"'J:!!!!!!'C! Since the earliest days of motoring . Firestone have set the standard of reliability, economy, and safety . Today 's motorist, like his father and grandfather before him. looks to Firestone for EXTRA mileage and EXTRA reliab ility . Firestone can do this because their technicians are experts who make only tyres, there are no other products to cloud the issue. Tyres are the life blood of Firestone. they literally know them inside out. From their uniquely successful formula of tyre making has emerged the famous Firestone family of rad ial and crossply passenger car tyres. No other range of tyres caters for your individual requ irements qu ite like Firestone ... re·Y.oo~,~ Tt .. m r44 Vintage Car Club of N.Z. [Inc.] Vol XXI, No. 102 October-November 1976 NATIONAL EXECUTIVE President : N . C. Skevington Canty) 22nd YEAR OF PU BLlCATION Club Captain: A. D. Storer (Canty) Club Vice-Captain: M. H . Ferner (Wgtn) Hon. Secretary: Clynt Inns (Canty) Club Re gistrar : R. W. Sarchett, 597 Madras Street, Christchurch 1. Phone 66-511. IN THIS ISSUE Executive: Mes srs N. A. Dewhurst (Auckland), L. J. D. Priest (Hawkes Bay), L. B. Southward (Wellingto n). W. M. Birch (Wa nganui), President's Message 2 The Alan Woodman story 3 CLUB OFFICE Phoenix House, Early History of English Cars 7 82 Hereford Street, Christchurch Telephone 74·003 Book Reviews 11 Hours 12-4 p.m. A Touch of Madness 12 CLUB CORRESPONDENCE Irishman '76 Photos 16 Club correspondence, including members' CHANGES 1920s Heyday of Battery Power 18 OF ADDRESS, must be sent to The Vintage Car Club of N. Z . (In c.) Branch Notes 25 P.D. Box 2546, Christchurch, Classified Ads 34 Intending members should write to this address. All Beaded Wheels correspondence to P.O. Box 13140 BEADED WHEELS EDITORIAL COMMITTEE CLOSING DATE Chairman: Spencer Barnard. Closing da te for Dec ./Jan. issue, November 9th Committee: Gavin Bain, Geoff Hockley, Bruce Pidgeon, Bob Scott, Paul Giesler, Material for publication is the responsibility of thi s COVER PHOTO committee and should be forwarded to P.O. Box 13140, Jeff Clark's 1930 Murray bcdied Mod e l A Town Christchurch, typed or neatly printed, double spaced on Se dan, unresto red but t idy and in regular use . Photo one side of paper only. ta ke n a t Cu t le r Park in the Ca n te rbu ry Bra nch g rou nd s a t Mc Lea ns Island. Pum ph ou se and wind m ill Reports of restorations, events, road tests, historical and e rected as par t o f the deve lop me n t o f the site. technical articles welcome. No pa yment made to contributors. The opinions expressed in letters or articles in Beaded Wheels are the authors' own views and do not necessarily express the policy of the Vintage Car Club of N.Z. (Inc.) Beaded Wheels is the voice of th e Vintage Car movem ent in New Zealand and of the Clubs whose efforts are PRODUCTION fosteri ng and ever widening the inte rest of th is movement Beaded Wheels is published bi-monthly by Purse Willis and form rallying points for th at ever increasing band of enthusiasts. The fasc inati on of age itself or revulsion from & Aiken Ltd , Christchurch for the Vintage Car Club the flashy mediocrity of the present day is dra wing an of N.Z. Inc. at its editorial office , P.0 . Box 13140, increasing nu mber of motorists back to the individuality . Christchurch. solid worth, and functional elegance that was demanded by a more discr iminating generation and it is to these that Mailed free to all members. Annual subscription $3.00. th is magazine is dedicated . Individual copies and back numbers SOc. ADVERTISING Reg istered ot Post Off ice Hee d quarters Wellington Rate schedule availa ble on request to Advertising as a Magazine . Manager, p.a. Box 13140, Christchurch. Phone 67-346. From the President The main eve nt in the last two tak en an d a very int eresting week­ Rally at Nel son, and I expect, months has been the well attend ed end is ah ead of us. The following alon g with Executive member Annual Genera l Meeting ho sted year, 1978, G ore is to be the ho st Warren Birch, to visit T aumaru­ by the South Ca nterbury Bran ch Bran ch a nd the venue will be nui for the po ssible formation of at T ima ru. T he re was only one Queenstown. a sub-bra nch. Branch not rep resented and it was I understand there is a possibil­ A number of Bran ches have ple asing to see five from o ur most ity of a tour of New Zealand of still not registered their newsletter northern branch, Wh anga rei. Au stralian enthusiasts next yea r as a maga zine with the Post A ch an ge of rul e in respect of and the y would like the o ppor­ Offi ce. By d oing this postage is Po st Vintage Vehicl es was pa ssed tunity of a ttending some of our reduced by more than 100 0/., . and these vehicles are now events. Sh ould the tour tak e Your post office has particulars accepted in the C lub in the sa me place br anches will be advised of the procedure or you ca n con­ manner as veteran and vintage of the itinerary. tact me for details. vehicles. I am sure that the sta nd­ I ha ve recently changed my New traffic regulations come ard that has been set for P ost address to 17 Renfrew Street, into force next February a nd o ne Vintag e Vehicles will be main­ C hristchurch, 4, new ph on e num­ is the use of approved direction tained . ber being Christchurch 45-709. ind icators. It would appear that N ext yea r our AGM is to be In September Secreta ry Cl ynt th is requirement will only apply ho sted jointly by North Sh ore and attended the Northern Raid a t to vehicles first regi stered after Auck land . Al ready much p re­ North Sh ore while in October 1st July, 1967 . limina ry planning has been und er- Alan is to attend the Provincial NORM SKEVINGTON NEXT YEAR1S A.G.M. CALENDARS Auckland and North Sh ore Branches wh o are combining to ho st th e FOR 1977 1977 Conference and A.G .M . wish to remind us that it is not too The pop ular Vintag e Car Calendar s ea rly to start thinking of making plan s to ' be present at the big event. will agai n be available for next yea r. They are promising a super weekend. Th ese will be sim ila r to the 1976 issue with 6 beautiful glo ssy prints The Conference will be held on Au gust 12th, 13th a nd 14th and will in fu ll colour each 13 } x 10 " . be based on the Mon Desir Hotel a t T akapuna. Programme is as The cars fea tured are : follo ws: 19 08 DALGLEISH GULLANE FRIDAY EVE N IN G ­ 1933 ROLLS ROYCE PHANTOM II Registration and Get-together. 1904 SP EEDWELL 191 3 ARROL JOHNSON SATURDAY MORNING ­ 1902 DE DION BOUTON Executive Meeting or Bus Tour. 19 34 ALVIS Luncheon. A brief de scription of each car is SATURDAY AFTERNOON- -­ g iven. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. Here is an oppo rtunity to secure not only a useful calendar for ne xt year SA TURDAY EVENING­ but 6 ma qnificcrit colou r p ictures of Social a nd Buffet Dinner. these illustrious veh icles. These are ide a l for framing. SUNDAY MORNING - ­ Price (includi ng postage) on ly $ 1.4 0 . Executive Meeting continues. Calendars will be avail able in early Bus T our to Museum of Transport and Te chnolog y. Dec ember, but as supplies are Tour Returns to Hotel for Luncheon. limited ord ers sh ould be sent with payment as soon as poss ible to The N orth Shore and Au ckland Clubroorns will be o pen for Visitors Cal endar Orders during th e weekend a nd it is hoped to visit both clubrcorns on Sunday P.O. Box 13140, afternoon on the return tr ip to the Airport. Christchurch. If desir ed we will mail one to a All co rrespo nde nce to: - - friend. Th ese calendars make an The Re gistrar, 1977 A.G .M .Conference, P.O. Box 51133, Pakuran ga, ideal Christmas present-inexpen­ sive, useful and lasting a full year. Auckland. Your message will be enc losed. P AG E TWO The Alan Woodman story PART 5 A change of mounts for the 1917 racing season - Woodman establishes a new lap record at Marton - Canterbury Park draws the crowds - another Middleweight Championship to Woodman - a sensational finish to a great day of racing. by Geoff Hockley As the year drew to a close, the main topic in c.c. class, had returned to his old love, the Indian. motorcycling circles, and also among a large section after a patchy seaso n on Excelsiors, and his new of the general public, which had fallen for the sport eight-valve with a speci al low frame was a formid­ in a big way , was the forthcoming annual grass able-looking beast. while Jim Dawber's new mount track meeting at Canterbury Park, scheduled for was an exact replica of Colernan's except that it February 17,1917.
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