CRANFORD, N. J., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17. 1929 FIVE CENTS REQUESTS FOR PARTY MUST BE MADE NOW Wen's Club Stages ROOSEVELT R-T. A. rffsHbrircfsar? _~ _ PISCUSSBS_HEALIH Chest Race Clab's Hal. aa * Awaratag Baas* tajaral at Osttklea. Bat I—«'«B Ends Next Wednesday at llcgalar Mfrtlagt. Nehber Driver dent to Succeed R, R. Bar todlcatingaltrje attendance: a Rr«t Meeting .of the Seajon both the children's party hi the alter- at Meedo, HeU T«»ooatvanitiwsjaultr aflalrvlnrthe even- ,..^e;r4lJ*ia7»trucfe^irn.4«y.,U)e ing. the entertainment committee of Ration met Monday afternboh In the Ostergsard Home Building Company; CtUsena U Oartlfy roul and an Exceptional Pro - the; Cranlord Republican Club has re- ichool auditorium, having outgrown which wms_ ln' colUslon. early Monday Aftw Trailing Howard Holt ceived a number of requests for tickets gram |« Presented. Uie faculties of tlie Underganen hall. morning with-a car driven by Mrs. ' -Tli< following gentlemen will - - .i (or Few Day*. Final o( tot: for the KtJowe'en parties which will Mrs. Hamilton Jfay. Uie chairman of Harry II. Schoen. of Manor avenue, flte cuiuutute a committee to certify' be held la-the"-club house; Stturdaj Last Thursday night President W the preschool age committee, reported men were Injured when the truck to the count at Uw close of Ih* Count Promiae. 7 cuntot ne>t Wednesday nlghf.; October J6: • -- u\ '•V. Buckley welcomed the members of that during tht September meeting turned over, after the crash. u hdd Tutadar CT Thrill. Jhe. Men-» dub .of Trinity to the first her committee had cared for nine ba -Taken to St. KUtabeth's Hospital la Ma>ur lloger C. Altittcii of Cran- kt the nuianiU BcbooL Mot Mrs. Frank McOiilough and Mrs uieetlng of the season and presentee blea, but that this monUn twtnty-aeren taitabeUi. all but one were allowed to ford;'Mayvr WlUtatn Dtrroch of r vss is »>»* BDnflBl dBctlan.lor Rank Harmer will be to charge o! thi Oaniood; M»yor Otntsld Nltschke I hem with a program of entertauuneni mothers availed themselves of the. op? 30 home after ueatmeht, SuflrrUW Every hour Is a day to the" member* lbs ••nrtitlwy bat ate) tlie children's party, which wtll start a u( Krnilwwih; William J. Mckte. that set^uie-pa^ for thULyter-* en porturdty to have their lltvle ciuldrtn from IrUfmsl. Injuries, at well as a of tlie Treasure'Olieit Club at they'go :• sasirenur of ihc ocgulBaUao. two .o;dock In Jhe afternoon sad con •eavors; Jn appesring before the dub cared' for while they 'attended tlie sprained back. Floreni' befahnan of ~Pri»ldent, "eranford Trust Co.^. (lushing down the home stretch of tlu< event to ttan *a*bdUign> loyU Unite until lour o'clock. They havi -"resident Buckley recounted in a fe metelng. ' . .. Rosclle Park, was unable, to leave the 1J, L." Diirunlck.. Cashier, First Na- great race^and Uie keen , race ror planned an attrscUve program of tlonitl llank. and Tlionias Msc- lawai garnet ancLdelightiul refreshments'-will —Mnr-^ttaltrlck-rrailUln-pnefnled a After-an-•e«*nilnatlon, his ttni ortM arbrtng "The but count of tins1'campaign prior to attend in costume. Due to limite cimcera ^ahdeomrnitteemen and mem- school colors of black sod. orange, Neither Mrs. Sclioen,'. nor Heur'y , and ao, for tha to Uie final "ballot box'* count will bti apace, no children over ten Sears bers of the execuUve complttee who whictf is to be awarded each month to Chapman of Chesinul street. Union, It bM:Oud6 in County PrenirJent Reports ' published on the bulletin In tins »ln- age will be admitted. Although ad liave/worked Wth him In years past. the class having the largest number of who WM driving the truck, were Injur- j Lamb Tbat tills dow of the campaign umce miU WULJM- *U1 bfi He/wat gnrtfd with cHeeri and mothers In aUendanc* at the meeting*. ed. The tour mm who wore trpatsd on W.CT. U. Convention i TCry evident by the mailed .to all active nirmben of present-Ucketj for. the party liindclapplng as a tribute to hla per This was awarded to the 3nd grade for in the luMtiltal for back IrUurles. cuts At the meeting of. the^WJC^Ji^at _: list of-tiii«inintllllinili 11M Graayis^theTlait dsy~upori~which"tne' wial popularity. —— p«mb*r"awrio~~lne~4m grade *ror the' home of Mrs. O. Aiuh. 104 Orchard -count Battirday.'-ttur (steady added to Hs-cndtt. - may be obtained. " . Elmer Kinsman, announcer and el the month of October. Neils Johansen. Philip Boot and James street, Tuesday afternoon. A report of rwult of the otunpalgn IWI into HIP ; heratfctt thanks must be -ex- Progressive Indoor sports, with many ertalner foj broadcast SUUCOJWMCAT Mrs... Skinner.! chairman, of. grade Hall rotored. aH of KlliabeUi. the National convention of lb» W, 0, locked and scaled ballot box In tha M tbe platen of Uie associa- valuable prixes'for the holders of,hlg: •Md of Inexperiences as in^^ announcer mothers committee, reports that her Carrying the men to work a few mo T. U.. held recenUy at indUnapollt, window ~of" Khmilris^^ ilro», irsrnKr." ~ f^nfCttMsiy |0' 'ttlC X^CtaaviaaaV Iflftt scores, will feature the adult party for iind gave a number of telectloni on the grade moUwra are working hard with nienU before .eight o'clock, the Otter was given, by tht County president. Where It will remain unUl the laat mn- , K. a. Barrett,for ha. stnt members.only Saturday evening. While piano and also played for the-oommun- most excellent results, • and that the gaard truck was being driven west ori Mrs. Kdythe iJurrie. The raport was .mant when the advisory board will ONLY I effma at Isttpsng •«*< _ voted an Insnlrai inn to •_Carry_on." break the teals, run lip Uie grand total* there will be no admission charge, Ave ty singing which U always a part of sustaining membership fund ts steadily Linden JPIace, while Mrs. Bchoen wit to every caaae and —« s.i~« r cents will be charged for each game, in he Men's Club meetings. He alto acted increasing. " - driving north on Prospect avenue. Tht The following oUVeers hay* bsen of credits and make th* awanlt, urln«- order to add to Uie interest in Uie at master of ceremonies and kept Mrs. Barnes urged that all who could cars met at tht intersecUon of-tht elected to serve for Un oomtng yaar; i« the rampalgn to a close. XCELLED j Mr. Barrett It restrtng at games. The program is being arranged lungs going at a' lively rate all even- would aubacriba-to tht Child'Welfare two streets and th* truck was foretd president. Urs. Oertrudt Bulsoo. hon- P. J, MARTIN BACK IN IJSAD . because of the many other Impor- by Jules Du Barry ana: William Austin Ing. Magazine as It la. the official paper ot over; on its aid*. .'Both cars werebadly orary president. Mrs. J. o. Miller; .re- . After last Baturday't count, Howard odt an bit One *** hraltlf r cording secretary, Mra. J, O. Oarey; Holt for tht first'Umt during ths cam- in will preside as maste/ of ceremonies. Ruth Maria Brewer, a charming mu. the nntlftnal "iXTganliaUftn If many r wQl '* Inttxaist taawMlf In all ^nmjmnnfr*#t»ifr'!n 'hnvi*\ bocu scot to slctan and monotogulit. of the Radio. subscriptions are placed through her npanled by Ofllcer .McCaffrtjr corresponding aecreuury, Mrs. R. A, paign took th* lead away from Mr. i of U' " •" " all members of the club, .requesting Kelth-Orpheum Circuit, made the hit substantial credit will be given to the the Injured men were taken to thi ftlchards; treasurer, Mrs. 0. A, BU11- Martin, On Tuesday, Mr. Martin came' f them to fill In an order for tickets, for of tlie evening. She brought a-large Roosevelt Chapter. hospital In a car cuiran by Mrs. Can- manr auditors, Mrs. t. A, Knowbe and through with it grand rush and once et |XBe iMoaUon baa atoctaS a fine both affairs arid these blanks should collection -of musical Instruments with Tbv topic of this month's dlacuaslori A. Jones. Mrs. J tp. Oartyv At dlractori oi de- tnor* claimed hit former place. .Doing partmenu tht foliowlng atyrtptsnanU to MT. Barrtt ia the returned to Herbert B.. WlncUer, her and showed her versatility by play- was "Sound Health," Miss Bratki eiceuant work f rom th* *tart and tUll have bsen made; Bvangslutk, afn, A. chairman of Uie entertainment com Ing on all of.them. Among those she the.school nun*, gave a talk on the doing th* tarns' high quality of work,* mtttre by^Saturday-nighfc--•-.-—- . entertained with were- the -trombone, wort and alms of the school heal ih os- -• JttansaV ._ mw-iUtl^-UUla-atrald.- Proprietor "Other members of the committee in- inhone,' clarinet, banjo, fleou/ori* partmeht and Mrs. WUson read a paper Mission, Mr*. J. C. MlUtr; Social Wai- of nil position,, With three extra-good chide:'Mrs.'V. W. Oopcutt, Mrs. P. J. and others. "• ' " .'-••_ covering the mother's wwk snd study far* and Solders and Ballon, Mr*. -UtadldtWt following so close, hi lias Oeorge Bslae^Ptrkidioals, tin. Dell«^-Mr*/-Bciward-Qaffney,—Mrs, her-Trepertoirert included practically in developing good health habits. Beefsteak Raynor; Scitntiflo Tamptrance Prank Harmer, Mn.\O.J.Jsnsen,Mrs. every'kind of music and one of her but It can bt said .thai whin In.Ught 560-395 struction. Mrs. H. A. JUchards; Ttav | Sot Intt a/A. Jones, Mrs. Frank McCullougn. plaett and cHirms* of tht campaign, best pert ormances was a demonstraUon J. W. LATANE HONORED ptrance and Mtatlom, Mra.
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