AUQUET,1899. MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. 369 ~~~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ auroras (A) in eaoh State and on each day of the month Prince Albert, 13th, 34th ; Battleford, 7th, 9th, lSth, 23d ; respectively. Kamloops, 6tb, 13th ; Barkerville, 8th, llth, 14th, 34th, 26th. Thzmdersto~s.-Reports of 4,943 thunderstorms were re ceived during the current month as against 4,853 in 1898 and 5,476 during the preceding month. NOTES ON THE WEATHER OF THE WEST INDIES. The dates on which the number of reports of thunder. storms for the whole country were most numerous were: Chart VI11 shows the distribution of preseure and tempera- 2d, 302; 26th, 364; 5th, 250; 4th, 244; loth, 337. ’ ture, and the prevailing winds in the West India region for Reports were most numerous from : Pennsylvania, 240; the month, being a continuation of the series begun in the Missouri, 334; Nebraska, 219; Florida, 218. REVIEWfor April, 1899. Aurorus.-The evenings on which bright moonlight must The hurricane of August 7-10, described elsewhere in this have interfered with observations of faint auroras are as. REVIEWand also in Storm Bulletin No. 1, was naturally the sumed to be the four preceding and following the date of full overshadowing feature of the weather of the month. A 880- moon, viz, 16th to 24th. ond disturbance occurred over the Caribbean Sea during the The greatest number of reports were received for the fol- closing days of the month, but beyond a few squalls and some lowing dates: 39th, 12; 30th, 6; 3d and 4th, 5. threatening weather no serious consequences resulted. Reports were most numerous from: Minnesota, 5; Maine, The rainfall was very heavy in Porto Rico in connection with Montana, New York, and Ohio, 4. the hurricane that swept over that island. A little over 9 In Caimda.-Auroras were reported as follows: Father inches of rain fell at Port of Spain, but elsewhere the fall Point, 6th, 9th, 30th ; Quebec, lst, 13th, 20th, 27th ; Minne- was not heavy. At Havana only0.14 inchfell during theen- dosa, 4th, 5th, 30th, 31st ; Qu’Appelle, 13th ; Nedicine Hat, tire month. Across the island at Cienfuegos 4.44 inches fell, 13th, 37th, 29th; Swift Current, 7th; Prince Albert, 3d, that amount being distributed rather evenly throughout the 30th. month. Thunderstorms were reported as follows : Sydney, 3d, 9th ; The greatest number of thunderstorms occurred at Uien- Halifax, 20th; Grand Manan, 23d; Yarmouth, 22d, 23d, fuegos, the observer at that station reporting 21 during the 37th; Charlottetown, 14th, 16th; Father Point, 4th, 5th, month. At Santiago, on the same side of the island, but 3 13th ; Quebec, 3d, 4th, 5th, 12th, 13th, 22d, 25th, 31st; MOII- thunderstorms occurred, although more rain fell than at Cien- treal, 12th, 21st, 32d; Rockliffe, 21st; Toronto, 2d, 11th; Puegos. White River, llth, 30th, 21st, 29th, 30th ; Port Stanley, loth, Thunderstorms in the West Indies appear to be due almost llth, 27th; Parry Sound, 2d, 13th; Port Arthur, llth, 37th, aolely to local causes, such as the breaking up of a condition 28th, 99th ; Winnipeg, loth, 19th ; Minnedosa, loth, 16th, ,f unstable equilibrium in the atmosphere and must, there- 19th, 22d, 23d, 29th ; Qu’Appelle, 9th, 19th ; Medicine Hat, Fore, be classed as heat thunderstorms. As such they are not 6th, 8th, 9th, loth, llth, 13th, 32cl,35th; Swift Current, 6th, 30 severe as the cyclonic thunderstorms which occur in the 8th, 9th, loth, 15th, 24th, 25th; Calgary, 5th; Bane, 13th; United States. DESCRIPTION OF TABLES AND CHARTS. By ALFERDJ. BENRT,Chief of Division of Records and Meteorological Data. For text descriptive of tables and charts see page 317 of REVIEWfor July, 1899. Unauthenticated | Downloaded 09/29/21 05:23 PM UTC 370 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. AUGUST,1899 - - - Temperature of the air. In degrees 5 E Pwolpitation,in Fahrenhelt. * inches. Wind. - - - - - e* - - - Q 5.r 2; i Maximi 2 t v e1 o o 1 I ld E: - ap' $ S' ! a - d q I4 al & $1 md ? $9tC m 8: E! 2s a, -d B B .E 9' w -B 8' I+ 1 a - 0 I B I ai 22- 2s ... a 5 Q - -54 -.5 - -_3 - -7 ._ - Nmo England. 87.1 - 0.3 88 1.97 - 8.0 Eat rt ...... ... 76 691 74 29.98 80.08 I+- .oII 60.8 + 0.2 80 168 49 954 26 67 55 85 0.58 - 8.0 8 5.810 SW. 24 e. Portend Me.. .. 10s 81 88 29.88 99.98 .oo 65.5 - 1.a 87 19 72 51 28 eo 56 78 1.88 - 2.1 IO 4,477 8. 19 s. North5elh.. .. 87.J 15 65 29.10 80.01 -08 64.5 + 1.6 92 21 w 86 44 I I 76 0.77 - 8.9 5 5,489 s. 87 nw. Boston .. la116 191 29.88 88.8 - 0.3 Bo 19 76 58 28 62 I 75 2.62 - 1.9 7 6,084 e. 82 e. Nantucket .. 14 48 M 29.99 g:: ii :E 67.0 - 0.7 I 19 72 57 18 64 a2 89 2.08 - 1.1 7 6. 598 ne. 28 88. Woods Hole.. .. 2? 11 67 29.68 69.1 + 0.g I a0 75 67 18 64 88 87 2.91 - 1.0 6 6,888 n. 28 n. Vine ard Haven.. ,...... 20 65 ..... .. .. 69.6 - 1.9 0.4 I9 77 51 16 62 85 ,.. ,.. 2.76 - 1.4 4 i.608 s. 22 ne. Blooz Island .. 87 11 48 29.97 67.6 - 0.4 80 573 49 16 a2 88 64 62 86 1.79 - 1.7 4 I,= ne. a5 ne. ...... 10 .... ...... .. .. 68.0 - 0.4 89 5 76 48 16 Bo 38 I.. ,.. 4.02 + 0.2 4 ...... SW. .. .... :::%E::::..:::: 1oi118 140 29.88 29.99 - .02 69.9 -0.1 8.9 678 50 16 a2 29 85 62 79 0.66 - 4.6 6 5,053 ne. 26 8. Hid. AUan. Slates. 78 4.80 - 0.4 Ubany ............ 30.01 '+ .08 Qi 9088 50 16 62 82 (15 88 74 1.n - 8.3 I! 4,152 6. 80 se. Binghamton. .. .. 94 01 88 42 9 67 89 .. ,.. I.. 2.44 - 1.6 nw. 20 nw. New York .. 80.00 I- .01 91 6 81 60 988 21 67 64 79 8.W - 0.8 i 2% ne. 64 nw. Harrisbur ' .. .. 95 2084 65 17 65 28 .. .. ,.. 4.85 + 0.8 9 8,Wa e. 81 W. phlladelpfia :: 29.99 I- .a 95 21 82 59 94 67 64 74 8 ne. 95 n. Atlantio City.. .. 29.98 - .01 84 676 I 18 69 68 87 ;:: $ ::: 18 !)$; e. 88 nw. Ca eYay.... ... .. 88.98 ......, I 20 76 61 18 69 ,.. I.. 2.68 - 2.6 I2 8: 299 ne. 68 W. Bafiimore .. 29.86 - .05 97 8084 68 28 68 64 7a 4.86 + 0.8 IS 3.M8 ne. 20 nw. Waehington ... .. 29.97 - .05 96 2064 58 26 69 67 88 8-77 - 0.9 13 3.997 ne. 42 n. Cape Henry ..... .. , .. .. BB 21 88 68 21 .. ,.. I.. - 0.6 8 0,572 ne. 88 ne. L ohbnrg .. ..... 99.96 - .05 97 688 61 17 60 2a 69 67 TI $01r.60 + 8.6 IO 2.3s ne. 24 nw. &folk . .. 29.94 - .08 99 588 88 17 72 22 78 71 88 2.78 - 8.4 IO 7.098 ne. 42 ne. Rlohmond .. ,.....I ...... 08 6 86 ti8 2970 87 .. .. ,.. 5.61 ......, IO 4, 798 U. 25 n. 8.dtZan6ic Stat@. 80 6.81 0.0 Charlotte.. .. 778111 6817 17688 29.1629.89 29.95 - .04 98 63 17 IM 28 70 81 52 4.98 - 0.4 9 4.874 ne. 35 m. Hatterm .. 29.90 - .09 rn 69 9 74 14 74 78 86 14.19 f 7.8 I2 0,408 n. $ n. Kitt hawk .... .... 9 1.2 80 ...... .. .. 97 88 16 72 18 .. 5.75 - 1.1 8 ... .. ,.... -le{ h ........... 876 98 101 29.56 29.94 -.05 97 65 2970 I 72 70 82 3.87 - 4.6 I2 2% n. 86 se. Wilmfn 78 82 90 29.86 29.94 -.05 98 66 17 78 20 74 78 85 5.79 - 1.7 I4 6' 150 SW. 36 ne. CharleE. :::: 48 14 92 B9.92 2B.97 - .08 00 70 17 TI I76 74 79 8.66 + 1.0 12 8: 5!m SW. 67 ne. Columbia.. .. .. ,I..... j 51 .... j ...... ...... ...... 00 88 8072 80 .. ,.. I.. 6.28 - 0.6 I3 ...... ne. ,.. ,.... Augusta .. .. 180 89 108 29.76 29.94 -.08 a 68 2972 87 78 71 77 6.17 + 1.0 IO 4, a% 0. 42 n. Savannah .. .. 88 68 89 29.86 29.94 -.OB 00 67 e8 74 25 74 72 79 9.04 + 1.3 14 6, 186 W. 44 ne. Jaoksonvllle .. 43 69 84 29.90 29.95 -.a 98 69 80 74 24 75 73 80 8.90 - 2.6 I2 6,870 sw. 82 SW. pzo*Mo Peninarla. 78 4.90 - 1.6 Jupiter .. 29 13 80 29.91 29.94 -.OB a 72 17 77 76 68 6.86 + 0.9 I1 6, 784 8. 52 n. Key West ..... ..... .OO Bo 72 17 77 75 74 8.80 - 1.0 8 5,998 se. 88 nw. Tampa.. 88 e.wl .. .. a/4860 16067 129.9429.91 29.95 - .02 ga 70 20 76 74 80 4.98 - 4.5 I%4 I9 W. 86 W. Ea86 G%dfStates. 81.8 + 8.0 81 6.83 + 0.8 Atlanta.. .. 1,174189 166 28.76 -M 80.0 + 8.6 WI 68 24 72 69 i7 3.15 - 1.6 IO 6.488 nw, 80 W.
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