Try IMPERIAL PRINTING COMPANY LIMITED ·· PERTH'S PARTICULAR PRINTERS 397 HAY STREET, PERTH 'Phone: 8475'0 E. S. WATT, Man. Director Price : 3d. Issued M onth!y Annual Subscriptjon: 3/6 Post Free VoL. I6, No. I I OFFIOAL ORGAN OF THB Jt.S.L, W .A BRANCH 161/t !\' tJVtmber, I9J6 Registered at the G.P.O., Perth, Western Australia, for transmission by post as a Newspaper t{SHINE~ Farm Machinery U AND Gives Best 'l{esults MASSEY HARRIS WhErever Used SUNSHINE 2-KNIFE CHAFFCUTTER AND 2-H.P. SUNDIAL ENGINE A most economical plant, a very valuable asset to the farmer. Chaffcutter has normal capacity of appro ximately 10 cwt. per hour. Fitted With compound gear and with changes to cut any desired length of chaff. Handle IS also available, as cutter is adaptable for either hand or power drive. Larger chaffcuttcrs are available in the following si~ e s: -No. 4AX, 8f·inch mouth, capacity approximately 2 ~ cwt. per hour ~ No. 2X 9!·inch mouth, capacity approximately 3 ~ cwt. per hour. Fuel: Ben4ine and consumption of less than ;l pint B.H.P. per hour. Very strongly constructed and reliable. Th1s engine is carable of drivin!( four cow milking machines and is extensively used for pumping plants, etc, SUNSHINE SPRAYING OUTFIT L' nsurpas~cd by anything of its type for sp~aying o rchards, vineyards, and for use in market gardens. The price is right, and yet the j)lant l'rov1des all that can be w1shed for m pressure, capacity, efficiency, economy, and simpliCity. Engme IS 2·h.p. and l S detachable for other uses on the farm for turning separators, pump1ng plants, etc. Very convemcnt outfit, may be used on dray, lorry, truck, etc. When supplied both units are bolted on channel steel frame, which also accommodates a ~0-gallon copper tank. (Purchase of tank is optional.) A spcnal 96·pagc catalogue, illustrating and describing a huge range of implements for the orchardist, vigneron, market gardener wheat grower and dairy farmer will be posted free on request. ' H. V. McKAY MASSEY HARRIS PTY. LTD. Showrooms and Oftias: CORNER MURRAY AND KING STREETS, PERTH WMehouse: Maylands AGENCIES ALL AGRICULTURAL CENTRES : THE LISTENI NG POST Page 2 November 16, 1936 FANCY OVERCHECK WORSTED SUITS ... (As illustrated) Men's Fancy Overcheck Worsted Suits in the latest d esign. Smartly cut, well fi11ished, and extras included. Boans Special Price, 79/6. 79/6 Fancy Tweed Golf Coats 39/6 Men'; All Wotll Fan.:y Tweed Golf Coats 1n the newest designs. Very neatly cut and -;manly trimmed for better wear. Boans Special Price, 39/ 6. (jrey Melange Trousers 25/- lvkn·. All Wool Grey Melange Trousers in ,·cry fine 4uality. Smartly cut in the latc~ t -;tylc w1th s1dc and h1p pockets, side straps, belt loops and pleats in fro nt. Boans Special Price, 25/ -. Art Silk Dressing Gowns 15/6 Men':; Art Silk Drcssmg Gowns 111 a choice assortment o f de· signs. neatly made in two-to ne effects. Very du rable and useful for travelling purposes. Boans Special Price, 15/6. BOANS OBTAINALBLE ON GROUND FLOOR, WELLINGTON STREET END 1 _ I New Zealand Insurance Co. Ltd. A'T YOUR SE RVICE FIRE MARINE ACCIDENT All classes of Insurance Effected at Lowest Current Rates 10 5 ST. GEORGE'S TERRACE R. ]. A. JOHNSTON, Frank Hooper PERTH Mana&er (Fir~ Life Guards) FAMILY BUTCHER 261 Newcastle St., Perth ~USE Distance no object - Best Quality at L owest Prices Country O rders delivered free o n rail FLORIDA OR MT. LYELL Perth. Cash with order. 'Phone: 81487 SUPERPHOSPHATE GOLDFIELDS CLUB AND HOTEL Cr. PIER AND WELLINGTON ... MIXED MANURES ... STREETS PERTH TARIFF: £2/10/- PER WEEK Ba. PER DAY Manufactured by Free Garaging SIMPSON & HOI.LINGSWORTIJ =-=THE FARMERS' COMPANY~~ PROPRIETORS Diegen Welcomed ~ j1 Who Make these Wars.? THIS YEAR, as usual, Armistice Day The causes of war arc mainly eco­ an indiscreet clergyman in England speeches have fallen within two well­ nomic, hut not entirely so. One may ad­ named a Minister of the Crown as a defined categories: the reasoned state· just currency systems and remove trade party to the alleged conspiracy between ments of clergymen, who appeal fo r a barriers, but such measures, even i f uni­ armament makers and politicians. A peace-consciousness reared on the firm er versally accepted and uniformly applied, libel action ensued, and the Minister of a nu wider foundations of Christianity, will not of themselves eliminate the mass the Crown was magnanimous enough to­ and the standardised diatribes against war desire for w orld uomination that has accept his detractor's abject withdrawal by class-conscious cranks and other per· heen sedulously fostered over a periou and not press for damages. Since then. sistent exhibitionists. Broadly speaking, of years in such countries as Germany, the attacks on the armament makers have most men who have studied questions of Italy and Russia. Dictators of every col­ been couched in more general terms. The peace and war in an atmosphere untainteJ our realise this, and they realise more recent Royal Commission on the manu· by political bias are in agreement on at clearly that their grasp of power will be facturers of, and the trade in arms, has least two points. They believe that per­ weakened from the moment they cease just rendered its report. That report sonal conduct may set a norm for nat· to augment their countries' prestige by states that the charges of bribery brought ional conduct that will serve the cause of gaining advantages over other countries. against ministers and Government offi· peace best by studiously refraining from The position is not so clearly realised by cials have not been substantiated. A wit· giving offence to other nations. They be­ those of our more voluble pacifists, who ness before the Commission ably refuted lieve also in the efficacy of political and march b ehind the hand, in more o r less the wild statements about the suborna· economic policies designed to remove the military formation, to hold peace meet· tion of the Press. As matters stand now, more apparent causes of wars. These ings on Armistice night. the armament makers may, or may not, would seem t o be obvious objectives both Last year, speakers of this type alien· be extremely culpable, but the fact re• for the individual and for the man who atcd much public sympathy by their at· mains that their detractors have not represents him in Parliament, and the tacks on British Statesmen because they proved their case. issue, though complicated, is not hopeless had neglected to turn a little war into a Who, then, make the wars? It has in view of the fact that a big section of hig one hy more drastic action against heen variously suggested that old men the human race wants peace, and there Italy. With the curious lack of logical 11\ake wars and young men fight does seem to be a common denominator ~e nsc that is so typical of the purblind them, and a pacifist play whose overdone of ways and means for the removal nf propagandist, they confused defence with seriousness is now amusing slender audi­ the causes of war. uefiance and blamed a disarmed Empire ences in Perth suggests that generals plan Unfortunately, the inhabitants of wh:1t fpr not h ·i ng strong enough to assert it ­ the hattlcs and soldiers are killed in them. have heen t ermed the uis·satisfied cnun. self mnr~ vigorously in the interests o f History, as distinguished from hysteria, tries of Europe look upon the arhitr;1 · collective security. The trouble with can produce evidence to prove that a ment of battle as the only means nf su~ h people is that the>' do not strive goodly proportion of the fellows who changing the conditions which they find to indicate the causes of war, so much as fought the good fight while most of our irksome. These arc the nations who have to find a scapegoat f or the responsibility noisiest pacifists remained at home, were armed to an extent that has rendered gcn· of past wars. A year or so ago, the men of mature years. As for the gen­ eral disarmament impossible, if not alto· hunt for the scapegoat was directed erals- the first G.O.C. of the 1st Austra­ gether futile. These countries, whose against armament makers. They were lian Division was fatally shot on Gal­ systems of government are the negation supposed t o have suborned the Press of lipoli. In 19 16, the G .O.C. of the 12th of all those democratic ideals which the world, to have bribed Government Australian Brigade was killed on the English-speaking communities prize so officials in all countries, and to have fo­ Somme. Nearly a year later, the G.O.C. highly, are now endangering the peace mented war scares, for the sole purpose of the 4th Australian Division was killed of Europe by making Spain the battle of adding gain to ill-gotten gain. Au· in Flanders. The heat and burden of ground of the rival political systems. The thors who depend for their bread and the day of battle was not borne alone by Spanish War, terrible though it is, is butter on purveying cheap_sensation, and youth and men of junior rank, but de­ only a phase after all , and the real danger University professors who set publicity tails like these are (!.S nothing to.the weird to world p eace will become more appar­ even before University work, joined in mentality that would inaugurate a millen­ ent when that unfortunate conflict i s the hue and cry, and everything went as nium by running round in circles and ~nded one way or the other.
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