9194 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS April 7, 1975 slons of th& Commodity Futures Trading arms, ammunition, or implements of war; 82. Also, memorial of the Legislature of Commission Act of 1974; with amendment to the Committee on International Relations. the State of Oklahoma, relative to the oil (Rept. No. 94-122). Referred to the Commit­ By Mr. DRINAN (for himself, Mr. depletion allowance; to the Committee on tee of the Whole House on the State of the BADILLO, Mr. STUDDS, and Mr. HAW• Ways and Means. Union. KINS): 83. Also, memorial of the Legislature ot Mr. STAGGERS: Committee on Interstate H.R. 5661. A bill to amend the Impound­ the State of South Dakota, relative to the and Foreign Commerce. H.R. 4111. A bill to ment Control Act of 1974 to provide that no Federal estate tax; to the Committee on amend the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 rescission of budget authority proposed by Ways and Means. to remove barriers to competition to foster the President shall take effect unless and the development of a national securities until the Congress has passed a bill incor­ market system and a national clearance and porating such rescission; to the Committee PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS settlement system, to make uniform the Se­ on Rules. curities and Exchange Commission's author­ By ~{1·. MARTIN: Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private ity over securities industry regulatory orga­ H.R. 5662. A bill to proYide a penalty for bills and resolutions were introduced and nizations, and for other purposes; with the robbery or attempted robbery of any severally referred as follows: amendment (Rept. No. 94-123). Referred to narcotic drug from any pharmacy; to the By Mr. CEDERBERG: the Committee of the Whole House on the Committee on the Judiciary. H.R. 5666. A bill for the relief of Won Hyo­ State of the Union. By Mr. SISK: Yun; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Mr. REUSS: Committee on Banking, Cur­ H.R. 5663. A bill to provide for the protec­ By Mr. :r.iATSUNAGA: rency and Housing. H.R. 5398. A bill to tion o! franchised distributors and retailers H.R. 5667. A bill for the relief of James C. authorize temporary assistance to help de­ of motor fuel; to the Committee on Inter­ Dodds; to the Committee on the Judiciary. fray mortgage payments on homes owned by state and Foreign Commerce. H.R. 5668. A bill for the relief of Waihang persons who are temporarily unemployed or H.R. 5664. A bill to provide tax incentives Lai and Celia Chiu-Shan La!; to the Com· underemployed as the result of adverse eco­ to encourage physicians, dentists, and op­ mittee on the Judiciary. nomic conditions; with amendment (Rept. tometrists to practice in physician shortage By Mr. YOUNG of Florida: No. 94-124). Referred to the Committee of are, s; to the Committee on Ways and Means. H.R. 5669. A bill for the relief of Mrs. Fred the Whole House on the State of the Union. By ])..fi'. CHARLES H. WILSON of Cali­ J. Studenberg; to the Committee on the Mr. FOLEY: Committee on Agriculture. S. fornia (for himself, Mr. BROWN of Judiciary. 1236. An act to extend and amend the Emer­ California, Mrs. BURKE of Call!orn!a, gency Livestock Credit Act of 1974, and for Mr. DoMINICK V. DANIELS, Mr. En.­ other purposes; with amendment (Rept. No. BERG, Mr. FULTON, Mr. HARIUNGTON, PETITIONS, EI'C. 94-125) . Referred to the Committee of the Mr. Moss, Mr. PEPPER, Mr. RosEN• 1 XXII, Whole House on the State of the Union. THAL, ])..{r, ROYBAL, Mr. SISK, Mrs. Under clause of rule petitions SPELLMAN, Mr. ST GERMAIN, Mr. and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk STUDDS, Mr. THOMPSON, and Mr. and referred as follows: PUBLIC Bn..LS A.'fo.ID RESOLUTIONS WALSH): 68. By the SPEAKER: Petition of the H.R. 5665. A b111 to establish an arbitra­ Speaker, 13th Guam Legislature, Territory of Under clause 5 of rule X and clause 4 tion board to settle disputes between super­ Guam, relative to the impending lay off of of rule xxn, public bills and resolutions visory organizations and the U.S. Postal civilian employees on Guam by the Depart­ were introduced and severally referred Service; to the Committee on Post Office and ment of Defense; to the Committee on Armed as follows: Ci vii Service. Services. By Mr. ASHBROOK: Mr. MAHON: 69. Also, petition of Long Island Friends H.R. 5656. A bill to amend title IV of the H.J. Res. 375. Joint resolution making an of Children of Vietnam, Inc., Deer Park, N.Y., Social Security Act to improve and make additional appropriation for the tiscal year relative to Vietnamese orphans; to the Com­ more realistic various provisions relating to ending June 30, 1975, for the Veterans' Ad­ mittee on International Relations. ellgib1lity for aid to families with dependent ministration, and for other purposes; to the 70. Also, petition of the 80th Convention of children and the administration of the aid Committee on Appropriations. the Episcopal Diocese of Washington, D.C., to fam111es with dependent children pro­ relative to world hunger; to the Committee gram, and for other purposes; to the Com­ on International Relations. mittee on Ways and Means. MEMORIALS 71. Also. petition of Leila Johnson, Wash­ By Mr. CORMAN {for himself, Mr. ington, D.C., and others relative to gun con­ METcALFE, Mr. MlTcHELL of Mary• Under clause 4 of rule XXII, memori­ trol; to the Committee on the Judiciary. land, Mr. NoLAN, and Mr. ZEFERETTI): als were presented and referred as fol­ 72. Also, petition of Cli:fford Ban'ister, New H.R. 5657. A bill to create a national sys­ lows: York, N.Y.• relative to redress of grievances; tem of health security; to the Committee on 78. By the SPEAKER: Memorial of the to the Committee on the Judiciary. Ways and Means. Legislature of the Territory of the Virgin 73. Also, petition of Samuel Earl Williams, By Mr. CRANE: Islands, relative to elections ln the Virgin Huntsville, Tex., relative to redress of griev­ H.R. 5658. A bill to limit the jurisdiction Islands; to the Committee on Interior and ances; to the Committee on the Judiciary. of the Supreme Court and of the district Insular Affairs. 74. Also, petition of the Army and Air Na­ courts in certain cases; to the Committee on 79. Also, memorial of the Senate of the tional Guard Association of New Jersey. Tren­ the Judiciary. State of Oklahoma, relative to natural gas; ton. relative to retirement of National Guard By Mr. DRINAN: to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign technicians; to the Committee on Post Of­ fice and Civil Service. H.R. 5659. A bill to provide !or increased Commerce. 80. Also, memorial of the Legislature of 75. Also, petition of the Societe des 40 congressional oversight of foreign military hommes et 8 chev.aux du Oklahoma, Tulsa, sales conducted under the Foreign Mllital'J' the State of Oklahoma, relative to National Hunting and Fishing Day; to the Committee Okla.. relative to the treatment of service sales Act; jointly to the committees on In­ personnel who did not carry out their mili­ ternational Relations and Rules. on Post Office and Civil Service. tary obligation; to the Committee on Vet­ By Mr. DRINAN {for himself and Mr. 81. Also, memorial o! the Legislature of erans' Afrairs. CARR)! the State of West Virginia, relative to the 76. Also, petition of Richard R. Luehrs, H.R. 5660. A bill to require the submission Sutton Dam on the Elk River, W. Va.; to the Northridge. Calif., and others, relative to vet­ of reports to the Congress prior to the is­ Committee on Public Works and Transporta· erans• educational benefits; to the Committee suance of a license for the export of certain tion. on Veterans' Affairs. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS THE HUGHES-CIA CONNECTION billionaire Howard Hughes in raising a Question. It just has been reported tha.t sunken Soviet submarine in the Pacific. the CLR contracted for an underwater ship Mr. Morgan raised some very pertinent with a cover story that 1t belonged. to HON. MICHAEL HARRINGTON questions about this very questionable Howard Hughes. You hAve been sharply 01' KASSACHUSETTS critical of this arrangement. Why? project, and I a-sk that the interview­ MoRGAN. The problem to me is that the IN THE HOUSE OP REPRESENTATIVES from the March 21 edition of the Star­ executive contracted out the wa.rmak.Jng Mondau, April 7, 1975 be inserted in the RECORD at this time for power to private corporations. Th& press Mr. HARRINGTON. Mr. Speaker, the attention of my colleagues: reports that we're training the army 1n Charles Morgan. Washington director of LmERTARIAN MORGAN Hrrs CIA SECRECY Saudi Arabia. We've got .a ship roaming the American Civil Liberties Union, was (Charles Morgan, Washington director of around loose someplace out there. Well, good interviewed recently by Norman Kemp-­ the American Civil Liberties Union, was in­ heavens, to turn a ship like that over to ster of the Washington Star on the terviewed by Washington Star Staff Writer Howard Hughes! I should add one thing. subject of the CIA's collaboration with Norman Kempster:) These views are my own. There are folks April 7, 1975 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 9195 having full information about the contract 1n the ACLU that would disagree with me themselves. I think we should investigate and find out about it. with the CIA? and on much of what I may say the ACLU Answer. When you have full disclosure in has no position.
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