18 SEA CUCUMBER AND SEA URCfflN RESOURCES AND BECHE-DE-MER INDUSTRY D. B. JAMES^ INTRODUCTION It prefers areas where calcareous alga Halimeda sp. on which it feeds is present. In some areas, especially in The Andaman and Nicobar Islands offer one of the Sesostris Bay, 10-15 Specimens are found in 25 sq.m most suitable habitats for sea cucumbers and sea urchins area. On the reef flat the size range is 200-300 mm and due to the presence of sheltered bays and lagoons. on the outer edge of the reef the specimens reach 500 The sea cucumbers prefer muddy or sandy flats and mm in length. This species was processed for the the sea urchins rocky coasts and algal beds. There first time in Andamans in 1976. It is to be noted that have been very few reports on these echinoderms of the H. atra has a toxin in the body wall in the living condi­ islands in the earlier years (Theel, 1882 ; Koehler and tion. Probably boiling and processing renders the Vaney, 1908 ; Koehler, 1927). More recently James product harmless. (1969) recorded several species of sea cucumbers and sea urchins from the islands. A specific account of Holothuria scabra (PI. I, A) is almost exclusively used the beche-de-mer resources of India was given by James in Andamans and on the mainland (Gulf of Mannar (1973). A cottage level export-oriented beche-de-mer and Palk Bay) due to its abundance, large size and" thick industry has been established in the Andamans since body wall. It is somewhat gregareous on muddy 1975. Kloss (1902) had made passing references to flats and is confined to shallow areas preferring low this resource. saline and brackish waters. It occurs in good numbers in North Andaman, especially around Mayabunder and Diglipur. Large numbers (10 per 25 sq.m) of SEA CUCUMBER RESOURCES juveniles 60-160 mm in length were noted during A list of echinoderms known from the Andaxnan December to February in Sesostris Bay. Krishna- and Nicobar Islands i given in the Annexure. Although swamy and Krishnan (1967) observed that this species there are more than 40 species of sea cucumbers in has two spawning peaks in July and October along the the shallow waters of Andaman and Nicobar Islands south-east coast of India. (James, 1969) only a few species are useful for beche-de- Actinopyga mauritiana, A. echinites, A. miliaris and mer. Domantay (1961) has stated that, in the Philippines A. serratidens are found in Andaman and Nicobar the following species are used in the fresh condition : Islands. The first three species are of value for culture. Holothuria pardalis, H. hilla, H. impatiens, H. scabra, A. mauritiana is the most important species under this H. edulis, Actinopyga miliaris and A. serratidens. All genus. This species was regularly collected by the the above species of sea cucumbers are available in Taiwanese who were stationed at Port Blair during plenty in Andaman and Nicobar Islands. 1975-76. It is smaller than the other two species and Holothuria atra is by far the most abundant sea is usually found along rocky coasts and among rock cucumber around the islands. Though not of high pools. The largest of them reaches 400 mm in length. quality, due to their numerical abundance this species A. echinites (PI. I, B) which occurs along with A. mauriti­ can be used for beche-de-mer. It occurs usually on ana reaches a larger size of 500 mm and is uniformly dead coral reef flats with sandy or muddy patches. chocolate brown in colour. Often pieces of small corals are foimd attached to the animal. A. miliaris Present address: (PI. I, C) which is said to yield high quality beche-de- 1 CMFRI, Research Centrff, Madras 600 105. mer is found at Wandoor (South Andaman) along the CMFW BUHBTIN 34 85 rocky coast at a density of 10-15 specimens per 25 4'. Anus guarded by five calcified 'teeth'; Cuvierian sq.m. It grows up to 500 mm in length. tubules sparce and pink in colour 5 Under the genus Bohadschia only B. vitiensis (PI. I, D) 5. Colour brown on the dorsal side and white on the occurs in appreciable numbers on the reef flats. It is a ventral side Actinopyga mauriticma burrowing form which comes out at low tide when the (Quoy & Gaimard) water recedes. A thin coating of mud sticks to the 5'. Uniform colour throughout 6 body wall. In the Blair Reef the density is 10-15 animals per 25 sq.m. It reaches 500 mm in length. 6. Colour uniformly black ; body wall very thick and The main difficulty in processing this species is the hard Actinopyga miliaris presence of abundant Cuvierian tubules. (Quoy & Gaimard) Labidodemas rugosum (PI. I, E) is a little known 6'. Colour uniformly chocolate brown; sand often species from Andaman Islands. It grows to a length of settles on the dorsal side of the body 210 mm and is found on coral flats buried deep in Actinopyga echinites (Jaeger) sand. Full specimens can easily be pulled out of sand, specimens (5-10 per 25 sq.m) have been collected from South Point at Port Blair. SEA URCHIN RESOimcES In Hut Bay (Little Andaman) Holothuria leucospilota Another group of echinoderms which is commercially was found in great numbers (25-125 per 25 sq.m). important and edible is sea urchins. The gonads of This species is not used at present in Andamans, but sea urchins are said to be a delicacy and are eaten fresh Panning (1944) mentions it to be a commercially adding a little vinegar or lime. important species. Tripneustes gratilla (PI. I, F) is found on the algal beds of Sesostris Bay. In each shore seine haul three or FIELD KEY TO THE IDENTIFICATION OF SEA CUCUMBERS four large sea urchins come up. The horizontal dia­ meter of the tests varies from IOC to 120 mm. The 1. Anus not guarded by five calcified ' teeth' or five gonads are massive in the ripe condition. In Aberdeen groups of hardened papillae 2 jetty area at Port Blair large number of Diadema setoium are found attached to the wall of the jetty. It is also r. Anus either guarded by calcified ' teeth' or five fotmd in good numbers in Nancowry Harbour. The groups of hardened papillae 4 diameter of the tests ranges 50-80 mm. 2. Body translucent, calcareous ring ribbon-like Echinometra mathaei is well distributed on the rocky with radials and interradial^ dissimilar in size coasts around Port Blair. It is light green in colour Labidodemas rugosum (Ludwig) and lives under stones or crevices. Echinometra mathaei 2*. Body not translucent, calcare^^us ring stout with var. oblonga (PI. II, A) is more common and in some radials end iaterradials more or less of the same places as many as 10 animals are found per sq.m. It size 3 is dark brown in colour and lives in burrows made by it. 3. Colour uniformly black, body tubular, body wall not thick but leathery Holothuria atra Jaeger FIELD KEY FOR THE IDENTIFICATION OF SEA URCHINS 3'. Body although cylindrical, slightly flattened on the ventral side ; dorsal side pale grey or black crossed 1. Spines long, sharp and brittle; colour black by irregular light bands or bars of white, pale Diadema setosum Leske yellow or grey; ventral side snowy white dotted with many minute black specks; body wall thick r. Spines short, not brittle, colour white, light green and slightly slimy or dark brown 2 Holothuria scabra Jaeger 2. Size large, spines very small and white in colour 4. Anus guarded by five groups of hardened papillae ; Tripneustes gratilla (Linnaeus) Cuvierian tubules white and copious and released at the sligihtest disturbance 2'. Size medium, spines moderate ; colour either light Bohadschia vitiensis (Semper) green or dark brown 3 86 MARICULTURP POTENTIAL CMFRI BULLETIN 34 D. B. JAMES ^im ;,»'l -••'. ..f;: ^^-.J^*"-"' t * « .v *- t» »•* • •* » PLATE I. A. Holothuria scabra ; B- Actinopyga echinites ; C. ^. miliaris ; D. Bohadschia vitiensis with Cuvierian tubules coming out ; E. Labidodemas rugosum ; F. Tripneustes gratillo. CMFRI BULLETIN U D.B. JAMES PLATE II. A. Ec/iinometra mathaei war. oMoiiga •,'B- Juvenile sea cucumbers collected from Sesostiis Bay, Port Blair, foi farm­ ing ; C. The juveniles being broadcast in the enclosed area near Aberdeen jetty ; D. An aspect of beche-cle-mer processing ; D. Beche- de-mer being dried on mat. 3. Occurs under stones or inside crevices ; spines light waters with a mask. After collection they are heaped green and arranged in a regular manner — and crowded at one place which makes them to evis­ Echinometra mathaei (de Blainville) cerate. Those which fail are slit at one end and the 3'. Occurs only in tunnel-shaped burrows ; spines dark internal organs flow out (PI. II, D). The eviscerated brown and arranged in groups animals are put in iron drums and boiled in sea water E. mathaei var. oblonga for 1-2 h depending on the size of the sea cucumbers used. While boiling the material is constantly stirred to make the product uniformly cylindrical. After a FARMING POTENTUL distinct cooked odour is emitted, they are removed Attempts were made to collect juveniles of sea cucum­ and buried in a pit near the shore which is kept moist. ber Holothuria scabfa and farm them in a sheltered After 12 h they are taken in a basket and cleaned to area at Port Blair. In February 1978, a total of 462 remove all chalky deposits. After thorough cleaning, juveniles in the length range 65-160 mm (modal class it is once again boiled in clean sea water for a few minutes.
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