University of Central Florida STARS The Rollins Sandspur Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida 4-22-1954 Sandspur, Vol. 59 No. 22, April 22, 1954 Rollins College Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Rollins Sandspur by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. STARS Citation Rollins College, "Sandspur, Vol. 59 No. 22, April 22, 1954" (1954). The Rollins Sandspur. 966. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur/966 \ The Rollins Sandspur Volume 59 RollinR«II;„Os Colleger^ii„,™ , Winte«?;_* r Parkt» i,, FloridaTT.1 -J_ , Thursdaymi J-__—*...-, Apriil 22«« , 195..«,-,4. No-VT._ 2«;2 UNUSUAL SETS NEW OFFICERS ARE FEATURED FOR COUNCIL IN ART PLAY ARE SWORN IN "The Young and Fair", by N. New Student Council officers Richard Nash which opened at were sworn in by outgoing presi­ the Annie Russell Theatre Tues­ dent Hal Broda at last Monday day, April 27, features one of the night's meeting. Dan Matthews, most unusual settings ever seen new president, Bill Karslake, vice- on the Rollins Players stage. The president, and Cindy Wellenkamp, setting discloses three different secretary, presided during the re­ rooms, the office, a dormitory mainder of the meeting. bedroom, and the main reception Last week's tabled amendment hall. The action flows back and raising the Comptroller's salary forth between three areas with­ from $75 to $150 was passed and out the use of curtains, but with will be added to the By-laws of a change in lighting denoting the the Student Association Constitu­ separate areas. This style of set­ tion to be in effect next year. ting enables the play to move quickly and dramatically. During the committee reports, Bill Karslake announced that pro­ The play abounds in the comic posals made by the Social Rules and serious moments which affect Committee had passed through the the motivations and actions of a Student-Faculty Committee and group of girls in a large Junior is waiting for approval by the College. Many of the incidents are Rollins Faculty which will hold its pertinent to happenings in the meeting in the near future. world today, and the play is writ­ ten with a sincerity and truth which makes it dramatically com­ The election of next year's pelling. Comptroller will be held the An outstanding cast of 21 girls first week in May, it was an­ performs the play. The principal nounced in Student Council roles are played by Arden Roth, New officers of Student Council are sworn in by past president Hal Broda in meeting last Monday night. meeting Monday night. Letters Mary Enck, Patricia Greene, Jane They are Bill Karslake, vice-president; Dan Matthews, president; and Cindy Wellenkamp, secretary. ; of application must be in next Frankenberg, Sonia Dorwitt, Vir­ Monday accompanied by a let­ ginia Nelson, Jane Kilbourne, and ter of reccommendation from Elizabeth Otis. Howard Bailey is Try-Outs To Be Held Dr. Ross Evans. Anyone in­ the director. ROLLINS PLAYS IWA OFFERS terested in applying for the job The unusual setting and light­ At Fred Stone For should see Dan Matthews be­ ing are by Richard Verigan; Mir­ fore Monday. iam Nicholson is stage manager, HOST FOR FLA. "Mr. Roberts" Play SCHOLARSHIPS and Bobbie Spencer and Marilyn Because library policy forbids Leighty are assistant stage man­ Open try-outs for parts in "Mr. HIGH SCHOOLS Roberts" will be held next Wednes­ TO STUDENTS students to use its darkroom, agers. Bruce Lee asked permission to The play will run through May The Congress du Culture Fran­ day, April 28 at 7:30 and Thurs­ The Institute of World Affairs, day, April 29 at 4:00 and 7:30 p.m. Inc. 522 Fifth Avenue, New York convert a portion of the Center 1 in Annie Russell Theatre, with chise, composed of representatives basement into a darkroom for stu­ curtain at 8:30 p.m. Student tick­ from Florida high schools, will in the Fred Stone Theatre. 36, N.Y., is seeking applicants to attend their 1954 Summer Seminar. dent publications. Council granted ets may be secured at the theatre hold its annual convention Friday The play takes place on a Navy approval of the suggestion. box office daily from 2-5 p.m. and Saturday (April 23 and 24) at This meets from July 12 to August cargo ship during the last days of 30 at Twin Lakes, Salisbury, Con­ Bill Karslake announced that the La Maison Francaise, Rollins Col­ World War II. It is one of the annual Student Council dance will lege. necticut under the guidance of a most popular of recent plays and distinguished scholar as director, be held May 22. With approval of Previews Are Shown A reception and supper, followed ran several years in New York and with the participation of lead­ the Dean's office, Council plans to by skits, is scheduled for Friday From Film Collection with Henry Fonda in the leading ing guest experts in foreign af­ hold the dance in the patio of the night. Arlett Girault, Wanda A series of invitational film pre­ role. fairs. Orlando Coliseum. Arrangements Hogue, Josephine Cayll, and Dan have already been made to have views will begin today at 8 p.m. in Haight, Rollins students, will give "Mr. Roberts" will be produced This institute is coeducational, the projection studio of Mills Me­ Freddie Castro's band provide the a small costume sketch in French on May 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 with Mr. provides ample recreational oppor­ music. morial Library. Films used are arranged by Prof. Colette van Wilbur Dorsett directing. It will be tunity; is limited to 40 students. from the collection given or loaned Boecop. billed as " 'Mr. Roberts' for the Students interested in interna­ to the Rollins College film library first time on real water," as it will tional relations and foreign affairs Miss Jean Day, Dean of Women by manufacturing, transportation be staged on the lakeside by the are eligible. Four SCHOLAR­ Lambda Chi, Kappa, of Rollins, will introduce Prof, and other companies, and travel swimming dock. A ship (of SHIPS of $300 each covering tu­ van Boecop, the speaker at the agencies. scenery will be built on top of a ition, board and room are being Pi Phi Will Appear On Saturday morning session at the Recent additions to the collec­ temporary stage placed in the wa­ offered Seniors or Juniors who are Winter Park Woman's Club. tion are "THE HUMAN BRIDGE" ter. students of Political Science, Eco­ WPRK Quiz Tonight and "6,000 PARTNERS" produced A dance sponsored by the Rollins nomics, Psychology or Education. The new Sorority-Fraternity for Ford Motor Company. College Student Council will be The cast consists of nineteen More information may be se­ Quiz Program will again be heard All films in the library collec­ held Saturday night on the Center men and one girl. Scripts are on cured in the Student Deans Office. tonight at 8:00 over WPRK, Rol­ tion are available for community patio after a banquet at the Wo­ reserve in the library for those lins' FM radio station. use. men's Club. who plan to try-out. Tonight, two representatives Tennis, Crew, Golf from Lambda Chi Alpha, Kappa Kappa Gamma, and Pi Beta Phi See Weekend Activity will compete. On May 31, tonight's winners will vie against Chi Three of Rollins athletic squads Omega and Kappa Alpha, last will reach feature spots on their week's winners. spring sports schedule during the next few days, starting today in The categories consist of cur­ Coral Gables where the Tar net­ rent events, Rollins history and ters will oppose Miami in a match traditions, history, literature, art, that could settle the state tennis sciences, noted personalities, and championship. geography. Coach U. T. Bradley's crew Joe Grolimund is Master of Cere­ will race Florida Southern Sat­ monies, assisted by Rayna Kas- urday at 4:30 over Lake Mait­ over. land. Florida Southern defeated the Tar eight early in March in Founders' Day Regatta in Lake­ Bits O' News land. This will be a preview of the state championship two An exhibition of books on weeks hence in Lakeland. Thomas Jefferson is being con­ tinued this week at Mills Memorial The Rollins golf squad will take Library. Materials shown are gifts a two day trip this weekend to Tal­ from I. T. Frary, a leading au­ lahassee and Gainesville where it thority on Jefferson. will oppose Florida State and the * * * powerful University of Florida. Dr. James D. Phillips, president The Tars defeated Florida State of the Book-A-Year Club at Rol­ at Dubsdread, 14-13, but lost to lins College has given $500 to the Florida 19y2-7y2. general fund of the Mills Memo­ Rollins will have its final rial Library, it was announced chance of the 1954 net season last week. today to return a portion of the * * * state net crown to Winter Park Paintings, drawings, sculpture, for the first time since 1949. experimental constructions and" Rollins came closer to defeating mobiles, model homes, and exam­ the undefeated Hurricanes here ples of enameling on copper, crea­ two weeks ago, than has any ted by members of the Rollins team in the past two years. Mi­ Family are continuing on exhibit ami has won 91 of their last 93 from 2-5 p.m.
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