QRBo RPae PAD, Oe cee ht cam a aeAY Vol. XX No. 9 4 if DECEMBER 1934 4 #} The Editor and the Staff of { } The Canadian Golfer take this op portunity to extend to their read < ers heartiest Christmas greetings y and best wishes for the New Year v9 As in the past an intimate touch with all readers is very welcome . } The Editor bears the sincere wish ¢ that he will hear from his readers #" frequently not only in the form hy of newsy items-and comment, butf if also in criticism if such is forth i coming at any time, Again we ex b tend to the Canadian Golfing Fraternity, the clubs, and our ad f i vertisers, VERY CORDIAL ¢ WISHES FOR A SUCCESSFUL y b AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR Ws 7, ’ \ A* ar > 4 Sr 4 Sar) 8 Sar “4 y, 4 aes Re Nee ee Sat Meee.iets —Empoy the one and only & MIAMI BEACH _ @ Prepare for a long newyear’s business .. obey x that perennial human urge to “get away fromit all” for a gay holiday interlude and somehealth- * ful recreation. @ Dodge the Winter winds, colds and pneumonia * . swap clouded skies and slushy thaws for con- stant healthful sunshine ... get your share of x Florida’s wonderful surf bathing, deep sea fish- ing, golf, tennis, boating, racing and a thousand x and one other outdoor sports. @ From November to May every condition at * Miami Beach is ideal. Maximum temperatures are * 70 to 80... minimums from 50 to 70. (See U. S. Weather Bureau Statistics.) * @ Andbest ofall, you can do it economicallythis winter... for in addition to low round-trip fares * offered byall transportation lines, the Roney Plaza special rates bring youall of the special privileges * of America’s Finest Ocean Front Hotel and the Florida Year Round Clubs . Roney Plaza Ca- * bana Sun Club... Miami Biltmore Country Club . Key Largo Anglers’ Club ... with transporta- x tion by aerocar, autogiro, sea-sled to all resort ac- tivities, saving you, in transportation costs alone, ee 1 pee x rn hmen almost the amount ofan ordinary hotel bill. La a ‘urine @ Dash on down for a few weeks of body-build- x ing, nerve-refreshing fun. x * x x * Open from November15th to May Ist. For litera- ture, information and res- ervations write or wiredi- rect to the hotel or see your travel agent. CANADIAN GoLFeR— December, 193 4 ot Pawo mo AAS Mt a» 4 na N oy . ACA * ‘ we company wet a yo eeson OLD VIENNA BEER . O’Keefe's Established 1846 o b So You’re Going To Montreal! Take these tips fora good time Join the famous visitors at the Mount Royal. Your next door neighbors will be the smart shops .. and the best theatres. The Mount Royal is the natural headquarters for both sight-seers and businessmen. Golf at its best... Then let Marcil Thomas, the Maestro of Chefs, where every day is a day tor play show whythis French, English ... and American cuisine is the toast of the town. In Bermuda, you'll find courses equal to the world’s best. The The Mount Royal Dinner and Supper Dances are balmyair, the picturesque surroundings, so novel and so exhilarating at the height of their popularity. put you “on your toes.” It’s not just golf, it’s a never-to-be- i forgotten experience. Forget your worries . tone up your system . .. get full enjoyment from your favorite game downin beautiful NEW LOW RATES Bermuda. e Single rooms with baths $3.00 and up t For beautiful illustrated booklet, consult any a Double rooms with baths $6.00 and up Travel Agent or write direct to the Bermuda Suites $10.00 and up Trade Development Board, 105 Bond St., Toronto. MonTRear - Canaca You’ll enjoy playing now in Me yall Hotel BERMUDA GREENKEEPERS.. You are invited to attend the ninth Annual National Greenkeeper’s Golf Show at the Royal York Hotel, in Toronto, from Monday FEBRUARY 4th to Thursday the 7th. This is the first occasion that this convention has been held in Canada, and, therefore, provides Canadian greenkeepers with an unexcelled opportunity to meet and discuss their various problems with the most experienced agronomists on the continent. The complete programme will be published in the January issue of CANADIAN GOLFER. MANUFACTURERS are reminded that at the Annual National Greenkeeper’s Golf Show the Royal York Convention Hall will be arranged in booths for exhibition purposes. Every distributor of golf course equipment will find this form of advertising a most satisfactory method of introducing and promoting their products in this field. National Association of Greenkeepers of America W. J. SANSON,President FRANK W. ERMER, Chairman Show Committee Toronto Golf Club, Toronto, Ontario Ridgewood Golf Club, Cleveland, Ohio (Left) This beautiful view o; 10th fairway at the Colwood Club in Victoria speaks for i Here a steady stream of golfer their way along the fairways bet the stately pines and evergreens winter and summer, Victoria is Canada’s winter playground (Below) The white streak at the of this picture is not snow, It is sea sand which makes the bunke the Colwood Golf course in Vic worth trying, Vancouver Island » the Colwood Course is located joys more days of sunshine, and days of rain than any portion o} Pacific Coast, It is Spring the round out there, Golf knows no or, seasonal limits. The view s the 12th green Canadian Golfer MONTREAL TORONTO 922 Victoria Sq. 57 Queen St. West Phone MAR 8939 Phone WA 3105 Vol. XX December, 1934 No. 9 CONTENTS Royal Colwood in Victoria How Does Canada Compare? Way A Star who Shines in His Own Where East Would Enjoy Meeting Vancouver’s Golfers Can Die Happy West this Winter : Beautiful Royal Jots—by T. High Colwood in Victoria AsGreat A Player As Jones—Whowashe? By H.R. PickensJr. The idea of playing golf under ideal conditions during the Golf Club Problems and Finances—By Gilbert Redd winter months in Canada has never even occurred to the great majority of golfers. Noris this strange, because by far the greater ionals—By Frank Better Averages by English Profess part of Canadalies under a heavy blanket of snow and ice for 11 Fisher . ie five months of the year and golf is unthinkable. Henceit is that Winter Practice Helps—By J. Jerrest 13 many Canadians are to be found annually taking their winter golf in such places as Florida, Georgia, the Carolines etc. Sanson 14 Selling Ourselves to Our Officials—By W. J. By a peculiar freak of nature’s caprice, Canada has been en- Bermuda Adds Attractive Tournament to Program 1) dowed with one winter garden spot. While the rest of Canada shivers in the grip of a cold and snowful winter, Victoria B. C, Fireside Strategy 16 is specially favoured by nature to bask in warm sunshine and the Short Putts—By Ralph H.Reville 18 perfumeof roses. The flowers are in bloom, birds are singing and shouts of “Fore!” have no off-season. Any doubts as to the actu- ality of this amazing state of affairs can be quickly dispelled by other countries $4.00. Subscriptions for Canada. $3.00 a year. United States and Single copies 25c. a glance at the usual list of entries in the Empress Annual Mid- Changes of address should be sent in well in advance. winter Tournament, whichis fast reaching the proportions of the Post Office The magazine is entered as second class mail at the in Gardenvale, Que. mid-winter tournaments of Pinehurst, Augusta, and other well known southern play-grounds. It will take place in February. Canapian Gotrer — December, 1934 Heres How Salut eee a beverage of sal- utation—a fine, satisfying old Skole ale, Carling’s cements old friendships and adds to the i pleasure of new ones. Mellow c s i and palate-pleasing, it is aged Prosit e c i to rich maturity—brewed un- a o 9 der the supervision of one of the industry’s finest brew- n masters. For a beverage of e Salutation—say Carling’s. 9 a AMBER ALE BLACK LABEL LAGER CanaDIAN GoLtFer — December, 1934 A Star Who In His Own Shines — Way — One can remember a few years ago Hagen, he was turned back for another when Canadian golfer saw a medium built year. That was Hagen’s fourth straight round faced golfer chatter his way four victory (and his last) in the Y.S.P.G.A. times around some tough championship Championship. layout yearly then set off to the Southern Two years later Diegel scored at the climes of Mexico with an attractive piece Leo Diegel the chattering popular, four Five Farms Course, in Baltimore, and re- of Canadian silverware under his arm!! times titleholder of the Canadian Open peated his victory in Southern California k Championship e It was almost a habit!! Tempermental the following year. In the meantimehis n But natural only for Leo Diegel! In acquir- partners would almost go mad playing with showings in the money tournaments and in ing the foundation for a swing which is him, but the gallery always got a huge the Open were alwayssuchasto entitle him proving itself more and more durable, Diegel has shown the courage to be un- orthodox when it was the unortho- dox method which brought results. is Diegel’s putting stance! What other golfer has done anything to compare with this freakish stroke? It took Diegel a whole year to devise this method—a year spent in whole-hearted disgust with his own inabil- ity to even make a respectable showing on the putting greens.
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