249 Written Answers Sravana/8, 1913 (Saka) Written Answers ; 50 [English] but even that undertaking is not being ac- cepted. They were asked to give their op- SHRI HANNAN MOLLAH (Uluberia): tions and they gave their options. But they Mr. Speaker, Sir, I would like to draw are not being given alternative jobs. What through you the attention of the House and will happen to them ? They came to me. of the Minister of Commerce and the Employees in the age group of 45-50 came Minister of Textiles to the decision of the to me. They said that for no fault of Government to declare surplus all the Cen- theirs they are losing their jobs. And we tral Government employees in two depart- are told certainly that Dr. Subramaniam ments of the Government. 208 employees Swamy’s decision is being implemented. have already been declared surplus in You are not implementing the decision to Calcutta by the Export Inspection Agency. reinstate the dismissed workers on the plea If the decision is implemented in full, that that decision was taken by an earlier 2,000 employees will be declared surplus. Government. And this time, when getting rid of employees, you are scrupulously In the Textiles Department, JCI is also following the anti-workers decision of the going to declare surplus a large number of previous Government which was your employees in the north-eastern and eastern hand-picked Government. I want to know India. So, on these issues, I demand that the Government’s reaction on this matter. the Minister of Commerce and the Minis- Has the process started ? Is this the effect ter of Textiles takes note of the situation. of liberalisation, that the Government There is already a great resentment among offices will be closed one after the other the employees. and the workers will go to the streets with no alternative jobs, not even with It will create problems. It has come as proper retrenchment compensation ? a direct result of the new Economic Policy You are not giving compensation as VRS of the Government on liberalisation and which is being given by big public private the IMF dictated policy of reducing man- enterprises. What will these people do with power. This matter will have serious re- three months salary ? Therefore, Sir, this percussions. So, I demand that the Govern- is not a matter which should be just looked ment should withdraw that order and dec- into casually by the Government. They lare the surplus as null and void and all must seriously look into this matter and the employees should be retained. give their reaction. We want a categorical declaration that such a thing will not SHRI SOMNATH CHATTERJEE : happen in future and that retrenchment Sii, this matter had been raised eariler also will be stopped so that the whole matter but we do not find any response from the may be reviewed. (Interruptions) Government. I myself raised it and Mr. Chidambaram was there. But there is no [Translation] response. A total of 208 employees and officers of a Government organisation SHRI RAM VILAS PASWAN (Rosera): called the Export Inspection Agency have Mr. Speaker, Sir, Somnathji has rightly been served with notices of retrenchment said that the Government which cannot by giving them three months salary on the provide job has no right to remove any one from servee.........(Interruptions) plea that they have become surplus. When we are trying and when this country is [English] trying to export more, we are going to do away with an agency which will ensure the MR. SPEAKER : Mr. Anadi Charan quality of export goods. This is a strange Das is also on a very important point phenomenon. And what will happen to those employees ? They were asked to give - (Interruptions) an undertaking on whether they would be agreeable to join other places or establish- SHRI SAIFUDDIN CHOUDHARY : ments of the Government or not And Sir, the Minister should make a statement many of them gave such an undertaking on this matter. This is a human question. 251 Written Answers July 30, 1991 Written Answers 252 1 want to know as to whether there will ference has been made along with a refe- be any response to our demand or not. rence to the employees of the Export Ins- This is a very serious matter. (Interrup- pectorate. The JCI is to go in for the pur- tions) chase of raw jute from the market, lute season has already started in North Bengal and some other parts of the Eastern Region. SHRI SOMNATH CHATTERJEE : Is Though the jute season is already on, the getting rid of Government employees that JCI has not yet been given any instructions causal and easy matter ? Are you asking as to whether they would purc iase jute them to get out after putting 30 to 40 from the market or not. No operation in years of service ? How can it happen and this regard has been started and no instruc- what will they do ? What will 40 year old tions are given. On the other hand, it is or 50 year old employees or even 30 year being stated that the Government proposes old employees do ? Are you giving any to close down the JCI or at least contract alternative employment to them ? This is the operations of the JUCI. Last week alsc a very' serious matter. Sir, I do not wish I drew the attention of the Minister to it. to make it an issue of confrontation. But I I expect that there should be a reply fiom am appealing to the Government that this the Government's side on this very impor- is a matter where human element is invol- tant issue. Sir, while supporting the case ved and future of the Indian people and for the employees who have already been their families are involved. They are on retrenched, I want that the Government starvation. They are asking us. What will should make its position clear with regard be our reply to them ? I am asking the to the J C I... .(interruptions) Government to answer. They are saying that for no fault of theirs, they are being removed. (Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER : Please sit down. [Translation] SHRI MANORANJAN BHAKTA (Andaman-Nicobar) : Sir, this is a very SHRI CHANDRAJEET YADAV : Mr. serious matter and I have given you notice. Speaker, Sir, Please ask the Government to It is not a question of 208 persons getting make a statement on ?t. (Interruptions) retrenched. As the paper reported, about [English] 2,000 people will be retrenched once the new Trade Policy is implemented and ex- SHRI CHETAN P. S. GHAUHAN port inspection system is done away with (Amroha) : Sir, so far as the export of by the new Trade Policy This will affect sports goods are concerned, it is very es- the jobs of 2,000 employees who are pre- sential that the quality of the goods which sently employed in different parts of the are to be exported should be country. That is why, before implementing and there must be an agency which should any policy, it is very important for the monitor the quality of these goods. Government to see that nobody is retren- ched in this hour of crisis, when the prob- Otherwise, the reputation of the manufac- lem of unemployment is mounting up in a turers will go down and the orders that we bigger way. I demand that the Government get from the foreign countries will be can- should come out with an assurance that celled or reduced. Therefore, I suggest that these employees are not retrenched. this kind of an agency which is monitoring the manufacture and quality of these sports SHR1MAT! GEETA MUKHERJEE goods should be maintained. (Panskura) : On this question, all sides of the House do agree that it should be ~ SHRI CRITTA BASU (Barasat) : In viewed from the humanitarian angle. Since the 1 aft week only, I drew the attention of our national interests are seriously involved the Government with your pemtimkm to in this, I appeal to you that there should he problem being faced by the Jtiie Cor- be a consensus on not retrenching the em- x>n*tk>n of India, about which tome re- ployees. 253 Written 'Answers Sravana 8, 1913 (S^ka) Written Answers 254 DR. KAHTIKESWAR PATRA (Bala- - SHRI GUMAN MAL LODHA^ : sore) : Sir, vast areas of North Orissa in Sir, I would like to invite your atten- Balasore ....... (Interruptions) tion to the fact that on 12th March, 1991, Hon. Speaker gave a ruling MR. SPEAKER : This is what exactly in this House that a Committee was happens when everybody wants to speak at constituted, consisting of Justice IB the same time------ (Interruptions) Sawant, Justice P.D. Desai and Justice Chinnappa Reddy, for making enquires MR. SPEAKER : Will you please wait into the conduct of a sitting Judge of the for some time ? You may speak after some Supreme Court, Justice V. Ramaswamy on time. the basis of an impeachment petition filed by Hon Shri L. K. Advani and others. THE MINISTER OF HUMAN RE- SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (Shri Ariun Now, what has happened is that though Singh) : Sir, a very important point has the Committee is there but Justice Sawant been raised and it is obviously a question is not functioning because the Government which deserves close attention. of India has not issued the notification. Justice Sawant says that unless the notifi- SHRI RAM VILAS PASWAN : Sym- cation is issued by the Government of pathetic consideration too. India, a sitting judge of the Supreme Court cannot function.
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