May 10, 2012 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 158, Pt. 5 6649 189th Engineer Detachment, as the most dent Ma and his administration have worked of Freedom, the Nation’s highest civilian qualified candidate. The Massachusetts Best tirelessly to develop a strong strategy of rap- honor. Dr. Foege’s commitment to public Warrior Competition is known to test partici- prochement which upholds our shared values health throughout his career—particularly in pants with rigorous physical and mental chal- of freedom, democracy, and the rule of law. I the area of promoting child survival and immu- lenges. Now in its fourth year, the competition look forward to the future as we continue to nization worldwide—is nothing less than ex- continues to evolve to meet the caliber of the work together to seek mutual best interests for traordinary. contestants. This year’s event included tests both the United States and Taiwan. In 1966, Dr. Foege served as a medical of physical fitness and marksmanship, a writ- Mr. Speaker, I would ask that my colleagues missionary in a remote part of Nigeria where ten exam and a challenging mock urban com- join me in congratulating President Ma Ying- he encountered the devastating disease of bat situation. The demanding weekend cul- jeou and wish him continued success as he smallpox. He campaigned tirelessly for a more minated in an interview with a board of Com- begins his second term as president of the aggressive response to this terrible disease. In mand Sergeants Major testing each partici- Republic of China. the absence of sufficient vaccine supply, Dr. pant’s knowledge on a variety of subjects. f Foege developed a strategy called ‘‘surveil- Throughout the competition, Spc. Branch lance and containment’’ to combat the spread demonstrated the dedication, ingenuity and CONGRATULATING CUMBERLAND of smallpox. An innovative strategy, his focus perseverance that make an excellent soldier, SCHOOL OF LAW on ‘‘hot zones’’ was remarkably successful and in the end, emerged victorious amongst and led to the global eradication of smallpox the commissioned officers competing. When HON. SPENCER BACHUS in 1979. not in uniform, he continues to serve his com- OF ALABAMA Dr. Foege’s work led him to become the munity as a Unit Manager at Plymouth’s Ra- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Chief of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Smallpox Eradication Pro- dius HealthCare and Pediatric Center, playing Thursday, May 10, 2012 a vital role in the rehabilitation of the center’s gram and in 1977 he was elevated to Director patients. Spc. Branch truly represents the very Mr. BACHUS. Mr. Speaker, it is an honor to of the CDC where he remained an aggressive best of our community and our country. join my colleagues ROBERT ADERHOLT, MAR- champion for childhood immunization and con- Mr. Speaker, please join me in congratu- THA ROBY, and DENNIS ROSS in congratulating tinued his leadership in the fight for the eradi- lating Spc. Jason Branch as he is honored for Cumberland School of Law on the celebration cation of smallpox. his excellence as a soldier, and we wish him of their fiftieth anniversary as an entity on the Dr. Foege’s accomplishments and awards the best of luck as he moves on to the re- campus of Samford University in Birmingham, are many and span his long career. After leav- gional stage of the competition. Alabama. The school’s legacy and impress ex- ing the CDC, he formed the Task Force for f tends across the globe and indeed into this Global Health (1984), which continues today very chamber, my three colleagues having as a critical nexus for the establishment of CONGRATULATING PRESIDENT MA walked its historic halls as law students. international collaborations to promote child YING-JEOU ON HIS RE-ELECTION What began as a humble and at times wellness and survival. The impact that Dr. struggling law school in the hills of Lebanon, Foege and the Task Force has had on the HON. SAM JOHNSON Tennessee, through tenacity and divine provi- world through childhood immunizations to pre- OF TEXAS dence blossomed into a first rate and nation- vent polio, measles, river blindness, and many IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ally-recognized center of legal education. other diseases has been nothing short of as- Today, Cumberland boasts the fourth ranked Thursday, May 10, 2012 tonishing. trial advocacy program in the nation and has In 1986, Dr. Foege joined the Carter Center Mr. SAM JOHNSON of Texas. Mr. Speaker, served as the educational backdrop for count- in Georgia serving as their Executive Director I stand today to recognize and congratulate less State and Federal judges, legislators, and until 1992. He is a professor emeritus at the Ma Ying-jeou, President of Taiwan, as he con- other elected officials. Judge John Carroll, Rollins School of Public Health at Emory Uni- tinues to honorably serve the people of the whose service as the Dean and chief advo- versity in Atlanta and an affiliate professor of Republic of China. On January 14, 2012, cate for the law school, deserves our utmost epidemiology in my District at the University of through a free and fair election, the people of commendation for thrusting Cumberland onto Washington (UW), School of Public Health. In Taiwan reelected Ma Ying-jeou to serve a sec- the national stage. His dedication and leader- 1999, he became senior medical advisor to ond term as president, continuing the coun- ship have ensured the continued growth and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation where he try’s commitment to a strong and stable demo- prosperity of this respected law school. remains an emeritus fellow. With this record of cratic government. Mr. Speaker, as a body that daily ponders accomplishment and service, it is clear why Over the past century Taiwan has increas- the law and the effects of law, it is only fitting UW chose to name their Bioengineering-Ge- ingly become an influential free-market de- and proper that we honor an institution dedi- nome Sciences building after Dr. Foege. mocracy in the Asia-Pacific region. Now a cated to excellent legal education and com- To this day, Dr. Foege continues to educate model government to surrounding countries, mend Cumberland and Judge John Carroll on the world on domestic and international health Taiwan continues to play a vital role in main- a job very well done. The city of Birmingham, policies through his writing and speaking en- taining peace and stability in the region and our great State of Alabama, indeed the entire gagements. His is a career defined by service has experienced sustained economic growth Nation owes a debt of gratitude to Cum- and rooted in science. Dr. Foege’s enthusiasm and sociopolitical development in recent years. berland School of Law for its educational and talent for global health continues to gen- As a result, U.S.-Taiwan relations have be- prowess, its historic legacy, and its integral erate and influence future generations of pub- come especially close. Our shared economic, part in preparing the next generation of our lic health professionals. I am delighted that he cultural, political, and strategic values coupled Nation’s leaders. has been awarded this honor. with our mutual interest in forging strong ties f f have encouraged innovation and growth be- tween our nations. U.S. arms sales to Taiwan HONORING DR. WILLIAM FOEGE, WELCOMING THE SEVENTH HONOR have more than doubled over the past several RECIPIENT OF THE PRESI- FLIGHT SOUTH ALABAMA TO years and on December 22, 2011, the U.S. DENTIAL MEDAL OF FREEDOM WASHINGTON, DC State Department announced Taiwan’s nomi- nation for inclusion into the Visa Waiver Pro- HON. JIM McDERMOTT HON. JO BONNER gram. Officials estimate acceptance into this OF WASHINGTON OF ALABAMA program will increase the more than 400,000 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Taiwanese citizens who visit the United States each year by 20 to 30 percent. Thursday, May 10, 2012 Thursday, May 10, 2012 As a member of the Congressional Taiwan Mr. MCDERMOTT. Mr. Speaker, I rise today Mr. BONNER. Mr. Speaker, it is with great Caucus, I commend President Ma for his ex- to recognize a great epidemiologist and immu- pride that I recognize Honor Flight South Ala- emplary leadership and his efforts to advance nization champion Dr. William Foege and to bama and the World War II veterans this very and ensure regional stability and peace. Presi- celebrate his receipt of the Presidential Medal special organization is bringing on its seventh VerDate Sep 11 2014 14:42 Apr 19, 2018 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR12\E10MY2.000 E10MY2 jstallworth on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with BOUND RECORD.
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