COMMENTARY Clear Thinking and the Forces of Unreason KENDRICK FRAZIER here is a new need for rational- still a dangerous world out there, but about. We no longer can indulge such ity and reason—as well as their warnings had fallen on mostly distractions. courage and resoluteness—in deaf ears. We were too distracted with I think in the short term at least we T living the good life. Now, suddenly, no are going to see less nonsense. Psychic defense of freedom and democracy and the highest values of civilization. Since one is distracted. abilities failed to warn us of the September 11 the world has changed, Much the same could be said for rJiose September 11 attacks, and now it and a previous pop culture of superfi- of us toiling on behalf of science and rea- should be clear to all but the most com- ciality, self-absorption, self-indulgence, son and scientific skepticism. Paul Kurtz mitted or muddle-headed that such and self-satisfaction has gone out the and CSICOP and many others in the powers just don't exist. The attacks were window with it. A several-decades skeptical movement have regularly been soon followed by bogus Nostradamus period of relative innocence and chided over die years for even raising the "predictions" and other inevitable clap- naivete' has ended. Things are serious possibility that forces of unreason could trap, but those were quickly countered now, and we need all our wits about us. actually threaten our modern democratic by anti-hoax, urban legend Web sites Intelligence and wisdom are called for. world, dial opponents of reason, ratio- and frequent media stories debunking Clear thinking is in; fuzzy thinking is nality, critical diinking, freedom, toler- the BS and giving the true facts. The out—it is dangerous to all. We have ance, openness, learning, and personal new real world has less tolerance for pre- seen evil, and there was nothing human and intellectual dignity might tense. When die first anthrax attacks abstract about it. We must face it. We actually gain such a foodiold as to be a came, people turned to modern medi- suddenly need to know more than what threat to us all. I don't think anyone is cine, not unfounded remedies. As Bob the latest pop celebrity is wearing, or saying that anymore. Park of die American Physical Society who has the fastest computer chip, or We have long advocated not just pointed out in his "What's New" elec- who's got the latest great idea for good science but an open, scientific out- tronic newsletter, "Fortunately those instantaneous dot.com riches. We need look—a viewpoint that values an open- exposed to anthrax are being diagnosed to know about the world around us. mindedness to new ideas, a determina- and treated with the very latest scientific We need to understand history, geogra- tion to let facts and evidence rather than medicine. They are not being treated phy, culture, international politics, lan- wishes and preconceptions and ideology with homeopathy, acupuncture, touch guages that virtually no one in the West shape our judgments, skepticism toward therapy, magnets, reflexology, crystals, speaks, and, yes, religion too. We sud- assertions unsupported by good evi- chelation, craniosacral therapy, echi- denly need to know a lot about micro- dence, wide open debate and communi- nacea, aromatherapy, or yohimbe bark. biology and how to combat the spread cation and publication, and the applica- And no one is complaining." of agents of biological warfare. tion of critical analysis and judgment at Yes, shameless promoters emerged Learning and reading are suddenly in. every step of the process. claiming that certain herbal remedies, Those involved in national security and Much of what we have critiqued has even homeopathy, might help against arms control had long been saying it is come under the rubric of the paranor- anthrax. Yeah, sure! I will give those mal, of fringe science, of pseudo- claims credence when the first person Kendrick Frazier is Editor of the science, of bogus science. Science is my with a confirmed diagnosis of anthrax SKEPTICAL INQUIRER. This essay was passion, and all diese represent anti-sci- rejects any application of antibiotics and adapted from remarks in acceptance of the ence or counter-science manifestations insists on taking herbs or homeopathy, as CSICOP In Praise of Reason Award, that confuse, taint, misdirect, delude, riie only treatment, instead of (not in Center for Inquiry conference, Atlanta, distract us all—but the believers most addition to) modern antibiotics. That's Nov. 9-11,2001. of all—from what the real world is all die criterion we must hold that claim to. 6 2 March/April 2002 SKEPTICAL INQUIRER COMMENTARY So 1 think we now have, if only for a and the skeptical/evaluative aspects of nificant. Both are widely referenced in short time, a new era of no-nonsense. science and keep them together, as they scientific and scholarly publications as People know they have no choice but to should be. well as the popular media. CSICOP's confront the real world directly, on its And now I'll add two more that I media outreach efforts provide responsi- own terms. There is no escape into a didn't mention in those essays: ble, authoritative scientific infotmation trivial, pretend world of nonexistent • Fight, critique, and examine at all and experts to media worldwide. woo-woo. levels, but stay high-minded; keep the The controversy and media and pub- moral high ground. Paul Kurtz has exem- lic interest that accompanied our found- * * » plified that, and it must be continued. ing still surround almost everything we I also want to offer a few words about the • We must do everything possible to do. I believe that maintaining close ties future of scientific skepticism and what find and identify the next generation of to the values of science and scientific might be called the modern skeptical leaders of the skeptical movement— inquiry has guided us through and movement. We celebrated our twenty- bright, curious, intelligent, concerned around the worst thickets and pitfalls. fifth anniversary this year. We are far young men and women knowledgeable In my view, our reputation for com- from perfect and we have occasionally about science and skepticism, con- mitment to scientific skepticism, reason made mistakes, but I think CSICOP and cerned about unreason wherever it and rationality, critical thinking, and the many scientists, psychologists, schol- exists, and full of energy and determi- scientific integrity is stronger than ever. ars, writers, and investigators worldwide nation to do all they can, in their own That serves us well. It serves science who make up the movement have done, way, and able to communicate their well. And serves the public well. all in all, a remarkable job of defending passion to the broader public in all the As we find ourselves in the early stages science and scientific inquiry. They have diverse ways now available. I know of a period of human history riddled with critically examined virtually every impor- many such people (some are working fearful new perils we hoped we would tant case asserting powers or forces right now at or with CSICOP), but we never have to face, our battles for clear, "unknown to science." They have helped need more, and they need encourage- realistic thinking and against the forces of educate the public and the media about ment from all of us. unreason—wherever they manifest them- what good science is all about. And they The influence of both CSICOP and selves—are more important and more rel- have helped keep alive, amid a media-dri- the SKEPTICAL INQUIRER has been sig- evant today than ever before. ven frenzy of uncritical popular accep- tance of oudandish nonsense plus post- modernist-driven obscurantism in too many parts of academia, the true scien- CENTER FOR INQUIRY tific spirit toward claims of knowledge. In my own twenty-fifth anniversary Institute essays in the SKEPTICAL INQUIRER this The Center for Inquiry Institute announces the inauguration of an innova- past year (May/June and July August tive new summer school at its main campus, featuring two-week courses, 2001), I made a number of recommen- weekend cultural tours, and practicum experience. Undergraduate credit dations for how to keep scientific skep- is available through State University of New York (Empire State College). ticism strong, vital, and relevant for the Scholarships for undergraduates are available. twenty-first century. I'll mention only a few here: courses in: also offered: • Continually emphasize what we are • critical thinking skeptic's toolbox for: honesty, integrity, good science, philosophy of naturalism University of Oregon, clear thinking, intelligence, scientific lit- Center for Inquiry Eugene eracy, science education, open scientific Amherst, New York August 15-18,2002 inquiry. Jury 14-28, 2002 • Always strive to bring a scientific viewpoint—even an imaginative scientific viewpoint—to skepticism. Keep ourselves 7 close to science. Science is exciting, intel- CENTER FOB INQUIRY '6-636-4869 *223 lectually stimulating, interesting, popular Institute with the public, and all that can carry over to skeptical investigation. © ww.centerfo •iMatll • Treasure the imaginative/creative 6 4 March/April 2002 SKEPTICAL INQUIRER .
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