END I NG THE S I LENCE; THE IlRIGINS AND TREATIlENT OF tlALE VItILENCE AËAINST t'l0IEN RON THORNE-F I ¡'IçH A theEis Eubmitted to the FacultY o{ ËråduÀte Studies in partial {ulfi}lment sf the requirenents {sr the degree of Hà5ter o+ Social !lork Facul ty 0{ 5oc i al }lork LJn i ver si ty o{ l'lanitoba l,li nni peq r ilanitoba Canada Atgust 1990 B¡bliothèque nat¡onale ã*E l¡8"*Xå'o'"..' du Canada Cânad¡an Theses Service Serv¡ce des thèses cânadiennes Ottawa. Canada Kf A ON¿ The author has granted an irevocable non. L'auteur a accordé une licence inévocable et exclus¡ve licence allowing the National Ubrary non exclusive permettant à la Bibliothèque of Canada to reproduce, loan, distribute or sell nat¡onale du Canada de reproduire, prêter, copies of his/her thesis by any means and in distribuer ou vendre des copies de sa thèse any form or format, making this thesis available de quelque manière et sous quelque forme to ¡nterested persons. que ce soit pour mettre des exemplaires de cette thèse à la disposition des personnes intéressées. The author retains ownership of the copyright L'auteur conserve {a propriété du droit d'auteur in his/her thesis. Neither the thesis nor qu¡ protège sa thèse. Ni la thèse ni des extra¡ts substantial exFacts from ¡t may be pr¡nted or substant¡els de celle-ci ne doivent être otherwise reproduced w¡thout his/her per- imprimés ou autrement reprodu¡ts sans son m¡ssion. autorisation. tSBN Ø-315-71881 - 1 Canadä ENDING THE S ILENCE ¡ THE ORIGINS AND TREATMENT OF MALE VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN BY RON THORNE-FINCH À thesis subnitted to the Faculty of Graduate studies of the University of Manitoba in partial fulfiLLnent of the requirenents of the degree of I'fASTER OF SOCIAL WORK (c) 1990 Permission has been granted to the L,IBRÀRy OF TEE ITNMR8IIIY oF !íÀNITOBÀ to lend or sel-l copies of this thesis, to the NATIONAIJ Í,IBRàRY OF CÀNÀDA to nicrofilro this thesis and to lend or seII copies of the fihn, and ItNIvERgIffT t{IcRoFILug to publish an abstract of this thesis. The author reserves other publication rights, and neither the thesis nor extensive extracts frorn it nay be printed or otherwise reproduced r,¡ithout the authorrs written permission. ACKNOI.]L E D ËE I"1E i{ T 5 The sLrpport, criticisttt, ideÃ5t and qood huÍìour of many people facilitated the nriting of this study, Artìong othersr I tiish to thank Ðavid Adams, Dano DemarÉ, Beth Duddenhof{er, Erin Duddenho{{ert Laç¡rence Ellerby, l{en Fischerr Shirley 6allorray, Brenda Gutkin' Dave Inkster, LÀura Inkster, Tom Kacznarz, Roy Klynrchuk, Traci Libitkat Robbie llahood, Eric tlalmsten, Anne llerrett, Lorraine Parrinqton' Chyrisse Regehrr David Rice-Låmpert, tlaureen Rice-Lampertr Debbie Schp¿artz, Ron SchnartzI Jeån-PierrE Simoneau, Rick Stordeurt Ëheryl !,{hite, Rudy l,lierckx r the Thorne, Finch, and l(åztllir {arnilies' and the voluntEers and staff o{ K}inic Ëommunity Health Centre¡ Hinnipeg. Five people in particular have made this projÊct possible. The encouragement, critical quBEtioningt and eçsential editorial aesistance of ShirlÊy 6rosser, Lorna Sandler, lom Vadney, and PArticIlarly Neil Tudiver l,ere indiEpEnEable Ând very nuch appreciÀted. l'lost inportant- ly, Nancy ThErne-Finch's tolerancer energyr hunour, and clarity about what is inportant in li{e and lBvë håve helPed ne through severål cru- ciål portions s{ this project' and my li{e, l,lhile I acknoHledqE thE help and support of colleaques, {riends, and {ami1y, I alone ð,n rÞEponsible for Àny errors or ßmi55ion5. TÊBLE OF CONTE[TS Påoe INTRODUCTION I ó PART 1r lNTR0DUcTl0l'1, 7 PART ll! A THETIRETICAL FRATTE{,l0RK' 7 PART lll: TYPES AND FftE0UENCY 0F ABUSE ' + Båttering, l.t * Enot i onal Abuse. 24 * Femicidè * 5ex uål Assaul t ¡ó - l,lho Are The Victit¡s - Types 0f Sexual Assaul t å. ÐåtE RåPe ' . b. fìåri tål RtsPe' . 4t - Assessinq The Frequency 0{ Sexual Assault * Sexual HåråssmÊnt. 5l * 0ther flays In llhich I'len AbuÉe l'¡oaen' PART lV: SUHl'1ARY tF THE VARIETIES 0F IIALE V I0LENCE AGAINST I.IOHEN. JT ËHAPTER Ttlo: THE EFFECTS 0F ¡IALE V I0LqNgE-' 60 FART Ir INTR0DUCTI0N' . ól PART II! EHOTIONAL RESPON$ES. ' 62 - Anger, hz - Depression 6q - Ilisinterest In/Fear 0{ InterPersBnal Emoiional t 0r Sexual Contact ' 6¡ - IncreåEed Fear And Anxiety h7 - llernory LoÉsr Nunbnessr 0r DisaEsociativE Behaviours. - Diminished Sel{-Esteen And 5e1{-Con{Ídence And IncrÉåBpd SBI{-Blåme And Deference - Suicidål 0r Homicidal Thoughts And Actions 7ã - Lopered 0r Eradicated TruEt. ' 78 PART II l: PHYS I ÇAL RESP0NSES, B1 - Increased Ðruq/AIcohol [Jse And Abuse ' B1 - EÀt i ng DÍEorders a? - Ëastrointestinal Irritabi I ity. - 0enitourinary Disturbances , . ' B] - Phys i c al Trauma B4 - UnHånted Pregnanci es Ë4 - 5exllå1ly Tr ansnri tted Ðiseases' - Skel etå1 l'luscl e Tensi on Ênd 5l eep Di sorders. ðô PART IV: 0HAPIER 5Ul'lHARY B7 CHAPTER THREE 90 PART I; PHY5l0L0Ë I CAL THE0R I E5. 90 * S0ci obiology ?0 - Critique 0f sociobiolosy, 14 * Bi 0soc i àl Reseårch 96 - Bràin Structures, 16 - Hor msnal Fåctors, 97 * Surnnàry tn The Physioloqical FRctors 99 PART IIr INTRAPSYCHIC EXPLANAII0NS. 101 PAfiT III! THE 50CIAL Ë0NSTfiUCTItN 0F I'fALE VI0LENCE, 105 * The IdeoloEy 0f 20th Ëentury Acådeiîiå, l0B x The ConternForary Farnily, ll9 - Siqni+icånt llethodological lleaknesses 119 - A Vårying Vålue PIÀced 0n ExtrÀ-Fånilial lssueE , 120 - Labelling The Fanily As Dys{unctional , , . , 120 - ReìÂtive Silence 0n The Role 0{ ïhe Family ln Encouràging Sexuål ViolËnce,,. , . 121 * Inraqeg FrBrn The Popular HÊdia. , 1?3 - Limited l'lale Roles, 123 - Adoption 0f I'iodeled Roles, , .,, 124 - Linkinq tlen And Violence. 127 - ViolenEe Against llonen, , 130 - Sunmary 0{ The E.f{ects 0f The Popular lledia , , . 134 * ThE ÌfÍlitary , 115 - Eff EÈts 0n The Individual , , 135 - E{{ects 0n The Peer Ëroup , 140 - Ef+ects 0n The Fårni ly 140 - Elfects 0n SBciety. 143 * Peer Ërsup 148 - BoyE 0lubE (Scout5, CubEr Beåvers, Rovers, etc, ), 151 - 0ompetitive spÕrts. l5¡ - School 15¡ - Ësmnon Threads thr oughout ïhese And 0ther llÀle Peer Ëroup5 . 155 - [onclusions 0n The Role 0{ ïhe Peer Ëroup , . 1É5 * Pornogråphy t65 - Ilesensitization To Violence AgainBt !lonen . , , . t75 - Coupling Sex and Violence 171 - Pornography çreãtes And Rèin{orces Several Sex ua l Assault t'lyths , lBt - How Do ïhese l'1yths A{{ect us? lBs * SFÊrt, lB9 - Encourages A De.ference TB Authority fl? - Rein{orcee Hegemonic tlascul inity And Its Links lJith ViolEncÊ. 196 - Summary 0{ Sport, . 200 x The SociÂl Construction 0{ Hasculinity Sufiìrìåry 20(t PART IV! ËHAPIER SUIiHARY. 207. PART Ir I NTR0DUËï I üN, ¿vt+ PART ll¡ TRADITI0NAL TREATT'lENTS 0F tIALE VI0LENCE. 20ã L Legi sl ati ve 5äncti 0ns luJ ?. Fhysiological ïreatnents 2þ9 A. StereÕtaxic Surqery, 210 B, TestoEterone Reduction 2t2 i. TestoEterone And Serual Activity - Castration zt4 - Hor non al Interventions ?t5 ii, Sèxual Activity And Violence Agai nst llsmen. , 217 + ConcluÉions 0n The Physiological TrÊÀtments . ' . ??0 5. intrapsychic TreatnentE 222 - ConEluEi0ns Bn The Intrapsychic InterventisnE 721 4, Sumnary 0{ Thé Traditlonal lreatnent PerspÊctiveE ' ' 22þ PART IIIr THE tl0HEN's H0VEI'IENT AND 50glAL C0NSTRUÈTI0NISH zzb Introduction 27b t. Breaking The 5i lence. 224 ?, Surviving Victim Therapy 2¡0 i, Soc i al Context ?31 ii, 5êx RolÊs. 212 iii, '1,¡oären's l,lork' HuEt Be Vålued. 232 iv, Ëlient AE lhe Expert 237. v, Af{irm The Pssítive. 233 vi. Col lective Strenqth. ?33 I EstablishÍng Pro-FeniniEt Victin Services 254 PART IV! EFFEËTS BF IHE l¡0HEN'5 H0VEtíENl BN f'IALE VI0LENCE , 237 CHAPIER FIVE: IHE STATE RESP0NSE 239 I NTROÐUCT I ON. 241 PART I¡ THE FAH I LY 5Y5TEH5 APPROAOH 242 PART IIr THE EARLY 1980s EHERËENËE 0F l,¡ El'l STATE FUNDED SIlC I AL CONSTRUËTIONIST TREATHENT PR116RAI,1t,lE5 FOR IIALE PHYS I ÇâL AND 5E )(UAL BFFENDERS, 252 Introduction ?52 Section Al Backqround Issues , 25J 1. The Philosophy 0{ A Social Ësnstructionist I ntervent i sn ?13 ?, The GoaIs 0{ A Social ËsnEtructionist InterventÍon ?58 3. Ëroup ËonFosition, , ,, 711 4, HoH Ds 0ffenders 6et Into A Ëroup, ?ô0 5, Cross Systen Involvement Requires Close þJsrk ülith The ËrifiinÂl Justice Systen. 262 6. The IBsUP 0{ Acceptabi I ity , 264 7. gender 0+ The çBfåcilitÀtore 768 Section B: 0{{ender AssesEnent 26b 1, Clinicàl lntervieH , , . , , 7.à7 a, 0f{ender's Ëharacteristics, , 267 i , l'lot i vat i on To 0hånge 2b8 i i, Assessnent 0{ Partner/Connunity Saf et y . 271 iii, Suicide Lethal ity, b, Victim's Ëharacteristics, , , , c, llechaîics 0f 0{+ending And Establishinq A Control Fl an, . i. Identi{ying ThEughtsr Images' and Feelinqs 277 i i . Fl an For Non-Vi ol ence, 279 ?. PsychofIìetric Evaluation, ?Ël 3, PhyËioloqicåI AsBeÉEíìent 4, Ðec i si on IEJ Section Ci Progranne Ëontent 286 l. Family 0f Brigin 28ó 2, Sociål i?åtion ProcÊss, 287 3. Comnunication Styles ?BB a, Ignoring Feelings ?ES b. Taking Eontrol In A Conversåtion, .,,, . 289 c, 60ål Fixation 290 d, Engåging In Rarnpant Negåtive Self Talk, , zqt e. Poor Assertivefless Skills. 21t *, Inadequate Paraphrasinq | 5uûìmarizingt And Listening 212 4, Drug/Alcohol lJFe And Êbuse. 293 5. Parenting ?93 Section D: Proqranme ProceEs ?91 l, Ëognitive Restructuring 295 2, Control PIan Hodifications/Imprnvenents . , , ?98 S. Aversi ve Therapies. 295 4, Covert SÞnBitization, J00 5, Role llodellinq. , , ¡01 É, Confrontaticn And Encourågenent , . 30? 7. llonitorinq. 304 B, Victirn Empathy S0l v¡ L Rel ax at i on Techniques 306 10, Sharing 307 Section E; Post-Ëroup lntervention 308 1. Fol lor,r-up 6roups, 308 Sumfiary 0{ The Social Constructionist 0{{ender Group lntervent i on, 109 PART III¡ ÇRITIeUE 0F THE CURRENT STATE RESP0NSE' , s10 Introductiðn 310 Section A: lnternal Problems 31t 1.
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