PLANNING COMMITTEE AGENDA Wednesday 5th November 2014 at 10.30am in the Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Hartlepool. MEMBERS OF PLANNING COMMITTEE: Councillors Ainslie, S Akers-Belcher, Barclay, Cook, Dawkins, James, Lilley, Martin-Wells, Morris, Payne and Springer. 1. APOLOGI ES FOR A BS ENC E 2. TO RECEIV E ANY DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST BY MEMBERS 3. M INUT ES 3.1 To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 1st October 2014. 4. ITEMS REQUIRING DECISION 4.1 Planning Applications – Assistant Director (Regeneration) 1. H/2014/0354 For mer Coastguards Office, Moor Terrace (page 1) 2. H/2014/0163 Meadowcroft, Elw ick Road (page 15) 3. H/2014/0179 Meadowcroft, Elw ick Road (page 47) 4. H/2014/0177 Land at Brenda Road (page 63) 5. H/2014/0308 Land off Station Road, Greatham (page 75) 6. H/2014/0367 Heugh Gun Battery, Moor Terrace (page 87) 7. H/2014/0427 34 Bolton Grove (page 97) 4.2 Appeal at Quarry Far m, Hartlepool TS26 0LH – Assistant Director (Regeneration) www.hartl epool.gov.uk/democraticser vices 5. ITEM S FOR I NFORM ATION / DISC US SION 5.1 Hartlepool Tree Strategy 2011-2016 Progress Report – Assistant Director (Regeneration) 5.2 Appeal at Low Throston, Hart Lane, Hartlepool – Assistant Director (Regeneration) 5.3 Update on Current Complaints – Assistant Director (Regeneration) 5.4 Updated Planning Policy Framew ork Justification October 2014 – Planning Services Manager 6. ANY OT HER BUSINESS WHICH THE CHAIR CONSIDERS URGENT 7. LOCAL GOV ERNMENT (ACCESS TO INFORMATION) (VARIATION) ORDER 2006 EX EMPT IT EMS Under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the follow ing items of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in the paragraphs referred to below of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, as amended by the Local Government (Access to Information) (Variation) Order 2006 8 ITEMS REQUIRING DECISION 8.1 26 Egerton Road (paras 5 and 6) – Assistant Director (Regeneration) 8.2 Crookfoot Farm, Elw ick (paras 5 and 6) – Assistant Director (Regeneration) 9. ANY OTHER CONFIDENTIAL ITEMS WHICH THE CHAIRMAN CONSIDERS ARE URGENT 10. FOR I NFORM ATION Site Visits – Any site visits requested by the Committee at this meeting w ill take place on the morning of the meeting on Wednesday 26th November www.hartl epool.gov.uk/democraticser vices Planning Committee – Minutes and Decision Record – 1 October 2014 3.1 PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES AND DECISION RECORD 1st October 2014 The meeting commenced at 10.00am in the Civic Centre, Hartlepool Present: Councillor: Rob Cook (In the Chair) Councillors: Jim Ainslie, Allan Barclay, Keith Dawkins, Marjorie James, Geoff Lilley, Ray Martin-Wells, George Morris and George Springer Officers: Dave Stubbs, Chief Executive Peter Devlin, Chief Solicitor Andrew Carter, Planning Services Manager Jim Ferguson, Planning Team Leader (DC) Sarah Scarr, Landscape Planning and Conservation Manager Peter Frost, Highways, Traffic and Transport Team Leader Adrian Hurst, Principal Environmental Health Officer Helen Heward, Senior Planning Officer Sinead Turnbull, Senior Planning Officer Kieran Bostock, Principal Engineer Jo Stubbs, Democratic Services Officer Also Present: Stephanie Hampshire Mott MacDonald 41. Apologies for Absence Apologies were submitted by Councillor Stephen Akers-Belcher. 42. Declarations of interest by members Councillor Jim Ainslie declared a personal interest in Planning Application H/2014/0354 Former Coastguards Office, Moor Terrace. 43. Confirmation of the minutes of the meeting held on 3rd September 2014 Confirmed subject to the amendment that Councillor James could not attend due to her presence at a Northern Regional and Coastal Committee. 14. 10. 01 Planning Commit tee Minut es and D ecision R ecord 1 Hartlepool Bor ough Council Planning Committee – Minutes and Decision Record – 1 October 2014 3.1 44. Planning Applications (Director of Regeneration and Neighb ourhoods) Number: H/2014/0354 Applicant: Mr Mark Beard c/o SJR Architectural 104 The Innovation Centre HARTLEPOOL Agent : SJR Architectural & Interior Designers Mr David Johnson SJR ARCHITECTURAL & INTERIOR DESIGN SUITE 104 THE INNOVATION CENTRE VENTURE COURT, QUEENS MEADOW B HARTLEPOOL Date received: 15/08/2014 Development: Change of use of former coastguards station to dwelling including first floor extension and viewing gallery Location: FORMER COASTGUARDS OFFICE MOOR TERRACE HARTLEPOOL Decision: Deferred for further consideration of objections raised by PD Ports Number: H/2013/0573 Applicant: STARFORD HOLDINGS LIMITED C/O AGENT Agent : Signet Planning Ltd. Mr Alastair Willis 26 Apex Business Village Annitsford Newcastle-upon-Tyne Date received: 02/04/2014 Development: Variation of conditions and legal agreement on planning application H/2011/0005 to allow for the removal of the requirements for a buried long stop, the delivery of properties to level 3 of the code for sustainable homes, the requirements to deliver 10% renewable energy on site and 10% of affordable housing within each phase of the development Location: BRITMAG LTD OLD CEMETERY ROAD HARTLEPOOL Members raised concerns relating to whether the insurance would be robust enough and what financial protection residents would have in the event of a catastrophic event such as the previous year’s inundation. The Senior 14. 10. 01 Planning Commit tee Minut es and D ecision R ecord 2 Hartlepool Bor ough Council Planning Committee – Minutes and Decision Record – 1 October 2014 3.1 Planning Officer confirmed that residents would be asked to make regular payments which would be put toward any repairs which might be necessary in the future. Any shortfall would be covered by the management company Olnato as part of the 106 agreement. Members queried why no affordable housing had been included and were advised that a viability assessment had been carried out and had shown that there would be insufficient funds to provide affordable housing due to costs already incurred by the developer. The Agent, Alastair Willis, spoke in support of the application. He highlighted that the owners had invested many years of money and effort into the site and were selling the land to the developer at a reduced rate. He urged members to support their officer recommendations. Members raised concerns around the lack of affordable housing and school provision provided in the 106 agreement as well as the potential future flood risk and uncertainties around the proposed management company. However they balanced this with the positive impact of new homes being built in the North area along with the resultant council tax and new homes bonus and the regeneration of the area. Members supported the application unanimously. Decision: Planning Permission Approved subject to variation of the legal agreement and subject to conditions CONDITIONS AND REAS ONS 1. Approval of the details of the appearance, landscaping, layout and scale (hereinafter called the reserved matters) for each phase of the development shall be obtained from the Local Planning Authority in writing before any development is commenced on that phase. Development shall be carried out as approved.To clarify the period for which the permission is valid. 2. Application for approval of the reserved matters in relation to the first phase of development shall be made to the Local Planning Authority not later than 14/10/2014.To clarify the period for which the permission is valid. 3. The development shall be limited to no more than 484 dwellings and shall not be carried out except in complete accordance with the following plans approved as part of planning permission H/2005/5284: Application Site Plan: Detailed Access Plan - Drawing Ref: NTP 9003- 02 Rev A; Development Limits Plan - Drawing Ref: HG0343/MP03/Rev C; and the plans received 21/11/2013 (Drawing no. 2421/1 Revision A, Landscape Proposals (1 of 2) Drawing No 2421/2, Landscape Proposals (2 of 2) excluding the indicative layout which will be subject to a reserved matters application and except as may be varied by any details approved under the provisions of condition 24.For the avoidance of doubt. 4. The permission hereby granted shall permit the phased development of the site in accordance with a phasing plan and timescale for 14. 10. 01 Planning Commit tee Minut es and D ecision R ecord 3 Hartlepool Bor ough Council Planning Committee – Minutes and Decision Record – 1 October 2014 3.1 implementation with a time scale for implementation first to be submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority and unless otherwise indicated all other conditions of this permission shall be construed so as to apply to phases accordingly. If the site is developed on a phased basis the applicant shall provide with each phase the reserved matters required to be submitted with that phase and any other relevant details required by any of the other conditions herein for approval by the Local Planning Authority, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Once approval has been granted to the details above in respect of that phase nothing in this condition shall require the approval of similar information for other phases before development of the approved phase can commence.To ensure no future phases of development are prejudiced by earlier phases. 5. The first phase of the development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of one year from the date of approval of the last of the reserved matters in relation to that phase of the development.For the avoidance of doubt. 6. 1. No development shall take place in any phase until a Construction Management Plan (including demolition, reclamation and construction activities) detailing mitigation measures to prevent potential disturbance from reclamation and construction activities to birds on the SPA and other ecological receptors within the site identified in the Environmental Statement in that phase has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
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