, Serving the State The Weather University of Iowa Cloudy wHit Upt snow Campus and today. Saturday, doudy ,,1th oeeaslonal snow. Iowa City RI,b today, 25; low, 15; owa:n hi,b 23; 4. al Thursday, low, Est. 1868 - AP Leased Wire - Five Cents Iowa City. [owa, friday, Jan. 30, 1953 - Vol. 97, No. 88, n er rows verl ' "• Dakin Elecfed 'crowd Jams Morse, Wiley Atom Boomtown Blast I Congress Seeks Iowa House Tangle Over IExplanation lor Appointments Korean 'Show' , Governor Of . forOleofighl WASHINGTON (.4') - The sen- ate confirmed two more of Presl- WASHINGTON (.IP) - Congres- DES MOINES (.4') - A jam- dent Eisenhower's state depart- slonal ire exploded Thursday over packed Iowa house of representa-/ment appointments Thursday a - the reported "scenario" staging of tlves chamber heard three hours er a heated word battle betw an ill-fated American combat raid Rotary GrQup of debate Thursday in the oleo- its torelgn relations committee in Korea last Sunday in which in- butter battle. The preUmlnary chairman and Sen. Wayne Morse vited generals watched the attllclr verdict was left with three senate Clnd-Ore.). with the aid of gay-colored pro- Dean Allin W. Dakin, SUI ad- and house committees. Ch . A I grams. minlstrative dean, has been elect- The verbal contest was over . airman lexander W. ~ey (R- Rep. Clare HoHman (R-Mich.) ed district governor of the 19:Jt1 whether the legislature should en- WIS.) ac.cused Morse ot fllJbust~r- angrily compared the incident _ District of Rotary International, act a series of oleo bills. The prin- ing tacti.cs when he temporarllf known as "Operation Smack" _ it was announced Thursday. cipal one would lega1i2:e the sale blocked . one ot the nom[natlons. with historical episodes of glad la- Election results, from the bal- ot colored oleomargarine The Morse, In turn, offered to take tors ((ghUng to the dcath for the loting held at Rotary clubs I'n 46 committees hnve the bills ' under anybody on "In a donnybrook" If I • r I t R 'deratJon and mu"t make tho ey resented his Insistence on full amusemen, o · nne en oman em- cities in southern Iowa, were dis- consJ ., I b I pcrors. closed by the retiring president some recommendations to house Informat on a out appo ntees. Rep. William Bray (R-Ind.)' Clarence Oll of North English. and senate. Morse Lou MeDHoned said he was "mad as hell" about The announcement took place In addition to the legislative Mentioned during the rlareup It. at the regular Thursday meeting committees, those present Includ- was Morse's loss ot major eom- Military Chiefs Surprised of the club at the Hotel Jefferson. ed other members o! the legisla- mittee assignments as a result of In Korea, U.S. mtlitary authori- The Iowa City Rotary club had ture, legislative employes and hIs bolt from the Republican party tics expressed surprise and dls- nominated him for the olfl·ce. Da- hundreds of Iowans who came to in last faU's presIdential election may over the storm af crJtlclsm kin will take office July I. hear the widely heralded argu- campaign. erupt i ng on the home front. They Dakin, who has been an active ments. The fi reworks began when the denied it was a "show" put on to Rotarian In Iowa City, said he Case Carried by 'I senate confirmed the nomination please top brass, and insisted that Celt It was a great honor to be The case for oleo was carried of Carl W. McCardle, former high-ranking officers frequently elected president. , by seven persons. The butter Washington correspondent for the wllness such attacks to learn com- In 1950-51 Dakin was vice-pres- forces called upon three speakers, Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, to bat lessons. Ident of the local club and was In the main there were about nine be an assistant secretary of state FIREMEN HOOT WATER ON FLAME In ALken, .C., an atomic ite boomtown, rollowtnr an ex- On Capitol HHI, Chairman Dew- president during 1951-52. He has arguments presented by each side. and then took up the nomination plo Ion (lremen said WI. eaused by leakln, ras In an electrical tore. The two-story bulldln, and four ey Short (R-Mo.) of the House worked on many committees. Allin W. Dakin The oleo people argued: of another assistant secretary, other bulldlnp were destroyed. The death toll was at least four persons. Armed Services committee said he Currently Dakin is president of It ls wrong in principle for former Rep. Thruston B. Morton had scnt word through channels the Six-county Hawkeye Area Cains New Honor farmers to attempt to dictat.e of Kentueky. 5 t D d P b SUI G to Gen. J . Lawton Collins, army Council of the Boy Scouts uf which spread shall be used by Demands Reporia en a 0 r s em an roe Foreig n roup chief 01 staff, asking him to ex- America. He has been active in several international organiza- mers; growing of soybeans, Morse demanded committee rea plain to congress just what hap- many phases of Boy Scout work. lions: the Institucion Internacional the from whlch Is ustl(! in oleo ports on boltl McCardle and Mor- 0 f III I Wh t 5 I To Be on WOI.TV pened. Rotary In.ternational has bel'n ldeales Americanlstas Fiestas de ;tl~n i: not harldm'inul 'tto th~ ton. ega eo a es Collins May TesUfy of special Interest to the newly .' ut er s no. t so 1 s na Majority Leader Robert A. Taft Short said he may ask Collins to elected Rotary governor. He has las. A~encas, Foreign ~oll~y as- color l~ut IS ttinted YeldiOtW; (R-Ohio) said it was not custo-I WASHINGTON (lPl S H For Show Tonl·ght testify at an open hearing next attended meetings of Rotary in soclallon and Padua Inslltute, In('. presen t Ive cen a poun ax to h . ted ts n I - en. er- Monday or Tuesday. I h' h Id bId mary ave prln repor ex- ult re 'It t ted i . Mexico, Guatemala, Venezuela, Local memberships include the on 0 eo, w IC wou e repea e cept in unusual cases. man Welker (R-ldaho) said cu. comm~ ee s ar. an n-. "It IS Inconceivable to me that Puerto Rico, Cuba and Ireland. Iowa Chamber of Commerce hav- by o~e of the bJlls, cannot be .. , Thursday that crooks appear to be quiry mto the practice which Foreign students (rom SUI WIll mllltary leaders would uselessly . ' justlfled. It s immaterial to me whether Chairman George Aiken (R-Vt.) be on television tonight at 10'30 sacritlce human lives" Short told He has t raveled throughout Eu- ing served as a director from it's customary or not" Morse de- at work "somewhere along the said is 'holding the US ta payer . , rope, India, southeast Asia, China, 1949-51 ; the Civic Music assocla- C?lalmB MODey Lost clared. He went on to'serve notice line" In bl wheat deals invo!v'n u .. .. x ,p.m. on WOI-TV, Amcs. the House. "In any event, we wilt lapan, Central. and South Amer- tion and the Unitarian church. Iowa 15 lOSIng more than a mll- Wil d II g I gj P··. Entitled "Our Neighbors," the get the true story when Gen. Col- 'd ' At 1 Th r t . lion dollarll- a year In ~/l l s taxes on ey an a other commipee Cal')adlan grain labelled unfit tor W. E. Higman, a U.S. customs I .. .• lIns returns." ea ~an \a~~Q t, \~a. h' e ~ er- Other memberships include and certain grocers are doing ehaiJ'mart chat he was going- "to human consu ("on o!!iclal, ~tlfled that presec~ Inws pro~ram 15 deSIgned to Klv€' vlew- <'ollins is now In the far E~l ::e~~!d a ~:~:ide~a~;:\ lP~un~V ~ Har.vard Club of Eastern low $10,000 a year less business per dem?nd. full Informal'ltm on all S j mp ~ . JdO not prohibit blending imported ers a beller understanding 'of the on an inspection trip in Korea .....LI .. ~~ his attention m 0 National EducatIonal . grocery because Iowans go to nomtnatlons. ~nate n vestlga tors r~celved wheat classified as "unfit for hu- students' nalive eountrtes. The and northern Japan. Hif is ex- Dakin holds memberships in ~~~ ~:l~:~r~~~haeOIOglcal Instl- neighboring states to buy colored ACter a couple of hours of this, !~s:~m~~~a~~:~ I~~~:at~:~~tie:e:~ man consumpUon" with . high- five students on the program will peeted bac~ Saturday nitht. ____________________________ "".~~ and other Items, they addecl. ~orton's nominatton waos con- imported mixed with hi h r de grade graiJ? to produce flow. explain their cultural back- Short saId he doubted seriously The butter forces made these firmed on a voIce vote. ' . g g a. He said It has long been a mlll- that "Operation Smack" was a .------....,...--------------------.." declarations: Amerlc.an wheat or ml11e~ wlt.h ing practice ~o blend inferior groun~s and tell their reasons for staged show, declaring: · f Butter is the balance wheel of domestIc r10ur and resold In thIS wheal, both foreign and domestic, attendJng SUI.. "! think this was an actual op- the dairy industry; the attempt to Red Platoon W· ed country and. abroa?. with good quality grain to pro- .Kamal Abdul Monelm of ~gyPt era lion, not a circus. When in Wor Id News Brle S legalize the sale of colored oleo is 'P . Although an oUlctal sai~ there duce flour, WIll act.
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