cin20044.qxd 6/16/09 12:12 PM Page 197 ✓ ✓ NEWS Top NEWS OMAHA SYSTEM of standards, meaningful use of INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE electronic records, and partnership 2009 Drawer results were highlighted. The Omaha System International Applications of Standards Conference took place in Eagan, A standardized terminology such as MN, on April 16 to 18, 2009. Those the Omaha System is essential for attending were from Estonia, Hong documentation and information Kong, New Zealand, The Nether- management. International partici- lands, and 17 states. More than 40 pants described current initiatives representatives of practice, educa- to standardize and automate tion, research, and information tech- • healthcare documentation in their nology presented information about ESSENTIAL countries. The diverse initiatives their use of the Omaha System. They INFORMATION ON were designed to describe the recip- are employed in home care, public NEW PRODUCTS ients of service; quantify practice health, hospice, acute care, case and the outcomes of that practice; SOFTWARE management, long-term care, nurse- integrate clinical, statistical, and fi- managed centers, parish nursing, BOOKS nancial data; and communicate child care, and university settings. MEETINGS data efficiently and economically. The Conference was presented by The need for nurses and other INTERNET RESOURCES Martin Associates, and the school healthcare professionals to work as host was the University of Minnesota • partners with managers, adminis- School of Nursing (UMN-SoN). trators, system engineers, and soft- Partnership was the conference ware developers was emphasized. theme. Presentations focused on a healthcare services. The need for common goal: working in partner- data exchange and interoperability ship to improve the quality of permeated discussions. Applications Meaningful Use of Electronic Health Records Electronic health records (EHRs) demand standardization to capture data meaningfully. Clear, consis- tent, and accurate use of a stan- dardized terminology such as the Omaha System requires effort. Par- ticipants indicated that they se- lected the Omaha System because of the simplicity and comprehen- siveness of its three relational com- ponents (Problem Classification Scheme, Intervention Scheme, and Problem Rating Scale for Out- comes). Many speakers emphasized the need to have a vision, strategic plan, and adequate resources. They shared “lessons learned” during their planning, implementation, maintenance, and evaluation phases. As the rich discussions sur- rounding these lessons illustrated, FIGURE 1. Karen Monsen, poster presenter. new adopters can benefit from the CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing • July/August 2009 197 Copyright @ 2009 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. Copyright @ 2009 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. cin20044.qxd 6/16/09 12:12 PM Page 198 ✓ site, at workshops and conferences, CALENDAR Top Drawer in the literature, from vendors, and through networking. 2009 JULY 2009 July 13–17, 2009, 20th International Nursing Research Conference Focusing on Evidence-Based Practice, Cancun, Mexico. Sponsored by Sigma Theta Tau International, 550 W North Street, Indianapolis, IN 46202. For more information, visit the conference Web site at http://www. nursingsociety.org/STTIEVENTS/ RESEARCHCONGRESS/Pages/ congress.aspx. July 20–25, 2009, Informatics at the Point of Care—A Barrier or a Bridge? 19th Annual Summer Institute in Nursing Informatics, Baltimore, MD. Sponsored by the University of Maryland School of Nursing, Office of Continuing FIGURE 2. Standing L to R: Karen Martin, Karen Lindberg, Pam Correll, Judy Riemer, Karen Education, 655 West Lombard St, Monsen, Madeleine Kerr, Planning Committee; seated: Louis Henry, Jr, speaker Baltimore, MD 21201. For more information, visit http://nursing. umaryland.edu/sini/index.htm. insights gained by experienced Partnership Results Preconference sessions will be held users. Many resources are available Omaha System partnerships are July 20–22, 2009. online at the Omaha System Web achieving the kinds of results that administrators and decision makers expect from EHR data. AUGUST 2009 ✓ August 31– September 2, 2009, • State and local public health Medical Informatics in a United agencies and university and Healthy Europe: researchers are partnering to 22nd International Congress of evaluate the effectiveness of a the European Federation for statewide family home visiting Medical Informatics, Sarajevo, Your contributions to Top program using Omaha System Bosnia and Herzegovina. Sponsored Drawer (news, calendar intervention and outcomes data. by the Society for Medical Informatics items, products for review) • Systems engineers and home of Bosnia and Herzegovina. For care nurses in The Netherlands more information, visit are welcome. Send them to: are transforming care delivery for http://www.mie2009.org/. CIN Editorial Office their patients and measuring outcomes of care. 10A Beach Street Suite 2 SEPTEMBER 2009 • Public health administrators, Portland, ME 04101 September 17–18, 2009, Medicine university educators, state and 2.0: Web 2.0 in Health and Telephone: 207-553-7750 local public health staff, and Medicine, Toronto, Ontario, Fax: 207-553-7751 systems engineers are Canada. Sponsored by the E-mail: [email protected] developing partnerships to International Medical Informatics enhance data and practice Association, 5782-172 Street, quality for diverse community programs. 198 CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing • July/August 2009 Copyright @ 2009 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. Copyright @ 2009 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. cin20044.qxd 6/16/09 12:12 PM Page 199 ✓ NOTES FROM THE NET NOMAD . The Internet has brought the spirit of global commu- blogging and it started being about micro- nication and collaboration to nurses and other health- sharing across personalized networks.—The Social care professionals in ways never before thought possible. Enterprise blog: http://dwilkinsnh.wordpress. These resources are offered to expand your opportuni- com/2009/05/11/the-truth-about-twitter/ ties for discussion, reference, education, and research. I have been following articles about the applica- tion Twitter for a couple of years. The Web site How do you start? Go to the Twitter Web site describes it as the way to respond to the question (http://www.twitter.com) and create a free account. “What are you doing?” in 140 characters or less. Just as with a Listserv or discussion board, you are Early examples of Twitter messages, or “tweets,” not obligated to post, although the greatest value in consisted of personal bits and pieces of information social learning comes from the exchange of ideas. sent to the world at large and seemed silly. What The initial goal is to find and follow the messages relevance could it have to a clinical or education from individuals or groups with interests similar to setting? It took me a while to understand that it is yours. One list of healthcare twitter addresses is not the same as 1:1 “texting,” but it is an applica- “Twitter Doctors, Medical Students and Medicine tion to create short, information-rich posts to a related” at http://medicalstudentblog.co.uk/ central area that others can elect to follow either twitter-doctors-medical-students-and-medicine- online or by cellular phone. As with any Web site or related/. There are dozens of nurses, physicians, and blog, the challenge is to find those with similar inter- agencies using Twitter. The Centers for Disease ests and content you want to follow. As of this Control is on Twitter at http://twitter.com/ writing, there are more than a million Twitter CDC_eHealth, and The Healthcare Information and accounts, and it is finding a real place in education Management Systems Society (HIMSS) is at and healthcare. http://twitter.com/HIMSS. Phil Bauman, RN, A CINAHL search for the word Twitter yielded 13 published a free e-book called “140 Health Care articles. Diane Skiba’s article entitled “Emerging Uses for Twitter” at http://philbaumann.com/ Technologies Center. Nursing Education 2.0: 2009/01/18/free-ebook-140-health-care-uses-for- Twitter & Tweets. Can You Post a Nugget of twitter/. The Cleveland Clinic Continuing Medical Knowledge in 140 Characters or Less?” in Nursing Education department is using Twitter (http://twitter. Education Perspectives (http://nln.allenpress.com/ com/cleveclinic_cme) to post news and course pdfserv/i1536-5026-029-02-0110.pdf) would be my updates, and the Henry Ford Hospital used Twitter primary recommendation to someone curious about to “to provide real-time updates on a robot-assisted Twitter. It is an excellent, succinct introduction surgery” (http://www.ihealthbeat.org/Articles/2009/ to the application, and Dr Skiba gives several 2/10/Hospital-Uses-Twitter-To-Provide-RealTime- personal and published examples of how educators Updates-on-Surgery.aspx). are using Twitter. As with any Internet application, there are potential hazards. There have been reports of malicious links on David Wilkins, a social learning and computer- Twitter messages that can result in downloading mediated education consultant, wrote, infected files and phishing scams that attempt to In 24+ months and across 1000+ posts, I think capture user account information (http://news.cnet. I might have answered “What I’m doing” less com/twitter-phishing-scam-may-be-spreading/).
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