50 Years of Service to Thematic Philately American Topical Association American Topical Association 50 Years of Service to Thematic Philately Reprinted from Topical Time Fifty Years of ATA Handbooks (January-February 1999) History of ATA Affiliates (March-April 1999) History of ATA (May-June 1999) © 1999 2 Behind the Scenes Jerry Husak In 1944 at the age of twelve,· I was first exposed to a public stamp exhibition and con- This is a reprint of an article by Jerry vention of national scope in Milwaukee. Husak, ATA # l, appearing in the Having collected stamps for only a short peri- November-December 1959 issue of od of time prior to this exhibition, I was real- Topical Time. It was prefaced with the fol- ly impressed and determined some day to play a lowing explanation: "We have always role myself in the hobby. My parents gave me been ultra conservative about using space in more than the usual encouragement fully Topical Time for personal matters or to talk realizing the wonderful educational potentials about ourselves and our problems, but we of stamp collecting. hope you will excuse this breach of our editorial policy as the following insic<: story As time passed, I realized, as so many of ATA and its background is partic- ularly other collectors do, that it is impossible to col- 11tting for publicatjon now at the close of lect the world at large. Topical collecting won ATA's lOth anniversary year." Only my favor. I tried to find out all I could about minor revisions have been made so that the it. There were few published works on various article now commemorates ATA's phases, but not sufficient to satisfy my hunger 50th anniversary. for knowledge. I joined several national soci- eties, but didn't find too much. At the time, topical collecting was not as generally recog- information by way of articles, checklists, and nized in philately as it is today. columns. "There must be others like myself," I Many hundreds of members aided other mused, "that arc looking for guidance in form- members in this way, to say nothing of the ing a topical collection. Why don't we get fine contributions to topical philately which together and share our information through a have been made by ATA officers, committee united body of topical collectors?" Thus was chairs, Chapter and Unit leaders, and mem- horn the idea of the formation of the American bers who have worked splendidly together for Topical Association in 1949. the cause of topical philately. To all of them I Since I was only seventeen at the time, the say "Thank You!" For fear of slighting any- idea at 11rst received but luke-warm reception one and because of the length of the list, I will from my parents [Gertrude and Lawrence not specitlcally name those who deserve great Husak]. They felt such an organization would credit for having rendered an invaluable ser- take too much time away from my studies, vice to their fellow topicalists by participating physical exercise, sports, and other high in ATA activities. school recreation activities. But when they saw my determination and enthusiasm, they promptly came to my aid with help in many forms. which continued over the years. In my five years (1944 to 1949) in philate- ly. I developed correspondence with a number of other collectors and 11gured that further contacts could be made through announce- ments in the philatelic press. "Who knows, perhaps through the formation of ATA, as many as 200 topical collectors might come together for mutual aid and exchange of infor- mation, ideas and stamps." The early days were not easy. Many peo- ple had to be convinced that topicals deserve a place in philately. Gradually through hard work and promotion. more and more collec- tors realized the merits of topical collecting. One of the most convincing tools was the pub- licatibn of Topical Time, where members Birthplace of ATA and 1949-1955 Office could share with their fellows topical stamp 3306 North 50th Street in Milwaukee 3 I first worked at home in my bedroom on a part-time basis, with ATA gradually consum- ing more and more of my time as my parents had so wisely anticipated. I had to ·give up most social activities and sports, and devote most of my time to ATA and schooling, the former generally taking more time than the latter, much to the consternation of my par- ents. They issued an ultimatum. Either I main- tain good grades in school or I quit ATA activities. With this over my head, I had no choice for I would not give up the joyous work in ATA. It was my life, my chief inter- est, my everything! With the patience and understanding of my parents, both with phys- ical, mental, and financial aid along with con- tinuous encouragement once they knew this was not a youthful whim but a real ambition. Imanaged with the help of other ATA officers and workers to carry on the good work and Gertrude and Lawrence Husak Photos still graduate with a 91 average from high and Autographs on a 1955 Cachet school and with cum laude honors from col- lege. accident while carrying a heavy load of publi- cations to the ATA booth, caused a permanent Dad helped nourish the ATA "baby" in its back condition requiring monthly medical infancy and spent over $3,500 of his money to attention. help promote ATA through its lean years; he Not only was space at a premium, so was also donated a great deal of his time and that of his private secretary-all with no expecta- time. ATA was consuming more than a nor- tion of repayment or remuneration, except to mal work week, even while I was in college; this put quite a strain on my physical see the joy of my progress with ATA. endurance. With relief and gladness in the I converted my bedroom into an office. thought that ATA would be my full time work From 1949 to 1955, Iused as a typing-table a henceforth, Igraduated Bachelor of Science in child's desk which I had already outgrown, business administration in 1954. To serve and a chair which left much to be desired pos- ATA better with more advanced management ture-wise. With a chronic back ailment, Iwon- knowledge, I continued my schooling on a der how Icould have actually worked in this limited part-time basis one or two nights a manner for five years. As space was limited, I week taking a long four years to receive the used an old bookcase to house supplies and degree of Master of Business Administration ATA publications. in 1958. The addressing machine was high atop my From 1954 onwards, I had more time .to dresser which I operated by standing on a low devote to the improvement of ATA services stool, since there wasn't room for more furni- and publications both in quantity and quality. ture. Work in process was laid out on the bed Soon, time was almost as limited as before as I during the day as a temporary table only to be took on more responsibility. I never was sat- cleared off each night before retiring. isfied with what ATA had to offer, and I was Exceptionally large mailings, such as always looking for new ways to help topical solicitations for membership and the mailing collectors and make topical collecting a more of Topical Time and topical handbooks, had to enjoyable and educational way to collect. be handled on the large dining room table, By 1955, ATA virtually burst out of our sometimes with all three boards inserted in it. home at 3306 North 50th Street, and I looked Good-natured Mother tolerated this for rea- for an inexpensive office. Dad, who had long sonable periods, but I must admit there were advised me on major ATA policies, frowned many times that ATA mailings took prece- dence on the idea, believing that it would cost ATA over the next meeting of Mother's vari- ous too much. Up to then I agreed for the most women's clubs at our house. Mom and Pop part, wholly or in p rt, with my fat er's .sage always pitched in to get the mailings out. advice drawn on h1s 35 years of busmess As time went on, space in my bedroom experience; but this time, by necessity, I had disappeared. I had to put surplus quantities of to go against his wishes. Despite this move, envelopes, back issues of Topical Time, and which proved beneficial to ATA in the long topical handbooks in the attic, dragging these run, I am deeply indebted to him for the con- heavy boxes up to the third floor. This, plus a tinued iessons in frugaiity and use back injury received at a stamp show from an funds, which he taught me over the years. 4 When I set ou t to fi nd a n office, I soon found how right Pa was. Desirable offices were at a premium far beyond ATA's pocket- book. Finally by agreeing to answer a lawyer's phone as a free service,.l secured for ATA a 12' x 18' office adjoining the lawyer's of fice for a very reason abl e s u m. It was locat- ed at 1 602 West Well s St reet in M i lwa u kee. The of fice permi tted me to prov ide more effi- cien t man age men t of t he Associ atio n.
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