Langston University Digital Commons @ Langston University LU Gazette, 1960-1969 LU Gazette (Student Newspaper) 7-1968 The aG zette July 1968 Langston University Follow this and additional works at: http://dclu.langston.edu/ archives_gazette_newspaper_19601969 Recommended Citation Langston University, "The aG zette July 1968" (1968). LU Gazette, 1960-1969. Book 29. http://dclu.langston.edu/archives_gazette_newspaper_19601969/29 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the LU Gazette (Student Newspaper) at Digital Commons @ Langston University. It has been accepted for inclusion in LU Gazette, 1960-1969 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Langston University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Ur. Ephraim Wall P. 0. BOx 507 Langston, Oklahoma Langston University Gazette VOLUME 30 NUMBER 5 Gklaboaa JULY, 1968 The speaker reminded the graduates they were in the Dr. Newsom Welcomes minority, “but you must think LU Students about 50 percent of the poor people of this country.” He out­ lined the conditions of the poor. Langston Graduates Hfe said 50 percent of the poor Post 4.0 Grades children have not been immunized against disease such as small* pox or malaria. “ You few must Seven Langston University To 'Squaresville’ be the ones who will look at seniors became members of the 64 percent of the people of the President’s Honor Cabinet for the United States whose children have second semester of the 1967-68 never seen a dentist,” Dr. school year. To be eligible for Newsom stated. He added that this honor a student must main­ 45 percent of the women who tain a grade point average of have delivered babies in public 4.00 (all A’s). hospitals had, no prenatal care, and that 74 percent of the grad­ Four of the seven honorees uates would die of some disease were mathematics majors and that could be prevented but be­ included Hwang Y. Boo, Syuck Y. cause of poverty in this nation Koh, Jae Seung Lee of Seoul, and lack of training of so many Korea, and Garcia Johnson of people, America will suffer. El Reno. Pre-law major, Dana “ Poverty is not a reality but Sims of Langston; Veichal Evans an abstraction,” Dr. Newsotn an English major from Oklahom: - continued. “ It exists in real City; and Brenda Moore, a 4 ’ life in people. You will go to the sociology major from Washington, slums and to the ghettos to teach, D.C. are also members of the you must teach with your hearts Cabinet. t, as well as your minds because you have chosen the path to be­ Four juniors, five sophomores, come a square.” and two freshmen four-pointers The speaker then dropped included: juniors, Etoise Flenoid, another thought to the graduates: Elementary Education, Joyce “ We must learn to forgive. We Sadberry, English, both of Okla­ must recognize that man is not homa City; Etta Johnson, English, perfect. Not too many years ago Spencer; Minta A.Hopkins, Social this country was torn asunder by Science, Luther. war. We are now in a Viet Nam situation that all of us wish would •Sophomores: Norma Collins, end tomorrow, Mathematics, Morris; John Ldgar, Chemistry, Lola Dewberry “ Let us think back to March 15, King, Sociology, both of Guthrie; 1964, when President Johnson Marian Mansker, Business Ad­ said, Wo shall ov^rcomobecause ministration, Tulsa; Earl Symo- Qt . the key to survival M^ducation. nette, Business .Administration, We shall overcome beefluse part Langston. ^ of the key to survival Ys how well we do in preparing our­ Freshmen: Christopher Williams Dr. Lionel H. Newsom delivers the address at Langston University commencement exercises. selves for the opportunities History, Sierra Leona; Mae At left Is Dr. William Sims^Dean of Academic Affairs. ahead. Stidham, Home Economics, Rentiesville. Dr. Newsom warned, “there The speaker explained there “I want to welcome you grad­ Dr. Newsom is Associate are those of us who believe that is no substitute for brains, “ We President William H. Hale uates into ‘’Squaresville’, ” Dr. Director of Higher Educational in the year 1968, we have won may have instant coffee and announced that all eighteen honor students will receive full tuition Lionel H. Newsom told 139 Opportunity in the South Southern the battle. There are some who instant tea but there are no scholarships from the Langston candidates for degrees at Lang­ Regional Education Board of think w^ ..have arrived at the instant brains,” he said. “So University Development Foun­ ston University commencement Atlanta, Georgia. pinnacle, but we have a long way when we talk about this business dation. exercises on May 26. The speaker asked: How does to go and a lot to learn.^ of power here and power there, “ I want to welcome you into one describe the United States The speaker urged th£ graduates. the best power of all to have is a society which is differenbfrom when one thinks of the-riots in of “Squaresville” to bmieve that the power* between’the ears--), the one most people talk about Newark, Los Angeles and De­ the dream of this nation is still the ability to think.” today because you have become troit? He explained 1968 is the'hope qf its people. We must Dr. Newsom said some of the Langston Honors “ Squares’.’ far different from f&65 or 1863, believe as graduates that Black criticp^ problems to be worked The speaker pointed out the when the Emancipation Procla- out were reduction of the crim e 24 G raduates Americans need the White Amer­ IV" graduates had talked with the matioirwas-sigofid. *rate, decrease infant mortality icans to free him from hjs fear’’ A total of 24 Langston Uni­ great philosophers, economists, Dr. Newsom said. “ The. White rate, and understand that $3,000 “ How do we talk aboutaperiod versity graduates were honored historians, men of literature, American needs the Black is not enough in terms of the mathematicians, chemists, and when many of us are seeking poverty level and this amount at 10 a.m. Sunday services inthe American to free him from his Music Hall Theatd^. physicists. “ Now you come t o , . segregation rather than inte-. ■guilt. The dice have been.loaded' .must be increased. gration?” he asked. “ How can we Dr. William H. Hme, President “Squaresville” where you are against us many years now.' The “ We must then work with those talk about a period when we have delivered a challenging message a square because you might be­ chances we have had have been people in agriculture, the ghetto, lieve in some of the things tHft'’ forgotten the dream , and though retail, and with other kinds of “ The Meaningful Life.” 1 limited and the odds have been The summer sessionatLang- were said tnat you ought to be­ the dreamer is dead, the dream is against us, but the odds are workers throughout our nation,” lieve in.” not?” ton terminated Friday, July 26. changing.” (Continued op page 2) Graduates include:* Karen Partridge Carr, English, Oklahoma City; Charlyne Gads­ den Clark, Elementary Education fi£ Muskogee; Ruby Jewel Collins, Sociology, Morris; Joycelyn Victoria Cooper, Sociology, Tulsa; Armour Eugene Craw­ ford, Physical Education, SMc- Alester; Leanna Jones CrwSsley, English, Washington, D. C.; Jethro Currie, Sociology, Okla­ homa City; Oneta Fields, Ele­ mentary Education, Luther; Ruby Joyce Hampton, Elemen-. tary Education, Sawyer; Janet Turner Hughey, Business Edu­ cation, OceaorCity, New Jersey; Hilda Faye Jackson, Elementary Education, Red Bird; Velma Juanita Johnson, Elementary Education; Cushing James L. Jones, Physical Education, Oklahoma City; Billy Joe Mosley, Physical Education, Lubbock, Texas; Janie Belle Mc­ Kinney, Home Economics, Che- cotah; Malthus Northcutt, Biology Tipton; Verdell Schoats, Physical Thirteen of the twenty.-four 1968 summer graduates are pictured , ..... j .1 c u i ’ m r Education, Muskogee; Johnny Lee Jn front of the Hale Student Union. Front (left to right), Oneta Crawford, Jerry Wilson, Verdell Schoats^ Tyree Wilson, James Stevenson, Industrial Arts,Tulsa; Fields, Rubye Collins, Dorothy Townsend, Karen Carr, Hilda Jones, Johnny Stevenson, and Samuel 'Stubblefield. The other Jackson, and Ruby Hampton. Back <left to right) are Amour 11 graduates were not present when the picture"wtls taken. (Continued on page 2) / <0y i.ii PAGE 2 "THE LANGSTON UNIVERSITY GAZETTE-tIULY , 1968 Newsom— (Continued from page 1) KUDOS Dr. Newsom stated. “ You are to serve. “ Affliction comes to TO... us not to ipake us sad, but sober; not at make us sorry, but wiser.*' He urged the graduates to have MRS. VICTORIA L. DUBRIEL, courage to stand alone against a graduate of Southern University the crowd. “ Willie Mays once received the M.S. degree from the said, "I would rather go to hell University of Oklahoma. Mrs. making up my own mind than to Dubriel is an instructor ip the go to heaven following the crowd*' Department of English and “ You must think for yourselved’ Modern Languages. he advised. “ Here you must take your stand and even though you may become a Socrates and be forced to drink the hemlock, make up your own mind. Though you MRS. ROBERTA NELSON, a may become a Martin Luther graduate of Southern University King, Jr. and lose your life and an instructor in the Depart­ demonstrating, just remember ment of Mathematics, received that demonstrating is no excuse the M.S. degree from the Uni­ versity of Oklahoma. ''^or not knowing Shakespeare or - • * . * . understanding the great philos­ One-hundred and thirty^iine students received diplomas at Langston University commencement ophers of the world. Every edu­ exercises on May 26. cated man must believe that he can tolerate other men." MRS. ELIZABETH KENDALL, Dr. Newsom concluded his received the M.S. degree ffbm the address with a story of three University of Oklahoma— the wise men who were asked “ How ^school at which her under­ do you know when night emf$hnd graduate degree was earned.
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