DOLBEAULT COHOMOLOGY OF NILMANIFOLDS WITH LEFT-INVARIANT COMPLEX STRUCTURE SONKE¨ ROLLENSKE Abstract. We discuss the known evidence for the conjecture that the Dol- beault cohomology of nilmanifolds with left-invariant complex structure can be computed as Lie-algebra cohomology and also mention some applications. 1. Introduction Dolbeault cohomology is one of the most fundamental holomorphic invariants of a compact complex manifold X but in general it is quite hard to compute. If X is a compact K¨ahler manifold, then this amounts to describing the decomposition of the de Rham cohomology Hk (X, C)= Hp,q(X)= Hq(X, Ωp ) dR M M X p+q=k p+q=k but in general there is only a spectral sequence connecting these invariants. One case where at least de Rham cohomology is easily computable is the case of nilmanifolds, that is, compact quotients of real nilpotent Lie groups. If M =Γ\G is a nilmanifold and g is the associated nilpotent Lie algebra Nomizu proved that we have a natural isomorphism ∗ ∗ H (g, R) =∼ HdR(M, R) where the left hand side is the Lie-algebra cohomology of g. In other words, com- puting the cohomology of M has become a matter of linear algebra There is a natural way to endow an even-dimensional nilmanifold with an almost complex structure: choose any endomorphism J : g → g with J 2 = − Id and extend it to an endomorphism of T G, also denoted by J, by left-multiplication. Then J is invariant under the action of Γ and descends to an almost complex structure on M. If J satisfies the integrability condition (1) [x, y] − [Jx,Jy]+ J[Jx,y]+ J[x,Jy] = 0 for all x, y ∈ g then, by Newlander–Nirenberg [28, p.145], it makes MJ = (M, J) into a complex manifold. In this survey we want to discuss the conjecture The Dolbeault cohomology of a nilmanifold with left-invariant complex structure MJ can be computed using only left-invariant forms. This was stated as a question in [14, 11] but we decided to call it Conjecture in the hope that it should motivate other people to come up with a proof or a counterexample. A more precise formulation in terms of Lie-algebra cohomology is given in Section 3.1. 1 2 SONKE¨ ROLLENSKE Before concentrating on this topic we would like to indicate why nilmanifolds have attracted much interest over the last years. Their main feature is that the construction and study of left-invariant geometric structures on them usually boils down to finite dimensional linear algebra. On the other hand, the structure is sufficiently flexible to allow the construction of many exotic examples. We only want to mention the three most prominent in complex geometry: • If G is abelian then MJ is a complex torus. • The Iwasawa manifold X =Γ\G is obtained as the quotient of the complex Lie group 1 z1 z3 G = 0 1 z2 ⊂ Gl(3, C) 0 0 1 by the lattice Γ = G ∩ Gl(3, Z[i]) and as such is complex parallelisable. Nakamura studied its small deformations and thus showed that a small deformation of a complex parallelisable manifold need not be complex parallelisable [35]. Observe that X cannot be K¨ahler since dz3 − z2dz1 is a holomorphic 1-form that is not closed. • Kodaira surfaces, also known as Kodaira-Thurston manifolds, had ap- peared in Kodaira’s classification of compact complex surfaces as non- trivial principal bundle of elliptic curves over an elliptic curve [29] and were later considered independently by Thurston as the first example of a manifold that admits both a symplectic and a complex structure but no K¨ahler structure. In our context it can be described as follows: let 1z ¯1 z2 G = 0 1 z1 | z1,z2 ∈ C ⊂ Gl(3, C) 0 0 1 2 and Γ = G ∩ Gl(3, Z[i]). Then G =∼ C with coordinates z1,z2 and the action of Γ on the left is holomorphic; the quotient is a compact complex manifold. If we set α = dz1 ∧ (dz¯2 − z1dz¯1) then α +α ¯ is a left-invariant symplectic form on G and thus descends to the quotient. In fact, the first example is the only nilmanifold that can admit a K¨ahler structure [5], so none of the familiar techniques available for K¨ahler manifolds will be useful in our case. Some more applications in complex geometry will be given in Section 4. Nilman- ifolds also play a role in hermitian geometry [1, 4, 32], riemannian geometry [22, 6], ergodic theory [25], arithmetic combinatorics [21], and theoretical physics [19, 20]. In order to discuss the above conjecture on Dolbeault cohomology we start by sketching the proof of Nomizu’s theorem because some of the ideas carry over to the holomorphic setting. Then we recall the necessary details on Dolbeault cohomology to give a precise statement of the conjecture. It turns out that we are in a good position to prove the conjecture whenever we can inductively decompose the nilmanifold with left-invariant complex structure into simpler pieces. This is due to Console and Fino [11], generalising previous results of Cordero, Fern´andez, Gray and Ugarte [14]. Section 3.4 contains the only new result in this article. We prove that the conjecture always holds true if we pass to a suitable quotient of the nilmanifold DOLBEAULT COHOMOLOGY OF NILMANIFOLDS 3 with left-invariant complex structure and also discuss some possible approaches to attack the general case. 1.1. Notations. Throughout the paper G will be a simply connected nilpotent real Lie-group with Lie-algebra g. Every nilpotent Lie group can be realised as a subgroup of the group of upper triangular matrices with 1’s on the diagonal. We will always assume that G contains a lattice Γ thus giving rise to a (compact) nilmanifold M = Γ\G. Elements in g will usually be interpreted as left-invariant vector fields on G or on M. We restrict our attention to those complex structures on M that are induced by an integrable left-invariant complex structure on G and are thus uniquely determined by an (integrable) complex structure J : g → g. The resulting complex manifold is denoted MJ . Note that even on a real torus of even dimension at least 6 there are many complex structures that do not arise in this way [7]. The group G is determined up to isomorphism by the fundamental group of M [44, Corollary 2.8, p.45] and by abuse of notation we sometimes call g the Lie- algebra of M. 2. Real nilmanifolds and Nomizu’s result on de Rham cohomology The aim of this section is to prove Nomizu’s theorem. Theorem 2.1 (Nomizu [36]) — Let M be a compact nilmanifold. Then the inclu- sion of left-invariant differential forms in the de Rham complex (Λ•g∗ ֒→ A•(M induces an isomorphism between the Lie-algebra cohomology of g and the de Rham cohomology of M, ∗ ∼ ∗ H (g, R) = HdR(M, R). Since some of the main results on Dolbeault cohomology discussed in the next section rely on similar ideas we will examine the proof in some detail: at its heart lies an inductive argument. Let M = Γ\G be a real nilmanifold with associated Lie algebra g and let ZG be the centre of G. By [16, p. 208], ZΓ=Γ ∩ ZG is again a lattice and the projection G → G/ZG descends to a fibration M → M ′. The fibres are real tori T = ZG/ZΓ. Since elements in ZG commute with elements in Γ their action descends to the quotient and M → M ′ is a principal T -bundle. To iterate this process we recall the following definition. Definition 2.2 — For a Lie-algebra g we call Z0g := 0, Zi+1g := {x ∈ g | [x, g] ⊂ Zig} the ascending central series and C0g := g, Ci+1g := [Cig, g] the descending central series of g. The Lie-algebra is called nilpotent if there is a ν ∈ N such that Zν g = g, or equivalently Cν g =0. The minimal such ν = ν(g) is called the index of nilpotency or step-length of g. 4 SONKE¨ ROLLENSKE The same definition can be made on the level of the Lie-group G and the resulting sub-algebras and subgroups correspond to each other under the exponential map. Proceeding inductively, we can use the first filtration on g to decompose M geometrically; the second one induces a similar decomposition since Cig ⊂ Zν−ig. i i+1 More precisely, if we denote by Ti the torus obtained as a quotient of Z G/Z G by ZiΓ/Zi+1Γ then there is a tower / (2) T1 / M1 π1 / T2 / M2 π2 . / Tν−1 / Mν−1 πν−1 Mν and each πi : Mi → Mi+1 is a Ti-principal bundle. This geometric description is crucial in the proof of Nomizu’s Theorem. The underlying idea is quite simple: we perform induction over the index of nilpotency ν. If ν = 1, i.e., g is abelian, then M is a torus and the result is well known. For the induction step, we consider M as a principal torus bundle over a nilmanifold M ′ with lower nilpotency index. Then we have to combine our knowledge of the cohomology of the fibre and of the base to describe the cohomology of the total space M. This is achieved by means of two spectral sequences, the Leray-Serre spectral sequence and the Serre-Hochschild spectral sequence. Let us work this out a bit more in detail starting on the geometric side: let Ak(M) be the the space of smooth differential k-forms on M and consider the de Rham complex d d d 0 → A0(M) −→ A1(M) −→ .
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