THE O F P S I UPSILON NEW COUNCIL MEMBERS (Sec page 73) Top left, Cesar J. Bertheau; bottom left, Edward S. Fries; center, Robert W. Parsons; top right. Maxwell L. Scott; and bottom right, Walter L Marr. -ryrr-^' -""-WmSF-'K' PRESIDENT'S PAGE I am happy to report that the Executive Council voted at its last meeting, to send a copy of our fraternity magazine The Diamond of Psi Upsilon to all living alumni, whose classes were prior to 1924 and who are not subscribers. All members since that date became life subscribers upon paying their initiation fee. This will include about 2000 members of Psi Upsilon. Through revamping and modernizing our bookkeeping procedures and by some donations, this policy has been made possible. I can report our chapters are flourishing but as could be expected there are some rather minor problems in a few of them. Our chapter at Williams College, while vig orous and successful, is experiencing a trying time due to unsettled developments on college policy by the administration. This afiFects all fratemities at Williams. Our alumni of this chapter in concert with other Williams alumni, are following this situa tion very intelligendy and closely. Psi Upsilon wants to keep all of our alumni abreast of our affairs, and particularly our older and senior brothers. In these changing times, where most fine things are under attack, we all want to have our beloved fratemity carry on its noble traditions of fine friendship amongst fine men. Robert W. Pahsons, Xi '22 President, Executive Council The Diamond of Psi Upsilon OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF PSI UPSILON FRATERNITY Volume XLVIII SPRING, 1962 Number 3 Editor Emeritus Editor EDWARD C. PEATTIE, Phi '06 PETER A. GaBAUER, Pi '25 Associate Editors LAURANCE G. WOLFE, Rho '38 HUBERT C. GROWLEY, Gamma '59 Publication Office: Curtis Reed Plasa, Menasha, Wis. E.xecutive and Editorial Offices: Room 417, 4 W. 43rd St., New York 36, N.Y. Telephone: Lackawanna 4-0036. Life subscription, $15; by subscription, $1.00 per year; Single Copies, 50 cents. Published in Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer by the Psi Upsilon Fraternity. Second class postage paid at Menasha, Wisconsin. BURTON RETIRES BENJAMIN T. BURTON, CHI '2! FETED AT DINNER Retiring President Greeted By Present and Past Members of Executive Council T. BURTON, Chi '21, re BENJAMINtired as president of the Executive Covmcil of the Fraternity at the annual meeting on October 8, 1962. Following the precedent established by his two predecessors, Scott Turner, Phi '02, and the late Leroy J. Weed, Theta '01, Brother Burton hosted a dinner for members of the Council and a few other Psi Upsilon leaders, present and past. Twenty-two brothers attended the black tie affair in the Grant Room of the Union League Club. R. Bourke Corcoran, Omega Burton and Parsons '15, described the gathering as the most splendid and moving occasion in Psi U, since a dinner tendered Pres. Nicholas Iota-Phi '93, and Scott Tumer, Phi '02, Murray Butler, Lambda '82, of Coliunbia to Brother Burton were read. Brother University over 30 years ago. Babst said in part: "Following our first Oliver B. MerriU, Jr., Gamma '25, acted meeting at the Chi, many years ago, we as toastmaster. The singing of Psi U songs have continued to be closely associated in led by Brother Robert I. Laggren, Xi '13, our common brotherhood! So long as life to a spirited accordion accompaniment was lasts I shall continue to look forward to further embellished by the table decora itl" Brother Turner remarked: "I would tions�garnet and gold autumn flowers. like nothing better than to attend the din Letters of greeting from Earl D. Babst, ner with the thirty brothers whom you Left to Right: Laggren, Corcoran, Northey, Morton, Merrill, Fuller, Kent, Flagg � 69 � 70 THE DIAMOND OF PSI UPSILON To you Psi Upsilon has ever been, as an other illustrious President termed it "a labor of love." a part of every breath you draw. For two score and five years you have been a devoted and outstanding member of as well as a tower of strength to our Fratemity _ iK^xcaitiucCoii'^cil oftJhc^lilsiMpsUoii^M'atcrmtu, and the Chi, amazingly active in the affairs ^xt\ -� luii!ii�ti. '^�'\�'U�^ tin> licanfctl tribute to of your great Alma Mater. You did much to >eniainini liu'taii give strength, vitality and stature to the Alumni Association of Psi Upsilon of which iibi>ittriF'rr.u�iiat'i�isMWii oHrlu^tinafluJtitH*; fervvvm unp<imttia�-,t<t from 1935 to 1940 you served with signal effectiveness as President. ' - �^" � '-�' ' ^^�'- ��'- -- *� � For have been a �.nIliviilbm'^it-voiirs>ii..itv,-'iinft twenty-seven years you 11 �-StrKvuttwi otT> lU-'nii.ni.'Jt remarkably faithful and highly constructive ^PfvMluMm vAii'iwiluuKKAiHiRimnJitiHfltntifituUiiiMiiglih iiM>ttnirtui>,iiKiitSx!i .4� oKiirEioailli'v tmuutl iN^mi.. .... tunl.'=^u-^i'\�V\P^�=i^^lUdll�^u^<^v�t(^.'^^^�^a^:*lSl.^.1^aI^fi_,- .. � member of our Executive its one ^ iii'U W', '�'ii ii-^nt -"iitMuni \vuai..^'^i\(l�iiii,siK irii Council, Vice for sixteen v>liTiotiiijlitni-^ii�iionli&.^ii^ wuhaiiOPithlirilrtot*.�citBv<in>nT\.U----*uKli^" ""^1 time Second President and X'1lT!l^^^l=m^l^ll1Hllll^^l'mlm^ta^^-tl^vCl^u^llt ttKLTs jno*! ctSoiiKh flut*iisint^iHiiiilt iHw 'Ui. im 'Ncui lounvtiiinv inurniiUoni flciu cjl iinj' P<i Ui sik h hiihiiii iiltu \Vu Jmui. i^'ii? years its extremely able Vice President. And now are seven most '*Jv x: you completing nearly /Y^tf-alnuwynsflrtiiijitKnfS'�' " �"�- '�' �� � and eventful as its illus ^�V L^., it hiui- u'lfliwiu li\iiniiiiiii(ttic^.lu wahaiicgiiicnfiihottalit years iim^ino! Null meaningful trious, esteemed and beloved President. In this OfiBce of high trust and confidence you have with fearless courage and tireless energy, with understanding wisdom and rare foresight faced most effectively the serious, difficult and complex problems confronting fratemities in general and Psi UpsUon in par ticular. You have done much to conceive and nurture The Psi Upsilon Foundation, that means so much to our Fratemity. Because of you Psi Upsilon is a stronger and a nobler Society; because of yoru inspiring and will assemble that I would have unselfish leadership each of us is a far better night; Psi U. much enjoyed spending the evening with We salute you as an eminent son of Cornell these old friends. Please convey to them and the Chi, as an of Psi as fraternal and under exemplar Upsilon, my greetings, please a great human being. In accordance with your stand that I would have liked particularly training at the Chi, you have given a thought to have there as and to been your guest and more daily to your Ahna Mater, to your have paid personal tribute to your con Fratemity, to your Commimity. tributions to the Fratemity." For years to come, as a Lffe Member of A citation signed by all the living mem Councff, may your Fraternal devotion, your leader bers who served on the Executive Coun understanding wisdom, your inspiring cfl with Brother Burton during the last ship continue to Hght ever brighter the altar fires of Psi Upsflon. 27 years was presented to him. Summariz his and devotion to ] ing accomplishments Brother Corcoran speaking for the | Psi U it reads: guests addressed the foflowing remarks: Brother Toastmaster June Merrill of the BENJAMIN T. BURTON Gamma and our "Guest of Honor" Brother Chi '21 Benjamin T. Burton of the Chi. This is in deed a unique affair where the Guest of Honor We, whose rare privilege it has been to picks up the tab. (Aside: Gosh, how I like free serve with you in furthering the interests of groceries.) He is giving the party as his fare our beloved Fratemity, express to you our well as President of the Executive Councfl highest esteem, our deep and abiding Fra after a dedicated seven years: the last two of ternal devotion, our lasting gratitude for your which he served under urging of others. unparalleled service to and your distinguished I need not teU you what a fine job Ben has leadership of Psi Upsilon. We do so from the done. It speaks for itself�but fortunately heart. he is not going to be put on the shelf for BENJAMIN T. BURTON DINNER Front row, left to R. Bourke right: Corcoran, Omega '15, president, Psi Upsilon Foundation; Robert K. Northey, Nu '12; Franklin F. Bruder Theta '25 treasurer; T. Burton, Chi Oliver Benjamm '21, retiring president; B. Merrill, Gamma '25; Robert W. Parsons, Xi '22, president; Richard M. Ross, Lambda '20, vice president; Jerome W. Brush, Jr., Delta Delta Alfred '39, secretary; H. Morton, Omicron '19. Back row, left to right: Peter A GaBauer Pi '25 editor, THE DIAMOND; Lawrence W. Towle, Kappa '24; Robert G. Fuller, Mu '23; Robert I. Laggren, Xi '13; Stephen G. Kent Delta Delta 'll' Lambda 'H; Herbert J. Theta Theta John Flagg, '12; R. Burleigh, Zeta '14; Dan H. Brown, Omega '16; Robert P. Hughes, Delta '20; William McPher son, IV, Phi '34; Edward S. Fries, Eta '45; Cesar J. Bertheau, Epsilon '19. 72 THE DIAMOND OF PSI UPSILON he automatically becomes a Lffe member of 50 years and I predict our wifful detractors the Council by constitutional provision. wfll not succeed in the end. Psi Upsilon wfll This splendid gathering of 22 invited carry on with nobility in the true meaning of brothers (10 could not make it) typically rep our motto. resents to me the great and actual worth and To Ben Burton your thanks and my thanks. a real manifestation of our beloved Psi Up silon. Here we have 22 from brothers 17 Brother Burton's response carried in chapters Canada and the United States- Brother Corcoran's sentiments to their no two of us ever en would have met and conclusion: joyed the inspiration of our fine friendships I want between fine men, ff we had not been for First, you all to know that when you tunate in being elected to Psi U membership elected me President of The Executive Coun bestowed me the honor in our respective chapters years ago.
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