up late. campus cannot be housed in a special dorm a swine Ilu SpMsmh night before each home game in a "approximately $800." "If the players aren't responsible "In professional football, they instead of a hotel because thev are i M additional Information • all hotel at an undetermined cost, Miami Lakes Inn manager Sam enough to take care of themselves have as many as three and four "like any other student and should the hospital 861 MJ1 I extension sources have informed the Hurri­ before a game, we shouldn't have to meetings every day aside from this have the choice of where to live mi l2H.r> i.r UMi. Office "I I pidemioln- cane. Mandalari said he could not reveal the exact amount the University pay for their irresponsibility." Lam- last preparation before a game It's campus." II) Health pays for each time football players pone said. are housed over there. "Coach Elliott told me that almost Elliott said that the football play­ every major team in the country ers are fed in school and not at the stays in a motel before a game, so hotel. maybe the Administration should Supretnes Replace Mint civs The Athletic Department has pay for the rest of us to do so the been operating with a deficit for a night before a test,' USBG Presi­ number of years. Elliott said he dent Susan Havey said. The Miracles, slated to appear at thought hotel costs were worth­ "The basic reasons that players tonight's Homecoming dance have while because housing players in a are kept in a hotel are that it's such cancelled their appearance without hotel can lead to football victories a complicated team game, with so explanation.
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