AZERLEY PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES OF A PARISH COUNCIL MEETING DATE: Thursday 29th September 2016 TIME: 19.30 hrs LOCATION: Galphay Village Institute PRESENT: Councillors Nick Jackson (Chair), Robert Weatherhead (Vice-Chair), Patricia Harling, Jan Lawson, Ben Robinson, Brian Thackray and Neal Topham (from item 76-16). IN ATTENDANCE: Iona Taylor (Clerk) District and County Councillor Margaret Atkinson 4 members of the public. 75-16 Declarations of interest in items and requests for dispensations. Councillor Topham declared an interest in the funding application at Appletree Cottage, Mickley (item 86-16), as he is involved with the Yorkshire Dales Millennium Trust and Nidderdale AONB’s grants programmes. Councillor Topham took no part in this item. 76-16 Co-option of a Councillor to serve the Winksley ward. It was resolved that Neal Topham be co-opted on to the Council. His Declaration of Acceptance of Office and Agreement to Abide by the Council’s Code of Conduct was duly signed. 77-16 Apologies - none. 78-16 Minutes from the last meeting. It was resolved that the minutes of the last meeting, held on 1st September 2016, be approved and signed. 79-16 Phone Boxes in Mickley and Galphay. It was agreed that the Council should object to the proposed decommissioning of these boxes. 80-16 Parish Consultation Meeting – 24th October 2016 The date of this meeting, which will follow the new format was again noted, but there were no issues which members wanted to raise at this time. 81-16 Local Government Boundary Commission for England. It was noted that the Local Government Boundary Commission for England has produced its draft recommendations for warding in the Harrogate District. It is proposed that this parish, in its entirety, be included in the new Fountains and Ripley ward. It was agreed that there are no objections to this proposal. There are no changes proposed to the parish boundaries. 82-16 Creation of public right of way in Winklsey (Green Lane to Hodgsons Top). North Yorkshire County Council has written to advise that it is proposing to make a Definitive Map Modification Order under the Provisions of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 to add the route to the Definitive Map and Statement as a Restricted Byway. The Council welcomed this news. 83-16 Broadband Councillor Atkinson reported that North Yorkshire County Council has recently committed further funding to the third phase of the project to upgrade broadband provision across the County. The target is to provide superfast broadband to 100% of properties by 2020. Page 1 of 4 Azerley Parish Council, Minutes – 29th September 2016 Chairman’s Initials:_______________ AZERLEY PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES OF A PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Mickley It was noted that issues accessing the new superfast broadband service by some properties have now been resolved by Superfast North Yorkshire (www.superfastnorthyorkshire.com). Anyone else who experiences issues, or is told they are too far from the exchange should be directed to Superfast North Yorkshire. Winksley It was noted that superfast broadband is now available in Winksley. Access to the service is through internet service providers. It was also noted that households which aren’t serviced by fibre broadband, but are within the range of the new mast near Woodhouse Farm, may be able to upgrade their home internet speeds via mobile broadband. 84-16 2015/16 Annual Return The External Auditor’s opinion has now been received and is as follows: “On the basis of our review of the annual return, in our opinion the information in the annual return is in accordance with proper practices and no matters have come to our attention giving cause for concern that relevant legislation and regulatory requirements have not been met. Other matters not affecting our opinion which we draw to the attention of the smaller authority: During the review of the annual return this year, it has come to our attention that some administrative expenses were included in box 4 instead of box 6 in the prior year. They have been classified correctly in 2015/16.” 85-16 2017 Grasscutting It was agreed that members are generally happy with the frequency and specification of grasscutting in the parish. One amendment to the cutting of verges in Galphay was suggested, as residents are happy to cut the verges outside their houses, instead of them being included in the Council’s contract. Councillor Robinson agreed to submit annotated maps to the Clerk showing which areas are to be cut by the Council’s contractor. 86-16 Consultations on planning applications. a) 16/02793/PNAFUL | Erection of general purpose agricultural storage building. | Holme Grange Farm Galphay Ripon North Yorkshire HG4 3NJ It was agreed that the Council has no objections to this application. b) 16/03491/FUL | Erection of a single storey ground floor extension and a single storey first floor extension to include increase of the roof height and installation of dormer window. | Meadow Barn Winksley To Bridge Banks Farm Winksley HG4 3NR It was agreed that the Council has no objections to this application. c) 16/03930/FUL | Conversion and extension of outbuilding to form 1 dwelling and installation of septic tank (Site area 0.05 ha). | Brocksmoor Mickley Village Mickley HG4 3JE It was agreed that whilst the Parish Council has no objections to this application, a comment suggesting that consideration should be given to a biological treatment plant being installed, rather than a septic tank should be recorded in its response to Harrogate Borough Council. d) Yorkshire Dales Millennium Trust – Woodland Grants Programme Members considered proposals for the planting of a new, small, native woodland at Appletree Cottage in Mickley. It was agreed that the Council should support the owner’s application for funding. Page 2 of 4 Azerley Parish Council, Minutes – 29th September 2016 Chairman’s Initials:_______________ AZERLEY PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES OF A PARISH COUNCIL MEETING 87-16 Updates and decisions on applications, appeals and enforcement investigations received from planning authorities since the last meeting (for information only). a) 16/02405/FUL | Formation of access in replacement boundary wall | Clayton Farm Mickley Ripon North Yorkshire HG4 3JE It was noted that this application has been approved. b) Enforcement investigation: 16/00479/PR15, Alleged siting of further static caravan at Green Lane Farm, Green Lane, Winksley. Notification of this investigation has been received. 88-16 Correspondence The Clerk reported on items received, including: a) Harrogate Borough Council budget consultation, 2017/18. Receipt of this consultation was noted and has been circulated to Councillors to respond individually if desired. b) ‘105’ Powercut phone number. The launch of a new, national, phone number to provide information during power cuts was noted. c) Yorkshire Local Councils Associations Training Programme. The programme for September to December 2016 has been forwarded to Members who are encouraged to consider attending a session. d) Lloyds Banking Group – annual update. As a shareholder the Council has received this annual update which gives promising news of an increase in future dividends. 89-16 Financial report. The following report was considered and approved: Bank Balances as at 29/8/16: Santander Business Account - ****2922 5622.71 TOTAL £5,622.71 Payments to be approved and recorded: Payee Details DTMS Ltd Invoice 10134, Caretaker - June & July 2016 £113.40 St John's Church, Mickley Hall Hire on 21/7/16 £7.00 Iona Taylor Admin. Expenses & Mileage - July 2016 £26.98 Iona Taylor Clerk's Wages - July 2016 £81.81 HMRC PAYE - July 2016 £54.00 Iona Taylor Admin. Expenses & Mileage - August 2016 £11.67 Iona Taylor Clerk's Wages - August 2016 £16.55 HMRC PAYE - August 2016 £10.80 Galphay Village Institute Hall Hire on 31/3/16, 30/6/16 & 29/9/16 £37.50 Fountains PCC Hall Hire £52.50 TOTAL £412.21 Page 3 of 4 Azerley Parish Council, Minutes – 29th September 2016 Chairman’s Initials:_______________ AZERLEY PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES OF A PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Receipts to be recorded: Received From Details Northern Powergrid Wayleaves £18.27 Harrogate Borough Council Precept, 2nd Part £2,929.00 Harrogate Borough Council Local Council Tax Support Grant £11.00 Lloyds Banking Group Dividend £1.03 TOTAL £2,959.30 90-16 The dates of the Council’s next meetings were confirmed as being on: a) 27th October 2016 (Planning) b) 24th November 2016 (Full Council), Winksley Church Room 91-16 Items to be considered at the next meeting – none. Meeting closed at 20.22 hrs. These minutes were recorded and prepared by Iona Taylor, Clerk to the Parish Council. SIGNED: .......................................................................................................... (Chairman) DATE: .......................................................................................................... Page 4 of 4 Azerley Parish Council, Minutes – 29th September 2016 Chairman’s Initials:_______________ .
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