7620 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. MAY 29, drawn. If there are no further amendments as in Committee MISSISSIPPI. of the Whole, the bill will be reported to the Senate. Joshua Stevens to be postmaster at Macon, in the county ot Tlle bill was reported to the Senate as amended, and the Noxubee and State of Mississippi. amendments were concurred in. NEW J E RSEY. The amendments were ordered to be en,grossed and the bill William B. R. Ma on to be postmaster at Boundbrook, in the to be read a third time. couni~ of Somerset and State of New Jersey. Tbe bill was read the third time, and passed. NEW MEXICO. EXECUTIVE SESSION. Fred 0. Blood to be postmaster at East Las Vegas (late Las Mr. FRYE. I move that the Senate proceed to the considera- Vegas), in the county of San Miguel and Territory of New tion of executive bu iness. · Mexico. The motion was agreed to ; and the Senate proceeded to the NEW YORK. consideration of executive business. After five minutes spent Vernon A. Kent to be postmaster at Westfield, in the county in executive session the doors were reopened, and (at 6 o'clock of Chautauqua and State of New York. p. m.) the Senat e adjourned until Thursday, May 31, 1906, at 12 o'clock meridian. · NORTH CAROLINA. Eliza S. Craft to be postmaster at Williams, in the county of Yadkin and State of North Carolina. NOMINATIONS. James H. Ramsey to be postmaster at Salisbury, in the county E:cecutive nominations received by the Senate May 29, 1906. of Rowan and State of North Carolina. PENNSYLVANIA. COLLECTOR OF CUSTOMS. Thomas A. Cochran to be postmaster at Apollo, in the county John W. Vann, of Texas, to be collector of customs for the of Armstrong and State of Pennsylvania. di trict of Brazos de Santiago, in the State of Texas, to succeed Charles H. Maris, whose term of office has expired by limitation. WITHDRAWAL. PROMOTIONS IN THE NAVY. Commander James H. Bull to be a captain in the Na.vy from E:cecutive nomimation withdrawn May 29, 1906. the 2Gth day of :May, 1906, vice Capt Charles S. Sperry, pro­ . John J. O'Connell to be postmaster at Marinette, in the State moted. of Wisconsin. Lieut. Commander Frederick C. Bieg to be a commander in the Navy from the 26th day of May, 1906, vice Commander HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. James H. Bull, promoted. TUESDAY, May ~9, 1906. CONFIRMATIONS. The House met at 12 o'clock m. Execu.tive nominations confirmed by t.he Senate May 29, 1906. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. HENRY N. CoUDEN, D. D. 'l'he Jomnal of the proceedings of yesterday was read. COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. Mr. PAYNE. Mr. Speaker, I move the approval of the Jour· George M. Bowers, of West Virginia, to be Commissioner of nar. Fish and Fisheries in the Department of Commerce and Labor. ~rhe SPEAKER. The question is on the motion of the gen· CONSUL. tleman from New York that the Journal be approved. ~Ir . McCLEARY of Minnesota. Mr. Speaker-- George H.- Pickerell, of Ohio, now consul at St. Michaels, The SPEAKER. Does the ge:o.tleman from New York yield Azores, to be con ul of the United States at Para, Brazil. to the gentleman from Minnesota? UNITED STATES ATTORNEY. Mr. PAYNE. Certainly; I yield to the gentleman for a state­ James K. Barnes, of Arkansas, to be United States attorney ment or a question. Whether I shall yield further than that for the western district of Arkansas. I shall determine later. POSTMASTERS. Mr. McCLEARY of Minnesota. Mr. Speaker, it seems to . me, in view of the fact that the proceedings at the clo e of the GEORGIA. e ion last evening were quite unusual and became a hardship Stephen B. Vaughn to be postmaster at Augusta, in the county upon certain Members of · the House, the proceedings relating of Richmond ·and State of Georgia. to the arrest and bringing of Members before the bar of the Rouse INDIANA, should be vacated, and I ask unanimous con ent that ·that be Albert J. Frost to be postmaster at Portland, in the county done. of Jay and State of Indiana. The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Minnesota asks .unaniw Ezra Hayes to be po tma ter at Lawrenceburg, in the county mous consent that the proceedings of last evening in reference of Dearborn and State of Indiana. to the arrest and bringing before the bar of the House of Mem­ 'Villiam Sholty tQ be postmaster at Windfall, in the county bers be vacated. Is there objection? of Tipton and State of Indiana. Mr. MURPHY. 1\Ir. Speaker, I object. James G. Stanley to be postmaster at Ridgeville, in the county The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Missouri objects. cf Randolph and State of Indiana. 1\fr. GAINES of Tennessee :t· se. Samuel H. Teeple to be postmaster at Geneva, in the county The SPEAKER. Does the gentleman from New York yield of Adams and State of Indiana. to the gentleman from Tennessee? · INDIAN TE:RRITORY. Mr. PAYNE. Does the gentleman desire time? Logan G. Hysmith to be po tmaster at Wilburton, in District 1\lr. GAINES of Tennessee. I do. 15, Indian Territory. Mr. PAYNE. How much time does the gentleman desire? Roy W. Lovett, to be postmaster at Bristow, in Disb.·ict 8, Mr. GAINES of Tennessee. Three or four minutes. Indian Territory. Mr. PAYNE. I yield five minutes to the gentleman from Ten­ KANSAS. nessee. Lut her 1\1. Axline to be postmaster at Medicine Lodge, in the Mr. GAINES of Tennessee. Mr. Speaker, I remained here at county of Barber and State of Kansas. work in the House throughout the day yesterday, and until MAINE. nearly 6 o'clock. The Committee of the Whole was rising to Charles S. Akers to be postmaster ·at Norway, in the county of go into the House when I left. I then w~nt home--or, rather Oxford and State of .Maine. · to my hotel-for the purpose, of course, of quitting the labors of the day, but particularly to make a long-distance inquiry MASSACHUSETTS. about the very serious ill condition of my brother, seven or eight Dexter Grose to be postmaster at North Abington, in the hundred miles away from here. While at the hotel an officer county of Plymouth and State of Massachusetts. of the House came up and asked me if I had voted. I said no, MICH IGAN. and asked him, "What is the vote on?" He replied that the Andrew L. Deuel to be postmaster at Harbor Springs, in the Bouse was without a quorum and that be wanted me to go to county of Emmet and State of Michigan. the llou e, and held a paper in his band-a warrant, I presume. liii ~"ES OTA. I said, .. \Yell, I am not going now for anybody," and then ex­ William T. Callahan to be postmaster at Long Prairie, in the pl ained to him the very distressing condition of my brother, county of Todd and State of Minnesota. whom I was trying to hear from, and told him I was extremely Guy A. Eaton to be postmaster at Duluth, in the county of St. di u·e ed. I was unable to communicate with the attending Louis and State of Minnesota. phy s ician~and have been even to this moment-and the office:.· 1906, CONGRE~SIONAL RECORD-HOUSE~] 7621 very kindly excused me. I then went down into the restaurant Hom:;e was being called·. 1 had a conver.:;ation with one. of my for my supper. The1·e I saw a number of Members of the House Republican friends-by the way, one of the most elegant gentle­ and told them the condition of the House; that a call for a men in this House, who lives at the same hotel-and we agreed quorum was being made, but t11at I could not go, They came that we would· eat supper hastily and get over here in order to up. After I had finished my meal I went up into the lobby of vote and relieve the Chair and not delay the business of the the hotel and met a :Member, who said he had voted and left llouse. A few minutes later (the gentleman fxom Tennessee u some time ago." I th-en went outside to see if the flag bad [Mr. GAINEs] said an officer; I deny it) a u.:;urper so far as legal been taken down from the Hous~in other words, to see and authority is concerned, a usurper from this Honse- having no determine whether or not the House had as yet secured a quo- authority to arrest presented himself and asked us to come here rum and adjourned. I could not see any :flag. I theh went back with him. I came here, and I was the first culprit arraigned and telephoned to the House. I was informed over the tele- before the bar of this House. Gentlemen present expressed phone that the "House is still twenty-nine Members shy." surprise and I confess I myself was surprised. Last week, ~:fr. I was unable to telephone during this time to my sick brother Speaker, these same- officers, clothed with the same kind of or hear about his condition, so I got on a car and started to p1·ocess, went to the baseball park and, as I am informed', the House t(} help make a quorum, after I was excused you ·see, arrested a number of Members, including one- not far removed and was overtaken about Seventh street, or, rather, was hailed from the White House family, the gentleman from Ohio [Mr.
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