" Eager For Beaver?, The Weather Today ' LONDON (JP}-BrJtons have been eating horse mea~ Warm and humid today with scattered and even whale steaks In. their make-do menus, but now: thundershowers, fair and somewhat cool­ Laborlte T. C. Skelllngton-Lodge said yesterday he wJIJ uk the cbancellor of the exchequer to state how er tomorrow. Today's high, 95i low 65, ,nueb EDltand Is spending In dollars to Import beaver at owaJ1 Yesterday's high, 90; low 69. IDeal Established 186B-Vol. 80, No. 251- AP News and Wirephoto Iowa City, Iowa, Wednesday, July 21, 1948-Five Cents _---~~~=-----------------------------------------~-----c----~~--~~~----------------------~------____ ~ ____ ~ ___ Inflation Hits Illumination Indict 12 U.S. Communists On Anti-A merlcan• Che rge I Top Party Officials Arrested; One-Bomb Air Raid D,amages Cairo Store Action Termed a 'Frame-Up' NEW Y RK {A'J.--1'welv .S. Communist party leaders and memb rs wer indicted yest rday on charg('s of advO<!ating th overthrow or th nited States government. Among tbpm was William Z. oster, bead of the ommunist party of Am rica. Seven of the group, in(']uding G n ral Secretar y Eugen V. Dennis, were a1'1' st d aud ar· rairned on th(' charges. the reported indictment of the Communists Is neatly timed to em­ The others, named with the first barrass the New People's party seven in secret indictments re­ now holding Its founding conven­ turned by a federal grand jury in­ tion in Philadelphia." vestigating alleged subversive ac­ No Wallace Comment t! vitles, were being sough t. That was a reference to Henry A formal statement by the Com­ Wallace's New Party. (AP Wlr.pholo, munist party, released a lew min­ In Phaladelphla, C. B. Baldwin, THE FIREFLY BUSINESS really pays oft for young Richard l\feCleary (left) and Alan I1epplng In utes before the seven were ar­ campaign manager for Wallace, BalUmore, Md. The two lads seU flrenles to Dr. William D. !\IcElroy (center), associate professor of raigned, denied the charges and said: bloloey at Johns Hopkins uniVersity. The doctor PlUS 25 cents per hundred~ead or alive. He wants tl) characterized them as a "monst­ "We aren't making any state­ eelled thousands of the bugs to analyze the chemicals which illuminate their tall Jil hts. rous frame-up." ment on this because it doesn't Arrest Detroit Man involve the New Party. My only , One of the group was arrested answer would be 'no comment.' " and arraigned in Detroit last night. Foster, who succeeded Earl He was Carl Winters, 4], chair· Browder as chief of the American man of the Michigan state council Communist party, has been affili­ of the Communist party and a ated with the party since ]919, member of the party's national federal oUicJals said. He has been committee. three times party candidate for The others were taken into cus­ U.S. president. tody in New York City. All those The others are long-time party French Eye Herriot, Report Army arraigned here entered pleas of in­ members, federal officials added. nocent. The same plea was enter­ Several are facing deportation pro­ ed for Winters in Detroit. ceedings. Reynaud for Premier S 1M ' Cite 1945 MeetlnJ' CAl' Ihdlowlrellholo) The qther four under arrest PARIS (.lP)-The names Eduard Upp Y ove were: The indictments which named CURIOUS EGYPTIA S EXAMINE BOI\IB DMfAGE to Cairo department store. TIll' store was bombed the J2 charged them with illegal BERLIN (.4>)l-The growing Ber­ Herrio! and Paul Reynaud were New York City Councilman Monday nlrht. Munitions nperts told E&'Yptian Premier Nokrashy Pa,h the bl t \\In'll e us d by an most mentioned tor premier last SALINA, KAN. (.4>)-A heavy activiti s dating back to April I, lin crisis was reflected yesterday Benjamin Davis; John R William­ 1945. "aerial mine" which wa drollp d rrom a sln a-le, unidentifIed plane. Antl.alteraft luns around the city night as the French searched for rail movement of army equipment son, trade union secretary for the went Into a.ctlon when th plane flew over. in announcements that American a strong government to speak lor from Camp Phillips to the eastern Cited in the indictments was 0 party; Henry Winston, purty or­ meeting or the party's national them in the four-power dealings coast of England appeared to be ganizational secretary; and Jacon CLAY LEAVES FOR U.S. they expect over Berlin. • underway yesterday but a cloak 01 board "on or about June, 1945." Stachel, educational secretary. This meeting allegedly was caBed flANKFURT (JP) - Gen. Premier Robert Schuman re­ silence was drawn tightly about All Indicted Car a Year Keeps Law Away Dewey Says GOP the 9peration. for the "purpose ot organizing as Lucius D. C1a.y, U.S. mllHary signed Monday night after the So­ All 12 indicted were Identified the Communist Purty of the United MJlJWAUKRE (,4>~-H el'!"S something n w in divorce set- (OVerDOr In Gennauy, left 1Ba~ cialists .quit his cabinet and vot­ It was understood through a by fed ral authorities as memb rs States of America a socie.ty, group source, considered reliable but 1l1'1lle!l1 II !lPW (':t!" l'Vt>ry VE'O I'. Platform Won't Jell nl,M by pIlUle tor Wuhincton. ed against his defense budget. of the Communist pprty's national and assembly of persons dedicat­ who refused to be quoted, that 210 board. l'iJ'('nit ,Jt1d~ Otto 11. 'Bl: id nbacb approved the terms Mon­ He ,will mum to Germany Friends of Former Premier Her­ ed to the Marxist-Leninist prin­ riot were especially anxious to 11at cars were londed with gun The five being sought were ciples of the overthrow and de­ day 101' ~fl·S. Elsil' ,Tapg'l'r, 19. In 'Rump' Session SWlday. have the 76-year-old president or carriages, vehjcles, ambulances, identified as: struction of the government of the IIpr husband is Ull automobile dpalel·. the national assembly come back and command cars. Irving Potash, manager of the United States by torce and vio­ J3e~'el' aJ ,0 lrIlI ::. t (lOY ull mailltenance and repair costs on tbe WASHINGTON(IP}- The Thom­ sir power in Germany will be bol­ and head the government through Thirty-five of 80 box caTS, re­ CIO furriers joint council of New lence." J)ew '0 I'll. In Hdw tion, 1I1rs. J ue.ger gets t he home he lives in, as E. Dewey camp Ilaid yesterday stered by 75 jet-propelled figh ter what on of them described as the port d on tracks at the camp, also York City; John Gates, Editor Membership Hlt $] 7.500 in ('ash and monthly alimony of $300. that the '1918 Republican platform planes and that Gen. Lucius D. "trying months ahead." were reported to be loaded and since July, 1947, of the Daily The indictments also charged Lhe can't possibly be written into law by what it called the "rump" Clay, American commander in Reynaud, last premier before ready for movement. The box Worker, otlicial organ of the group with holding membership session of congres~ starting next Germany, has been summoned to the surrender to lhe Germans in cars, it was understood, were to be Communist party in the United in the Communist party, "know­ Washing/on for 8 report on the sit­ Mondoy. 1940, was opposed in some quart­ filled with military supplies such States; Robert G. Thompson, ing well that said Communist uation. as blankets, uniforms and the like. chairman of the New York state party was and is a society or as­ Third Party Readies Herbert Brownell, Jr., Gover. ers because his name is linked nor Dewey's campaign manaier, Gen. Clay will fly from Frank­ with the disaster of 1940. The shipment was reported to Communist party; Gilbert Green sembly of persons teaching the turt, accompanied by his political of Chicago, district chairman for overthrow of the United States by hand d down the word. lIe told But some of those close to Her­ have been designated for Liver­ force and viOlence." a news conference: adViser, Robert Murphy, to report pool, England. The source said it to the department of the army. riot were afraid he was too old the Communist party at Chicago, All those mentioned in the In- For Policy · Hearings "The Republican platform caUs and feeble to take over the gov­ was his understanding that the and Gus Hall of Cleveland; chair- dictments specifically are charged The American moves followed for the nactm('nl or a program ernment. movement was under the direc­ man of the Ohio Communist party. with violating the Smith act. Fed- PHlIJADELPH1A {A'}"-Platform makers for H enry A. Wal­ by a Republican congr ss under a surprise Russian announcement PolitiCians seemed worried a­ tion 01 army authorities at the "Conspiracy" Charres era! officials said the maximum that they were prepared to supply lace's third party got down to work yesterday on the eve of open the leadership of a Republican bout what they had done in forc­ nearby Smoky Hill all' base, a B- The indictments charged all with penalty for conviction under this all of Berlin with food. The Rus­ hearings at wbich r pl'esenlatives of more than 40 organizations pr siden!. ing Schuman's reSignation, especi­ 29 bomber base. "conspiring to teach and advocate BCt is 10 years imprisonment and "Obviously, this cannot be done sian announcement was labeled the overthrow of the United States a fine of $10,000 for each charge.
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