May/June1999 Vol. 32 • No. 3 May/June 1999 A TEAM OF OUR OWN “Lions, and Tigers, and Bears! Oh, Lumberjacks, Minutemen, and Pa- my!” While this may sound like a line by John H. Gámez dres. Ethnic groups are also repre- from a famous motion picture, it is sented such as Eskimos, Vikings, actually a partial listing of profes- Canadiens, Canucks, Americans, sional sports mascots and nick- Hawaiians, Floridians, La Raza, names.1 Metros-Croatia (from Toronto, ON), While Americans often think of Texans, Tejanos, Aztecs, Indians, professional sports as being limited and yes, Soviets. to football, baseball, basketball, and Some nicknames were chosen be- ice hockey, the Sports Logo Guide cause of the state of race relations also identifies professional lacrosse, of the day. Black athletes were at one roller derby, roler hockey, soccer, time not allowed to compete against team tennis, and volleyball. In all, white athletes. To circumvent this that reference identifies 82 profes- problem many black baseball teams sional North American sports pretended to be foreign. Thus, were leagues, both active and defunct, born the Cubans, Cuban Stars, and from before the turn of the century our military heritage. Companies, others. to 1997. battalions, and regiments have of- With the controversey surround- Organized sports goes back to the ten carried proud names such as ing the use of Native American very dawn of civilization, with every Guards, Rifles, Dragoons, Lancers, names as team nicknames, U.S. culture having some sort of athletic Zouaves, and so on. The American News and World Report ran a story competition as part of it’s heritage. Civil War produced some of the more pointing out the inappropriateness This is especially true in today’s so- creative fighting nicknames. Union of such nicknames. It also suggested ciety. We seem enamored with the soldiers sometimes found them- non-offensive names such as Fight- performance and antics of our le- selves pitted against such fearsome ing Mineral Salts. gions of highly skilled, highly paid units as the Mississippi Yankee Partially because of this contro- athletes. To the fan, these teams rep- Hunters, Mounted Wild Cats, New versy, non-offensive names, such as resent not only a city or region, but Garden Fearnoughts, Tyranny Un- A’s, Action, Advantage, Beacons, Bi- also an attribute, whether real or masked Artillery, Franklin Fire Eat- centennials, Blast, Breeze, Breakers, imagined. The heiritage of a given ers, Hell Roaring Horse, and the One- Impact, Liberty, Kicks, Machine, locality is often embodied by the Eyed Battallion.2 Sounds, and Xplosion may have team logo, colors, or nickname. Modern team nicknames vary come into being. Team nicknames are not a mod- greatly as to the source of each par- Originally, baseball teams were ern phenomenon, but rather part of ticular team’s moniker. Anything Continued on page 6 from culture, vocation, or avocation 18th ICV On The Web can used to derive a particular team’s identity. S O R R Y Plans are underfoot for photos and Zoology is the vocation which is by reports from the 18th International The NAVA President and interim far the most represented, with ani- editor of NAVA News wishes to apolo- Congress of Vexillology to be posted mals from every genus and order. daily during the Congress onto Cat lovers are the most represented gize to the members for the extreme NAVA’s award-winning web site! of this group with teams called Li- lateness of the News. Events beyond NAVA’s Webmaster, Dick Gideon and ons, Tigers, Tiger-Cats, Bobcats, Bor- the control of the Board have cre- President, Dave Martucci have col- der Cats, Catbirds, Channel Cats, ated the situation but we have done laborated on a plan to transmit digi- Bengals, Ice Cats, Panthers, Cou- everything in our power to correct tal photos and written reports each gars, Hellcats, Jaguars, Kats, Lynx, it. Those wishing to assist in this Mountain cats, Nightcats, Sabrecats, night to the web site’s special 18ICV effort by contributing articles, advice Thunder Cats, Wildcats, Wildcatters, pages. Check it out each day! It’s the and Gatos. or efforts may kindly contact the next best thing to being there. Look Humanity in all its diversity is also NAVA President to make their inten- for this and other features at http:/ well represented. From occupations tions known. Thank you for your /www.nava.org/ such as Cowboys—1—, Steelers, Oilers, understanding. NAVA News 32/3 VV EE XX II BB II TT SS The Denver Post. 28 March win, NT, Australia). 31 March 1999. In a controversial move, by John H. Gámez 1999. The Australian Football the Japanese government is con- League wants to revamp its glo- sidering legislation to formally an estimated $18 million. Origi- bal image by changing its logo. adopt the national flag and an- nally the flag cost $405.90. The Currently the logo is heraldic in them. The national flag, known project goal is to “stabilize the nature with a shield and capitol as the Hinomaru and the anthem flag” rather than to attempt to letter “A” formed by the lower entitled “Kimigayo” have critics make it look like new. (submitted hoist canton of the British Union up in arms. Although both flag by Anna K. Weisz) Jack. The league feels that both and song have been used widely The Mail Tribune (Medford, OR). the shield and Union Jack refer- since the end of World War II, 30 January 1999. The Oregon ence are outdated. (submitted by both are considered to be linked state legislature has passed a bill Ron Stracham) to the atrocities committed by that would require school teach- Northern Territory News. 8 Japanese troops in eastern Asia ers to conduct the Pledge of Alle- April 1999. The pilot of the first and the Pacific islands. (submit- giance at least once a week. Ap- F-117 “stealth” fighter to be shot ted by John R. King, III) parently, the law has not set a down was comforted by the U.S. The Beaumont Enterprise. 13 specific time or place for the flag he had folded inside his flight December 1998. A news photo Pledge. Some feel that the legis- suit. It was given to him by a fe- shows one of several huge U.S. lature should not be wasting its male freind. He said of the flag, flags that are to be hung from time on an unenforcable law, “For me it was representational buildings in the Gaza strip along while one lawmaker feels that the of all the people who I knew were President Clinton’s parade route. law does not go far enough. (sub- praying. It was a piece of every- The President made the trip to mitted by James M. White) one and very comforting. It helped help save the the Isreali- The Christian Science Monitor. me not to let go of hope.” (submit- Palestinain peace process. (sub- 30 November 1998. Turkish ted by Ron Stracham) mitted by David Ott) expatriots living in Germany The NSW Freemason. December The New York Times. 21 De- marched through the streets of 1998. This issue relates the story cember 1998. By visiting the Pal- Berlin waving Turkish national of an Australian flag that was estinian State, President flags. They were demanding the used in American and Australian Clinton’s popularity in the Middle extradition of Kurdish rebel combined freemason meetings in East reached a new high. By Abdullah Ocalan who is being the southwest Pacific during bombing Iraq days later, his held in Italy. (submitted by David World War II. After the war the popularity plunged. Palestians Ott) Australian flag was taken back to who had cheered for the U.S. Riverine Herald (Victoria, Aus- the states where it remained for President showed their anger by tralia). For Richard and Carolyn many years with freemason “...their prefered and time-hon- Hupfield, home is where the Winson H. Linnert. In 1957 the ored tradition of burning Ameri- heart is. And although they live flag was returned to fellow can flags...” (submitted by Anna in the Australia state of Victoria, freemason Syd Richardson. The K. Weisz) they fly the flag of the Northern flag was later used at ANZAC The Boston Globe. 31 May 1999. Territory from their home. Rich- commemoration ceromonies. The Smithsonian Institution has ard expresses his feelings quite (submitted by Ron Stracham) begun the task of restoring “The clearly, “The Northern territory is Greek News (Melbourne, Star Spangled Banner” - the huge Australia as far as I am con- Victoria, Australia) 29 March U.S. flag that flew during the cerned. (submitted by Ron 1999. Four young Greek climb- siege of Fort McHenry during the Stracham, Darwin, NT, Australia) ers scaled Mt. Kilimanjaro, the War of 1812. The project will cost Northern Territory News (Dar- highest peak in Africa and —2— May/June1999 planted the Greek flag on top. cember 1998. Dress rehearsals Their next task, Mt. Everest the for the flag raising of the world’s The offending trucker was ar- highest peak the world. (submit- largest U.S. flag were completed. rested on a variety of charges. ted by Ron Stracham) The flag, which measures 7,410 The white trucker decided to re- Beaumont Enterprise. 27 No- sq.ft., is larger than a basketball place the Confederate bug screen vember 1918 (yes, that is the cor- court and can be seen for 30 with a U.S. flag bug sceen. (sub- rect date). In a move aimed at miles flying from its 225 ft. pole. mitted by Bernard Couture, Sr.) Communist and Anarchists, New (submitted by Bernard Couture, Florida Today.
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