THE PART BORNE BY THE DUTCH IN THE DISCOVERY OF AUSTRALIA 1606-1765. BY J. E. HEERES, LL. D. PROFESSOR AT THE DUTCH COLONIAL INSTITUTE DELFT PUBLISHED BY THE ROYAL DUTCH GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY IN COMMEMORATION OF THE XXVth ANNIVERSARY OF ITS FOUNDATION (No. 19. Little map of the world from the Journal of the Nassau fleet, 1626) LONDON LUZAC & CO, 46 GREAT RUSSELL STREET W. C. 1899 (ebook produced by Colin Choat) CONTENTS. Page Images in English Page Images in Dutch List of books, discussed or referred to in the work List of Maps and Figures Introduction DOCUMENTS: I. Dutch notions respecting the Southland in 1595 II. Notices of the south-coast of New Guinea in 1602 III. Voyage of the ship Duifken under command of Willem Jansz(oon) and Jan Lodewijkszoon Rosingeyn to New Guinea.--Discovery of the east-coast of the present Gulf of Carpentaria (1605-1606) IV. Fresh expedition to New Guinea by the ship Duifken (1607) V. Voyage of the ships Eendracht and Hoorn, commanded by Jacques Le Maire and Willem Corneliszoon Schouten through the Pacific Ocean and along the north-coast of New Guinea (1616) VI. Project for the further discovery of the Southland--Nova Guinea (1616) VII. Voyage of de Eendracht under command of Dirk Hartogs(zoon). Discovery of the West-coast of Australia in 1616: Dirk Hartogs-island and -road, Land of the Eendracht or Eendrachtsland (1616) VIII. Voyage of the ship Zeewolf, from the Netherlands to India, under the command of supercargo Pieter Dirkszoon and skipper Haevik Claeszoon van Hillegom.--Further discovery of the West-coast of Australia (1618) IX. Voyage of the ship Mauritius from the Netherlands to India under the command of supercargo Willem Jansz. or Janszoon and skipper Lenaert Jacobsz(oon). Further discovery of the West-coast of Australia.--Willems-rivier (1618) X. Further discovery of the South-coast of New-Guinea by the ship Het Wapen van Amsterdam? (1619?) XI. Voyage of the ships Dordrecht and Amsterdam under commander Frederik De Houtman, supercargo Jacob Dedel, and skipper Reyer Janszoon van Buiksloot and Maarten Corneliszoon(?) from the Netherlands to the East- Indies.--Further discovery of the West-coast of Australia: Dedelsland and Houtman's Abrolhos (1619) XII. Voyage of the ship Leeuwin from the Netherlands to Java.--Discovery of the South-West coast of Australia.--Leeuwin's land (1622) XIII. The Triall. (English discovery)--The ship Wapen van Hoorn touches at the West-coast of Australia.--New projects for discovery made by the supreme government at Batavia (1622) XIV. Voyage of the ships Pera and Arnhem, under command of Jan Carstenszoon or Carstensz., Dirk Meliszoon and Willem Joosten van Colster or Van Coolsteerdt.--Further discovery of the South-West coast of New Guinea. Discovery of the Gulf of Carpentaria (1623) XV. Voyage of the ship Leiden, commanded by skipper Klaas Hermansz(oon) from the Netherlands to Java.--Further discovery of the West-coast of Australia (1623) XVI. Discovery of the Tortelduif island (rock) (1624?) XVII. Voyage of the ship Leijden, commanded by skipper Daniel Janssen Cock, from the Netherlands to Java. Further discovery of the West-coast of Australia (1626) XVIII. Discovery of the South-West coast of Australia by the ship Het Gulden Zeepaard, commanded by Pieter Nuijts, member of the Council of India, and by skipper Francois Thijssen or Thijszoon (1627) XIX. Voyage of the ships Galias, Utrecht and Texel, commanded by Governor-General Jan Pieterszoon Coen.--Further discovery of the West- coast of Australia (1627) XX. Voyage of the ship Het Wapen van Hoorn, commanded by supercargo J. Van Roosenbergh.--Further discovery of the West-coast of Australia (1627) XXI. Discovery of the North-West coast of Australia by the ship Vianen (Viane, Viana), commanded by Gerrit Frederikszoon De Witt.--De Witt's land (1628) XXII. Discovery of Jacob Remessens-, Remens-, or Rommer-river, south of Willems-river (before 1629) XXIII. Shipwreck of the ship Batavia under commander Francois Pelsaert on Houtmans Abrolhos. Further discovery of the West-coast of Australia (1629) XXIV. Further surveyings of the West-coast of Australia by the ship Amsterdam under commander Wollebrand Geleynszoon De Jongh and skipper Pieter Dircksz, on her voyage from the Netherlands to the East Indies (1635) XXV. New discoveries on the North-coast of Australia, by the ships Klein- Amsterdam and Wesel, commanded by (Gerrit Thomaszoon Pool and) Pieter Pieterszoon (1636) XXVI. Discovery of Tasmania (Van Diemensland), New Zealand (Statenland), islands of the Tonga- and Fiji-groups, etc. by the ships Heemskerk and de Zeehaen, under the command of Abel Janszoon Tasman, Frans Jacobszoon Visscher, Yde Tjerkszoon Holman or Holleman and Gerrit Jansz(oon) (1642- 1643) XXVII. Further discovery of the Gulf of Carpentaria, the North and North-West coasts of Australia by the Ships Limmen, Zeemeeuw and de Bracq, under the command of Tasman, Visscher, Dirk Corneliszoon Haen and Jasper Janszoon Koos (1644) XXVIII. Exploratory voyage to the West-coast of Australia round by the south of Java, by the ship Leeuwerik, commanded by Jan Janszoon Zeeuw (1648) XXIX. Shipwreck of the Gulden or Vergulden Draak on the West-coast of Australia, 1656.--Attempts to rescue the survivors, 1656-1658.--Further surveyings of the West-coast by the ship de Wakende Boei, commanded by Samuel Volckerts(zoon), and by the ship Emeloord, commanded by Aucke Pieterszoon Jonck, (1658) XXX. The ship Elburg, commanded by Jacob Pieterszoon Peereboom, touches at the South-West coast of Australia and at cape Leeuwin, on her voyage from the Netherlands to Batavia (1658) XXXI. Further discovery of the North-West-coast of Australia by the ship de Vliegende Zwaan, commanded by Jan Van der Wall, on her voyage from Ternate to Batavia in February 1678 XXXII. Further discovery of the West-coast of Australia by the ship Geelvink, under the skipper-commander of the expedition, Willem De Vlamingh, the ship Nijptang, under Gerrit Collaert, and the ship het Wezeltje, commanded by Cornelis De Vlamingh (1696-1697) XXXIII. Further discovery of the North-coast of Australia by the ships Vossenbosch, commanded by Maarten Van Delft, de Waijer under Andries Rooseboom, of Hamburg, and Nieuw-Holland or Nova-Hollandia, commanded by Pieter Hendrikszoon, of Hamburg (1705) XXXIV. Exploratory voyage by order of the West-India Company "to the unknown part of the world, situated in the South Sea to westward of America", by the ships Arend and the African Galley, commanded by Mr. Jacob Roggeveen, Jan Koster, Cornelis Bouman and Roelof Roosendaal (1721- 1722) XXXV. The ship Zeewijk, commanded by Jan Steijns, lost on the Tortelduif rock (1727) XXXVI. Exploratory voyage of the ships Rijder and Buis, commanded by lieutenant Jan Etienne Gonzal and first mate Lavienne Lodewijk Van Asschens, to the Gulf of Carpentaria (1756) INDICES. (Persons, Ships, Localities) LIST OF MAPS AND FIGURES. No. 1 Gedeelte der (Part of the) Orbis terrae compendiosa describtio No. 2 Gedeelte der (Part of the) Exacta & accurata delineatio cum orarum maritimarum tum etjam locorum terrestrium, quae in regjonibus China...una cum omnium vicinarum insularum descriptjone ut sunt Sumatra, Java utraque No. 3 Zuidoostelijk gedeelte der Kaart (South-eastern part of the Map) Indiae Orientalis Nova descriptio No. 4 Caert van (Chart of) 't Land van d'Eendracht Ao 1627 door HESSEL GERRITSZ No. 5 Uitslaande Kaart van het Zuidland door HESSEL GERRITSZ (Folding chart of the Southland). No. 6 Kaart van het Zuidland van (Alap of the Southland by) JOANNES KEPPLER en PHILIPPUS ECKEBRECHT, 1630 No. 7 Kaart van den opperstuurman AREND MARTENSZ. DE LEEUW, der Zuidwestkust van Nieuw Guinea en der Oostkust van de Golf van Carpentaria (Chart, made by the upper steersman Arend Martensz. De Leeuw, of the Southwest coast of New-Guinea and the East-coast of the Gulf of Carpentaria) No. 8 Kaart van (Chart of) Eendrachtsland, 1658 No. 9 Kaart van (Chart of) Eendrachtsland, 1658 No. 10 Kaart van (Chart of) Eendrachtsland, 1658 No. 11 Kaart van de Noordzijde van 't Zuidland (Chart of the North side of the Southland), 1678 No. 12 Opschrift op den schotel, door Willem De Vlamingh op het Zuidland achtergelaten (Inscription on the dish, left by Willem De Vlamingh at the Southland), 1697. No. 13 Kaart van het Zuidland, bezeild door Willem De Vlamingh, in 1696- 1697 door ISAAC DE GRAAFF (Chart of the South-land, made and surveyed by Willem De Vlamingh in 1696-1697) No. 14 Uitslaande kaart van den Maleischen Archipel, de Noord- en West- kusten van Australië door ISAAC DE GRAAFF (Folding chart of the Malay Archipelago, the North- and West-coast of Australia) 1690-1714 No. 15 Kaart van (Chart of) Hollandia Nova, nader ontdekt anno 1705 door (more exactly discovered by) de Vossenbosch, de Waijer en de Nova Hollandia No. 16-17 Kaarten betreffende de schipbreuk der Zeewijk (Charts, concerning the shipwreck of the Zeewijk) 1727. No. 18 Typus orbis terrarum uit GERARDI MERCATORIS Atlas...De Novo...emendatus...studio JUDOCI HONDIJ, 1632. No. 19 Wereldkaartje uit het Journaal van de Nassausche Vloot (Little map of the world from the Journal of the Nassau fleet), 1626 LIST OF BOOKS DISCUSSED OR REFERRED TO IN THE WORK. Aa (PIETER VAN DER), Nauwkeurige Versameling der gedenkwaardigste Zee- en Landreysen na Oost- en West-Indiën, Mitsgaders andere Gewesten (Leiden, 1707). S. d. B. Historie der Sevarambes...Twede druk. t'Amsterdam, By Willem de Coup (enz.). 1701. Het begin ende voortgangh der Vereenighde Nederlantsche Geoctroyeerde Oost-Indische Compagnie (II). Gedruckt in 1646. BURNEY, Chronological history of the voyages and discoveries in the South Sea, Deel III (London, Luke Hansard, 1813). Bandragen tot de taal- land- en volkenkunde van Nederlandsch Indië, nieuwe volgreeks, I (1856). A F. CALVERT, The Discovery of Australia. (London, Liverpool, 1893).
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