Vol. LVIII Allentown, PA Friday, October 19, 2018 No. 16 Legal Notice Edition 1 THE COURT The Hon. Edward D. Reibman, President Judge The Hon. Robert L. Steinberg, Judge The Hon. J. Brian Johnson, Judge The Hon. Kelly L. Banach, Judge The Hon. James T. Anthony, Judge The Hon. Maria L. Dantos, Judge The Hon. Michele A. Varricchio, Judge The Hon. Douglas G. Reichley, Judge The Hon. Melissa T. Pavlack, Judge The Hon. Carol K. McGinley, Senior Judge LEHIGH LAW JOURNAL (USPS 309560) Owned and Published by THE BAR ASSOCIATION OF LEHIGH COUNTY 1114 Walnut Street, Allentown, PA 18102 www.lehighbar.org SARAH M. MURRAY, President JAMES J. KOZUCH, President-Elect ROBERT P. DADAY, Vice President BUDDY LESAVOY, Secretary MICHAEL S. DAIGLE, Treasurer SUSAN G. MAURER, Historian THOMAS F. TRAUD, JR., Law Journal Committee RAY BRIDGEMAN, Executive Director MATTHEW KLOIBER, Case Editor Copyright © 2018 Bar Association of Lehigh County The Lehigh Law Journal is published every Friday. All legal notices must be submitted in typewritten form and are published exactly as submitted by the advertiser. Neither the Law Journal nor the printer will assume any respon- sibility to edit, make spelling corrections, eliminate errors in grammar or make any changes in content. The Law Journal makes no representation as to the quality of services offered by any advertiser in this publication. Legal notices must be received at 1114 W. Walnut St., Allentown, PA 18102, before 4 p.m. the preceding Monday. Telephone (610) 433-6204. Advance issues $100.00 per year. Single copies $2.00. Payment of annual dues to the Bar As sociation of Lehigh County includes year’s subscription to Lehigh Law Journal. Printed at 206 S. Keystone Ave., Sayre PA 18840 Periodical postage paid at Allentown, PA 18102 and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Lehigh Law Journal, 1114 W. Walnut St., Allentown, PA 18102. 2 LEHIGH LAW JOURNAL ESTATE AND TRUST NOTICES Executor: Richard A. Bluis, Notice is hereby given that, in the 1325 Carriage House Road, estates of the decedents set forth below, Middletown, PA 17057. the Register of Wills has granted letters Attorney: David C. Miller, Jr., testamentary or of administration to Esq., 1846 Bonnie Blue Lane, the persons named. Notice is also Middletown, PA 17057, (717) 939-9806, e-mail: hereby given of the existence of the [email protected]. trusts of the deceased settlors set forth below for whom no personal represen- tatives have been appointed within 90 Gaffney, James L., Jr., dec’d. days of death. All persons having Late of Orefield. claims or demands against said estates Executor: John J. Gaffney. Attorneys: Donald LaBarre, Jr., or trusts are requested to make known Esquire, Gross, McGinley LLP, the same, and all persons indebted to 111 E. Harrison St., Suite 2, said estates or trusts are requested to Emmaus, PA 18049. make payment, without delay, to the executors or administrators or trustees or to their attorneys named below. Hannon, Stephanie M., dec’d. Late of Lower Macungie Town- ship. FIRST PUBLICATION Co-Executors: Michele E. Brunner, Margery, dec’d. Whitbeck and Brian T. Hannon Late of Whitehall. c/o Eric R. Strauss, Esquire, Co-Personal Representatives: Worth, Magee & Fisher, P.C., Sharon Benner and Sandra 2610 Walbert Avenue, Allen- DiDona c/o Peter P. Perry, Es- town, PA 18104. Attorneys: Eric R. Strauss, quire, 1600 Lehigh Parkway Esquire, Worth, Magee & Fish- East, 1E, Allentown, PA 18103- er, P.C., 2610 Walbert Avenue, 3097. Allentown, PA 18104. Attorney: Peter P. Perry, Es- quire, 1600 Lehigh Parkway East, 1E, Allentown, PA 18103- Isaac, Elsie L., dec’d. Late of Bethlehem. 3097. Executor: Jonathan R. Isaac, 5564 Karen Dr., Bethlehem, PA Cressman, Thelma M., dec’d. 18017. Late of Washington Township, Attorney: Joseph A. Corpora, III, Slatington. Esq., 100 N. 3rd St., Ste. 502, Executor: Rodney R. Cressman Easton, PA 18042. c/o Keith W. Strohl, Esquire, Steckel and Stopp LLC, 125 S. Keyser, Elwood R. a/k/a El- Walnut Street, Suite 210, Slat- wood Russel Keyser, dec’d. ington, PA 18080. Late of Allentown. Attorneys: Keith W. Strohl, Es- Administrator: George T. Key- quire, Steckel and Stopp LLC, ser c/o Rebecca M. Young, 125 S. Walnut Street, Suite 210, Esq. and Lia K. Snyder, Esq., Slatington, PA 18080. Young & Young, 119 E. Main Street, Macungie, PA 18062. Dieffenbach, Mary Virginia Attorneys: Rebecca M. Young, a/k/a M. Virginia Dieffen- Esq. and Lia K. Snyder, Esq., bach, dec’d. Young & Young, 119 E. Main Late of the City of Allentown. Street, Macungie, PA 18062. 18 LEHIGH LAW JOURNAL Koch, Charles E., Jr., dec’d. Robinson, Tyrone, Jr., dec’d. Late of Whitehall. Late of Allentown. Executor: Michael P. Koch c/o Administrator: Kevin Robinson Charles W. Stopp, Esquire, c/o Hilary Fuelleborn, Esq., Steckel and Stopp LLC, 125 S. 745 Yorkway Place, Jenkin- Walnut Street, Suite 210, Slat- town, PA 19046. ington, PA 18080. Attorneys: Hilary Fuelleborn, Attorneys: Charles W. Stopp, Esquire, Luskus & Fuelleborn, Esquire, Steckel and Stopp LLC, 745 Yorkway Place, Jenkin- 125 S. Walnut Street, Suite 210, town, PA 19046. Slatington, PA 18080. Schwartz, Frank J., Jr. a/k/a Kromis, Lorraine G. a/k/a Lor- Frank J. Schwartz a/k/a raine Kromis, dec’d. Frank John Schwartz, dec’d. Late of Whitehall. Late of North Whitehall Town- Executrix: Audrey L. Schell, ship. 4441 Lehigh Drive, Walnutport, Executors: Carolyn I. Oswald PA 18088. and Frank G. Schwartz, Jr. c/o Attorney: Daniel A. Miscavige, Charles A. Waters, Esq., Steck- Esquire, 67 N. Church Street, el and Stopp LLC, 125 S. Wal- Hazleton, PA 18201. nut Street, Suite 210, Slating- ton, PA 18080. Attorneys: Charles A. Waters, Kuhns, Alton R. a/k/a Alton Esq., Steckel and Stopp LLC, dec’d. Robert Kuhns, 125 S. Walnut Street, Suite 210, Late of Allentown. Slatington, PA 18080. Executor: David A. Kuhns, P.O. Box 406, Washington Crossing, Snyder, Betty a/k/a Betty W. PA 18977. Snyder, dec’d. Late of Whitehall. Moore, Donald E., dec’d. Co-Executors: Donald L. Weber Late of Allentown. and Barbara W. Williams c/o Executor: Stephen Carl Moore. Jeffrey F. Hussar, Esquire, 946 Attorneys: Robert M. Knauer, Third Street, Whitehall, PA Esquire, Knauer & Davenport, 18052. 143 North Eighth St., Allen- Attorney: Jeffrey F. Hussar, town, PA 18101. Esq., 946 Third Street, White- hall, PA 18052. Pavlis, Frank E., dec’d. Late of Salisbury Township. Wieand, Donald R., dec’d. Executrix: Deborah S. Skeans Late of Allentown. c/o Fitzpatrick Lentz & Bubba, Administratrix: Nancy J. Long P.C., 4001 Schoolhouse Lane, c/o The Roth Law Firm, 123 P.O. Box 219, Center Valley, North Fifth Street, Allentown, PA 18034-0219. PA 18102. Attorneys: Fitzpatrick Lentz & Attorneys: Robert B. Roth, Bubba, P.C., 4001 School- Esquire, The Roth Law Firm, house Lane, P.O. Box 219, 123 North Fifth Street, Allen- Center Valley, PA 18034-0219. town, PA 18102. 19 LEHIGH LAW JOURNAL SECOND PUBLICATION Andrew, Esquire, Schoffstall Elder Law, 2987 Corporate Boehm, Robert F. a/k/a Robert Court, Suite 200, Orefield, PA Francis Boehm, dec’d. 18069. Late of Schnecksville. Attorneys: Sarah M. Andrew, Executrix: Janice L. Boehm c/o Esquire, Schoffstall Elder Law, Sally L. Schoffstall, Esquire, 2987 Corporate Court, Suite Schoffstall Elder Law, 2987 Corporate Court, Suite 200, 200, Orefield, PA 18069. Orefield, PA 18069. Attorneys: Sally L. Schoffstall, Eichler, Sandra H., dec’d. Esquire, Schoffstall Elder Law, Late of Macungie. 2987 Corporate Court, Suite Executor: George R. Eichler c/o 200, Orefield, PA 18069. Norris McLaughlin P.A., 515 West Hamilton Street, Suite Cummins, Eleanor P. a/k/a El- 502, Allentown, PA 18101. eanor Patricia Cummins Attorneys: Judith A. Harris, a/k/a Eleanor Cummins, Esquire, Norris McLaughlin dec’d. P.A., 515 West Hamilton Street, Late of Emmaus, Upper Milford Suite 502, Allentown, PA 18101. Township. Executrix: Debrah Nancy Stel- Hahn, Roland G., dec’d. lato f/k/a Debrah N. Cummins Late of Alburtis. c/o Judith A. Harris, Esquire, Administrator: David W. Hahn, Norris McLaughlin, P.A., 515 W. 1324 Katherine Lane, West Hamilton St., Suite 502, Allen- Chester, PA 19380. town, PA 18101. Attorney: Kristofer M. Metzger, Attorneys: Judith A. Harris, Esquire, 6666 Passer Rd., Suite Esquire, Norris McLaughlin, #3, Coopersburg, PA 18036- P.A., 515 W. Hamilton St., Suite 1258. 502, Allentown, PA 18101. Handschue, Frederick R. a/k/a Daly, John T., Sr., dec’d. dec’d. Late of Whitehall. Frederick Handschue, Executrix: Evelyn Visperas. Late of Allentown. Attorneys: Reilly Wolfson Law Executor: Robert A. Handschue Office, 1601 Cornwall Road, a/k/a Robert Handschue c/o Lebanon, PA 17042. Barry N. Mosebach, Esquire, Mosebach, Funt, Dayton & Doup, Carol Sue Dry a/k/a Duckworth, P.C., 1620 Pond Carol Sue Doup, dec’d. Road, Suite 75, Allentown, PA Late of New Tripoli/Lynn. 18104. Administratrix: Zarah Elizabeth Attorneys: Barry N. Mosebach, Beishline, 8025 Kings Hwy., Esquire, Mosebach, Funt, Day- New Tripoli, PA 18066. ton & Duckworth, P.C., 1620 Pond Road, Suite 75, Allentown, Dunlevy, Robert John a/k/a PA 18104. Robert J. Dunlevy, dec’d. Late of Allentown. Hare, Bonnie Lea a/k/a Bonnie Executrix: Rebecca Seiden- L. Hare a/k/a Bonnie L. Moy- berger a/k/a Rebecca Kathleen er, dec’d. Seidenberger c/o Sarah M. Late of Emmaus Borough. 20 LEHIGH LAW JOURNAL Executrix: Lenore H. Hare, Neubauer, Robert C., dec’d. 3315 Hope Drive, Emmaus, PA Late of the Township of White- 18049. hall. Attorney: Leo K. Howell, III, Robert C. Neubauer Revocable Esquire, 3001 Easton Avenue, Trust Dated August 12, 1996 Bethlehem, PA 18017. as Amended and Restated. Trustee: Helen K.
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