Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences 1 (2012 5) 3-12 ~ ~ ~ УДК 1(091) + 378.4(470.5):1 The Faculty of Philosophy of Ural Federal University: History, Events, People Boris V. Emel’yanov and Alexander V. Pertsev* Ural Federal University 51 Lenina str., Ekaterinburg, 620083 Russia 1 Received 15.07.2011, received in revised form 16.10.2011, accepted 27.11.2011 The article presents a historical review of creation and life of the faculty of philosophy of Ural State University (Ural Federal University at present). Special attention is paid to the current state of innovative, educational and scientific activities of its chairs. Keywords: faculty of philosophy, dialectical and historical materialism, history of philosophy, sociolinguistics, religious studies, legal philosophy, philosophical anthropology. The faculty of philosophy of Ural University worked in the department of propaganda and is the third faculty of philosophy in Russia after agitation as a secretary of the Communist party St. Petersburg and Moscow; it has its own history, of Belarus. His transfer to Sverdlovsk and the features of institutionalization and contribution appointment as the head of the department of to the history of Russian philosophy. philosophy of Ural University was a kind of Although the actual date of its foundation is exile, the reason for which was his signature 1965, its story began much earlier. under the obituary of Mikhoels, a famous Sverdlovsk was recognized as a cultural director deceased in Minsk. His contribution to and scientific center of the Urals after the Great the development of Philosophy in Ural University Patriotic war. Many famous scientists, including is doubtless. Firstly, M. T. Iovchuk, already a philosophers (most of whom were leaders of well-known historian of Russian Philosophy, the major party at the same time), worked in corresponding member of the Academy of its universities and numerous academic and Sciences of the USSR, created a center to study industrial research institutes. Russian philosophy in Sverdlovsk and devoted The chair of philosophy in Ural University several volumes of ‘’USU Academic Notes’’ was created in 1943 by Solomon Zaharovich to philosophy. Secondly, he organized courses Katsenbogen (1889-1946), who taught at it for post-graduate students. G. Mokronosov, from 1939 until his death. He was replaced on I. Sushkov, F. Sadykov were his first post- his position of the head of the chair by Mikhail graduate students, who later became very well- Trifonovich Iovchuk (1908-1990), who previously known professors of philosophy. * Corresponding author E-mail address: [email protected] 1 © Siberian Federal University. All rights reserved – 3 – Boris V. Emel’yanov and Alexander V. Pertsev. The Faculty of Philosophy of Ural Federal University… At the same time Dmitry Ivanovich of USU, also brought him glory. This course Chesnokov (1910-1978), who worked as a was published in Moscow in 1959 and reissued secretary of Sverdlovsk city committee of in 1960. For many years it was a tutorial book the party, delivered lectures on philosophy of for students who studied Marxist philosophy. history of Russian philosophy at the university. These were intellectual preconditions internal Mikhail Nikolaevich Rutkevich was his graduate to USU, which contributed subsequently to the student in 1947-1948. Later he organized the organization of the faculty of philosophy at the faculty of philosophy in USU. Finally, Vladimir university. Semenovich Krujkov (b. 1905) was another There were parallel external socio- historian of Russian philosophy. He worked at humanitarian factors of its organization. the chair of philosophy of the university in 1955- As M. N. Rutkevich writes, the sphere of 1961, replacing M. T. Iovchuk at the position of humanitarian sciences significantly lagged its head. In these same years, the chair of logic behind the sphere of natural sciences in the and psychology was created at the faculty of 60ies. “In spite of the fact that a number of history and philology. This chair was headed universities in Sverdlovsk had prepared good by G. A. Кursanov (1914-1977). This chair and specialists in philology, history, economics, the university-wide chair of philosophy both law, pedagogy, however major scientific were educating staff of the future faculty of schools in these fields of knowledge did not philosophy. exist in the city, and there was not a single Before the faculty of philosophy was institute of humanitarian profile in the system founded, a new laboratory of sociology (one of of the Ural branch of the Academy of sciences. the first in the country) had been organized at There was no training of specialists in the the chair of philosophy; this circumstance was a disciplines of philosophical cycle (namely in specific feature in the development of philosophy philosophy, ethics, aesthetics, sociology, logic, in Ural University. Employees of this laboratory religion) not only in the city, not only in the studied the relations between plans of young Urals, but also on the whole vast territory to the people for their future life and structures of the east from Moscow and up to the very eastern educational system, as well as plans of enterprises borders of the country. Meanwhile, the need for on social development, territories and sectors of training specialists in this field of knowledge industry. The collective monograph “The Rise of was felt more acute with the rise of trends of Cultural and Technical Standards of the Working independent, non-dogmatic thinking in the Class in the USSR” was the first result of work of society “ (see: Rutkevich, 2003. P. 36-38). this sociological laboratory. The faculty of philosophy was created After the departure of M. T. Iovchuk to on this generally positive background. In the Moscow in 1953, the chair of philosophy was beginning, the department of philosophy at the headed by M. N. Rutkevich (1917-2009), who by historical faculty was established, and then the time defended his candidate thesis “Practice as the faculty of philosophy proper was founded. the Basis of Knowledge and Criterion of Truth”; Moscow authorities were a bit alerted by the the work was published in 1952 in Moscow and creation of a new philosophical faculty, but the soon was translated in five languages. The course support of the local body of the party and high of lectures on dialectical materialism, which scientific and teaching potential of the USU’s he read to the students of the faculty of physics department of philosophy and Sverdlovsk on the – 4 – Boris V. Emel’yanov and Alexander V. Pertsev. The Faculty of Philosophy of Ural Federal University… whole let the new faculty start its glorious history textbook “Dialectical materialism”, published on September 1st, 1965. in 1973, went through two editions, and it was Mikhail Nikolaevich Rutkevich quite the first textbook for philosophical faculties in naturally became the first dean. His disciples our country. The chair of historical materialism and researchers always wrote about him as about headed by professor L. M. Arkhangelsky was a scientist and a dean. We shall give just one organized in the same 1966, bringing together quotation about him: “The autonomy of the faculty philosophical specialization in historical was formed in the era of M. N. Rutkevich – the materialism and ethics. After the departure of autonomy, which was supported from inside by L. M. Arkhangelsky this chair was headed by the dedication of each one of us (at least many) Professor G. P. Orlov over the next 15 years. to do research, to write candidate and doctoral The beginning of the 60’s was an interesting dissertations, to teach also on the basis of those period in the history of aesthetics. Unilateral new scientific results, which had been obtained epistemological and political-ideological as a result of the efforts of the teacher himself. concepts of art, naturalistic approach to aesthetic M. N. Rutkevich was a favorite lecturer, a strict but phenomena had been left in the past. Aesthetics fair dean for students as well as an ideal scientist, provided new guidelines for the development of administrator and teacher” (Skorobogatsky, its axiological and semiotic dimensions. The chair 2008). of aesthetics headed by professor A. F. Eremeev The USU’s faculty educational program was created in 1966 at the faculty in line with differed from programs of the faculties of new theoretical-methodological orientations. Its philosophy of the Moscow State University and scientific direction was determined by two topics: Leningrad State University. It was implemented “Analysis of aesthetics as a multi-level system of by a combination of interconnected advantages subject-object value relations” and “Analysis of art of the domestic system of education formed in as a complex poly-functional operational system”. the soviet time, such as solidity, scientific nature, In 1974 A. F. Eremeev became the chairman of connection with the practice and needs of the the Council on problems of aesthetics and culture society. For example, the basic courses of natural of the State Committee on Higher Education of sciences were a significant part of the curriculum, the Russian Federation. and such prominent scientists, as academicians The chair of history of philosophy was S.V. Vonsovsky. S.S. Schwartz, A. T. Mokronosov, headed by professor K. N. Lyubutin from the were reading these courses. The courses of moment of its foundation in 1969.The general general and national history were not forgotten direction of scientific research was “The as well: M.M. Syuzumov, V.V. Adamov and Problem of man and humanity in the history of M.A. Polyakovskaya read them. philosophy”; it was formed on this chair owing Several specialized departments with their to organizational activity of its leader. The own subjects of scientific research were established investigation of the problem was reflected in at the faculty. The chair of dialectical materialism seven collections of articles named “Historical emerged under the leadership of M.N.
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