University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Alamogordo News, 1900-1913 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 12-22-1910 Alamogordo News, 12-22-1910 Alamogordo Print. Co. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/alamogordo_news Recommended Citation Alamogordo Print. Co.. "Alamogordo News, 12-22-1910." (1910). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/alamogordo_news/364 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Alamogordo News, 1900-1913 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Published Every Thursday if) tf)e Mo Beoutiful Towq iq New Mexico. VOL. XIV. No. 48 ALAMOOORDO, NE' THURSDAY MEXICO, , DECEMBER 22, 1910. PRICK 6 CENTS J A. MY "BACK FARM ID it) CHARITY 10 I0IAE EXCELLENT POLICY Of BOUNDARY muni f I ID CONTROVERSY IN SUNDAY If 01 Mill MAY NOI DEIAY GAME Formally, Solemnly Disappross Complication of Nervous Troubles Saturday Evening Post Pomts Semi-Week- out fcnsjsj of S .les Comm:fee is Democrat!. ly - Sails Congress Will Re . th Constitution C iuse of Death Reasons of Failures Very Encouraging From Albu'fierque Meridun as Boundary SIXTY DELEOATES FROM THE MASONIC BODIES NOT EVERY MAN FITS RECORD BRF.AKING VETERAN JOURNALIST ANOTHER SURVEY SIXTEEN COUNTIES CONDUCT FUNERAL IN ON A FARM CROWD TO ATTEND IS AT THE HELM MAY BE MADE Tin- - democrat nf Nee Mexico, John A. McKay, for three years A City-Bre- d fanner famishes The wnrinoa committee of th" The ssMlRf of KhS (ten n. Mexico D. C. Dec. 1.5. M organization, assembled in a pr mineateitiaeto nf Alanmgor thw compendium of hi ,),MI M ssner Chanty Ball Association met Ims - seen ms Th- i - se 9se en hi Menta la- -, Sa: 'I", : " w r' b see Men iinv'iiii'Mi ui died early Sunday hi SMI led I morning a small but Monday evening hrt ti a- - long the and lis. intimately acquaint- - at tin- - rime no poesihilitj rhe4 unlay. The tall fur a terfitortnl si the AkssonnweeV Hotel, Mr. fairly pr.. liable city - sigamsiti of I Mss ed th- - datht in with sewssnvsss esefi to the Mapsmi it r McKay wa h anseei the convention we mad" fur the eventy two years of dieing asina j sets it ami f d. It neglect ft ai tails. snsj eWee overlook the Ne v Mexic. bout, - t :l as pwnjNaa ascertaining th age, ami had beea Is sack wrtrb- - boagbt a farm within a mile nf decided tie- - ita at meeting that no lent nad Msaanets eswssasfijeetaMhmwd hp the - t- aseatiinlian tissessl af tin- rwaamiaasiee - ad health far se that farms that paid well; have work- nee rani mntn would be admitted at the that at the lasmaeiftg 4 n naa of Mexico In- - Bee will delay m ward the coi ititati in which ha- - lentil we m t a aeprise. The ed like u hor.e live yr-- : so ha ba l. tree. Tut- Nsws therefor candidate for psrhfic fi,vor. there hsndnf the approval af ten sat - bean sabmitt i f..r a vota, 'lie' fun. ral sen ice wa conducted in my wife; newer asnea a profit corrects its report of laat week, S,,',!I tnd candidly rut ion by congres, and the pr- - 1 krtf a pp r i of delegate! Was tli' parlors nf the A la mogo r do any year; farm now incumbered which w -- WM the effect that ladies hat the new paper tan. - d oit. made, and Hotel for is ; an invitation isued at half past two o'clock shoal all it worth would would lie admitted without for and what principies it WStll t h flft ml WSHIHIf g to all the COanttei ml dele- lion lay afternoon . Mr. McKay like a job as Her, in a city store, rhnrgs advocate or oppo-e- . ,,t.. The resolution introduced gates, in order to Meare an ex- - was a thirty second degree Ma-- n. but am too i. Id; besides, ' have The following list of In i the the the paper, of which this is the -- enate by Mr. Cul henna pressi. n representative of and wa in is-u- the the funeral service contracted rheumatism." : e. contributors to date the initial all j classes of of Texas provides for an appro-peopl- e whole charge (f What he bought was territory. the Masonic lod,e. really a , propo-ition- s, O. H. Evans, M. Hawkin-- and j J. all mat priation of 990,090 for a resun en- The onvention was composed interment was made in Alamo gold brick. Toother city-bre- d W. E. Carmack, Lee Jones, W. ters political, financial or social, and remarking of the of aboal delegates, pre-- oetnetery. men whose eastern iitj re thoughts turn to the Wol-tiiiL'e- will W. Mann. W. O. iioe.G. J. r, rereive snch attentkm and j boundary of New Mexico by a sensing sixteen of the twenty sil The McKays came to Alamo-con- n land we -- ay: you can lose your H. J. Anderson, W. II. consideration, in the way of al-- ! boundary commission on which ties. The convention was, gordo in December of 1907, and money as effectnal ly buying land lotmenf Holmes, 8, I. Watt. Dean of space in its columns, Texas and the I'nited State-- , but called to order in the afternoon bought the Alamogordo hotel a- - you can baying oil stock: in- as the importance Sheiry, Ja nes Weaver, Frank of th interests not New Mexico are to be repre- - by W. B. Walton, territorial I property. Finding that his health vestigate; taa that the land not W. Beach, J. C. Jones, H. S. involved may seem to demand, sented. This resolution declares chairman 'ol. John Y. Hewitt, j demanded a change of climate, land a mile away but the actual is Evans, K. K. 1'ratt, George It to be understood, however, the HWrd meridian to be the true nf White Oak-- , was elected tern-- j Mr. McKay loid the property in piece you are buying is suitable Weigele, Fred Qoldammer, Dr. that it will not devote columns: boundary and that is the same pornry chairmen, ami Eugenio June, 1900, and went to aoatbem to the kind of farming you have E. K. Jarvis, F. C. Bolineé', J. of space to fads, fanatical fan- line which the constitution of Uomero, .f Mora, temporary nee-- i California. Fimling no relief, i.i mind. I'nderstand that in M. Bowman, K. F. Balthis, R. cies, untried theories, or the New Mexico declares to be the retary. After the appointment he tried several other states, buying a farm you are buying a B. Armstrong, Clarence Hunter, dreams of enthusiasts. The prin- - boundary, the matter is only a of committee-- , the contention then finally returned to Alaiuo-to..- k job. The money you pay for the Stanley Phillips, ü. E. Mitchell, ciplesof all political, social and Question of fixine the true meridi. a recess until eight o'clock gordo last summer, when his title-dee- d gives you an opportu- ' L. K. Hughes, W. Walthall, C. economic affairs are too well an line. Thequestion that remains in the evening. sons I'erry and John, again took nity to apply your labor of hand M. Beecher, J. Ramsey, B M. known and too well esrablished to j i8 only as to what survey of the of- - charge of A wife, and head to soil. The following permanent j the hotel. and the The more allow Uuseell, W. E. of the squandering of al-- or Groom, S. M. time j line shall be accepted, the lieeis were elected: E. dc the two sons, I'erry and John, intelligent and efficient the lab- C Parker, J. L Lawson, E. II. Cox, talent on matters which, if leged faulty and incomplete one Baca, of San Miguel, chairman ; and a daughter, Mrs, Maud or, the more the soil will re- can-- ot F. M. true, be new, or mod-cann- Stanley, W. E. Warren, if new,.ot Clark, or one made with ot Eugenio Romero, secretary. The Brook , and Mrs. O. L. Seymour, spond. To unintelligent, ineff- be true. Enimett Hancock, Ben Hancock, ern instruments by an up-t- o date resolutions were drafted by the of Duncan, Okla., are the icient labor the best soil will Tinkle-paug- W. K. h, The democracy of the Stalcup, Waite editor of surveyor. It is pointed out in re-th- e delégale, J II. B. For- - mediate member! of the family yield little. You may apply Dr. J. R. Gilbert. Frank New Mexico State Democrat gard to the dispute that New of Bernalillo, W. B. Wei j Opoo whom the blow falls with seven th night-powe- r and three gusoii Polak, Wallace Baird, Logan is of standard quality the brand Mexico has no right or authority ton of Grant, J. H. Pa x ton of the greatest force. hand-powe- r, or seven hand pow- which Meeks, Al Henderson, W. H. bears the stamp and super-- i to cede to Texas some ouniMMJ Dona Ana, A. A. Jones of San He wa a tine old gentleman, er and three thought-powe- r : but Miller, T. C. New by, Harvey scription of Thomas Jefferson and! acres of government land and Miguel, H. Crist of Kio Arriba, genial, affable, cordial. Tall, you must put ten into the land J. Davidson 9, W. A. Hawkins, El Andrew Jackson and by it he that therefore the constitutional The constitution was declared soldierly in bearing and of to get ten out of ii.
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