INVEST IN BANAT ZRENJANIN | VRSAC | KOVIN Adding Value through Linkages by the EU 01ABOUT KOVIN 02 GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION 03TRAFFIC INFRASTRUCTURE 04 ECONOMY IN KOVIN 05INDUSTRIAL ZONE 06 PORT ON THE DANUBE 07HONEY FROM DELIBLATSKA PEäÿARA 08 HUMAN RESOURCES 09EDUCATION 10/11 TOURISM, CULTURE 12/13 DELIBLATSKA PEäÿARA KOVIN Kovin is the eighth largest municipality in Vojvodina. It stretches over 725 square kilometers. It follows the Danube in the total length of 50 km and in the North comprises more than a half of Delibltska peãþɚra. Kovin has got an e[cellent geostrategic position. It¶s located at 50 kilometers from Belgrade, 34 kilometers from Pancevo and only 13 kilometers from Smederevo and has got good connections with these cities by road, rail and water traffic. The only bridge on the Danube¶s downstream from Belgrade to the Ĉerdɚp was built in 17 and Kovin became a vital link between Vojvodina and middle and southern Serbia. There is a military airport nearby Kovin, on the way to Belgrade, which is on sale and which in the future could be used as a cargo airport. The Danube 5iver¶s bayou , about 1. kilometers long, which passes close to the work zone of Kovin, is used as a port and winter quarters. 01 02 TRAFFIC INFRASTRUCTURE ROAD TRAFFIC Roads: The municipality has a great transit potential. With the construction of the bridge on the Danube, the municipality became an important crossroad. Nearby the town passes a dual carriageway M-24, with a tendency of growing into a highway. WATER TRAFFIC Water transport: The southern border of the municipality Kovin is the Danube, in the length of 50 kilometers, and is navigable through the whole course. The spatial plan envisages the construction of an international port on the Danube, which gives special importance to the municipality. AIR TRAFFIC Airport: the nearby military airport, which is on sale, hasn’t been used for a long period, in the future it can be used as a cargo airport. 03 ECONOMY IN KOVIN Kovin has been developed road transport, trade, metal industry, agriculture and construction. Strong economic potential of the municipality is agriculture, which relies on 42.5 thousand hectares of high quality arable land. Economic basis are in deposits of coal, gravel and peat. 7he most important companies were 8tva Silos, 5udniN Kovin, âampiNomp, ©3ilɚnɚª, ©+emofɚrmKoncernªbranch in 'ubovac, ©:est farmaceutiNal services %eogradªbranch in Kovin, ©1ɚãɚ Slogɚª, ©Silosª, ©-ugoprevo]ª, and :ater management company ©3odunavlMeª. The headquarters of public companies "Metal komunalac" and "Kovin gas" are also in Kovin. 04 INDUSTRIAL ZONE Smederevo 13km Belgrade 50 km Pančevo 30 km BLOCK 119 The *eneral urban plan of Kovin envisaged the construction of industrial ]ones on the surface of hectares, with the established work ]one located in the northern, northwestern and southwestern part of the settlement. ,n addition to the further development of e[isting facilities, these work ]ones will provide space for the development of new industrial, warehousing, transport and other facilities. 05 Port on the Danube The strategic concept of the Municipality of Kovin is to build a port on the Danube, both for current and future needs of the economy, and for other commercial areas. Corridor 7 is certainly a great advantage for Kovin in relation to other municipalities in the region. Construction of port is supported by the Ministry of Infrastructure of the Republic of Serbia and the Provincial Government. Its construction will enable sail of transoceanic boats of medium capacity, which will make Kovin a new center of Vojvodina traffic. 06 +one\ IroP DeOLbOtVNa Seãþɚra The product of honey bees is one of the brands that this region highlights ahead. %eekeepers are based in Delibltska peãþɚra, so they can guarantee the quality of honey which depends solely on a mixture of flowers and plants from which bees collect the nectar. Honey is used in nutritional and medicinal purposes due to high concentration of nutrients. )Oora oI DeOLbOatVNa Seãþara ZhLFh Juarantee JooG hone\ TuaOLt\ - Robinia pseudoacacia L. - Cornus sanguinea L. - Fraxinus spp. - Tilia spp. - Pinus spp. - Rhus cotinus L. - Rhamnus spp. - Juglans nigra L. - Juniperus virginiana L. - Crataegus monogyna - Betula verrucosa E. - Prunus mahaleb L. - Juniperus communis L. - Prunus spinosa L. - Populus spp. - Prunus serotina Ehrh. - Quercus spp. - Evonimus europaea L. - Cornus mas L. - Ligustrum vulgare L. - Morus spp. - Berberis vulgaris L. 07 HUMAN RESOURCES Education I II III IV V VI-1 VI-2 VII-1 VII-2 VIII degree 2.321 416 1.449 1.795 35 274 42 254 5 2 VII-1 VII-2 V VI VIII IV III II I Age 19 20-24 25-29 30-39 40-49 50 + 126 432 408 805 784 768 do 19 preko 50 20-24 25-29 40-49 30-39 08 EDUCATION 3 elementary schools 2 high schools 1 preschool There are two secondary, three elementary schools and one preschool institutions in Kovin. In Gymnasium, high school students are educated for the economic profession, and the Agricultural School facing the education of future employees who will manage large agricultural and environmental capacity of the municipality. 09 TOURISM Banks of the Danube, offers great possibilities for aqua sports, as well as for hunting - fishing tourism. Also, an environmental awareness is highly developed because of the richness of fauna and ornithology, especially in the field of special nature reserve 'HOLEODWVNDSHãþDUDZKLFKLVRYHUSHUFHQWRIWKHWHUULWRU\ORFDWHGLQWKHPXQLFLSDOLW\.RYLQ:LWKDIHZZHOONHSWJURXQGV DQGVSRUWVFRXUWVDPRGHUQVSRUWV+DOOWKHWRZQEHDFKRQDQDUWLILFLDOODNH©âOMXQNɚUɚªDQGDODUJHQXPEHURIUHVRUWV HVSHFLDOO\RQWKH'DQXEHDQGLQ'HOLEODWVNDSHãþDUDWKHPXQLFLSDOLW\RIIHUVH[FHOOHQWRSSRUWXQLWLHVIRUUHFUHDWLRQDQGUHOD[DWLRQ 10 CULTURE 7KHPHGLHYDOWRZQRI.RYLQZDVEXLOWRQWKHOHIWEDQNRIWKH'DQXEHRQWKHVPDOODUWLILFLDOKLOOZKLFKGRPLQDWHVWKHODUJHUVSDFH %DFNLQWKDWWLPH.RYLQZDVRIJUHDWLPSRUWDQFHIRUWKHGHIHQVHRIWKHVRXWKHUQERUGHURIWKH+XQJDULDQVWDWH7KHIRUWUHVV stood there until its demolition by provisions of the Belgrade Peace in 1739.Layout of fortress basics, and its youngest stages, has been preserved on Marsiljijev’s drawings from the eighteenth century. It was composed of two parts separated by a defensive moat. The southern part, which was nearly destroyed, was on an irregular triangular shape, and the northern part of WKHIRUWUHVVZDVDUHFWDQJXODUDUHDWKDWPHDVXULQJ[P7KHUHPDLQVRIWKHIRUWUHVVZHUHUHJLVWHUHGDVDFXOWXUDO PRQXPHQWRIJUHDWLPSRUWDQFHWRWKH5HSXEOLFRI6HUELDLQ 11 DELIBLATSKA PEŠČARA 'HOLEODWVNDSHãþDUDLVORFDWHGLQVRXWKHUQ%DQDW UHJLRQEHWZHHQWKH'DQXEHDQGWKHZHVWHUQVORSHVRI WKH&DUSDWKLDQV,WLVDERXWNPORQJDQGNP ZLGHDQGH[WHQGVDVDQHOOLSVHLQDVRXWKHDVW QRUWKZHVWGLUHFWLRQ$FFRUGLQJWRLWVRULJLQFOLPDWH IORUDDQGIDXQDVSHFLILFLW\'HOLEODWVNDSHãFDUD UHSUHVHQWVDXQLTXHSKHQRPHQRQLQ(XURSHDQGZDV RQFHFDOOHGWKH(XURSHDQ6DKDUD7KHLPSUHVVLYH VL]HRI'HOLEODWVNDSHãFDUDLWVEHDXW\DQGFRQVWDQW DOWHUQDWLRQRIFRORUVRIIORZHUVOHDYHVJURXQGDQG ZRRG\SODQWVPDNHVWKLVDQH[WUHPHO\GXQHUHOLHIYHU\ DWWUDFWLYH(YHU\ERG\DJUHHVWKDWWKLVDUHDLQWKH VRXWKHDVWHUQ%DQDWLVGLVWLQFWLYHDQGUDUHUHIXJHV 7KLVPRQXPHQWWRWKHKLVWRU\RIWKHQDWXUHRIWKH 3DQQRQLDQ3ODLQLVRQHRIWKHIHZKRPHVIRUPDQ\ VSHFLILFW\SHVRIIORUDDQGIDXQDZKLFKDUHQDWXUDO UDULWLHVLQ(XURSHDQGZRUOGZLGH 'HOLEODWVNDSHãþDUDLVDQLVODQGRIVWHSSHDQG IRUHVWVWHSSHZKLFKLVFKDUDFWHUL]HGE\DPRVDLFRI JUDVVVKUXEDQGIRUHVWKDELWDWV)ORUDRIWKLVDUHDLV UHIOHFWHGLQWKHH[LVWHQFHRIDERXWVSHFLHVRI KLJKHUSODQWVPDQ\RIZKLFKDUHUHOLFVDQGUDULWLHV DQGVSHFLHVWKDWDUHUHVWULFWHGLQWKHLUH[LVWHQFHRQ WKH3DQQRQLDQSODLQ2QO\KHUHLQUHODWLRQWRWKH ZKROHDUHDRI6HUELDH[LVW%DQDWSHRQ\VWHSSH SHRQ\3DQþLüZRUPZRRGDQGPDQ\RWKHUV VSHFLHVRIRUFKLGVIRXQGWKHLUKDELWDWKHUH 'XHWRWKHSUHVHQFHRIDODUJHQXPEHURIELUGVSHFLHV LQFOXGLQJPDQ\UDUHDQGHQGDQJHUHGWKLVDUHDLV OLVWHGDPRQJWKHPRVWLPSRUWDQWELUGKDELWDWVLQ (XURSHWKH,%$DUHD 1DWXUDOFKDUDFWHULVWLFVDQGXQLTXHQHVVRIWKLVUHJLRQ PDNH'HOLEODWVNDSHãþDUDVXLWDEOHIRUKXQWLQJ UHFUHDWLRQILVKLQJQDXWLFDOWRXULVPDPGHVSHFLDOO\ HFRWRXULVP,QRUGHUWRSURWHFWWKLVDUHD'HOLEODWVND SHãþDUDZDVQDPHGWKH6SHFLDO1DWXUH5HVHUYH 12 13.
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