Volume 13 | Spring 2011 JOURNAL OF Special Feature José María Aznar Former Prime Minister of Spain INTERNATIONAL Preparing the Next Generation of Leaders: Looking to the Future, Lessons from The Past RELATIONS A Wary Dalliance: How Human Rights Issues Heighten the Ambivalent Relationship between the United States and China Charmaine Hung | University of Pennsylvania A Game-Theory Analysis of US Efforts to Curb the Colombian Cocaine Trade Saumil Jariwala | University of Pennsylvania Iraq from 1972-1975: A Case Study of Power Dynamics in the Cold War Anna Thiergartner | The George Washington University German Attitudes towards Islam and the Threat to Liberal Democracy David Stern | Tufts University Analyzing the Causes of the Suez War Through the Lens of Realism Morris Breitbart | Princeton University Senegal and Guinea: A Comparative Study of Democratic Success and Failures Jessica LeBlanc | University of New Hampshire HIV Crisis: Stigma and Social Inequalities Lorein Abenhaim | Syracuse University Why Neoliberalism? The Economic Reasoning behind Post-Apartheid South Africa Rachel Bonds | University of Georgia NGO and MNC Relationships in the Global Community Sigma Iota Rho Jenny Tai | University of Pennsylvania National Honor Society for International Studies The world is complicated. Find clarity at Fletcher. 7KH)OHWFKHU6FKRROSURYLGHV DFRPSUHKHQVLYHDSSURDFKWR XQGHUVWDQGLQJKRZWKHZRUOGZRUNV :HFRPELQHDULJRURXV\HWÁH[LEOH VWXG\RILQWHUQDWLRQDODIIDLUVZLWKD GLYHUVHVWXGHQWERG\RILQGLYLGXDOV FRPPLWWHGWRXQGHUVWDQGLQJWKH P\ULDGFRPSOH[LWLHVRIWKHZRUOG 2XUGHGLFDWHGIDFXOW\DUH UHFRJQL]HGDVOHDGHUVLQWKHLU UHVSHFWLYHÀHOGVDQGWHDFK\RXKRZ WRZRUNLQDJOREDODUHQDWRJHW WKLQJVDFFRPSOLVKHG ([SHULHQFHWKHZRUOGDW)OHWFKHU &RQWULEXWHWRWKHZRUOGZLWK)OHWFKHU 9LVLWÁHWFKHUWXIWVHGX RUFDOO Join a new generation of leadership ANCHORED IN THE PRESENT, FOCUSED ON THE FUTURE IR/PS stands among the world’s top graduate schools of international relations and is the established leader in its focus on Asia and the Americas Pictured: Raka Banerjee, MPIA 2009 Internship Organization: The Advocacy Project, Gaighat, Nepal. Current organization: The World Bank IR/PS offers a comprehensive range ,+<*(;05..36)(33,(+,9: of programs supporting international 4HZ[LYVM7HJPÄJ0U[LYUH[PVUHS(MMHPYZ studies anchored in one of nation’s most 4HZ[LYVM(K]HUJLK:[\KPLZ accomplished research universities. PU0U[LYUH[PVUHS(MMHPYZ 9LNPVUHSZWLJPHSPaH[PVUZ¶*OPUH1HWHU )HJOLSVYVM(Y[ZPU0U[LYUH[PVUHS:[\KPLZ 2VYLH3H[PU(TLYPJH:V\[OLHZ[(ZPH HUK4HZ[LYVM0U[LYUH[PVUHS(MMHPYZ ,_WLY[MHJ\S[`H[[OLMVYLMYVU[VM[OLPYÄLSKZ 7O+PU7VSP[PJHS:JPLUJLHUK :THSSJSHZZZPaLHJ[P]LPU[LYUZOPWHUK 0U[LYUH[PVUHS(MMHPYZ JHYLLYZLY]PJLZWYVNYHTZ ,_LJ\[P]L,K\JH[PVU7YVNYHTZ <UTH[JOLKHJJLZZ[V(ZPH4L_PJVHUK Shaping strategic decision-making [OL(TLYPJHZ through public policy, management, 3PMLSVUNJVUULJ[PVUZHUKHS\TUPJOHW[LYZ and international relations. HYV\UK[OL^VYSK .SVIHSUL[^VYRZ^P[ONV]LYUTLU[ PUK\Z[Y`HUK5.6Z School of International Relations and Pacific Studies University of California, San Diego Visit irps.ucsd.edu or call 01.858.534.5914 GET YOUR OWN COPY! Stay up-to-date on the most crucial issues in international aff airs and global economics Whether writing a paper or arguing a dissertation, <eh[_]d7\\W_hi is a research tool that gives you access to the most infl uential minds in the fi eld. Students: Qualify now for an annual subscription for only $19.95! www.ForeignAff airs.com/student JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS SIGMA IOTA RHO NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDIES SPRING 2011 | VOLUME 13 Interactive Crisis Guides Emmy Awards for The Global Economy (!""#) and Darfur (!""$) CFR’s Crisis Guides bring context and historical perspective to the world’s most complex challenges. An ideal resource for research and the classroom, new guides are developed periodically to cover major issues. Crisis Guide: Crisis Guide: Pakistan The Global Economy Crisis Guide: Crisis Guide: Climate Change The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Crisis Guide: Crisis Guide: The Korean Peninsula Darfur www.cfr.org/publication/interactives.html For more information, please contact CFR’s Academic Initiative at 212.434.9535 or [email protected], or visit www.cfr.org/educators. vi Editorial Staff Sam Barrett Editor-in-Chief Aliana Greenberg University of Pennsylvania Editor University of Pennsylvania Neil McConachie Managing Editor Jonathan de Jong University of Pennsylvania Editor University of Pennsylvania Carlye Rosenthal Online Editor Galileu Kim University of Pennsylvania Editor University of Pennsylvania Adine Mitrani Copy Editor Sharon Li University of Pennsylvania Editor University of Pennsylvania Pengchao Qiu Assistant Copy Editor Aditi Marisetti University of Pennsylvania Editor University of Pennsylvania Vivian Zhang Layout Editor Laurel Mazur University of Pennsylvania Editor University of Delaware Rui Zhe Song Assistant Layout Editor Joshua C. Roberts University of Pennsylvania Editor University of Pennsylvania Elana Lev National Liaison Editor Jillian Rafferty University of Pennsylvania Associate Editor University of Pennsylvania Rebecka Zavaleta Campus Outreach Editor Elya Taichman University of Pennsylvania Associate Editor University of Pennsylvania Rebecca Curwin Editor Yena Hong University of Pennsylvania Associate Editor University of Pennsylvania Alexander G. Gershon Editor University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Relations MA in International Affairs Now accepting applications for the Master of Arts in International Affairs (MAIA). The MAIA is a rigorous, two-year program that prepares students for professional careers in international relations. For more information or to obtain application forms, please visit www.bu.edu/ir or call 617-353-9349. Financial aid is available to qualified applicants. An equal opportunity, affirmative action institution. SIPA’s mission is to empower our students to serve the public interest. Our goal is to foster economic growth, sustainable development, social progress, and democratic governance by educating public policy professionals, producing policy-related research, and conveying the results to the world. Based in New York City, with a student body that is 50 percent interna- tional and educational partners in cities around the world, SIPA is the most global of public policy schools. DEGREE PROGRAMS Executive MPA Program Master of International MPA in Economic Affairs Policy Management Master of Public MPA in Development Administration Practice MPA in Environmental PhD in Sustainable Science and Policy Development SIPA’s educational partners include the London School of Economics and Political Science, the Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris, the National University of Singapore’s Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, the University of Tokyo Graduate School of Public Policy, the Hertie School of Governance in Berlin, Fundação Getulio Vargas in São Paulo, and CIDE in Mexico City. www.sipa.columbia.edu ix Dear Readers, It is my distinct pleasure to present to you the thirteenth edition of the Sigma Iota Rho Journal of International Relations. This edition, I believe, marks the completion of a banner year for our Journal. Along with greatly expanding the scope and quality of the undergraduate research contained in our print edition, we recently completed the launch of our new online edition of the Journal, which will allow us to broaden our appeal to Sigma Iota Rho chapters—and international relations scholars—across the world. This Journal has continually been the best way to reach out to some of the best international relations undergraduates there are, and our new website will greatly support that mission in the years ahead. :H DUH DOVR H[FLWHG WR LQFOXGH D UHÁHFWLRQ RQ WKH FRUH YDOXHV QHFHVVDU\ IRU PRUDO political leadership from the incomparable José María Aznar, the former Prime 0LQLVWHU RI 6SDLQ 'XULQJ KLV WLPH LQ RIÀFH 3ULPH 0LQLVWHU$]QDU EURXJKW WR KLV FRXQWU\VLJQLÀFDQWHFRQRPLFUHIRUPPDMRU(XURSHDQ8QLRQLQWHJUDWLRQDQGDPRUH vigorous role abroad. We are honored to feature him as our headliner this year, and are FHUWDLQWKDWRXUUHDGHUVZLOOEHQHÀWIURPKLVXQLTXHSHUVSHFWLYHRQHIIHFWLYHOHDGHUVKLS in contemporary world politics. The articles selected in this edition offer original analyses of some of the most important issues in the discipline of international relations. From Charmaine Hung’s astute analysis of the relevance of human rights in the relationship between the United States and China to Lorein Abenhaim’s fascinating portrait of the HIV crisis as a function of social inequality, these exemplary articles are the work of undergraduates attempting to understand the political world around them in new and novel ways. Altogether, these outstanding contributions give an indication of how wide-ranging DQGLQWHUGLVFLSOLQDU\WKHÀHOGRILQWHUQDWLRQDOUHODWLRQVUHDOO\LV I would like to thank the University of Pennsylvania’s Student Activities Council and our generous sponsors for making this year’s edition of the Journal possible. I would also like to express my gratitude to Dr. Frank Plantan, Executive Director and President of SIR, Ms. Donna Shuler, Administrative Director of SIR, and Dr. James McGann, faculty advisor to the Journal, for their invaluable guidance and assistance. But most of all, I would like to thank my fellow Editorial Board members for their superb work and dedication, without which this edition would not have been possible. Sincerely, Samuel C. Barrett Editor-in-Chief Epsilon Chapter, Sigma Iota Rho University of Pennsylvania Spring 2011 | Volume 13 x Dear Colleagues, As this thirteenth
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