By SDccd Post ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA Nirvachan Sadan, Ashoka Road, New Delhi- 110001 No.56/Syrnbol//LET,tliCl1l']l'/l']PS-ll/20I 9/Vo1.-XXXV Date: December,2019 'li) The (lhiel'lllectoral Officer ol'- Delhi. \sv I)clhi. Subi - Ceoeral lilcctions to the l,€{:islativc Asscmblv of NC"l' of l)clhi, 2019-20 Concession lo candidates set up by registcrcd unrccognizcd polirical parties- aLlotmcnt of common symbol under Pam 10ll ofthe Iilcclion Syrrrhols (llcservati(nr and Allotment) Ordcr, 1968- Rcgarding. Sir' I am directed 10 statc that thc applicarions ol the lbllowing 7 (Selc[) rcgistcrcd un-rccopnizcd political parties 1br concession in fic allolnrent of a conrmon s-,r' mbol to its candidales being set up a1 thc lbflhconling (icncral l]leclions lo thelqgiql-alllc Asscmbly ofNCI ol Dclhi 2019-20. under thc prolisions of Para l0I) ol lhe llleclioll Slmbols (Rcscrvation and Allotrnent) Order. 1968, havc becn acccptcd bl thc (innmission. -,\ccordingl)'. the Comnission has decided lo extend the concession sought under Para 10ll to candidates ol thse panies lor thc forthcoming General Elections to the Lcoislativc Asscmbl\, of N C I ol l)elhi.2019-20. in thc corlstitucrcics mcntioned as under: - st. Name of thc Name of Election(s) No. of Assembly Common No. Prrt) constituencies Symbol allotted. In all 70 Assembly Sarvjan Lok Legislative Asscmbly l. Constituencies in the State of 'Iype Writer Shakti Party ofNCT of Delhi, 2019. NCT of Delhi. In all 70 Asscnrbll Akhand Manav Legislative Assembly 2. Constilucncics in thc Stale ol' lline Party ofNCT ofDelhi,2019. NC'l of Drlhi. In 14 Assembly Rashtriya Legislative Assembly Consliluencics in thc Statc of 1 Bahujan Hitay Road Roller ofNCT ofDelhi,2019. as per Party Ng!___s[-_!fs!!i Annexule DllL-1. ln all 70 Asscmbll- Tipu Sultan Legislative Assembly Consliluencics in thc Stale o1- Kettle 4. Party ofNCT ofDelhi,2019. NCI oI I)elhi. In all '70 Assembly Rani Laxmibai Legislative Assembly 5. Krantikari Constituelcies in the State of Petrol Pump ofNCT ofDelhi,2019. Party NCT ofDelhi. In alL 7O r\ssembly Sabse Badi Legislative Assembly 6. Consliluencics in thc Stale o1' Match Box Party ofNCT of Delhi,2019. NC'l'ol l)clhi. In all 70 Assembly Bharatiya Legislative Assembly 1. Constituencies in the State of I'ootball Plaver Liberal Partv ofNCT ofDelhi,2019. NCT ofDelhi. 2. lhc tletuming 0Ifice(s may hc directed to allot tlle conrmon symbol menlioned abovc to thc candidales sel up b-y thc aforesai.l rcgistered un-recogniscd polilical parties. stLbiect to fulfillmenl ofthe provisions ol Para 13 ofthe hlection Symbols (l{eservatiorr ancl Allotment) Order, 19611 rclating to selting up ofcandidates b-,r- lhese partics. It ma) also be noted that said oolnmon symbols aliotted to lhe candjdatcs ol-lhc above menlioncd political parties. are not allotled bl oversight to an) other candidales in these constitucncics. llqlqr:qr:,-tbelaid s.r'mbol sLall be alailahlc Ibr ailqltllslll alltqr lf!l!lql!!l qUle-r qqldidatcs in the conslliluencics \rhcrc the albJgsaid B4r]J!!!!]9-!-d9U41\E!!prEi lalgr 3. In ll're event of the abo\ e said partjcs 1'ailing to meet the rcquirement oI the minimum numbcr of candidates. as prescribed in Pala l0[:] of the said Slnrbols Older. 19611. i.e.. 5 9o of toul nurrbcr of ,L\lfalbb e!4!1fjf4tiC! iti thc concerled Statc in casc ol Assembll clcclion. lhen the said common s)' nlbol shall not bc a\ailable to ficir candidates. Yours faith1ull1'. P K. VARMA) SECRtrTARY Copv to: - Sl. No Name of the Party lnstructions The Prcsidelt, Sarvjan Lok Shakti Party, T.A. t8412, l It is informed that the part,v Tughlakabad Extension, and th.] calldidates musl New Delhi- 110019. compll rvith each of the provisions of Para 13 ol the The President, I:llcction Symbols Akhand Matrav Party, (lleservation and Allohnent) House No- C-20, Nilbad Balajee Nagaq 2. Order. 1968. Phase-I, Tehsil - Huzur, District -Bhopal, Madhya pndesh - 462044 . The President, Rashtriya Bahujan Hitay Party, C-158, Captain Satish Marg, fushi Nagar, Rani Bagh, New Delhi-110034. The Prcsident. Tipu Sultan Party, 56/2, Attar House Near Karbala Bes, 1. Revivar Peth, Ambajogai, District - Beed, Mahaxashtra - 431517. The President, Rani Laxmibai Krantikari Party, 5. Shop No. 6, Rahul Bazar, Commercial Complex, 1st floor, Sitaburdi. Nagpur. Maharashtra- 4400 I 2. Ihc Prcsidcnt. Sabsc Badi t'arr]--, 6. .11i.l8. I'jocket-2. \'1a) ur Vihar, Phase- I. I)clhi I 10091. lhc Presidenl. Bharatiya l,iberal PartY, C-79. lst floor. Gali No.4. 7. Itadhe_YSh)anl I)ark l-xtensioll, IladheyShlam Part IJxot. (iolon-r'. Ghondli ward. Kdshina Nagar. Delhi- 110051. 08. Sec) (.,\KJ). 09. Norlh-ll. 10. Guard Filc. Name ofthe Rashtriya Bahuian Ilitay I'a (lommon Svmhol All0tted Road llollcr Name of State NCT ofDelhi SI. No. and names ofAssembly Constituencies forwhich svmbol has b€€n allotted (lonstitucncy Name l5 Shakur Ilasri 16 Tri Nagar' 17 Wazirpur 28 Hari Nagar l1 Vikaspuri 35 Najalgarh ll Nangloi.lal 1 Ncrcla 61 CaudhiNagar 59 Vishu'as Nagar 26 \4adipur (SC) 3) [-]1tam Nagar 4 34 Matiala 14 ACs.
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