XI Intern, Conf» on High Energy Accelerators, Geneva, Switzerland, July 7-11, 1980= BNL 28019 H. Hahn' Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upcon, New York, 11973, USA. ABSTRACT This paper attetnpeo Co present. Che status of Che ISABELLE conotructioa project, uhich has Che objeccive of building a 400 * 600 GGV proton colliding beam facility. The major technical features of cho auperconduccing accelerators with their projected performance are described. Progress made so far, difficuleieo encountered, and Che program until completion ia 1986 is briefly reviewed. INTRODUCTION About one month ago Brookhaveu Nacional Laboratory celebraced the 20th anniversary of Che Alternating Gradient Synchrocon. This venerable accelerator has been Che instrument by which many significant discoveries were made. In order to continue its role as high energy physics center, studies for a proton—proton colliding beam facilicy were actively pursued at Broolthaven since Che early 1970's. ISABELLE, as this Intersecting Storage Accelerator wao baptized, made ics debut at the 8th International Conference on High Energy Accelerators here in Geneva in 1971^. The story goes chat Che AGS cons truce ion wao approved by the US Atonic Energy Commission six days afcer reception of Broolthaven • s leccer. This time it cook more then six years and Che writing of six design studieo^' before Che new accelerator Has recognized by authorizing Construction Planning 4 Design funds for Fiscal Year 1976 and 1977. Preliminary design was approved in Fi' 7(i and authorisation for construction followed then without further delay in FY 793). Froa its inception, ISABELLE was intended to serve as a major high energy facility which implied the following design criteria. *3^ i) Available Energy - Originally conceived as 200 • ZOO GeV storage rings, the energy objectives ware increaoed to 400 <• 400 GeW reflecting the expectations of the high-energy physics coEnsunity as enpreooed by Che 1977 Woodo Hole panel. Equally important is ISABELLA'S broad operating range covering Che energies froa injection at 30 GeV Co peak field at 400 GeV. ii) High Interaction Sate - Reaching a high^ltainosity remains ISABELLE'3 strongest asset, in particular now that tua oeher higher-energy colliding beam experiments at CERN and FNAL are under construction. The luminosity at ISABELLE is projected to be 2 x 1(P^ cm""^ gee in Che standard inaertions at top energy. At lower energy the luminosity decreaoes aich been height or Che square root of energy. Modifications Co Che insertion layout should eventually allow luminosities of about 10^3 cm~^ sec"'. These luminosity levels con be achieved with 8 A beads in each ring; Che concooitant becsa—beaa tune shift does not exceed in any case Che recoimiended level of *) Work petfonned under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy. 1) This status report woo prepared by the author using materials, occasionally in verbatim fora, generated by the "JABELLE project staff. DISCLAIMER Z- T B'M'S'T"" ing b> !N> U^it«J Slat lefM O' any agency tn^- about: 5 x 10" . In order Co abjure long beam life time and low radiation background operation of ISABELLE for coil-ding beam experiments will use coasting unbundled beams. Even so, the expected interaction rate reaches abouC 40 MHZ resulting in a total particle production race at top energy on the order of 1 billion per second at each crossing, clearly a nontrivai detection problem. iii) Experimental Flexibility - In colliding beam experiments the clear distinction machine/experiment disappears. An adequate number as well as *n appropriate design of insertions thua beco.aes of paramount importance. Financial constraints restricted the number of crossing points to six. Each beam crossing will taken place in the center of 60-m magnet-fr«e straight sections. iv) Superconducting Mfgner.s - Although a topic of considerable debate at the inception of ISABELLE, Che use of superconducting magnets has been accepced by now as the best overall solution for highest-energy proton accelerators and storage rings and no further justification is here required. Ths optimua choice of peak field is, on the other hand, not so obvi-jua. The relative ease with which 40 kG (i.e., the design value of the 200 GeV version) was reached and even exceeded" suggested that 50 kG would be a responsible design value for the 400 GeV design. The machine size with a circumference of 3834 m, which follows from this choice, fit3 without difficulty on the Brookhaven site. v) Expandability - Retaining the option of expanding Che scope o( ISABELLE by adding more rings, either for protons or electrons, is one of the basic design criteria. Presently under consideration is the possibility of an electron ring of about 12 GeV energy in a separate tunnel. CONVENTIONAL CONSTRUCTION The ISABELLE facility is located in the northwest corner of the Brootchaven site (Fig. IK The complex encompasses an area of approximately 600 acres of which about one-half will be occupied by the main ring, experimental areas, access roads, and utility right-of-ways. The Long Island soil is mostly sand or gravel and conventional cut-and-fill construction techniques are well suited. The magnet enclosure consists of a oultiplate arch approximately 5 m in diameter erected on a continuous reinforced concrete slab. The 3800 aeter enclosure is interrupted by the six experimental regions, located at the even clock positions. At the midpoint of each magnet enclosure 3extant, there is an emergency exit consisting of an equipment * alcove and crossover stairs exiting to the ring road. Approximately 118 meters on either side of the sextant midpoint there is an equipment alcove with an emergency escaoe ladder. The above three equipment alcoves per sextant, in addition to the areas in the support buildings, provide the necessary space for electronic racks and support equipment. Spa^e . for the rf cavities is provided in a special enclosure structure at che 5 o'clock i sextant. H The largest and central service facility is the ISABELLE Service Building. This building is located ac the 5 o'clock location on the ring and is the center of all machine operations. This structure contains about 50,000 square feet gross area and is divided into three main functions, i.e.., cryogenic, main magnet power and rf, and the main control for the accelerator. Physical seperation of Ihe compressor building was necessary in order to keep noise of the helium compressor at a minimum. The experimental areas consist of a Hide-Angle hall at 6 o'clock, major facilities at 8 o'clock and 10 o'clock, and a Small-Angle hall at 2 o'clock. There are two open areas at 12 o'clock and 4 o'clock which initially will be hard stands without any detailed structures. Design of the experimental regions will take into account specific machine requirements, such as trenches" for superconducting transfer lines and the ejection line in the Wide-Angle hall. At each of the experimental locations a support facility will ts provided to accotanodate those utility systems necessary for the magnet encl~*tm and hall environments. In addition, a modest size structure will be provided to house experimenter and machine support equipment as required. At each of the locations, an outside yard area is provided for the necessary apparatus (cooling tower, trailers, etc.) required in the experimental program. The road network is essentially an interior perimeter road which follows a circular layout inside the ring and connects to each experimental area. The road ui'erconnects with nain laboratory road systems and has direct access to the AGS. Utility system: generally follow the road layout with all underground services being extended from the present laboratory facilities. Main power will be from an expanded 69 kV substation which presently serves the experimental areas of the AGS; a new 20 MVA trans turner will be added. Radiation shielding above the magnet enclosure is provided by 4 n of sand. The structural capabilities allow future increase to about 6 ra. In addition, the sitework includes the provisions for muon shielding which is represented by the regular earthen lobes located around the ring circumference. These lobes vary in width froa IS m to about 100 tu it the arc points between experimental arsas. The height of the moun shield in about 4 m above beam height. The architectural design service., are being provided by Aauan & Whitney from New York City. At present, design of the magnet enclosure, Hide-Angle hall, one open area, Small-Angle hall, and service building are complete. Conventional construction is scheduled to end by April 1983. Progress so far is impressive and no delays are expected. Fig. 1 ISABELLE layout. GENERAL DESIGN DESCRIPTION Ring Structure The configuration ct ISABEJ.LE is essencially a hexagon with rounded corners. The machine consists of two identical ringt for the sccuaulation, acceleration, and storage of proton beamv. The tvx> rings, identified as blue and yellow, are in the 9cn« horizontal plane allowing for intersection* at six crossing points shere the counter-rotating bean* collide with each other. The two rings are magnetically separated to allow operation with unequal enargiei. Sinca Che ringa are to be filled from the ACS ujiag synchronous beam transfer, their circuaference was chosen as exactly 4-3/4 times :he circumference of the ACS, or 3333.8 m. Almost half of the circumference is contained in the aix insertion?, the rest in the regular arcs. It has become customary to distinguish icier and outer arcs aa well as inner and outer half insertions by their clock position. The ring structure has qiiasi-aix fold symmetry which is only 3Lightly brolcan by the inner/outer differences. It is thought prudent to start-up and operate initially with highest symmetry possible as provided by the standard insertions.
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