HESTER TAKES FOURTH PLACE IN GIF FINALS TT W m W«r> r-. -- j Pettit Sent to Salinas Braves, Yanks Deadlock Pettit Goes To Class 'C 1 Tartar Hits 1:59.6, Dodgers Blast Tigers. Cubs Edge Cards The firsl tii of the y, ig.gern outlast the Kiwanls Dodgers ith a three-run fourth Inning Salinas Club Little Leagu halk- 9.7 Thursday. rally . Misses 3rd by Hair Shortstop Camdeti Coberly of Nat-bonne High .1 Paul Peltit up Friday when the Harvey The Tigers outhit the Dodgers $95.00(1 "Bonus Mahy" of I he i Kunnlng the race of hi.n life. Tartar half-mller Dennis Hrsti Braves and Pacific Perforating the Cubs rapped a four play Pittsburgh Pirates, has been op thundered past the finish lino in 1:59.6 to take fourth place I; Yankees deadlocked 22 In six 10-2, with Gresham getting two poke to spark the splurge. He tlonert l>v the Hollywood Stars the CIF yesterday in the CIF finals at Kxcelslor High. knocks for himself. His oppos­ also was Instrumental in helping to Sallna* In the Class "C" Cal­ The smooth-striding Junior missed ihird place ami a crack f The game will be replayed at ing pitcher. Billy Williams, yield­ the Cubs rapped a four ply ifornia the California Stale meet by less than half a second In ed 10 hits but got half of his in the game. later date. Gary Schmldt of Second sacker Mike Andrews The [xnuita lefthander phenomenal 880 in which only lip Braves and Hank Gary Hen- own team's base raps 1 for 2. option and right fielder Ray Wltaon got. .5 of a second separated t h e flower was not among tin- derson locked In a pitcher's bat- Tigers Kurt Probst, Dick Go- the Hollywood le.' Schmldt giving up six hits mez and Nick Urban each poled the Cards' only lilt*. Ooberly. first four finishers. Catcher Mike Czarks and first d fo utility inflrldcd Boh Jim Giyer of Grossmont won five finishers In the event nd Henderson yielding five. two hits. Bundy, who hn on thp In­ a blanket finish, Giyer took f Each team contributed a four Cubs Kdgc Card! sacker David Clutter hit for the the event In I.S9.1 and Hester. Cubs. active list. who held third place all the Gaines of 3an Bernardino v mster. Brave Gary Desmond Twirlers Pete Kemp of the PeltII will get a chance to R H E way. was edged out by the second, and Gllmore of Riverside Hashed a homer and Yankee Lions Cubs and Kenny Gates of Harvi-r Brnvrs ...... 100 003 ? I « work frequently at Salinas AI Wicker touched all four. The the Elks Cards put on a real I'noiri* TankKM .. -.. 010 010 i J J where little Johnny O'Nelll, for­ barest of margin* in the last edged past Hester In the last Srhmlclt and Orlff. Hdndwwn nivl 10 yards. Yankees toted up two double show for the fans In a Wednes­ mer Hollywood shortslop, is man­ ten yards for third. lays Henderson to Jack Tar day Little League battle. ager-. Iln.is I'll-iteM Half The CIF's top Southland trn 'Doilg , 180 01 7 ! It was the fastest half mile ey and second sackor Richard Kemp allowed but two hits and 519 0*-» The churker has been used tr-rs went all the way to thi mlth to Tamey. truck out 12, while Gates gave Thomnion. mostly as a rellever this season the fleet Tarta had run. rial event the relay before im anil Hill. He qualified for the finf Is by Hirers Win Out up three hits and whiffed 10, but R H E with the Stars. Since sinning for 1954 CIF champ emerged. Santa Handy relief chucking the losing pitcher. Kemp's Cuhi ........ SOO—S ] n rotting the .880 in 2:01.3 in se­ by Gary 000—1 I 2 the huge bonus In 1950, Pettit Ana won the relay and '• Graham helped the Seven-Up Ti- Cubs squeezed by the Cards S- up and Cziirke. has been shuttled back and forth ll-finals Tuesday. championship with 15 points and between Pittsburgh, New Or­ Top-rated Lon Rhodes of Bell Centennial was second with 14. by Mel Utter leans and Hollywood. Santa Monica finished with 11 SPORTS In 1952. he had a good season points. Baseball League with the Stars, but was plagued Clerks Turn Centennial Leads intermittently by a sore arm and Centennial led 14-10 over San­ then lack of control. Of late, the On Power in ta Ana going Into the final event, flinge has shown Indications but did not field a relay team To Be Formed at that he night develop into a top and had to stand by and watch YANK'S SNAPPY notch pi irh hitter. Rout of Dow the coveted title slip away. SECOND The Marine Clerks played The first three men In each BASEMAN BROKE THE. six "ring-around the-bases'1 with Dow event qualify for the State Normandaie Park GAME RECORD LAST Slyrone Wednesday night in a Meet in Berkeley Saturday.- WORLD SERIES WITH Softball league tussle at Tor Fortunately for Torrance and Formation of a Little Park. for Coach Vcrn Wolfe. Hester x-ague baseball league at No 23 BASES SET BY Clerks, led by pitcher will be back for another crack mandate Playground will get un BABE RUTH IN 1923 Hank Oisen's homer and two at half-mile honora next year, derway with an organlzatlooa doubles, pounded but 14 hits to and will be shooting for t h e meeting of players and pan :y the Dowmen 150 In a game Friday at 7:30 p. m., accordin Torrance school record -1:68.5 o Joel Adler, director of recrea that was called after -Ha Innings. set by Gerald McDonald in 1941. held the Slyrone men ion. Following 'are the first place The meeting will be held to four hits and whiffed six. The men In each varsity running Clerks met Dow hurler Mike 'layground, 224th St. and ale Ave. Mikelson with a seven hit bar- HIGH HURDLES Thompson, e in the firs! Inning to score Purpose of the meeting wi Centennial, 14.6 e to form teams for play in th runs. Singles were contribut- 100 Swlsshelm. Santa Ana, 10 FOURTH BEST IN GIF . Dennis Hester Is fast carving by Bill Kuhn, who got two, vittle Coast League, which i flat. a niche at Torrance High as one of Its all-time great athlete* or boys ages 8 to 12. Roy Peterson. Bob Schroder, Dee nan another year to carve It even deeper. The junior took irgess and I,arry Benedetti, 440 -Kitchen, Riverside, 49.6 All boys who would like ,d Olsen doubled. 880 Giyer. Grossmont. 1:59.1 fourth place in the CIF finals In the 880 yesterday In the enter the new league are aski In the third frame it was the LOW HURDLES -Tralnor. La-| fastest Uiiie of his career 1:39.6 and missed third place by to attend the meeting and brlr BRIL­ me story. After two walks, Kuna Beach. 19.7. j only a tenth of a second In a blanket finish hi which only .5 of their father, mother, or anyon 220 Swisshclm, Santa Ana. 22.- interested In coaching or helplni LIANT FIELDING Kuhn rapped his third safety second separated the first four finishers. AND CLUTCH HIT- ng, .Tim Jackson wa In the operation of the league ed, Peterson and Schroder .sln M1LE Hadley, Bellflower, Adler said. TINS-MORE THAN CARI.OS S%Vr.GS ... A nee- and Olsen bombed his fc 25.8 Teams will use the Normar MAKES UP FOR master to center. Seven me 800 RELAY Santa Ana. dale diamond, and. play will be HIS 250 AVERAGE- ond-itrlng All-toy Lmguer at gin somgtlme after the guard hut season, Skagga Is runs were toted In the sco hooks after these salvos. Monday in June. captain of the '54 Tartar crld Siedel to Attend Post Normandaie Is part of the Los machine and will he seeing The Clerks added insult to Pet Angeles City Recreation a nueh action In "the line" come ' Office Clerk Convention Parka Department. September. Spring practice at ubled, scoi Svh rod- Ed SIfdel will represen Torrance High goes Into It* r"« triple and Schroder trolled ranee at the biennial conventl' home on Ols llble final, week tomorrow. The of the California Federatloi Midland Scores Two In team opens play against Chula Post Office Clerks, to be held Sportsmen Tip SPORTS CALENDAR Vista here Sept. 25. next weekend at the Carrlllo Last to Top fire Dept. Uttle Leagues' Hotel In Santa Barbara. MAY 23, 1954 Midland Rubber's Blue Streak May 25, Tuesday Cubs at Siedei Is a member of Local era displayed top clutch work Braves. 1043 of the National Federation Friday at Torrance Park when Agility Tests Show Skills of . of Post Office Clerks. The Con­ they scored two runs In th May 28, Wednesday Olants at vention will begin Friday and Rangers Take Week-end Trip last Inning to come from bi Tigers. idjoln oh Monday. fop Optimists _Mfinbers of the local Wood- attended the Family hind and beat the Fire Depart May 27, Thursday Yankee* at THS Ninth and Tenth Graders ment "A" team 4-3. Cards. TKST UI3COVKRKK ruft Ranger tribes are enjoying recently at Stanley The Hollywood Rlvlora Sports The discoverer of the Wasser- The Fire Department led 3-2 May 28, Friday Dodgers at Results of a ninth and tenth Ni i.
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