• Scientific Excellence • Resource Protection & Conservation • Benefits for Canadians Excellence scientifique • Protection et conservation des ressources • Benefices aux Canadiens DFO r~liil~lj~irBlllil~irque 08000466 A Fish Habitat Survey Of The Jacquet River Watershed, Restlgouche County, N.B. Volume 4: Species Composition and Relative Abundance Of Benthic Macro-invertebrates W.B. Ritchie 1989 Department of Fisheries and Oceans Science Branch Gulf Region P.O. Box 5030 Moncton, N.B. E1 C 9B6 February, 1989 Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences No. 724 (Vol. 4) Canada Canadian Data Repurt ot Fisheries and .\qu3ti Science 1\.11.1 I ~' p' II" P I \II ill<. ,I Illnl III III IIII I Ii i IIg ;J IlJ a n:h i \ Ilig Jaw (u mpda lIl1 '''' 1111<:1 t. 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'lI['rlil'o 1M a ft:t. h\ ':Illllllll'n:i,,1 agc.:nh, Rapport o,tatistique canadien de 'icience halieutiques el aquatiques l C:' l.lrrll1n, lali"llljUe\ '1.11llll I cia ,C:! c:l ;'1 arc:hlll'l /t:, I'llfllril.tII(lIl' UL d'lIl1lc.:l Iltlllf k ... quclk:- tI \ a PLlI "U 1'''"11 d'<lll.tfhc.: CC, uJmriblllllh <lllwni J\lIdi­ II.III~ c:t<' rl ~ r"ree " it I'''rrul U ;Jlllit.:' puolil;tIi(11l llll rdpp(lrt ll:, ~u l t:t. de r"rrl'lh 1:lll\llljUl:' Idll:tl.'lIl la la,ll gdlllll1l Jl' 1111"1'01' <:1 de, ['\ll illljUe d\l m in islcr, dL' 1',:,11," 1:1 0" (..leta", l"ol-il-uiJl Ie' 'lILIlt.:O h:.dICUliYlIc", t'l '\ljUillllj\le' I" ILlPI1t)" "Wli'\llIlIc.:, 11\: \"111 pa' Ul"IIIlc.:' iJ lInL \i,hl~ Ji .. 11l11uli"n c:t kur ':t1I1lt:IIL1 III Jllit ra, elre 1l1-:t1l1dlll1': d,lll lIt1 e pu hllcatiun ,an, aLlt.Jf I~ali(lll Cllilt rl'::lI.[I1I1. .It: 1'"taoll,.:mLlII .1lI11'UI le llill L .tll pJr,lIt all-l,k"u, du I':SlIlile k ch ayu t' rarp"ll I C~ r,lrr(Jrt~ til l ""ljllL" I)nl f~'UIl1C~ dan, Iii I d III RI'IWIII;' ,In ,'!('I/( (\ (1t11l(/lIt/ll~ \ ,'I IIIII/I'I I/itlll< \ Lt ii, '0 111 .:ia"\l Jall~ l'lllde anllul'i dc .. puhll(;I­ li(llhLlo.:ntil l qlle~ el lel'illlllju,:" UU "'lilll'I~IL L e' 1 1Illll':ro~ I a 25 dL c~lk ,':I IL (1111 el~ ruhlie, ;'Ilitr<: dt. Il'le\ e~'I;lli lIlllll'~, 'e r­ I Ill" dc- rel'ilc" d de' hi m.:r l <:' Ilumu," 21> il IbO 11111 elt (lub l ie~;i tit re 1.1<. rarrllri .. " 1~ 1 1"liqllc.:,dll '\c:r\ilc.:dc're, ht.' ddt. 1,[ Illt:l, nll l ll~lelldt.', PCll1e,d JL l'Emllonnl:­ rnt:nt l L 110111 .IL'tu~1 ue I" er ie iI (-r': t: lilhll Ill!"'. J.: la ranlll(ln tlu nlllllCIO 161 l,,, rapr lrt .. ,,[a l l'liqllc\ ,,0111 prlhluil a I'echelon rc'g illnal" ma i o, I1Ulneroto n l'edlLlnll Ilillinn;tf 1 t:' Uelll<lllut" JL r"rr,,1t ,>nunt ,,,lislanc, ral 1'~(clhli",el11cnl ,11I1CUI Ul n( Ie nom flgll rt ,ur Iii lIlU\t.'I(lIlL <:1 la rage du l itl e , Leo, rap plil" erlll eo, ,crnnl Iliurni, C"l1lrt' rClri hllllnll pal Ut.' :l!!t.'nh commercial! Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences No.724 (Vol. 4) February 1989 A Fish Habitat SUNey of the Jacquet River Watershed, Restigouche County, N .B. Volume 4 - Species Composition and Relative Abundance of Benthic Macro-invertebrates by W.B. Ritchie Department of Fisheries and Oceaqs Gulf Region Science Branch Fish Habitat and Enhancement Division 11 © Minister of Supply and Services Canada 1989 Cat No. Fs 97-13n24 (Vol. 4)E ISSN 0706-6465 Correct citation for this publication: Ritchie, W.B., 1989. A Fish Habitat Survey of the Jacquet River Watershed, Restigouche County, N.B. Volume 4 - Species Composition and Relative Abundance of Benthic Macro-invertebrates. Can. Data Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 724 (Vol. 4), 45p. iii ABSlRACf Ritchie, W.B., 1989. A Fish Habitat Survey of the Jacquet River Watershed, Restigouche County, N.B. Volume 4- Species Composition and Relative Abundance of Benthic Macro-invertebrates. Can. Data Rep. Fish. Aquat Sci. 724 (Vol. 4), 45p. This report, Volume 4 of a four volwne series, is a compilation of benthological data collected on the Jacquet River System in August, 1984. Species composition and relative abundance of benthic macro-invertebrates are presented. Other topics are : Volwne 1 - Hydraulic and Physiographic Data Volwne 2 - Water and Sediment Chemistry Data Volwne 3 - Estimated Fish Densities and Biological Data for Salmonid Specimens Key words: benthic macro-invertebrate, Surber sampler, Ekman dredge, relative abundance, species composition. RESUME Ritchie, W.B., 1989. A Fish Habitat Survey of the Jacquet River Watershed, Restigouche County, N.B. Volume 4- Species Composition and Relative Abundance of Benthic Macro-invertebrates. Can. Data Rep. Fish. Aquat Sci. 724 (Vol. 4), 45p. Ce rapport, Ie quatrieme d'une sene de quatre volumes, consiste d'une compilation de donnees benthologiques recueillies sur Ie reseau hydrographique Jacquet en aoiit 1984. La composition d'es~es et l'abondance relative des macro­ invert6bres benthiques sont presentees. D'autres sujets sont Volume 1 - Hydraulic and Physiographic Data Volwne 2 - Water and Sediment Chemistry Data Volume 3 - Estimated Fish Densities and Biological Data for Salmonid Specimens Mots cles: macro-invert6bres benthiques, echantillonneur Surber, drague Ekman, abondance relative, composition d'especes TABLE OF CON1ENTS VOLUME 4 PAGE Abstract!Resume ................................................................................................................................. .iii Introduction " .................................................................................................................... " ................ 1 Materials and Methods............................................................ '" ............................................................. 1 Acknowledgements ................................................................................................................................ 2 References ........ '" ............................................................................................................................. 2 LIST OF FIGURES PAGE Figure 4.1 Location of sampling sites, Jacquet River watershed ................................................................... 3 SITE 1, JACQUET RIVER Figure 4.2 Location of benthos sampling stations .................................................................................... 4 SITE 2, LOWER MCNAIR BROOK Figure 4.3 Location of benthos sampling stations .................................................................................... 6 SITE 3, BIG HOLE BROOK Figure 4.4 Location of benthos sampling stations .................................................................................... 9 SITE 5, ANTINOURI LAKE Figure 4.5 Location of benthos sampling stations .................................................................................. 12 SITE 6, ROCKY BROOK Figure 4.6 Location of benthos sampling stations .................................................................................. 14 SITE 8, LOWER SOUTH BRANCH JACQUET RIVER Figure 4.7 Location of benthos sampling stations .................................................................................. 17 SITE 9, BIG HOLE BROOK Figure 4.8 Location of benthos sampling stations .................................................................................. 19 SITE 10, TONGUE LAKE BROOK Figure 4.9 Location of benthos sampling stations .................................................................................. 22 SITE II, HEAD LAKE Figure 4.10 Location of benthos sampling stations .................................................................................. 25 SITE 12, LOWER SOUTH BRANCH JACQUET RIVER Figure 4.11 Location of benthos sampling stations .................................................................................. 27 SITE 13, UPPER MCNAIR BROOK Figure 4.12 Location of benthos sampling stations .................................................................................. 29 SITE 14, JACQUET RIVER Figure 4.13 Location of benthos sampling stations .................................................................................. 31 SITE IS, JACQUET RIVER Figure 4.14 Location of benthos sampling stations .................................................................................
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