OECEMBER 1964 COMING BACK? 60 CENTS aript ion Rotc _ YEAR $6.50 1 White to move and mate 2 Black to move and mate On the third day of Xmas, On the foul'th day of Xmas FOR XillAS TO YOU, THE BIG MOVE! you may get around to view· or t he reabouts , you may see Very often in a game, a chance arises for one big ing this position. It's not the solution to this position too hard, about par for a over your plum dufr. Against (decisive) move. As a Christmas treat, here are 10 quiz. Black has a piece for a Pawn and the Exchauge, -score yourself excellent for spotting all correctly; Pawns ; White has the nt· how do you win ? I t Is easy good for eight; fair for ·six. And may you enjoy tack. The attack works If enough to say already by you employ the Big Move. now, we do conjecture : rou many' for Christmas, too! Can you? Don't just stand just (chonls ilere! ) employ Solutions on page 361. there ! Play the move. the Big Move! 3 White to move and win 4 Black to move and mate 5 Wh ite t o move and wi n , Black to move an d win 'Tis the fifth day of Xmas The sixth day of Xmas On the seventh day of "The Big Move" theOl,}' is (did we say you h!we Xmas has this li ttle teaser for you Xmas- New Year's Day to jUst a bit lanle here. ,we'll itself ott and lhe next day lO take on- you can conjoin some- you may not feel fit admit. You can call It t \\- O to recuperate?), and time to it with another to sa\'e one eYen Cor this mild sort of Big ",loves or, better as we undertake the absolutely night free for New Year's problem. You are under a see It, shooting fO l' the Big guaranteed and foolproof eve! Yes, to be sure, It's mating threat, of course, Move in the future, At anr solution to this position. easy. We take the easy with have no dll'ect att aek worth and all rate, fol' the eighth Like the Chessboard Magic the hard, the subtle with the a plck·me-up and can't de­ day of Xmas, e xen youI' in­ one (page 361), this is a. try brutaL The main point here fend and win. So what? te ll ect and bring home the and one try only shot! Is to win fast. Do! Look for the Big Move! whole circus! 7 White to move and w in 8 Black to move and win 9 White to move and win 10 Black to move and win On the ninth day of X mas, On the tenth day of Xmas, The eleventh day of Xmas Now it's Twelfth Nighl! your true love Is really pack­ you ought really to be get­ we trust dawns auspiciOUsly ~ nd one last crack fol' you. aging Items for YOll. But ting the hang of things (if for you. and many of your This IlositiOll Is nothing so we ask you just to package you've stowed away the games tor the New Year as s pectaculal' as we'd desire this lillie Q.u itzer like a whiz­ pu·trldges, pear t ree and auspiciously as this. Your (Ql' a. finishing toucb. But zero An it takes. after all, all). So we expect every play Is obvious-obvious in it's different (a bit so, at is the Big Move~and one lit· reader to do his duty and any case-and especially so least) and leads cutely to tle item ot precaution tllere­ employ the Big "'love (call If you see the Big Move (n the Dig Move. 'Nuf! said­ after. Go to it! it, if you insist, movet;) 'here. due!) looming ahead, So exeept Happy New Yeal' to In other words, win! do you see it? you! CH 55 EVIEW V o l u me 32 N u m ber 12 D e.:ember 1964 C HESS MASTER VS. CH ESS A"''''TE\:R b " For lhe medium·e){ llerif' ncrd Il taya. Ihe EDITED &. P UBLISHED B V Dr. Max Euwe and Dr. /rl ailer Meiden: book is unique in Ihal i1 ~ h,,,,' ~ IHI'>" \ .. I. A. Horowitz 314 pages, 25 gamf'S : $5.95, Da vid McKay handle lII any pos i t i o n ~ fr equenl in ama · Ca., inc., New Yor k, New York. teur pla~' but almo81 never i ll nllH t"r play. Table of Contenls This is a work written specifically for Such lineS as the fo llow ing are taken up in amateurs wh o play other amateurs. Based detail: Game 2: 1 P~K4 , P ~K4 2 N~K B;-l. A n nua l I ndex . •. .. •• • . •. .. .• . • 382 on the theo ry that the hest way for the P~KB 3; Game 7: 1 P- K 4.• P- K4 2 Q- R5 : Belgrade T ournament . .. .. ... 367 amateur to meet the errors of other ama· Game 9: 1 P- Q4, P-Q4 2 P- QB4, P- K:~ Chessboard M ag ic! . ... • ....... 361 teurs is to study how a master would ex­ 3 P- B5; Game 10: I P- K4, P- K4 2 ploit those errors, Chess Master 11$. Chess N- KB3. N- QB3 3 8- 84. P- KR3 ; Game Chess Club Direct ory . .. .. .. .. 372 Amateur consists of a series of twenty.five 16: 1 P- Q4, P- Q4 2 P-QB4, Px P 3 P- KJ , Fiti'ish ing T ouch .. ... ... ...... 364 copiously annotated games betwee n master P- QN4 ; Games 19 and 20: 1 P- Q4, P-Q4 and amateur into which are woven com­ 2 P- QB 4, N- KB3. - Games f rom Recent Eve nts .. .. .... 373 ments which take up almost ,eYery aspect There are also detailed di scussions. wi th Post a l Chess . .• .. .. .. ... •.. • 377 of the nature of chess. Starting with games illustrations, of such basic conce pts as the against beginners, to show how to derive meaning of a tempo, the handli ng of an A Remarka ble Rou nd Robin ..... .. 360 the greatest advantage from gross errors, accumulation of power, the nature of a Solitaire Chess . .. .. .......... 371 it contin ues wi th games of stronger ama­ gambit, the technique of bui lding up 11 teurs whose errors are more subtle. Each proper center during the opening phase, Spotlight on Openings .. .. .. .... ... 362 game includes explanations of chess terms the technique of exploiting weaknesses, Tournament Cal endar ...... ....... 359 and deve lo ps concepts of chess and teaches the strength of the Two Bishops, the con· chess techniques. cepts of the Good Bishop and the Bad W or ld of Ch ess . ... .. .. .. .. ... .. 355 The book shows the weaker player how Bishop, the importance of neutl'ali:talion, to handle the most elementary chess situa­ the use of Ihe strong square. when to ex· tions and gradually develops his aware­ E x e C UTI V E EDITO R change, the proper use of open lines, Jack StnJey Ba tt'll! ness of what to look for in chess. In it Pawn-chain strategy and the imllortance CON TRIBUTI NG EDIT ORS are found explanations of such terms as of counter chances. A . B . B i.sguier, J. 'V. Collin., strategy, tactics, threat. pin, in·between· Moreover, certain opening lines are dis­ T, A. Dunst , Dr. ).I, Euwe, H a ns Kmoch. W. Karn, P. L. Rothenberg and mOVe, open lile. mating pattern, etc., and cussed in detail: such as the standard Dr. P. Trlfunovich. their applications in actual play. French Defense, including the Classical, CORRESPONDENTS the Winauer, the Alekhine and Lh e 3 P- KS Ala bama E. M. Cockrell. variations on the one hand, and, on the Al alka S. H. O·Nelll. Californi a Dr. H. Rabton. M. J. Royer. other, such odd ones as the Kin g Fian­ Colo rado J. J. Reid. chetto Defen se: 1 P- Q4, P- KN3, and the Di. trlct 01 Columbia R. S. Ca ntwell. Dou ble Fianchetto: 1 P-Q4, P- QN3 2 Flo rida R. C. Eutwood. Georgia Braswell Dew . P- K4, 8-N2 3 N- Q2, P-N3. Idaho R. So Vandenberg. There is also instructive treatm ent of 1111 noll J. G. Warren. Indiana D. C. Hl1ls. D. E. Rhend. comhinative moti fs, slich as the Bishop Io wa J. M. Oaness. sacrifice on KR7. Ka nns K. R. Ma.cDonald. Loul.iana A. L. McAuley. In short, the book contains a greal deal Maine L. Eldrld&,e. of material of interest to the amateur, Mary land Charles Bal'Rsch. Dr. \ V. R. BundiCk. much of which is essential to understand· Mauachu lett. R. B. Goodspeed. ing the game and cons.iderable of which is Miehigan R. BuskaKer. not found in the traditional cheSS book. Minn n ota R. C. Gon. MinllllppL E. A. Durni ng. The various topics are highlighted by a Nebruka B. E. Ellsworth. Jack Spe nce. very useful, complele index al Ihe end, Nevada R. L. Wheeler. New Hamp.htre Ralph lIf. Gerth. pages 106 to 114. New York Bldward Lasker. H. M. Ph!l1lps. JA r. K ST]lALEY B ATTEJ. L North Ca rolina Dr. S. Nobli n. f\l orth Dakota D. C. l\Iacdonald. Oh io R. B. Ha.yell. J. R. Schrodel·. Oklahoma J. Haley. IT'S YOUR MO VE ! Pennaylva nl a J. E. ArllUl tron&'. Remember! Gi ve us six week, not ice of So uth Carolina Prof.
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