------------------------------------------------- = ? 3 ^ - ......................... ......................................----------------------- ------- ------------------------------------ — ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - VOL. LXXI. No. 40. $1.50 Per Year. HIGHTSTOWN, MERCER COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MARCH 25, 1920. Price 4 Cents. Whole No. 3,681 MICKIE SAYS HIRAM JOHNSON’S First Baptist Church PETITION IS FILED “ P'aeing God’s Work for Us” will be Dr. Stanton’s morning subject: the I g h M iii’s Tan Rate For The "Pe.nnsy” employees are ac­ A petition insuring a place’on tho commodating. A few days ago the subject of the Young People’s meet­ Republican preferential primary bal­ ing at 7 p. m. will bo “Our Country's THE DEBATE 1:36 passenger train was on time. lot in New Jersey for United States Three prospective passengers were Need of ('brist” ; leader, Roger F. Senator Hiram W. Johnson of Cali­ Estey. The meeting at 7:45 p. m, The lliglitslowii High Heliool do- late. They heard the whistle and fornia, fot President, was filed with This Yffiir Two Nioaty-Tliree started for the station: Time for will be in the Presbyterian Chureh; bating learn met the Larabertville the Secretary of State on Monday liy departure. The brakeman gives the the sermon will bo by the Baptist High School debating team at Ijam- Allan Trimble, publicity director for minister: subject, “'Hie Joy set be­ vbcrtille on Friday, March 19tli. The signal and the engineer opens the the Californian in this state. The Total Tax R ate for H i^htstow n throttle. The train starts and on fore Him.” Insti'iid of tho usual mid­ subject for debate was, “ Ue.solved: Borough Shows Fifty-One Cent CO-OPERATIVE MARKETING petition contains 1,300 signers, all signal stops. It is said, that John week meeting next week on Thurs­ That immigration to the United Increase Over Last Year.—Gen­ voters in Essex county. Senator W. Rogers—the potato man—^gaive day night there will bo on Friday Slates Khould. bo prohibited for tho At tho winter meeting of tho Giant Johnson’s designation on the ballot night, April 2, a “Good Friday” eral Ittcrease In C ounty. the high sign to the conductor. At next live years.” Hightstown, rep­ Potato Growers’ Association the ques­ will be “ Americanism—^Law and Or­ Baptismal service in tho chureh, at any rate the passengers came on the resented by Wilbur Hess, Beatrice tion of financing a farmers’ oo-opera- der with Justice.” which twenty-one candidates will be Higlitstown’s tax rate for 1920 trot. First the lady with a baby, Ivins and Margaret jessen, with ti-ve association was discussed and The Western Senator will speak in baptized. At the Easter-morning lies Ijeen officially fixed at $2.93 on then another lady with an armful of Edward VanDoreii as alternate, had the suggestion was offered and ap­ several cities early in April. It is service of the church they will re­ each *100 of valuation, according luggage, and at last, the man, with the affirmative side. Lamberville proved “That growers give non-in­ not unlikely that a Johnson “Big ceive the hand of church fellowship was represented by Lillian fluck, to the announcement of the County about, four armfuls of luggage. They terest bearing notes, the amount to be F our" ticket will be announced in a and partake of their first Communion. Margaret Moonen and Vivian Foche, Tax Board. The total amount of made the train. money to be raised in Hightstown based on the acreage, to be used as few days. Petitions placing district The Communion service will be pro­ with Howard Shirtsman as alternate. collateral, on which the association delegates in the field will also be la $58,127.97. ceeded hy a joint service of tho Four automobiles started from hero could borrow money for its require­ filed with the Secretary of State be­ The total rate is made up as fol- A retired farmer—only recently re­ church and Bible school during which at a qu-arler to six to take the speak­ ments.” fore March 27. Iowb: County, 60 cents, state road, tired—wanted to mail a letter. It the school will present an Easter ers and their supporters to the debate. ' Mr. Barclay said he did not think 10 cents, state school, 24 cents, local was a large letter ^nd he wanted program entitled “The Victorious Three of them arrived jn good time, the plan was practical, and much CONFESS TO ROBBERY Bohool, $1.19, local borough, 90 cents. postage stamps. Along about the Christ,” arranged l\v Harry I'imerson althoiigli the roads were somewhat impractical criticism has been in­ On these rates the amounts raised 6rst of February Postmaster Robbins damps Hardman, Charles Heitman Fosdiok. Thi.s will all be in cluireb ■uneven hetweeii here and Ireiiton. dulged in since the meeting. ,rill be as follows: county, $9,894.44; and his crew decamped from the old, and Thomas Purcell, Newark youths, auditorium and begin, promptly at Unfortinialely, Miss Donucll and State road, *1996.17;'state The writer, old si|e on. Main street and moved were taken into custody Thursday 10;:i0 a. m. The iniblie is invited. Mr. Rowe were in the ear whiidi did tain that the sii^ ^ io iS '‘Otiered was ■''^4721.10; local school, $23,675'.t)2; into mifiern quarters. This retired afternoon by Trenton Traffic Officer not reach Lambertville. As the ar- regular, and not radical, sent for the borough, $17,841.24. The borough farmer-Yon the road from Hightstown Pell and Motor Vehicle Inspector Elias B. Rogers rival of one of tlio judges was do- credit methods of the various co­ vill also receive the bank stock tax to Princeton Junction—^endeavored to William Cooper on charges of enter­ «.,<1. «r a. operative associations and finds that was spent in singing and chci'ring. money. enter the vacant building. Where ing the ticket office of the Pennsyl­ Allentown, died Tuesday, March —t the promissory note plan is used by The rate for 1919 was $2.42. This was the postoffioe? He found the vania railroad at Hightstown. Over Death-was due to llie iiilirmilies of The songs were written by members practically every oo-operative asso­ year the rate shows an increase of place where postage stamps are sold. a hundred postage stamps and a pair age. Mr, Rogers was ill for two of tho schools, and were sung with a fifty-one cents. Owing to the in­ ciation in this country, Canada, of lady’s nose glasses were found in great deal ot spirit. The very small Denmark, Germany, Sweden, Italy, weeks. creased amounts needed for school their possession. They admitted the Air. Rogers was for more than oO groii]) representing Hightstown made Prance and England. Most of your Mrs. Samuel Shean purposes to meet advances in the theft according to Captain of De­ years engaged in tho contracting and .up by their enthusiasm fur their la-ek readers are familiar with the methods salaries of teachers and other ad- wife of Samuel Shean, died in Brook­ tectives Clancy and Chief Deltmar. building business. Ho has lived re­ ill numbers. of financing by the California Fruit -VW1CP8 in school supplies the tax lyn, N. Y., on Friday, March 19th, tired however tor inany' years. At Hess, the first speaker, gave n very Exchange, which is in line with the rum'fuh argument, anil spoke with rates in every municipality in the after a lingering illness. The funeral Cemetery Association Elects one time lie vvas a nieniber of the plan suggested at the winter meeting, great earnestness and persuasive- county show increased rates. T te services were held in Brooklyn. The The annual meeting of the Cedar Allentown liorough eouneil niid 'vas Trenton rate will be $3.49. Last referred to, and as that exchange interment was made at Cedar Hill Hill Cemetery Association was held a member of thc Biiiitist'Clmrcli aiid .....,M iss ■. -Flunk,. • • Lambe.r|.v.iHv’» ■ has been extremely successful it has first.speaker, staled very clearly the year the Trenton rate was $2.76. cemetery, Hightstown, on Tuesday, last week. Messrs. James M. Van the Odd Fellows. Two sons, I rank, been adopted by most of the other The 1920 and 1919 rates, respec­ under the direction of J. S. Rogers denbergh, F. A. Updike and Elmer of New York, ami William Rogers brief for the negative. .Ml the speak­ co-operative association in this coun- ers showed a fine enthusiasm, and tively, in the various boroughs and & Son. Mrs. Shean was in her 89th J. Rogers were elected trustees for of Trenton survive. the amlienee heard every word with townships are as follows: try. year. The body was escorted by two years and Messrs. Charles A. Tho funeral will be held from his William Kerr writes, relative to the Princeton boro, $2.25 and $1.97; members of the Masonic lodge, of Mason, John W. Early and D. II. homo Friday afternoon at 1:30. Her- nipt altenlion.' Miss Fluek gnivo methods employed by the Canadian the nduUlal for the negative; she Hightstown boro, $2.93 and $2.42; which her husband has been a mem­ Cunningham were elected trustees viee.s will be iield in till' Bii))tisl Farm Products Company of Prince Pennington boro, $2.54 and $2.13, ber for 69 years. Mr. Shean who sur- for three years. On Saturday even­ Church at 2 o’clock, liiterm'eiil will spoke well, but did not find it easy Hopewell boro, $2.57 and $2.12, Edward Island, Canada, of which he yives his wife, is in his 94th'year.
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