INDEX A Andover Theological Seminary (Mass.) 109 Aberdeen (Scotland) 170 Anesthesia 179; photo 176. See also Surgery and surgeons Abilene (Dickinson Co.) 49, 162, 248, 252, 254, 265 Annapolis (Md.) 167 Abolitionism 9, 28, 205, 210, 213. See also Proslavery/free- Anthony, Dan sidebar 256 state conflict Antibiotics 180, 182 Abortion 48, 57, 72–73 Anti-Masonic movement 33 “’A Brave and Gallant Company’: A Kansas City Hospital Anti-Monopolist 7 in France during the First World War”: article co- Anti-Saloon League 29 authored by Anthony Kovac, Nancy Hulston, Grace Anti-Semitism 34, 37, 42 Holmes, and Frederick Holmes 168–85 Antle, Jay: film reviewed by 137–39 Across the Continent: “Westward the Course of Empire Takes Antrim 172 its Way”: lithograph reproduced 6 Apartheid, in South Africa 60, 62 Adams, Franklin G. 13–14; photo 13 Apostolic Faith 118–19, 121; advertisement reproduced 120; Adams, John Quincy 32, 33 photo 119 Adams, Kevin: book by, reviewed 222 Appaloosa: DVD cover reproduced 131; reviewed 131–32 Advertising 62, 110, 259; political 58, 60, 62, 71, materials Argersinger, Peter H. 20 reproduced 56, 58, 59, 71, 72, No. 1 back cover; Arizona 171, 193 railroads, materials reproduced 2, 5, 17 Arkansas City (Cowley Co.) 162 Age of Reform, The: From Bryan to F. D. R. 20, 34, 36 Arkansas River 187, 188, 189, 190, 192–93, 195, 196–97, Agricultural Wheel 42 198–99, 200; map 196; photo 189 Agriculture 48, 49, 170, 190, 229, 241, 248, 249, 251; and Arkansas River valley 157, 188, 189, 190 embargoes 60, 62; equipment 160, 162, 193; and Art: Prairie Print Makers No. 1–4 inside front covers flooding 201–2; Kansas State Board of 195; photo 191; Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford, The: and politics 57, 194, 250, 264; and railroads 5, 31; and reviewed 128–31 roads 156, 157, 161, 163, 165, cartoon reproduced 158, Atchison (Atchison Co.) 213, 216, 261 stamps reproduced 163, No. 3 back cover; and science Atchison, David 213 41, 43; threats to 12, 14, 15; and urbanization 108–9, Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway 155, 156, 157, 159, 110, 113, 115, 121; U.S. Department of 155, 159. See also 188, 268; advertisement reproduced 270; photo 111 Farmers’ Alliance; Irrigation; Sugar industry Atlantic Ocean 232 Aguinaldo, Emilio 252 Atwood (Rawlins Co.) 49, 52, 53 Albaugh, Morton 257, sidebar 255 Audubon, John James: drawing by No. 3 front cover Alcohol 48; 100; 114–15, 205; and drunk driving 48, 62. See August: print by John F. Helm, Jr. No. 3 inside front cover also Prohibition Automobile Blue Book 166–67 Aldrich, Nelson 254 Automobiles: Automobile Blue Book 166–67; clubs 157, 161; Allen, Henry J. 191, 252, 264 photos 156, 157, 162, 165, 166. See also Roads Altringer, Arthur N. 171 Averill, Tom: film reviewed by 139–40 Ambulance trains 175, 177 Avery, William H. 49 American Expeditionary Forces 169 Azusa Street (Los Angles, Calif.) 107 American (Know-Nothing) Party 33, 214 American Populism: A Social History, 1877–1898 21 B American Sportfishing Association 73 Bailey Brothers and Company 267, 273 American Sugar Refining Company 253. See also Sugar Bailey, Curtis 267 industry Bailey, George 267 American System 32 Bailey, Ida Alice (Roudebush) 267; photo 269 Amity Canal (Colo.) 190 Bailey, Jean 267 Ammunition tax 195, 198 Bailey, Joseph 263 Anderson, John, Jr. 49 Bailey, Leah: photo 269 Andover (Butler and Sedgwick Cos.) 57 Bailey, Luther Chapin: article by 266–73; photos 269, 273 284 KANSAS HISTORY Bailey, Willis J. 254, 261, sidebar 255; photo 257 Bethel College and Bible School (Topeka) 118, 121; photo Bailyn, Bernard 11 122 Baird, W. David: book co-authored by, reviewed 147 Bethel Healing Home (Topeka) 119; advertisement Baker, Lucien 250, 251–52 reproduced 120 Bale, Christian 127–28 Bicknell, Gene 48, 57, 58, 60 Ball, Durwood: book co-edited by, reviewed 277 Big Blue River 236 Ballot initiatives 38 Binnie, John Fairbairn 170–71, 179–80; photo 170 Bancroft Prize 18, 23 Biographical Dictionary of Iowa, The: reviewed 219 Banking 37, 38, 156, 256. See also Economics; names of Birds. See Goose; Hunting; Waterfowl individual banks Black Citizen-Soldiers of Kansas, 1864–1901, The: reviewed 77 Bannister, Donald 172 Black, Donald 185 Baptism 118, 123, 243 Blacks 41, 42, 214; photos 116, 266; and Populism 27, 41, Baptist Church 43, 44 45; in Topeka 108, 112, 114–15 Barton County 187, 198, 264; photos 92, 191, 199 Blaine, James G. 248 Barton County Irrigation Company 190, 191 Blair, Francis Preston Jr. 97–98, 99, 100, 101; photo 97 Base Hospital No. 28. See U.S. Army Base Hospital No. 28 Blair, Francis Preston Sr. 97 Battle for Bunker Hill, The: poster reproduced 142; reviewed Blair, Montgomery 97 141–43 Bleeding Borders: Race, Gender, and Violence in Pre-Civil War Battle of Churubusco 212 Kansas: reviewed 275 Battle of Little Bighorn 132 Bleeding Kansas 206, 216, 217. See also Proslavery/free- Battle of Santiago Bay 258–59 state conflict Baum, L. Frank 139, 140 Blood Creek 201 Baxter Springs (Cherokee Co.) 116 Blue Lodges 207 Beard, Charles 22 Boer War 170 Bearman, Alan F.: “Charles M. Sheldon and Charles F. Boggs, Lilburn W. 228 Parham: Adapting Christianity to the Challenges of Bond, Richard “Dick” 65 the American West,” article co-authored by 106–23; Bonnie, Richard J.: book co-edited by, reviewed 218 films reviewed by 135–37; note on 107 Book Notes 87, 151, 223, 283 Bear River Salt Marsh (Utah) 197 Book Reviews 75–86, 144–50, 218–22, 275–82 Beatty, Bob 49; “’Being Close to the People’: A Boosterism: and roads, article on 154–67 Conversation with Former Governor Mike Hayden,” Bossism 251, 254, 256, sidebar 255–56 article edited by 46–74; note on 47 Boston (Mass.) 44 Beck, Paul N.: book by, reviewed 81 Boxer Rebellion 172 Before Earth Day: The Origins of American Environmental Boyd, McDill “Huck” 60 Law: reviewed 276 Braden, James D. “Jim” 56 “’Being Close to the People’: A Conversation with Former Brazil 170 Governor Mike Hayden”: article edited by Bob Beatty Brest (France) 183 46–74 Brewer, David J. 262, 263 Belgium 174 Brier, Jack 48, 57, 60 Bellaire Seminary (France) 173, 177, 179, 184; photo 174 Bright Epoch: Women and Coeducation in the American West: Belleville (Republic Co.) 164 reviewed 84 Belleville Telescope 164 Bristow, Joseph Little 191, 256, 260–61, 263–64; photo 193 Bell Memorial Hospital laboratories (Kansas City) 173 Britain 7, 28, 32, 37, 209, 241; army 170, 176. See also Great Beloit (Mitchell Co.): photo 160 Britain; United Kingdom Bennett, Robert F. “Bob” 55 Broken Treaties: United States and Canadian Relations with the Benson, Alfred W. 247, 265; photo 264 Lakotas and the Plains Cree, 1868–1885: reviewed 280 Benton, Thomas Hart 207; cartoon reproduced 206 Brooks, Karl Boyd: book by, reviewed 276 Bergman, Marvin: book co-edited by, reviewed 219 Broome, Jeff: book by, reviewed 220 Berlin (Germany) 170 Brown, Benjamin Gratz 97–98, 99, 100, 101, 104–5; drawing Best Theater (Topeka): photo 125, No. 2 back cover 98 Bethany College (Lindsborg) No. 4 inside front cover Brown, Dee 132 INDEX 285 Brown, Henry 262 Carter, James Earl “Jimmy” 54 Brown, John 124 Cartoons, political 207, 209–12, 213–14; reproduced 158, Brown University (R.I.) 109 206, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 215, 216, 253 Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka 124 Case, Nelson 4; photo 9 Browser’s Dictionary and Native’s Guide to the Unknown Catholic Church 44 American Language, A 206 Catlin, George 135 Bryan, William Jennings 27, 30 Cattle industry 155, 190, 250, 262; and emigration 232, 233, Buchanan, James 214; cartoon reproduced 215 234, 235, 236, 237, 238–39, 245 Buffalo 188; hunting 98 Cedar Crest (Topeka) 73; photo 65 Buffalo (N.Y.): photo 249 Centerville Township (Neosho County) 15 Buffalo Soldiers 124 Central Congregational Church (Topeka) 107, 110, 115; Bunker Hill (Mass.) 216 photo 114 Bunker Hill (Russell Co.) 142 Central Kansas Publishing Company 263 Bunten, William Wallace “Bill” 56; photo 55 Century Investment and Building Company 193 Burke, Paul E. “Bud” 58, 65; campaign material Chanute Times 3 reproduced 58 Chaplaincy services 176 Burma Road (Myanmar) 51 “Charles M. Sheldon and Charles F. Parham: Adapting Burton, Carrie Mitchell 264, 265 Christianity to the Challenges of the American West”: Burton, Joseph Ralph: article on 246–65; photo 246 article co-authored by Alan F. Bearman and Jennifer L. Burton, William W. “Willie” 238 Mills 106–23 Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee: DVD cover reproduced Cheatham, Gary L.: book reviewed by 80 132; reviewed 132–33 Cherbourg (France) 172 Bush, George H. W. 73 Cherokee Thoughts: Honest and Uncensored: reviewed 80 Bushwhackers 124 Cheyenne Bottoms: article on 186–203; maps 196, 200; photo 199 C Cheyenne Bottoms Game Preserve 199 Caldwell, Alexander 247 Cheyenne Bottoms Sportsmen’s Association, Inc. 197 California 155, 185, 229, 236, 265; Populism in 23, 29, 30, Chicago (Ill.) 29, 35, 155, 263 33, 35, 36, 41, 42, 43–44; and roads 65, 161 Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway Company 256 California Fruit Growers Exchange 29 Chicago 1893 World’s Fair 250–51 California State Alliance 31 Chickasaw Indians 262 Called and Empowered 123 Child, Lydia Marie 28 Cambodia 51, 52 Chisholm Trail 155 Campbell, Robert L. 237 Cholera 228, 232–34, 239–40, 241–43, 245 Camp Funston 183 Christian Church Hospital (Kansas City) 171, 185; photo Camp Merritt 172 173 Cam Ranh Bay (Vietnam) 52 Christianity and the Social Crisis 107 Canada 243; and roads 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167; and Christmas 185, 207, 266–73; card reproduced 183 waterfowl 198, 199 Church of Christ, Scientist 118 Cannon, Brian Q.: book by, reviewed 281 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS).
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