18_134_1 FHR reports Side Drainage Operation in Dessel-Schoten Canal’s Lock No. 3 Hydraulics and Navigability Assessment www.fl andershydraulicsresearch.be Side Drainage Operaton in Dessel‐Schoten Canal’s Lock No. 3 Hydraulics and Navigability Assessment Lopez Castano, S.; Verelst, K.; Verwilligen, J.; van Hoydonck, W.; Vercruysse, J.; Mostaert, F. Cover fgure The Government of Flanders, Department of Mobility and Public Works, Flanders Hydraulics Research Legal notce Flanders Hydraulics Research is of the opinion that the informaton and positons in this report are substantated by the available data and knowledge at the tme of writng. The positons taken in this report are those of Flanders Hydraulics Research and do not refect necessarily the opinion of the Government of Flanders or any of its insttutons. Flanders Hydraulics Research nor any person or company actng on behalf of Flanders Hydraulics Research is responsible for any loss or damage arising from the use of the informaton in this report. Copyright and citaton The Government of Flanders, Department of Mobility and Public Works, Flanders Hydraulics Research, 2021 D/2021/3241/019 This publicaton should be cited as follows: >ŽƉĞnj ĂƐƚĂŶŽ͕ ^͖͘ sĞƌĞůƐƚ͕ <͖͘ sĞƌǁŝůůŝŐĞŶ͕ :͖͘ ǀĂŶ ,ŽLJĚŽŶĐŬ͕ t͖͘ sĞƌĐƌƵLJƐƐĞ͕:͖͘DŽƐƚĂĞƌƚ͕&͘ (2021). Side Drainage Operaton in Dessel‐Schoten Canal’s Lock No. 3: Hydraulics and Navigability Assessment. Version 3.0. FHR Reports, 18_134_1. Flanders Hydraulics Research: Antwerp Reproducton of and reference to this publicaton is authorised provided the source is acknowledged correctly. Document identfcaton Customer: de Vlaamse Waterweg Ref.: WL2021R18_134_1 Keywords (3‐5): Drainage Structure, Computatonal Fluid Dynamics (CFD), fow assessment, lock entry/exit Knowledge domains: Hydraulic structures – Culverts – Numerical Modelling Hydraulic Structures – Locks Hydraulics and Sediment – Hydrodynamics – Current Velocites and paterns – Numerical Modelling Text (p.): 33 Appendices (p.): 5 Confdental: No Available online Author(s): Lopez Castano, S. Control Name Signature Revisor(s): Verelst, K.; Verwilligen, J.; Getekend door:Kristof Verelst (Signature) Getekend door:Jeroen Verwilligen (Signat Getekend door:Wim Van Hoydonck (Signa Getekend op:2021-02-11 17:56:42 +01:00 Getekend op:2021-02-12 10:42:42 +01:00 Getekend op:2021-02-11 15:58:03 +01:00 van Hoydonck, W. Reden:Ik keur dit document goed Reden:Ik keur dit document goed Reden:Ik keur dit document goed Getekend door:Jeroen Vercruysse (Signa Getekend op:2021-03-09 17:15:03 +01:0 Reden:Ik keur dit document goed Project leader: Vercruysse, J. Approval Getekend door:Frank Mostaert (Signature Getekend op:2021-02-11 16:13:40 +01:0 Reden:Ik keur dit document goed Head of division: Mostaert, F. F‐WL‐PP10‐5 version 24 VALID AS FROM: 08/12/2020 Side Drainage Operaton in Dessel‐Schoten Canal’s Lock No. 3: Hydraulics and Navigability Assessment Abstract This work investgates the discharge capacity of a side conveyance structure located at lock No. 3 in the Dessel‐ Schoten canal. A frst level of analysis involves the use of classical semi‐empirical techniques available from hydraulics. A second level of analysis involves the use of Computatonal Fluid Dynamics (CFD), in an efort to reduce the uncertaintes associated with the use of the aforementoned techniques. It is shown that, although in principle the fow present in the side drainage falls into one of the categories in which the proposed tech‐ niques are valid, discrepancies with the results obtained numerically suggest that the underlying assumptons in the technique need to be revised when used for cases with similar characteristcs. This work also focus in reducing the impact of side fows for navigaton through locks, associated with the operaton of the side drain‐ age structure. Diferent alternatves for safe navigaton are proposed, and studied using CFD. In partcular, four scenarios are studied, of which three comprise diferent improvements to the original structure. One of the proposals is found to have promising features, whilst being relatvely simple. Final version WL2021R18_134_1 III Side Drainage Operaton in Dessel‐Schoten Canal’s Lock No. 3: Hydraulics and Navigability Assessment IV WL2021R18_134_1 Final version Side Drainage Operaton in Dessel‐Schoten Canal’s Lock No. 3: Hydraulics and Navigability Assessment Contents Abstract................................................................................................................... III ListofFigures ............................................................................................................ VI Nomenclature ........................................................................................................... VII 1 Introducton ......................................................................................................... 1 2 Geometry of the outlet structure as‐built........................................................................ 4 3 Analysis of discharge through the drainage structure. ......................................................... 6 3.1 Governing equatons of the fow ............................................................................. 6 3.1.1 Full three‐dimensional approach: Volume‐of‐Fluid (VoF)............................................. 6 3.1.2 One‐dimensional approach: Momentum and Energy (Bernoulli) equatons ....................... 6 3.2 Verifcaton of CFD model and 1‐D calculatons............................................................. 7 3.2.1 Validaton of CFD methodology .......................................................................... 7 3.2.2 Analysis of the drainage structure: constrained inlet ................................................. 8 3.2.3 Semi‐empirical approach: discharge formulas and frst principles .................................. 8 3.2.4 Previous drainage methodology: syphoning ........................................................... 10 3.2.5 CFD Analysis ................................................................................................ 10 3.2.6 Summary ................................................................................................... 11 4 Design of the outlet structure ..................................................................................... 15 4.1 Post‐processing: Data visualizaton, Hydraulics through the culvert, and Navigability through the locks.............................................................................................................. 15 4.1.1 Precedents: basis for post‐processing................................................................... 15 4.1.2 Data visualizaton: common features ................................................................... 15 4.1.3 Frame of reference: From where are we observing?.................................................. 16 4.1.4 Assessing Navigability ..................................................................................... 17 4.1.5 Assessing culvert’s performance: Backwater calculatons ............................................ 17 4.2 Numerical simulatons without outlet structure............................................................ 20 4.2.1 Open‐channel hydraulics: partally drowned fow ..................................................... 20 4.2.2 Navigability Assessment .................................................................................. 21 4.3 Numerical simulaton of design alternatves ................................................................ 22 4.3.1 First alternatve: side channel with sill .................................................................. 23 4.3.2 Second alternatve: side channel with stepped slope ................................................. 26 5 Discussion............................................................................................................ 31 References ............................................................................................................... 33 A1 On a diferent alternatve .......................................................................................... A1 A2 Technical Drawings.................................................................................................. A4 Final version WL2021R18_134_1 V Side Drainage Operaton in Dessel‐Schoten Canal’s Lock No. 3: Hydraulics and Navigability Assessment List of Figures Figure 1 Schematc top view of the Dessel‐Schoten Lock system. .............................................. 1 Figure 2 View of the drainage structure from Lock No. 3 in Dessel‐Schoten. ................................. 2 Figure 3 Determinaton of discharge for a highway circular Culvert, following Bodhaine (1968) ........... 3 Figure 4 Geometry of existng lock structure and main channel. ............................................... 4 Figure 5 Cross‐secton and bathymetry of the main channel.................................................... 5 Figure 6 Test case used for the ‘validaton’ of the CFD results. ................................................. 7 Figure 7 Results obtained from OpenFOAM for the archetype case............................................ 12 Figure 8 Flow analysis across the inspecton boxes. .............................................................. 12 Figure 9 CFD results obtained for the drainage structure proposed for the lock ............................. 13 Figure 10 An inspecton chamber with a submerged intake. ..................................................... 14 Figure 11 Standard streamwise sectons for post‐processing.
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