University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 11-2-1911 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 11-02-1911 Journal Publishing Company Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_mj_news Recommended Citation Journal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 11-02-1911." (1911). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ abq_mj_news/2193 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ALBUQUEBQUE MORNING JOUENAL. Ujr Mail oQ Crau Month; Single Coptc. & OnM. THIRTY-THIR- D YEAR, VOL CXXXII, No. NEW MEXICO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 33. ALBUQUERQUE, 2, 1911 By Carrier, (0 Cent a Month. iliiTlIfi LOSE LIS IMPERIAL ARWIY wmmh ' ion eon m powder mtssam u riw mm. WILL CEASE belief . factory IS FIGHTING OF POLICE DESTROYED Appointment of Yuan Shi Kai as Premier to Mark Opening of Negotiations With Revolu- I V lit 1 a Chicago Authorities Conducting r ire in tneaiis, wash., Mil tionists, Rigid Investigation of Nine Burns Seven to Death Out- Deaths Occurring in Wo- right While Eighth Will Bjr Maralng Jnnrul KpeHol Iaa4 W1r.1 IVktiia. Xut. 8. The war ef- - man's Boarding House. Succumb, fice has received a report that the Imperialists captured Han kow and massacredhe the nopula- - TOXICOLOGISTS EXAMINING CARELESS WORKMAN tion. VISCERA OF DEAD PERSONS CAUSE OF DISASTER Peking. Nov. 1. The appointment of Yuan Shi Kai today hs uremier of China, will be followed by a cessation New Facts Unearthed in Case Let Pot of Paraffin Bcil Over, of hostilities on the pari of the Im Resulting in Fatal Flash; Bod- perialists and the opening of negotia Indicate Murder of Relatives tions with General 1,1 Yuen Hens, Friends By Administrat- ies Impossible of Identifi- leader of the revolutionists tit Han- and kow. ion of Poison, cation, An Imperial edict providing for Im- portant administrative change also accepts the resignation of the min- By MoralBg Special Leaaed jBr Nnminf Journal Special Lmm4 Wlrl Jotiraal Wlr.l isters. Chicago, Nov. 1. Chicago police Chehalls, Wash., Nov. 1. Fire All the ministers attended a secret session of the national assembly to- pursued investigation In- which destroyed the powder fietory today their day, which, It Is prac- nearly score understood, to the deaths of half a of the Imperial Powder company nt tically agreed to and acquaintances of the demands ef tho of relatives Chehalls late today, caused seven disaffected Chuu troops. A mem- Ver.nilya to make certain Ijn Mrs. Louise young women to lose their lives and ber of the war board was appointed whether the similar demises constit- with troop express an eighth will die tonight in the hos- to confer the and uted only a remarkable series of the assembly's views. as Mrs. Vermllya asserts. pital. Only two girls escaped, al The assembly also discussed the Nine deaths are Included in the though a dozen men were unhurt. recent loan for which arrangement with which Mrs. Vilmllya' long list The dead: had been made with a Ilrlgian and name has been connected. Including French syndicate. The ministers ex- step-childre- VERA Ml'l.KORD. two husbands, two plained that the loan was needed for three children and three roomers at TI U.I E 11 ASCII BACK." the purpose of carrying on held nper-- a hoarding houses she kept. S A Dili WKKTFALIj. Hons. The assembly thought thera Pending report of the toxicol- the KVA OH.L.MORE. was a good prospect of the termina- ogic which are examining the vis- tion of hostilities and In that cam the BERTHA 1IAC.LK. cera of the late persons whose deaths Inen would not be necessary, i It was have occurred beneath Mrs. Vernill-ya'- s ETHEL THARP. finally decided to confer the matter roof, the police have made no arr- MRS. ETHEL HENRY. by telegraph to Yuan Shl Kal. No positive has been A est!. evidence Bertha 'Crown was so severely member brought up the question uncovered. - of the Shanghai 'TnotnT failure to from letters received by the rHce burned that she will dc. The End of the Trail. pay the Installment of the Boxer In- and from separate Investigations, the The cause of the fire is a mystery. demnity, Hnd a minister explained that following new facts became known Is grace, with percent One report that a pot of paraffin at iipenliig of business to- brush at thn elde of a road when he two months' four today: TREASURY DEFICIT NOW 'fleos the had been allowed. in the mixing room was allowed to $7S, fist!, 000, while a month heard a noixo. Ilclievlng the soiim1 Interest 'That hllp Mrs. Vermllya has day was GREETS The panic among the people of boll over by u careless workman, and ago It amounted to $S9.1 l5,0tM. The RODGERS came from n deer, walking down the said one of the members of the EXCEEDS 20 MILLIONS Peking which ensued after the Issu- that part pi it ran into some powder. total rash in tho treasury today was road, Nororofa tays he fired one bar death roster, Richard T. Smith, a 1. ance of the first Imperial edict, ha A Washington, Nov. Tho federal .5 rcl huikshot In dim-lio- of flush followed and soon the whole $l,S!l".170,000 as compared with of the news- conductor, was only a boarder at her - been largely dispelled, and the structure was ubla.e." government's deficit for the fiscal 10,000 nt the l'nl f September. the noimv Hoforo he could- lower hlr home, roomer asserts the $ 1 papers are beginning to sum up tho former Tho girls were hurled down to year exceeded 20. HO.(toi), when the AT gun there was a shriek, and Jumping two claimed previously to been The amount of gold coin nnd bullion FOULER results of the seventeen days' rebel- have gether to tho rapid spread treasury opened its doors today. A out of tho underbrush ho was horri- married, and that they lived together and owIhh In the trust lundst for the redemption lion. of the could escape year ago the deficit was J 13,000,000, fied to sen three inen lying in the as husband and wife. flames not from of the notes of certificates for which The Dally News considers that the In on while a month ago It was $111,000. road. "That while woman told hind i. counter which theywere they are pledged was $!97,iK,two, at appointment of Yuan Shl Kal will the the working. was no The Increase in the deficit in Oc- police There explosion, the the end of October, while at the close change political complexion, she had assisted an tober was due to the Tact that the re- Polo Player killed. the entire powder Jjoing .of tho of the previous nionlh It waa $1,002,-070,00- 0. peace, Inspire the people with ef nt Cestui" LAk'c' In ehibalmlng ceipts for the month were only 0, Hunts llarbura, Cul., Nov.1 t. John lestore bodies, character unless confined. A flash command respect of the undertaker there denies while the disbursements Cross, a polo player of wide promi- ronfldenre, the she started the fatal fire. foreign countries and placo the em- ever hud any such experience. amounted to $60,190,000, an excess of The Tanama canal called for the nence, fell with hi pony while en- Four of the company' buildings Oc- pire on a sound basis. Sho gave this as a reason why she expenditures over receipts of expenditure Qf $2,990,000 during gaged In n game suf- were destroyed, together with equip Rival Cross Continent Aviators yesterday and Reports received here state thnf could discuss the death with com- Comparing this showing with tober, making a total disbursement injuries In hi ment and. many tons of manufactur fered that resulted more cities have none over to posure. of the previous) month, the re- 'for this project during the current today, several ed powder, entailing a financial loss that Meet and Exchange Good death the revolutionists. The soldier In "That U. N. Brulngton, a photog- ceipts September exceed ex- fiscal year of $11,576,000. of $20,000 or more. for the are avowedly awaiting rapher of Peoria, and brother-in-la- penditures by more than $,r25,000. There aro 77,331 national brtnks In Wishes; Rodgers Flies For north China of Seven bodies are nt the Chehalls the action of Yuan Shl Kui the Conductor Smith, had made morgue The total balance in the general existence, an Increase of two over love to the widow Smith's death tonight, but only one has Phoenix, 0 E c The government troop and the after - fund of the treasury at close of month of September. The total been Identified.- A father picked out the tho Shan SI rebels are encamped not fur o as to investigate suspicions he October was $136,520,000, ns against amount of national bank circulation then the body of his daughter by a ring apail. Apparently they do not Intend had ahout the reason for his $14 4,400,000 In September. The at tho close of October was $739,-165,00- she hud worn. , Mnrnlng Hpm-U- I Wirt. to fight, at least not for the present. relative's demise, and that she told working balance In the treasury of- - iiiT Jounial Bruington part of her matrimonial TiiHcon, Ariz., Nov.
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