PREMIER'S DEPARTMENT NEW SOUTH WALES TELEPHONE: 102) 9228 5255 GOVERNOR MACQUARIE TOWER FACSIMILE: ioz) 9228 4757 1 FARRER PLACE G.P.O. BOX 5341, SYDNEY 2001 SYDNEY NSW 2000 SASl1187 Mr J Evans Clerk of the Parliament Legislative Council Parliament House Macquarie Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 Dear Mr Evans Order for Papers - M5 East Ventilation Stack On 6 April 2000 the Legislative Council agreed to the following Resolution: That, under Standing Order 18 there be laid on the table of the House by 5.00pm Friday 14 April 2000, and made public without restricted access, any document in the possession, custody or power of (a) the Cabinet Ofice (b) the Department of Health, (c) the Department of Urban Affairs and Planning, (4 the Environment Protection Authority, (e) the Roads and Trafic Authority, and fl any Minister administering the departments or authorities referred to in subparagraphs (a) to (e), related to the report or recommendations in the report of General Purpose Standing Committee No. 5, dated December 1999, on the inquiry into the M5 east ventilation stack In order to comply with the Order for Papers the Chief Executives of the agencies listed in the order and the Chiefs of Staff of the Ministers administering those agencies were asked to provide any documents covered by the Resolution. The documents requested in the Resolution are now provided. I have been advised by the Chiefs of Staff of each of the Ministerial Offices covered by the Order that no documents are held by those offices. Certification by each of the Chief Executive Officers indicating that to the best of their knowledge all documents held by their organisation and covered by the Resolution are attached as Annexure A. An indexed list of documents is attached as Annexure B. Yours sincerely Col ~ellatl~ Director General THE CABINET OFFICE NEW SOUTH WALES Dr Col Gellatly Director-General Premier's Department Level 39 Governor Macquarie Tower 1 4 APR 2000 1Farrer Place SYDNEY NSW 2000 Dear Dr Gellatly I refer to the resolution agreed by the Legislative Council on 6 April 2000 for the tabling of documents relating to the report or recommendations in the report of General Purpose Standing Committee No. 5 on the inquiry into the M5 east ventilation stack. I certdy to the best of my knowledge all documents held by The Cabinet Office and covered by the terms of the resolution are attached. /- I) I) Roger Wilkins Director-General LEVEL 39, GOVERNOR MACQUANE TOWER, 1FANiER PLACE, SYDNEY 2000, AUSTRALIA. TEL: (02) 9228 5300 FAX: (02) 9228 3062 G.P.O. BOX 5341, SYDNEY 2001 ~ .. .- - - .. - .. .-. .. .>...~: Li-i-iu -.--ii--ii--ii--ii". , ... ,, , , ,, 12/04 '00 3.l:Si -+61 2 995.95375 .. DIRECTOR GENERAL MOGl NSWHEALTH DEPARTMENT Dr. Col Gellatly Director General Premier's Department Level 39 Governor Macquarie Tower 1 Farrer Place SYDNEY NSW 2000 Dear Dr. G#~IY, & I refer to your request to provide all documents held by NSW Health in relation to the M5 East ventilation stack to your deparhnent. I certify to the best of my knowledge all documents held by NSW Health and covered by terms of the resolution have been provided. Yours sincerely Michael Reid Director General 73 Miller Street North Sydney NSW 2080 Locked Mail Bag 961 North Sydney NSW 2059 Telephone (02) 9391 9000 Facsimile (02) 9391 8101 E-mail [email protected] Department of Urban Affairs and Planning Director-General Dr C Gellatly Governor Macquarie Tower Director-General Level 20. 1 Farrer Place Premier's Department Sydney NSW 2000 L39 Governor Macquarie Tower GPO Box 3927 1 Farrer Place Sydney NSW 2001 SYDNEY 2000 Telephone: 02 9391 2001 Facsimile: 02 9391 2338 - Dear Dr Gellatly Please find enclosed the response from the Department of Urban Affairs and Planning to the Notice of Motion under Legislative Council Standing Order 18 relating to the Inquiry into the M5 East Ventilation Stack. Legal professional privilege is not claimed in respect of any of the documents provided in accordance with the Standing Order. In addition, no immunity is claimed for Cabinet documents. I thereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge, all documents held by the Department of Urban Affairs and Planning, and covered by the terms of the resolution, have been provided. The contact in this Department is Mr Geoff Noonan on 9391 2058 or Mr Mark Hather on 9391 2027, Yours sincerely Planning for a better environment, jobs and livable communities Our Reference : EXF20844 Dr C Gellatly Director-General Director General pfit.$mi&!si~epa,flment . ,.r-,;:T..;. * ,.. Le\iel~3S3;;7G~ye~nGrMacquarie Tower 1 F~[er$p:jgb&.~~%h* .:~ '. s'/i~@y.,'fi&,, 2000 . , ,,,.,' ,~. .. 1 2 APR 2000 0 I refer to the motion under Standing Order 18 for the production of documents relating to the report or recommendations in the report of General Purpose Standing Committee No. 5, dated December 1999, on the Inquiry into the M5 East ventilation stack, as set out in your memorandum of 6 April 2000. in the Legislative Council's order are list Environment Pmlsotion Authority PO BoxA290Sydney South NSW 1232 Australia Telephone 61 2 9995 5000 Facsimile 61 2 9995 5999 59-61 Gouiburn Street Sydney NSW 2000 Roads and Traffic Authority w.rta.nsw.gov.au Dr Col Gellatly Director General Premier's Department Centennial Plaza Level 39 Governor Macquarie Tower 260 Elizabeth Street Sum/ Hills NSW 2010 1 Farrer Place Telephone (02) 9218 6888 SYDNEY NSW 2000 PO Box K 198 Haymarket NSW 1238 DX 13 Sydney 13 April 2000 Dear Dr Gellatly M5 EAST FURTHER NOTICE OF MOTION I refer to your memo dated 6 April 2000 in relation to the Notice of Motion moved in the Legislative Council calling on the Government to table documents relating to the M5 East Ventilation Stack. I enclose copies of the documents required by the Notice of Motion and confirm that, to the best of my knowledge, all documents held by the Roads and Traffic Authority and covered by the terms of the resolution have been provided. $d I also enclose copies of documents produced by the Office of the Minister for Roads in answer to the Notice. Yours"& sincerely Paul Forwar Chief Executive Annexure B THE CABINET OFFICE (TCO) STANDING ORDER 18 -LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL - M5 EAST SINGLE EXHAUST STACK PROPOSAL Marrickville Council. the Cabinet Office related to the report or recommendations in the report of General Standing Committee No 5, dated December 1999, on the inquiry into the M5 east ventilation As above As above Letter to Director General, TCO, regarding the 11.2.00 David Briers No lnquiry As above As above Copy of reply to David Briers 6.3.00 Roger Wilkins, Director-General, TCO No As above As above Letter to Premier regarding the implementation Not dated RAPS No of the recommendations of the report. 2000 As above As above Fax to the Premier regarding the Inquiry 9.2.00 lvona Kadlec, member, RAPS No As above As above Copy of reply to lvona Kadlec regarding the 31.1.00 Carl Scully, Minister for Transport No inquiry As above As above Copy of reply to lvona Kadlec regarding the 15.2.00 Roger Wilkins, Director General, TCO No lnquiry As above As above Copy of fax to Director General, TCO, 11.2.00 David Briers No regarding implementation of recommendations of report. As above As above Copy of reply to David Briers regarding the 18.2.00 Roger Wilkins, Director-General, TCO No recommendations of the report. As above As above Letter to the Premier regarding the Inquiry Not dated, Merrick, Maria, Peter and Helen No 2000 Plater As above As above Letter to the Premier regarding the Inquiry 8.1 .OO Brian Herberi. - No As above As above Letter to the Premier regarding the Inquiry 9.1.00 David Pavlich " No the lnquiry As above As above Letter to the Premier regarding the Inquiry Not dated Peter Siapos No 2000 1 (a) As above Letter to the Premier regarding the Inquiry 25.2.00 Mr John Turner: LIP (Myall Lakes). No TC0104199 Pt 7 As above As above Reply to Mr John Turner, MP. 13.3.00 Bob Carr, Premier No As above As above Letter to the Premier regarding the Inquiry 25.2.00 Mr David Barr, MI', Ms Clover Moore, No MP, Hon Elaine Nile, MLC, Rev Fred Nile, MLC, Hon David Oldfield, MLC As above As above Reply to Mr Barr, Ms Moore, Mrs Nile, Mr Nile 9.3.00 Bob Carr, Premier No and Mr Oldfield As above As above Letter to the Premier regarding the Inquiry 17.2.00 Peta Seaton MP (S. Highlands) No As above As above Reply to Ms Seaton 9.3.00 Bob Carr, Premier No As above As above Letter to the Premier regarding implementation 7.3.00 Richard Jones, MLC, Chair of No of recommendations of the Inquiry General Purpose Standing Committee no 5 As above As above Letter to the Premier regarding the Inquiry 17.2.00 The Hon. John Ryan MLC No As above As above Reply to the Hon. John Ryan 3.2.00 Bob Carr, Premier No As above As above Letter to the Premier regarding the 10.2.00 Hon. Peter Breen, MLC, Hon Arthur No recommendations of the Inquiry Chesterfield-Evans, MLC, Hon Ian Cohen, MLC, Hon Alan Corbett, MLC, Hon Richard Jones, MLC,'Ms Lee Rhiannon, MLC, Hon Helen Sham- Ho, MLC, Hon Peter Wong MLC As above As above Reply to Hon. Peter Breen, MLC, Hon Arthur 28.2.00 Bob Carr, Premier No Chesterfield-Evans, MLC, Hon Ian Cohen, MLC, Hon Alan Corbett, MLC, Hon Richard Jones, MLC, Ms Lee Rhiannon, MLC, Hon Helen Sham-Ho, MLC, Hon Peter Wong MLC As above As above Letter to the Premier regarding the 14.1.00 Councillor G R Hedge, Mayor of No recommendations of the Inquiry Rockdale As above As above Copy of letter to the Minister for Roads 14.1.00 Councillor G R Hedge, Mayor of No regarding the recommendations of the lnquily Rockdale As above As above Copy of letter to Minister for Urban Affairs and 14.1.00 Councillor GJ Hedge, Mayor of No Planning regarding the recommendations of Rockdale " PROVISION OF DOCUMENTS HELD BY NSW HEALTH IN RELATION TO M5 EASTVENTILATION STACK, FOR COMPLIANCE WITH STANDING ORDER 18 <.
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