Liste de articles 2016 Menier, D., Estournès, G., Mathew* M., Ramkumar, M., Briend, C., Siddiqui, N., Traini, C., Pian, S., Labeyrie, L. (2016). Relict geomorphological and structural control on the coastal sediment partitioning, north of Bay of Biscay. Zeitschrift für Geomorphology , 60,1, pp. 67-74. Morio, O., Sedrati, M., Goubert, E., Floc’h, F., Furgerot, L., Garlan. T., 2016. Morphodynamic of a sandy- muddy macrotidal estuarine beach under contrasted energy conditions (Vilaine estuary, France). SI 75, Journal of Coastal Research, 258-262. Sedrati, M., Cochet, J., 2016. AlgoBox: Un outil écologique pour la régénération des pieds de dunes grâce aux échouages de macro-algues. Paralia. 85-90. DOI :10.5150/cmcm.2015.017 2015 Traini, C., Proust, J.-N., Menier, D., Mathew M.J., (2015). Distinguishing Natural Evolution and Human Impact on Estuarine Morpho-sedimentary Development: A Case Study from the Vilaine Estuary, France, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 163, pp.143-155. 2014 Dubois, A., Menier, D., Sedrati, M. (2014). Morphologic and hydrodynamic impact of a period of high energy in the intertidal section of an embayed beach and in three mesotidal semi-sheltered pocket beaches: example of the Xynthia storm in the Rhuys peninsula (France). Géomorphologie : relief, processus, environnement, 3, 227-242. DOI: 10.4000/geomorphologie.10668. Pian, S., Menier, D., Sedrati, M, (2014). Classification of morphodynamic beach states along the South Brittany coast. Géomorphologie : relief, processus, environnement, 3, 261-274, DOI : 10.4000/geomorphologie.10722. 2013 Traini, C., Menier, D., Proust, J.-N., Sorrel, P. (2013). Controlling factors and geometry of a transgressive system track in a context of ria type estuary, Marine Geology, 337, (2013), Pages 140-155. Ong, M.C., Menier D., Shazili N.A.M., and Kamaruzzaman B.Y. (2013). Geochemical characteristics of heavy metals concentration in sediments of Quiberon bay waters, South Brittany, France. Oriental Journal of Chemistry, ISSN: 0970-020 X, 29, 39-45. Ong, M.C., Menier, D., Shazili, N.A, Effendy, A.W.M. (2013). Levels of Trace Elements in Tissue of Ostrea edulis and Crassostrea gigas from Quiberon Bay, Brittany, France. Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science 8 (2): 378-387, ISSN 1816-4927 / DOI:10.3923/jas2013.378.387. Vested, H.J., et al., 2013. Numerical modelling of morphodynamics—Vilaine Estuary. Ocean Dynamics DOI 10.1007/s10236-013-0603-7. 2012 Estournès, G., Menier, D., Guillocheau, F., Le Roy, P., Paquet, F., Goubert E. (2012). Neogene to Holocene sedimentary infill of a neogene incised valley on a low sediment supply inner shelf: Bay of Etel, southern Brittany, Bay of Biscay. Marine Geology, 329–331 (2012) 75–92. Tessier, C., et al., 2012. Modélisation numérique de la dynamique sédimentaire de l’estuaire de la Vilaine. Paralia, 12èmes Journées Nationales Génie Côtier – Génie Civil Cherbourg, 471-480. Ong, M.C., Menier, D., Shazili, N.A., Dupont, V. (2012) Geochemistry of Metallic Trace Elements in Surficial Sediments of the Gulf of Morbihan, Brittany, France, Journal of applied Sciences, ISSN 1812- 5654 / DOI:10.3923/jas2012. Ong, M.C., et al., 2012. Biomonitoring of Metallic Trace Element in South Brittany Coastal (France) Using Oyster (C. Gigas): A Local Food Source. International Conference on Environment, Agriculture and Food Sciences (ICEAFS'2012), Phuket (Thailand). 2011 Menier, D., Tessier, B., Dubois, A., Goubert, E., Sedrati, M. (2011). Geomorphological and hydrodynamic forcing of sedimentary bedforms – Example of Gulf of Morbihan (South Brittany, Bay of Biscay). SI 64, Journal of Coastal Research (Proceedings of the 11th International Coastal Symposium), 1530-1534. Szczecin, Poland, ISSN 0749-0208. Pian, S., & Menier, D. (2011). The use of geodatabase to carry out a multivariate analysis of coastline variations at various time and space scales, SI 64, Journal of Coastal Research (Proceedings of the 11th International Coastal Symposium), 1722-1726. Szczecin, Poland, ISSN 0749-0208. Dubois, A., Menier, D Sedrati, M., (2011). Morphologic response of four pocket beaches to high energy conditions: including the xynthia storm (South Brittany, France). SI 64, Journal of Coastal Research (Proceedings of the 11th International Coastal Symposium), 1845-1849. Szczecin, Poland, ISSN 0749- 0208. 2010 Cassen, S., Baltzer ,A., Lorin, A., Sellier, D., Boujot, C., Menier, D., Rousset J.-M., (2010). Prospections archéologiques et géophysiques de stèles néolithiques submergées en Baie de Quiberon (Morbihan). Cahiers d'Archéologie Subaquatique, n°18, p. 5-32. Paquet F., Menier, D., Estournes, G., Guillocheau, F., Bourillet J.-F., Le Roy, P. (2010). Buried fluvial incisions as a record of Mid-Miocene sea-level fall on the northern Bay of Biscay, South Armorican Plateau. Marine Geology, 268, pp. 137-151. Cassen, S., Boujot, C., Errera, M., D., Menier, D., Pailler, Y., Pétrequin, P., Marguerie, D., Veyrat, E., Vigier, E., Poirier, S., Dagneau, C., Degez, D., Lorho, T., Neveu-Derotrie, H., Obeltz, C., Scalliet, F., Sparfel, Y., (2010). Un dépôt sous-marin de lames polies néolithiques en jadéitite et un ouvrage de stèles submergé sur la plage dite du Petit Rohu près Saint-Pierre-Quiberon (Morbihan). Bull. Soc. Préhist. Franç. Tome 107, n°1, p53-84. Goubert, E., 2010. The use of altimetric data (Altus) in the characterization of hydrodynamic climates controlling hydrosedimentary processes of intertidal mudflat: the Vilaine estuary case (Brittany, France). Paralia, Volume 3, 6.17-6.31. Pian, S., Regnauld, H., Daire, M.Y., Proust, J.N., Shi, B., Menier, D. (2010) Integration of heritage loss into the assessment of the vulnerability of South Brittany coast (France): implications for coastal vulnerability analysis. EspacesTemps.net, Textuel, 05.01.2011 http://www.espacestemps.net/document8535.html Menier, D., Tessier, B., Proust, J.N., Baltzer, A., Sorrel, P., Traini, C. (2010). The Holocene transgression as recorded by incised-valley infilling in a rocky coast context with low sediment supply (southern Brittany, western France). Bull. Soc. Géol. France, t. 181, n°2, pp.115-128. Sorrel, P., Tessier, B., Demory, F., Baltzer, A., Bouaouina, F., Proust, J.-N., Menier, D., Traini, C. (2010). Sedimentary archives of the French Atlantic coast (inner Bay of Vilaine, south Brittany): depositional history and late Holocene climatic and environmentals signals. Continental Shelf Research 30, 1250- 1266. 2009 Menier, D., et al., 2009. Autour de la table. Explorations archéologiques et discours savants sur des architectures néolithiques à Locmariaquer, Morbihan. Colloque international, Vannes. Menier, D., et al., 2009. L’estuaire de la Vilaine, 1°) Dynamique actuelle et sédimentation récente de l’estuaire, 2°) Les vallées incisées et leur remplissage pléistocènes. Livre n° 66 – Excursion. VILAINE. 12ème Congrès Français de Sédimentologie, Rennes. 2008 Pian, S., Regnauld, H., Menier, D. (2008). Interactions Nature/Société et fonctionnement du littoral très anthropisé de Bretagne Sud : approche systémique à l’échelle régionale. Actes du colloque international pluridisciplinaire « le littoral : subir, dire, agir », Lille, France, 16-18 Janvier 2008, 10p. (http://www.ifresi.univ-lille1.fr/Littoral2008/Themes/Theme_4/Seance1/Pian.pdf). Cassen, S., Boujot, C., Errera, M., Marguerie, D., Menier, D., Pailler, Y., Pétrequin, P., Poirier, S., Veyrat, E., Vigier, E. (2008). Discovery of an underwater deposit of Neolithic polished axeheads of jadeitite and fibrolite, and a submerged stone alignment, on the beach of Petit Rohu near Saint-Pierre-Quiberon (Morbihan, France). Antiquity, Vol 82 Issue 316 (http://www.antiquity.ac.uk). Goubert, E., et al., 2008. Caractérisation du fonctionnement hydrosédimentaire de l’estuaire de la Vilaine à partir d’études bathymétriques et altimétriques (Altus). 10èmes Journées Nationales Génie Côtier – Génie Civil, 14-16. 2007 Frénod, E., Goubert, E., (2006). A first step towards modelling confinement of paralic ecosystems. Ecological Modelling 200, 139–148. 2006 Menier, D., Reynaud, J.Y., Proust, J-N., Guillocheau, F., Guennoc, P., Tessier, B., Bonnet, S., Goubert, E. (2006). Basement control on shaping and infilling of valleys incised at the southern coast of Brittany, France. S.E.P.M. Society for Sedimentary Geology, Special Publication 85, 37-55. .
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