February 5, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E171 KELLY, for organizing this important Special Their actions remind us of that guiding ideal scouting, he has not only earned numerous Order on the legacy of the events at Selma, that no action is too small, too local to affect merit badges, but also the respect of his fam- Alabama. change in our society. ily, peers, and community. Most notably, As Ava DuVarney’s Oscar-nominated film The Voting Rights Act is one of the most im- Logan has contributed to his community ‘‘Selma’’ continues to foster discussion about portant pieces of legislation in American his- through his Eagle Scout project. the history of the Civil Rights Movement and tory, and it represents not only the hope, but Mr. Speaker, I proudly ask you to join me in bring the horrific events of ‘‘Bloody Sunday’’ to also the blood and tears of millions of Ameri- commending Logan Garton for his accomplish- life for a new generation, I believe there is no cans. ments with the Boy Scouts of America and for better time to reflect on our journey, both past We must work, through legislation like the his efforts put forth in achieving the highest and ahead. Voting Rights Amendments Act of 2014, to distinction of Eagle Scout. The march from Selma to Montgomery strengthen it and protect the achievements of f stands out as one of the defining moments of Dr. King, Ralph Abernathy, Andrew Young, the Civil Rights Movement in the 20th century. Hosea Williams, and all those who made se- PERSONAL EXPLANATION The images are seared into the minds of curing the right to vote for African-Americans Americans, and serve as a constant reminder their life’s work. HON. EVAN H. JENKINS of the violence and injustice that our prede- The freedom to vote is not the only freedom OF WEST VIRGINIA cessors faced as they strove for equal rep- for which we must continue to fight. Across IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES resentation. America, our communities struggle for their Thursday, February 5, 2015 Violence that claimed the life of Jimmy Lee economic freedom, for the right to opportunity Mr. JENKINS of West Virginia. Mr. Speaker, Jackson, beaten by state troopers as he tried and to financial security. on roll call no. 52 due to inclement weather, to protect his mother and grandmother. His In 2014, black unemployment was twice that I was unable to vote on H.R. 615, Department death was a catalyst that ignited the commu- of white Americans, and they are more than of Homeland Security Interoperable Commu- nity and inspired the march. twice as likely to live in poverty. nications Act. Violence that claimed the lives of Reverend Median income for a black household was Had I been present, I would have voted James Reeb of Boston and Viola Liuzzo of $33,764, a mere 60% of median income for a Yea. Detroit, who had journeyed to Selma to join white household. the protests after the events at Edmund Pettus For these reasons, I will continue to advo- f Bridge on ‘‘Bloody Sunday’’ had been broad- cate for legislation to benefit the working THE PEOPLE’S PRESIDENT TURNS cast across America. class, to benefit those members of our com- 104 In spite of all the violence, Dr. Martin Luther munity who continue to struggle with unem- King, Jr. and his fellow protestors held their ployment and underemployment. HON. TED POE heads high and remained committed to their We need legislation that creates new jobs, OF TEXAS cause, a cause which touched people across and legislation that provides our citizens with IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the nation, so that when they reached Mont- the training that they need to break the cycle gomery the crowd had swelled to 25,000 of unemployment. Thursday, February 5, 2015 strong. We must understand that the minimum Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, Liberals The actions of those brave men and women wage is not a living wage, and that, without loathed him. Conservatives idolized him. The were a shout to the world that injustice and action, we are condemning those with min- middle overwhelmingly loved him. He charmed oppression would no longer be tolerated. Their imum wage jobs to a lifetime of hardship. America. His knack to connect was unmistak- struggles ensured that the blood that was Thank you again for this opportunity to able. And although many have tried to rep- shed, the lives that were lost were not in vain. speak, and for bringing these issues to the licate his charisma and appeal, no one has The very next week, President Lyndon forefront of the conversation. ever come close to being Ronald Reagan. Johnson announced to the nation that he As we move forward with our work, let us He made us laugh when we didn’t think we would put legislation before Congress to elimi- remember the lessons of Selma, of the past. could, or should. He always had a way to nate barriers to the right to vote. Let them serve as our inspiration and comfort us in the midst of tragedy. He could We have made great strides towards equal- strengthen our resolve as we look to the future disarm the press with a one-liner; and get a ity and towards justice since those tumultuous and continue our efforts to protect the free- chuckle from even his fiercest opponents. events in Selma, Alabama. doms and opportunities of the American peo- The first time I saw Ronald Reagan was at We are honored today to serve alongside ple. the 1968 Republican Convention in Miami Rep. JOHN LEWIS, who experienced firsthand Tonight I call upon all people of good will, Beach. Much to the dismay of my dyed-in-the- that fight for rights and representation. those who Dr. King called the Beloved Com- wool Democrat grandmother, I was there as a This congress counts 44 black members munity, to join hands and march toward an proud Texas College Republican delegate. among its number, and thanks to the Voting agenda of healing, justice and equality in com- He lost the nomination to Nixon, but I was Rights Act of 1965, millions of African-Ameri- memoration of those historic events. sold on Reagan from that moment on. cans can proudly cast their votes and make We march to preserve equality at the voting Of course, I instantly like him for his auto- their voices heard. booth. We march to bring an end to systemic mobile of choice a jeep. I drove the same kind But our work is far from done. The dreams poverty and disenfranchisement. We march and still do. He appealed to me and other ren- of Dr. King and of all those who gave their because we believe that all lives matter, and egade conservatives my age, particularly lives in the struggle for civil rights are not be- that this truth makes our country great. those of us in the yellow-dog South, because hind us. They are ahead. f we were a herd without a shepherd. Back In the wake of the Supreme Court’s ruling then, it was taboo to be a Republican in which severely crippled the Voting Rights Act, HONORING LOGAN GARTON Texas. But then, along came Reagan. We states across our nation enacted legislation were Reagan Republicans. designed to limit the ability of women, the el- HON. SAM GRAVES Reagan cut the class warfare. He trans- derly, African-Americans to exercise their right OF MISSOURI formed the country-club GOP image, and to vote. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES brought conservatism out of the shadows. It In Texas alone, new voter ID laws are esti- was cool to be a conservative. He represented Thursday, February 5, 2015 mated to have prevented or deterred as many what Americans wanted Democrats and Re- as 600,000 citizens from registering to vote in Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I publicans alike. He wasn’t the Grand Old 2014. proudly pause to recognize Logan Garton. Party leader; he was the people’s president. Such an act is a direct affront to all those Logan is a very special young man who has Reagan’s tenure in the White House saw who participated in the march to Montgomery, exemplified the finest qualities of citizenship some of the most historic events in our coun- as well as anyone who values the principles of and leadership by taking an active part in the try and the world. His line, ‘‘Mr. Gorbachev, true democracy. Boy Scouts of America, Troop 708, and earn- tear down this wall,’’ will probably resonate for It was exactly these principles that moti- ing the most prestigious award of Eagle Scout. time immemorial. vated 13 students from Texas Southern Uni- Logan has been very active with his troop, Although criticized by his foes for being a versity to stage a sit-in in Houston 55 years participating in many scout activities. Over the Hollywood actor, Reagan masterfully engi- ago in pursuit of desegregation. many years Logan has been involved with neered a feat that so-called political experts VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:47 Feb 06, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A05FE8.009 E05FEPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS E172 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 5, 2015 had little confidence could be accomplished tin Wooten, communications officers at the 175TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE the end of the Cold War. Galax Police Department’s dispatch center, CHARTER FOR SOUTHWESTERN Within minutes of his swearing in, news and also in recognition of the important work UNIVERSITY broke in one of the most widely followed situa- of all emergency dispatchers.
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