a magazine about the Hispanic community at The Ohio State University Changing Titnes l,QUe Pasa, OSU? Is Change is Lhe essence of life. embraced on-line services, and how Changes create new situations and much a part of their everyday life it has going through some (sometimes) improves previous condi- become. Needless to say, l Que Pasa, changes to keep pace tions. During the upcoming months you OSU? has to get on with the times and with technology. will see changes in lQue Pasa, OSU? become ··computer friendly". One of them you will see in this issue I really hope that the advent of the (it's 16 pages long). website is well received, and that i,Que The reasoning behind the latter and Pasa, OSU? reaches a wider (if not a other changes in the magazine is to go worldwide) audience. I also hope that into the 21st century, hand and hand with people get involved with it and gives us technology. Right now a website for the their input on how we can make it better. magazine is in the works, we hope that It is exciting for me to write about this, I this website will be read and used to Lhe really like the concept and I'm pretty Hispanic students' benefit. sure its going to take off. The idea of the website, came into Like I said before changes (some- the fray, after noticing how much times), translate into progress, and I'm students like to use Netscape and other sure i,Que Pasa, OSU? will be in at the on-line services. Business, sports, same pace with new Lechnology, just movies, airlines, etc. advertise and three years away from the dawning of a provide services on-line ... So why not new millennium for mankind. we? Sometimes it amazes me how in the By Francisco Corral past four or five years, people have L - Cover Story 4 Hispanic Awareness Week • Opening Reception • Noche de Ronda • Beyond the Color of Fear Workshop & On the Web • Latino Websites at OSU • ;,Que Pasa, OSU? launches website Departments 2 Esquina del Editor a Campus & Community News • Puertorrican Brigade • Alpha Psi Lambda member Honored • Hispanic Engineering Students Honored • Lucent Technologies Walk-a-thon 9 Spotlight • Latina Entertainment Queen: Daisy Fuentes • Guest Proffesor: Karen Ellington • Guest Speaker: Ruth Behar Please send all letters, press releases, or etceteras to: l Que Pasa, OSU? clo Hispanic Student Services 347 Ohio Union 1739 North High Street Columbus, Ohio, 43210. This Publication does not necessarily reflect views and opinions of the Staff, Editorial Board, or Publisher. All submissions for publication must include name and phone number or e-mail ofperson(s) responsible for work. • lOue Pasa, OSU? reserves the right to refuse any and all submissions for publication at anytime. • This is a student publication of The University-wide Council of Hispanic Organizations (UCHO) and is funded by the Hispanic Oversight Committee (HOC) • Neither UCHO, the HOC, the : Office ofHispanic Student ,,-. Services, nor The Ohio State I '::'- the contents of this publication. ~ ~-U-n-iv_e_rs_i_fy_a_r_e_re_s_p_o_n_s_ib_le__m_r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~__J? L Hispanic Awareness Week Opening Reception On a mild Friday afternoon, Hispanic Awareness kicked off with a reception at the Faculty Club. Among the guests were: distinguished Hispanic faculty members, University faculty members, and renowned professors from Barbosa and Carmen Alvarez- colleges nationwide. The music was Breckenridge. Kathy Booth served as performed by marimba players, and the master of ceremonies of the event. food, to say the least was excellent. The Students representing the various reception was organized by the Hispanic Hispanic organizations were in atten- Student Services, and several awards dance, and the atmosphere was pleasant were given. The recipients of the awards and filled with camaraderie. The activity were Johnny Howell, Tamara Garcia- lasted till seven o'clock at night, and it was great to see students and faculty members enjoy an activity that started such an important week for all-Latino students. By Francisco Corral ..z iJl __ --------------- - -- Beyond the Color of Fear On Friday, April 18th. during His- the film. One participant talked about the panic Awareness Week at OSU, several extent to which he has to deny his Worlcshop people got together to view and discuss cultural heritage every day in order to the film, "The Color of Fear". This survive in Columbus. He also com- documentary, directed by Lee Mun Wah, mented on the myth that there are was filmed during a weekend retreat in homogeneous cities in central Ohio, which nine men (two African Americans, noting that all area cities are diverse to three Asian Americans. two European some degree. Diversity issues must Americans, and two Latinos) discuss therefore be addressed. racism and ethnocentrism. Workshop participants agreed that The film is full of emotional mo- each of us must continue to grapple with ments, including one in which a Mexican these issues in our communities. Silence American man speaks about how much it is acceptance of the status quo. The hurts him that some white Americans workshop was sponsored by Hispanic think of him as not American when he Student Services, the Caribbean Students comes from a people who were here Association, Study Circles on Racism, before the arrival of white Americans. Off-Campus Student Services & Project Much of the discussion in the documen- Community, and the YWCA. Study tary focuses on the importance of Circles on Racism (a student organiza- knowing and respecting one's own ethnic tion at OSU) and the YWCA facilitate and cultural heritage (including for white "Beyond the Color of Fear" workshops Americans, who often fail to recognize and Study Circles on Racism every themselves as "ethnic") as well as quaner at OSU. learning about and respecting the ethnic and cultural backgrounds of others. by Cynthia Newberry All of those attending the April 18th workshop at OSU were visibly moved by In front of a enthusiastic crowd in Hispanic students and faculty. Sheila Noche de the second floor of the Ohio Union, the Ki lty was the master of ceremonies. "Noche de Ronda" talent night took Cathy Black performed well know songs Ronda at the place. Alpha Psi Lambda sponsored the from "The Carpenters", and Dr. Raul activity which featured performances by Herrera along with other students Ohio Union performed a potpourri of well-know Latino folk songs. It also happened to be Dr. Herrera's birthday and the crowd joined in singing "Las Mananitas" to commemorate the occasion. This was one of the activities that was featured during Hispanic Awareness Week, the crowd was a good mix of Latino and American students, who sang along to some of the tunes and were marveled at the ability of the performers. Without a doubt, it was one of the most colorful and versatile activities during Hispanic Awareness Week. By Francisco Corral ____!~ Welb , (. http://www.osu.edu/students/ucho/QuePasa HBSA A\fA http:I/www.osu.edu/students/hbsa httP://www.osu.edu/students/apl OHSEA UCHO httP://www.osu.edu/students/ohsea http://www.osu.edu/students/ucho Go ahead and get wired ... JobDirect Latino Web Premiere Attractions http://www.jobdirect.com http://latino.web.com http://www.premiere-attractions.com JobTrak Telarana Columbus Alive http://www.alivewired.com C http://www.jobtrak.com http://www.latela.com ,.•" Ser-Jobs Latino Link Columbus Pages http://www.serjobs.org http://www.latinolink.com http://www.columbuspages.com ---- ---- - -- l HBSA The Ever Growing Business Hispanic Organization The Hispanic Business Student Asso- Texas on February 28 - March I , 1997. part of their outgoing organization. There ciation (HBSA) at The Ohio State Univer- Ray Arebalo, President of HBSA, are many plans and events that HBSA has sity i1. the local chapter ofthe National His- claims that, "The conference participants plan to do during next school year and it panic Business Association (N HBA). are provided with the opportunity to en- wants you to be part of those events. You Since it's initiation on February 23, 1994. rich their understanding of the American do not have to be a business major or His- the Ohio State chapter hac; undergone some Corporate world, form a Latino/a 's per- panic to become a member. For more in- amazing growth. spective." Eva Cantu, Vice-President of formation you can contact HBSA at, email: A large contributing factor to HBSA's HBSA who allended the NHBSLC for the [email protected] or you can visit them success have stemmed from the ongoing second time state<,. "The conference at their homepage: http://www.osu.edu/stu- suppon of the Max M. Fisher College of participantes were provided a series of dents/hbsa Business. NHBA. and several highly com- workshops that provide powerful skills that petitive businesses. In addition, HBSA will strengthen their leadership, network- Te Esperamos! works very close with Career Services. ing and bu!>iness skills... Minority Student Services, and the College Three candidates who attended the Eva Cantu of Business in order to increase job oppor- conference participated in a panel discus- tunities and the professional development sion on April 16. during the Hispanic of i11. members. Awareness Week as pan ofan outreach pro- Mr. David Hanison, Director of Mi- gram within the Ohio State community. nority Student Services and HBSA\ advi- The presentation given by the three candi- sor, serves as a primary liaison for 1he or- dates dealt with the top secret student em- ganization and the College of Business. ployment I career strategies. A second pre- Along with the assistance of Mr. Harrison. sentation was given by the president of Professor Milligan and Jay Yutzey, of the HBSA.
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