THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 18, 1856. 3751 OTICE is hereby given, that a separate Michael Mile End, in Colchester, in the said N building, named the Wesleyan Chapel county of Essex, at or about three hundred and situated at the High-town, in the parish of Mil- fifty yards to the east of the bridge on the eastern derihall, in the county of Suffolk, being a building side of the Colchester Passenger Station, by certified according to law as a place of religiou which the railway is carried over the public road worship,, was, on the 13th day of November leading from Colchester to West Bergholt and 1856, duly registered for solemnizing marriages Nayland. therein, pursuant to the Act of 6th and 7th Wm A railway commencing by a junction with the IV., cap. 85. said first-mentioned intended railway, in the said Witness my band this 17th day of November, 1856 parish of Pitsea, about six hundred yards from the Wotton Isaacson, Superintendent Registrar. junction of such first-mentioned intended railway OTICE is hereby given, that the Registry oj with the London, Tilbury, and Southend Exten- the building named the Israelites Chapel, sion Railway, and terminating by a junction with situatN e in Paradise-square, in the township oi the said London, Tilbury, and Southend Exten- Sheffield, in the parish of Sheffield, in the county sion Railway, at or near the Pitsea Station, all in of York, in the district of Sheffield, for solemniz- the said parish of Pitsea. ing marriages therein, having been cancelled by A railway commencing in the parish of Cold the Regjstrar-Qenerai, pursuant to the Act of 6th Norton, by a junction with the said first-men- and 7th Wm. IV., c. 85, marriages can no longer tioned intended railway, at or near the road leading be solemnized in the said building. from Snoreham, in the county of Essex, to a place Witness my hand this 13th day of November, 1856. called Three Ashes, at a point about three hun- Joseph Spencer, Superintendent Registrar. dred yards eastward of the junction with such road near Three Ashes aforesaid of a road from Cold Norton Church, passing from, in, through, or into the several parishes, townships, and extra- Tilbury, Maldon, and Colchester Railway. parochial places of Cold Norton, Purleigh, Mundon, (Construction of Railways from the London, Latchington, Snoreham, North Fambridge, Al- Tilbury, and Southend Extension Railway at thorn, Mayland, Creeksea, Crixea, or Cricksea, Pitsea to Maldon, and from thence to the Southminster, Ostend, and Burnham, or some of Eastern Union Railway at Colchester; Branches them, in the county of Essex, and terminating in to Burnham and Hythe, Colchester; Incorpora- the said parish of Burnham, on the south-eastern tion of Company; Powers to use the Eastern side of the town of Burnham, at or in the river Union Railway from Colchester to Woodbridge; Crouch, upon a pier to be constructed into such Working Arrangements with the London and river from a point on the river or tidal bank Blackwall Railway Company and Lessees of the distant about one hundred yards, measured along London, Tilbury, and Southend Extension the line of such bank from the lane leading to . Railway; Powers to make Works in and im- such bank from the road between Burnham and prove River Crouch, or contribute towards Burnham Wick; and for the purposes of such improvements; and Amendment of Acts.) railway, it is proposed to construct a pier, with OTICE js hereby given, that application is jetties, landing stage, cuttings, embankments, and intended to be' made to Parliament, in the works in the said river Crouch, in the said parish ensuinN g session, for an Act to incorporate a Com- of Burnham, at and near the intended termination pany for making and maintaining the following of the said last-mentioned railway. railways and other works, or some of them, or A railway commencing by a junction with the some part or parts thereof; that is to say: said first-mentioned intended railway, at .a point ' A railway from and out of the London, Tilbury, in the parishes of Bere Church, otherwise Beer and Southend Extension Railway, in the parish of Church, West Donyland, Saint Mary at the Walla, Pitsea, in the county of Essex, commencing by a Holy Trinity, Saint Botolph, and Saint Giles, junction therewith at or about seven hundred Colchester, or some or one of them, at or near yards to the westward of the Pitsea station, pass- Mill-street otherwise Butt-road, or the road being ing from, in, through, and into the several parishes, the continuation of Mill-street toward the village townships, and extra-parochial places of Pitsea, of Layer, about four hundred and thirty yards to Vange, Bowers, Bowers G-ifford, Nevendon, the south-west of a windmill in Mill-street, called Laindon, North Benfleet, Wickford, Rawreth, Butt Mill, passing from, in, through, or into the Hockley, Runwell, Rettendon, Woodham Ferris, several parishes, townships, and extra-parochial otherwise Woodham Ferrers, Stow Saint Mary's, places of Bere Church otherwise Beer Church, otherwise Stow 'Maries; North Fambridge, West Donyland, Saint Mary at the Walls, Holy Cold Noi*ton, Purleighj Hazeleigh, Saint Mai'y Trinity, Saint Botolph, Saint James, Saint Peter, Maldon, Saint Peter Maldon, Spitall, Bee- Saint Mary, Saint Martin, Saint Runwald, Saint .leigh, All Saints Maldon, Mundon, Hey bridge, Nicholas, Saint Giles, Saint Mary Magdalen, and Langford, Great Totliam, Little Totham, Saint Leonard's, Colchester, or some of them, in Gqldhanger, Tolleshunt Major otherwise Beck- the county of Essex, and terminating at or near irigham," Tolleshunt D'Arcey, Toliesbury, Tol- the river Colne, at or near the bridge over the leshurit Knights, Salcot,J Virley, Wigborough, river, called Hythe-bridge, in the said parish of' Great Wigborough, Little Wigborough, Layer Saint Botolph and Saint Leonard's or one of them. Marney, Layer Breton, Great Birch, Layer de la A railway commencing by a junction with such Hay, Peldon, Abberton, Bere Church otherwise ast-mentioned intended railway, at or near the Beer Church,1 West Donyland, Colchester, Holy mill dam to the east of the mill caUed Cannock's Trinity, Saint Maryj Saint Mary-at-the-Walls, Mill, in the said parishes of Saint Giles and Saint All Saints, Saint Botolph, Saint Giles, Saint Peter, Botolph, or one of them, and terminating at or Saint Martin, Saint Runwald, Saint Nicholas, near the River Colne, near to and on the south- Saint James, Saint Mary Magdalen, Saint ast side of certain making-houses belonging to Leonard, Lexden, Mylarid otherwise Saint Michael William Warwick Hawkins, John Bawtree the Mile End, No Man's Land, Greenstead, Wivenhoe, younger, and Charles Henry Hawkins and Sarah or some "of them, in the county of Essex, and ter- lis wife, some or one of them, and in the occupa- minating by a junction with the Eastern Union ion of John Garrad, all in the said parishes of Railway, in the parish of Myland otherwise Saint Saint Botolph and St. Giles or one of them. A 2.
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