V ;'l ' i \ ■ . \ \ . 'W ■. \ f - FRIDAY, MAilCH 20, 1970 V ' PAOI TWENTY^XJXnt AvoragM Dally Net Proaa Ron The Weather iHanrljfatpr lEwninfi H^ralb 'Vor The Week RadaO Jsiiuary u , im Fair and ooldcar tonight wMli Scott Palmer, son of Mr. and knvB 36 to 80. Tomorrow In- Mrs. Donald Palmer, 16 ’Tim­ orcaalng oloudinsas, chaaea «< About Town ber Trail, Is the slate design 15,890 iiBln Mw In day. High in Mil Andrew D. Okbson of 608 chairman of the Auror^i^ (111.) MoMhetter—^A City of Village Charm EXCITING Wetherell St., science depart­ College Drama Guild produc­ ment chairman at James tion "Ghosts". He will also Talcott Junior High School In portray Mr. Manders In the pro­ VOL. LXXXiX, NO. 145 (EIGHTEEN PAGES—TV SECTION) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, MARCH 21, 1970 (Olaaslfted Advertialag on Page 10) PRICE TEN CENTS Helene Curtis West Hartford, earlier this duction which will run from week attended the annual meet­ March 20 to 22. r ing of the National Science Teachers Association at the "f; Natui;e Blend,.Wigs ConvenUon Center In Cincin­ Miss Carolann Lawrence, M ore them 10,000 YcB*ds o f daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nell nati, Ohio. ‘Kid Power’ 1IAI,E Lawrence, 89 Doane St., has Bright, Exciting, New SPRING New Leadership Sgt. William E. Hart, son of been named to the dean’s list' \ Beats City Hall Mr. and Mrs. Bernard J. Hart at Ashland (Ohio) College. Mail Strike (Theyil make your hair jealous) Sr. of 78 Phelps Rd., was Seated in Cambodia ESCX)NIDtDO, CaHf. (AP) recently promoted to his pres­ Miss Elizabeth A. Blcley, of — The city haa aorapped ent rank while serving with the 41 Duval St., has been named PHNOM PENH, CamtMdia ments not to recognise the plans for part of a new FABRICS storm drain system, surren­ USAF in Ankara, Turkey. to the dean's list at Baldwln- (AP) — Troops with fixed bayo- forces which deposed him. Wallace College, Berea,-^hlo. nets lined the streets In Cam bo- Sihanouk had interrupted a dering to a frog pond end kid power. Dennison B. Hoffman of New­ dla's capUal today, as the new vacation in France to fly to ington will speak about the Paul F. Teslk Jr., son of Mr. three-man leadership made its Moscow and Peki^ In hopes of When smaiy fry o f the Other Cities ‘ 'Story of Animals” at a meet­ and Mrs. Paul F. Teslk Sr., 32 lint public appearance at the getting Soviet and Chinese lead- neighborhood protested the ing of the Perennial Planters Westminster Rd. ,has earned National Aaaembly. ere to help persuade Viet Cong new system ‘would destroy Garden Club Monday at 8 p.m. second honors for the fall semes­ Cheng Heng was sworn in as and North Vietnamese forces to their frog pond and pidled up WASHINGTON (AP)— at the home of Mrs. Robert ter at Assumption College, Wor­ provislanal chief of state, re- reduce their military presence survey stakes, their parents Additional walkoats By Heins, Rosewood Lane, Bolton. cester, Mass. placing Prince Norodom Slhan- n Canvbodia. backed them up and refused mail carriers Began today to grant the etty land for the Cb-hostesses are Miss Millicent ouk who was ousted in a blood- Matak’s govenunent contin- as pickets lined post offices Jones and Mrs. Harold Lavan- project. less coup last Wednesday. Vice ued to consolidate its position. in scattered cities in defi­ way. City engineer John Wil­ South Church Premier Siswatii Slrlk Matak, In its latest move, the govem- ance of Back-to-work pleas oonsldered the real power be- nuent ousted Foreign Minister liamson backed down end By union leaders and the The Rev. Carl Saunders of Youth Staging hind the coup, and Defense Min- Norodom Puiisara, a distant lopped three blocks off the South Methodist Church will con­ later Gen. Lon Nol stood at bis cousin of Sihanouk. He was re­ proposed project. a^inistration’s agreement duct a service Sunday at 8:15 Folk Service sides. placed by Yem Sameaur, who "We ootdd have condemn­ to discuss wage demands. a.m. on radio station WINF. The Lon Nol said later in a broad- also holds the portfolios of Jus- ed the land, but they are the About 40 pickets amwared «t program is sponsored by the "They’ll Know We ore Chris­ peojde who would have bene­ tbs front entrance to the main Manchester Clergy Association cast to the nation that the gov- tice, health, and community tians By Our Love” a folk ser­ eminent planned to "safeguard realUons, and who was Cambo- fited by the project,” WU- poet offioe In Chicago—fh* and the Manchester Council of Uameon said. "But that’s kid tlon'a laugeat—after tint looal Churches. vice created by the youth of our independence within our dla's first foreign minister in present borders.” IMB. power, I gueas." union voted to etrtke. The ptofc- South Untted Methodist Churdi, eting bpgan as the that aUtt of The Couples Bridge Group 3 will be held Sunday at 7:30 p.m. He said in reference to Slhan- The government' ordered all canton waa achedutod to report ouk: "Any act or plot of the pictures of Sihanouk removed and 4 of the Manchester New­ in Cooper Hall. tot week* comers Club of the YWCA will prince detrlmentai to (Cambodia from sight. Pictures of the . , y -, -m-m After several years of parUed- 'At ttw aame time, ptoktMng meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. Group will be condemned as treason." prince, some of which have >4 Was scheduled to begto In 73 of 3 will meet at the home of Mr. patlng In folk services with All foreign legations In Phnom hung in their places since he guitars and voices, the young Chicago’s postal subatattaw. and Mrs. Barry Stoner, 12 Pane Penh have been advised the ac- was placed on the throne by In Denver, worksra alao voted Dr., Glastonbury, and Group 4 people planned a service In­ tion in deposing Sihanouk was French colonial rulers in 1941, corporating their idpas and mu­ Senators See not to report for work bagtiwing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. legal, he added. began coming down in all public with today'# tint shift and, in Beautiful as the most beautiful hair. Permanently curled. Just tease Norman MacIntyre, Walnut Dr., sic. Under the leadership o< Sihanouk, who was ousted buildings and offices, and style yourself. Wash & wear. Never frizzy. Never limp. (The secret’s Robert Knight and Miss Lynn Ftttaburgh, ptoketing of tilt Marlborough. while in Moscow, was quoted in A Cambodian language news main poat office began at 5 in our special fiber, Modac 53™.) Mix & match 24 fabulous shades. Beggs, Manchester High School Victory Near Peking as calling for a referen- paper, "(Jolden Country,” le- cum., EST. Replacement guarantee for one full year with every wig, wiglette and Three Manchester seniors a* students, the group chose music dum and urging foreign govern- ported today that Lm Nol was from various sources and com­ WASHINOTON (AP) —Sena­ In Detroit, however, offtoan' fall. They’re great. Try them and see. Bridgeport School of Nursing, Instrumental in blocking a pow- o f the kxnJ unton voted imaiSr and members of the school bined It with a liturgy that pro­ tors opposing Judge O. Harrold claims their faith In Jesus er^y by Slha^s camwell say they may be wlth- mouaty Ertday night to rrtun chorus, will appear In concert paper said tta to three vo4 of d efe^ Pres- all employee to work aa aoon aa STBETCHWIG $29.9S/ FAII. $17.95 / WIGLETTE $9.95 at the New England Hospital Christ through worship. Cong Forces ^ m ow ^ Ident Nixon’s Supreme Court poaalbto.A wildcat atrtloa had Assembly In Boston, March 2i. Several of the youths will day — ^ ^'*****'*^ nominee and, after a week ct ckNMd 33 of that olty'B SS aubata- They are; Miss Linda Turgeon, share their ideas on the mean­ 1 1 ing of the theme of the service up was ouste<^-by M inl^r of debate, Republican backers prl- ttons. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ade- and others will participate in Ground Defense Oum ^^tedy concede their strength Is Poatal authorlttea in PMtauAel- lor Turgfeon Jr. of 3 Durkin St.; to Drive Deeper W IG DEMONSTRATION the dialogue sermon. rine end by the police dilef of ggppw pMa aald 15 caniani and about Miss Audrey Lindahl, daughter The senior high youth group Phnom Penh. Both have been opporiante say they can count two dodMn clexka repotted tor of Mr. and Mrs. H.O. Lindahl has made liturgical 'banners 50 Into Laos fired and are believed to be un- 39 votes against Senate Postmaster Joseph Benucci takes an agonized look at the strike-snagged mail work today. Normally, they Louise Chaphe, Helene Curtis Hair Fashion Stylist will be here Saturday, of B Avon Bt.; and Miss Bernice % Em bargo said, 3,800 carrlera and 500 and posters for the prooeasdon- DRESS FABRICS • SUITING der house arrert. confimvatkMi of the Fkmlda Ju- which is piling up at the post office in Newark, N. J. (AP Photofax) Mora, daughter of Mr. and March 21 in our Cosmetic Dept, to demonstrate our beautiful wigs. al. VIENTIANE, Laoa (AP) Meanwhile, the local press additional nine sen- cterka would be working In tile Mrs. John Mora, 330 Hackma­ The service will close with Even Some KNITS Nosth Vietnameae_____ forces ■ and radio continued frontal as- leaning toward "no" main poat office and Ita 41 tack St. the oelebratlon of the Lord’s preaaed their d riv e In new Sight" »aults on the name of Sihanouk votes.
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